Begin Again (2 page)

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Authors: Christy Newton

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Begin Again
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Sam, just slightly overweight with a light brown beard and mustache, looked up and waved. Maisie waved back, then his head went back into some sci-fi book.

Cady stood up. “Dinner's on the table. I made chicken and noodles, your favorite.”

She nodded. Her sister always went out of her way to make her feel at home and loved. “Thanks.” She followed Cady into her modernly designed, burnt orange–colored kitchen and sat down at the small, round table. Some nights she wished her sister would just let her eat in peace. But she wanted to check up on her.

Cady grabbed a banana off the granite counter and sat down next to her. “When you're done eating, maybe you could go meet your hamster.”

She choked on her soup, burning her throat in the process. “Really, I don't wanna pet.”

Cady put her hand over Maisie's. “Please try, for me. He's so cute. The pet shop girl said he's a fancy dwarf hamster, and to me he looks like a teeny bunny. Even his feet are fluffy.” She paused. “Unless you want me to call Mom and tell her you never went to therapy?”

Maisie sighed. “Okay, okay. I'll have the darn hamster, but I'm not going to therapy.” She knew she had to give on something. And she sure wasn't ready to face a well-meaning stranger trying to get inside her head. They couldn't possibly understand what she'd been through. No one could.

Cady smiled. “Fair enough. We'll start with the pet.”

Maisie shook her head and continued to eat the comfort food. Cady's homemade egg noodles were pure yumminess. After she finished dinner, she told her sister and brother-in-law goodnight and went down the basement stairs. Her space consisted of a bedroom, bathroom, and a living room. The living room contained a counter on the back wall and a mini fridge. Not much, but it was a free roof over her head until she could get back on her feet.

Maisie found a small wire cage on top of the end table next to the loveseat. She frowned and looked inside.
Hmm, where is it?
She bent down to get a closer look and then opened the cage. A tiny head popped out of the fluffy, white bedding.

“I guess you're mine. I've never had a pet before.” She paused. “Sorry if I don't know what I'm doing.”

The hamster climbed out of his pile of fluff and ran around the cage. He
look like a miniature bunny. His feet, white and fuzzy, and his black body made him appear as though he were wearing boots. Maisie opened the cage door and stuck her hand inside. The hamster ran and hid back inside his bedding.

“I know just how you feel.” She removed her hand and closed the door, drawing the animal to peek his head out again. “I'll call you Boots.”

She picked up the brochure her sister had left by his cage, along with a bag of food, and browsed over the dos and don'ts, then placed the paper back on the table. What she needed was her nightly hot shower and some mindless TV.

Exhausted, Maisie shrugged off her shirt and blue jeans and got into the steamy water that was probably a smidge too hot for most people. Between the busy diner, hot showers, and TV, she could make the days pass. In a way, she was glad her parents were on their missionary trip in Rwanda. They wouldn't be as patient with her as Cady had been. But Cady was starting to push; hence the hamster on her end table.

• • •

Maisie tossed fitfully in her bed. Sounds of everything around her being ripped to shreds made her scream out in the darkness. Blood covered her round belly as large pieces of glass slammed into her. A shaking hand instinctively went to her abdomen, where all that remained were ugly, deep scars. She opened her eyes from the same real-life nightmare she'd been having for the last two years. As usual, her pajamas were damp with sweat. She got up to change and heard Boots running on his wheel. She went over to take a peek and watched him run faster and faster, never really moving ahead. It was a feeling she knew all too well.

• • •

The diner's rush was over, so Maisie stood listening to Lola chomp on her gum and whine. While Lola was the closest thing to a girlfriend she had, she could be annoying at times. Maybe it was their age difference. When Maisie was eighteen, she had still thought anything was possible. At twenty-five, not so much.

Lola tightened her ponytail. “I'm just saying there's more to life than waiting tables.”

Maisie counted her tips to see how much closer she was to getting her own place. “The money's not great, but it could be worse. At least we have steady jobs.”

Lola shook her head. “I don't wanna job. I wanna career.”

There was a time when she had wanted more, too. Now she just wanted a job that exhausted her enough to make the days go by.

Maisie filled the ketchup bottles — a tedious task, but it had to be done. “If you're so unhappy, why don't you quit?”

Lola chomped on her bubble gum, once again showing her age. “Can't. Not until I graduate. My parents won't help pay for college if I don't work part time, and nothing else is hiring right now.”

Ginger peeked out from the back of the diner and waved a manicured finger with an oversized turquoise ring. “Lola, I'm not paying you to stand around and complain. Go make some more coffee.”

Lola popped her gum again and nodded. “Yes, ma'am.”

Ginger walked out of the kitchen and turned to Maisie. “That girl drives me crazy with her big dreams. She needs to spend more time working and less time dreaming.” She smiled, revealing deep wrinkles in her face from spending too much time in a tanning booth when she was younger. “You, on the other hand, work too hard. Why don't you take five?”

Maisie put the ketchup back in the cabinet. “I'm fine.”

