A Mother's Love (12 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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“Ay Daphne I need to handle something real quick. I will come back and get you in like twenty minutes.” He looked disappointed.

“Is this some drug shit?” I asked I never dated a guy who was a thug but I pretty much knew what was going on.

“Yeah, that‘s why it’s going to be quick Shamar just need to talk to me about something.”

“Well why can’t I go? I’m his sister he know I’m not going to say anything.” I really wanted to go on this date and I kind of figured Mike wouldn’t come back tonight.

“Naw that ain’t gone work. Shamar ain’t gone have that shit.”

“Look if yall are just going to talk I will sit in the car. I know if you go alone you won’t come back for me.” I said and gave him my puppy dog look.

I knew Mike didn’t wanna disappoint me. He had been trying to get with me since Middle School.

“Okay but Shamar can’t know you out in the car.”

He said as we drove to the destination. I was excited I never experienced anything like this. Mike pulled up across the street from an abandon building. He explained to me to stay in the car while he went in. I agreed.

It was dark and I had been sitting in the car for about ten minutes and I was getting tired of waiting. I had to piss so badly. I decided to just go in the house and take a piss. They wouldn’t mind. I grabbed the keys out of the ignition and locked the doors. This was a rough neighborhood. The house that they were in didn’t have but one light on. I tried the knob and it opened. It was dark as hell good thing I had on flats. I found my way into the hallway where I could hear some talking. Damn they were talking loud. I decided to peek in and tell Mike to come on since I was in there now.

                I went to the room and the door was cracked. The house smelled real rotten how could they be in there talking for so long. I peeked in the room and was horrified. Shamar was drenched in blood. Mike was talking about something I couldn’t make out the words. There was a body on the floor and it was halfway dismembered. I let out a gasp and they turned towards the door. My pee came running down my legs.

Mike knew exactly that it was me, “Shit Daph!” he yelled.

He walked to the door. I was still standing there now in my own urine. I saw the anger in Shamar’s eyes.

I didn’t want Mike to get in trouble so I tried to explain, “I had to pee.”

Shamar started laughing. “Well you done pissed on yourself.” I looked down and was embarrassed.

  I started crying and Mike started yelling at me, “I told you to stay in the fucking car!” he grabbed my arm. But Shamar came and took his hands off me.

“Naw nigga you fucked up. She wasn’t supposed to be here. Don’t yell at my muthafucking sister for your fuck up. And don’t grab her like that again.” He said and he embraced me. “Come here Daphne. I’m sorry you had to see this.”

I was crying uncontrollable now. My little brother was a killer. He looked so sweet and innocent. And the way he talked to Mike it wasn’t loud or anything but he definitely demanded respect.

“Take my sister home Mike, you fucked up man. Come back when my sister gets safely in the house.”

Mike grabbed my hand this time. He led me outside and I could tell he was pissed. Good thing I had on a dress because the pee just ran straight down my leg but I still smelled like pee. Mike didn’t say anything the whole ride to my house. When we got to my house he spoke.

“Look I’m sorry I shouldn’t have let you come. We still good?” I didn’t know what to say so I shook my head yeah. “Call me when you clean yourself up ma.” He kissed my cheek. I got out of the car and went in the house.


That nigga Mike had definitely fucked up. I know Daphne was my sister but I didn’t know her that well. She was the eldest but she was emotional. We never really spent time together she was closer with Jr. and Violet. I had to get a feel for her. I didn’t think she was no police ass bitch but you never know. I had seen how here and Violet fucked Cash up but she was drunk. Fuck! Mike had fucked up. But it was a minor setback. Mike walked back in the room.

“How is she?” I asked. We had already fully dismembered Cash’s body and Cam was taking care of the problem.

“She a little shaken up I don’t know though. You think she will snitch?”

“I don’t know nigga she my sis but we not close. If this was Violet I would be sure but Daph she different.” Damn, damn I had to go see her.

“Look we gone go over there and kick it with her. Jr. out with one of his hoes so we need to get a feel for sis.”I didn’t wanna say it but if she was going to tell she would have to get bodied. Sister or no sister if she wasn’t down with me then she was against me. I couldn’t personally do it but somebody would do it if I needed it to happen.

              We headed back to Daphne’s house just me and Mike. We bought some liquor for her so that she could relax.

We rang the doorbell. “Who is it?” she said through the door and she sounded scared.

“It’s Mar baby open up.” It took a minute but she opened up the door.

I showed her the liquor and she let us in. “I came to check on you, make sure that nigga Mike didn’t do shit to you for his fuck up.” I said walking in her house.

I was trying to sound cool but I was worried. This was my first time in Daphne’s house and it was nice. She must have just gotten out of the shower cause she had on a robe.

“Oh yeah I’m good bro.” She said. “I see yall bought a bottle though.”

“Yeah and loud on deck.” Mike said as he sat on her leather furniture.

“Oh okay roll up.” Damn I didn’t even know Daphne smoked.

I needed to come kick it with Daphne more often she seemed cool as fuck. I rolled blunts that were on the table while Daphne and Mike talked about nothing. The nigga was trying hard to bust game. I sparked up and passed it to sis. We hit the blunt a couple of times and chilled. Sissy got up and went to the kitchen. She came back with an enormous bowl of all kinds of fruit.

“Damn you hungry.” I laughed.

“Hell yeah nigga Mike was taking me out to eat before all this bullshit. I’m still hungry.”

“Aw shit let me fix that sis we can’t have you hungry and pissy in the same night.” She must have been high as hell or something because that cracked her up.

She was laughing so hard I damn near couldn’t speak to the lady on the phone. She had me laughing with her. I was ordering some pizza. I finally got the order out.

“Let’s play spades Mike,” Sissy said she got up to get the cards. We went to her dining room and sat at the table.

“After you get done beating her ass in this game then I’m gone beat your ass.” I said to Mike. Daphne walked back in the room.

“Damn lil bro ain’t got no faith in me.” She sat next to me.

They played a round of spades and Sissy was actually good.  I was learning new things about her in just one night.  It was my turn to play and she beat me too. She was laughing and giggling like a little kid.

“Damn Daph who taught you how to play?”

“Mama she taught me when I was little, she taught me a lot.” She said and her voice trailed off. I could tell she was getting sad so I decided to lighten the mood.

“She should of taught your over grown ass how to use the bathroom.”  I said and she had to laugh.

The doorbell rang and I went to get our pizza. We ate our pizza and wings and watched movies. We was up all night, drinking smoking and doing childish shit. We were even going as far as playing on people phone. It was her bitch ass ex Terance.

He had been bothering her talking about she was a slut and didn’t deserve him. Every time that nigga would answer I would threaten him. The nigga was scared as hell. That had Daphne crying laughing.

“He so damn weak what the fuck was I thinking?” she laughed.

I was glad to see my sister laugh. She always seemed uptight, the only time I seen her relax was at the club. I was tired as hell and was fucked up. Daphne told me where I could sleep and I guess Mike was sleeping with her. I went to bed around three in the morning. I made sure to text Brittany and tell her where I was.

I left the two love birds up but I let them know right away, “Ay I know yall grown and this your house but don’t be fucking while I’m in the back room.”That cracked Sissy up.

The next morning I woke up to a great aroma. It smelled like bacon, I put on my pants and went out the room. I walked down the hall into the kitchen. Mike was sitting at the island in Daphne’s kitchen. Daphne was hooking something up.             

“What you cooking?”I said sitting next to Mike.

“Everything, chocolate chip pancakes your favorite, eggs, bacon, sausage for Mike because my baby doesn’t eat bacon and French toast for me because I don’t eat any pancakes.”

That was amazing Daphne still remembered I liked chocolate chip pancakes. I got them at the restaurant but I hadn’t had them at home since Mom was alive. She fixed our plate and she poured me a big glass of milk. Milk my favorite I looked at my sister and she looked just like Mama at that moment.

              It was crazy how Daphne still remember things about us. I didn’t remember a lot. But her being in that kitchen brought back memories of when she would take care of us when Mom was at work. Yup I don’t know why I ever doubted my sister. And to think I was ready to body her. Mike and I ate and we got out doing our job. I looked at Daphne in a new light now. I needed to spend more time with her get to know her more I mean she was my sister too just like Violet.

“Ay Daphne.” I said after she gave Mike a hug and kiss.

“Yeah,” she said. The sunlight hit her face and she shined. I had never really noticed but she looked just like Mom.

“I love you sissy.”

“I love you too, M and M.” She hadn’t called me that in years.

She used to call me M and M saying I had a peanut shaped head because I was a premature. I left my sister house feeling good. She was good people. I definitely had to spend more time with her. She was funny and down to earth.

Oh my God! I could not believe what I was witnessing. Shamar my baby boy was a killer sure yes the guy Cash might have come back to retaliate but to murder somebody. Lord please guide my baby boy to the right path. And my poor Daphne walks in on it and she didn’t go to the police. What the hell was wrong with Shamar? What the fuck had my baby been through to be a cold hearted killer? I was definitely seeing too much that I don’t think I needed to see. My soul was getting more restless, more worried.



Chapter Eighteen

Shane Jr.

Shamar told me about the shit that Daphne had witnessed and I had to agree the nigga Mike was stupid. How the fuck you gone let my sister see that shit? Daphne wasn’t built for the street life and all the shit that Mike was involved in, I don’t see why she even put herself in that predicament. I had known Mike since elementary school and the nigga was a straight thug. My sister never seemed to like him before and he tried all the time to get at her.

              Daphne had been letting loose as of lately. I guess since she cut her hair she started to be another person. I think she felt too much like Mom since she looked like her. She just wanted to make my Mom proud. And I think she did, she was the only one of us really living right. Shamar was too busy running the streets and Violet was too.

              I went on the eastside to go pick my Dad up from my sister’s Mama’s house. Rakesha was somewhat a mother to us when Mom died. Rakesha was a hood rat though. She had five kids she was like my Mom she had a lot of kids while she was young. There was my little sister Star and my little brother Sven. Star was real ghetto, she had the long weave and fake eyelashes just like Violet. And she and Violet were the best of friends too. They had met through me and they instantly clicked.

              My Pops got in the car and he looked all beat up.

“What’s going on Pops?” I said he had scratches on his face.

“That bitch crazy.”

I thought to myself damn he was still going through this shit. He had been going from bitch to bitch since we had been with him. It was okay we got to meet all kinds of people and meet all kinds of freaks. Our living was just never stable.

“Man Pops you gotta get your shit together. Where you going?”

“Boy shut the fuck up I know what the fuck I’m doing. Take me over Kenya’s house.”

That was another one of his little chicks. I dropped him off gave him a couple of dollars and went on my way. Pops still thought he was young.

              I cruised the city while thinking about my next move. I had been staying with Daphne but sometimes I still spent the night with Esha. But that wasn’t how I wanted to live. I didn’t wanna be like my Pops ten years from now still living with bitches. Yup I needed to get a job. Shit I went to school to be an electrician, I knew how to do that shit and I graduated. I just never looked for a job. Brittany my daughter, Anna’s mother was taking good care of me. But shit I just didn’t wanna do the shit no more. I guess I had a little of my mother in me.

              I was driving up the strip where there are a lot of prostitutes. I was looking at the ladies shit I could look but I damn sure wasn’t about to buy. I stopped at a red light and that’s when I thought my imagination was playing tricks on me. I know damn well Violet ain’t out her hoeing. But there she was in some little ass shorts, with a bra, and a little jacket on. She was walking with a bitch that I knew was a hoe. I pulled up and called her name,

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