Ginger stood, hands on her hips, white hair poofed up so much she appeared two inches taller than she really was. She probably had stock in the hair spray industry. “Take five.”

Maisie sighed. “Alright.” Annoyed, she got herself a soda from the fountain and sat down. A customer walked in, and Ginger took care of her. Maisie crossed her legs and bounced her foot up and down. She tapped her fingers as she sipped on her drink, waiting for the five minutes to be up. Turning to glance at the clock, she stood up and, not looking where she was going, fell against strong arms that caught her as she slammed into a solid chest. Her eyes climbed from the teal-colored polo shirt up to the blue eyes of the man she'd just smashed into and recognized them right away. After a gulp she whispered, “I'm sorry.”

His dimple made an appearance as his lips formed an adorable smile. “Hey, that's okay.”

“What can I get you?” She recalled he'd had apple pie last night. “And a slice of pie is on me for almost knocking you down.” She fiddled nervously with the pen inside her apron pocket.
What is wrong with me?

Dazzling Eyes shrugged. “No offense, but I don't think you could knock me down if you tried.” He walked over to the counter and took a seat on the stool. “Pie would be great. Do you still have apple?”

We always have apple.
“Apple and blueberry.”

“Apple and a glass of milk, please.”

Maisie nodded, “Sure, be right back.”

“I'll be here,” he said, taking out his laptop.

• • •

Man, getting this girl to smile would be harder than he'd thought. Oh well, he always did like a challenge. Standing that close to her when she had run into him, Ryan had noticed a few light freckles on her nose, as if she wasn't adorable enough with her flaming red hair and striking green eyes. Like Christmas.

He watched her walk over to him with his order. She was wearing jeans and a light pink T-shirt with a white apron tied around her waist. A plastic tag on her shirt provided her name. He liked it. It suited her. Determined to get a smile from her, he tried again.

“Thanks, Maisie.” He smiled as wide as he could without looking like a creep. “With pie this good, you'll be seeing a lot of me.”

“Good. Let me know if you need a refill on that milk.” While she didn't smile, before she disappeared behind the swinging doors he could see a slight blush, about the color of her shirt, rise to her cheeks.

Ryan laughed to himself before taking a bite of the pie. The tart apples, mixed with cinnamon and nutmeg and all encased in the fluffy, rich crust made his eyes close in delight. Having something sweet and rich after a hectic day of taking care of sick animals had become his tradition. Lucky for him, he had a fast metabolism. His momma always said it would catch up with him one day, but even at twenty-seven he weighed the same as he had in high school.

Ryan watched Maisie as she rushed about the diner. She was always in a hurry, probably why she'd run smack into him. When she handed him his bill for the glass of milk, he gave her ten dollars. “Keep the change.”

Maisie drew her thin, perfectly shaped eyebrows together. “That's like a seven dollar tip.”

He looked at her with as much seriousness as he could muster. “Worth every penny.”

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing a heart-shaped earring. “You know, you're the best tipper I've ever had, and I don't even know your name.”

He held out his hand. “Ryan Tucker.”

Maisie glanced at his outstretched hand and hesitated as if deciding if he was a threat to her well-being.

She placed her hand in his and gave him a quick, firm shake. “Nice to meet you, Ryan.” She looked over at a man holding his glass up in the air. “Well, gotta go. Thanks again for the generous tip.”

Ryan got up to leave and remembered she still hadn't smiled. Oh, well, there was always tomorrow.

• • •

Lola followed Maisie out to the parking lot beside the diner. “He was cute.”

Maisie felt her face warm up, like she'd been standing near a fire. “Who?”

Lola popped her gum. “That guy you waited on at the counter.”

Unlocking her car, she turned to Lola and decided to continue to play dumb. “Which one?”

“The one who shook your hand,” Lola giggled. “I think he likes you.”

“Don't be ridiculous.” Maisie opened her car door, looking away from Lola.

“Yeah, well, I saw him watching you. He didn't even notice

Maisie turned back to her and rolled her eyes. “He's too old for you. And if he was watching me, it was probably because he was waiting for his bill.”

“Think what you want, but I know what I saw. He's interested in more than pie.” Lola straddled her moped and fastened her helmet.

Maisie shook her head. “You've got some imagination.” She got into her car and pulled onto Main Street. Unable to stop thinking about what Lola had said, she let her mind wander. He couldn't be interested in her, could he? Her mouth felt dry, and her palms started to sweat. Ryan Tucker was handsome and kind. He was just a nice guy, that's all. If he really was interested in her, he was in for a

• • •

The feel of Maisie's warm hand in his when she shook it was still on Ryan's mind long after he left Ginger Snaps. In those few seconds he'd found out something important. He no longer just wanted to make a pretty waitress smile, though it was fun trying. He wanted to get to know her. Maisie's soft touch reminded him he was a man and happy to be one. He folded his laundry and put it away. Even mundane chores were more exciting when he thought about her.

“What do you think, Rex?” he asked as he looked over at the rat's cage. “Do you think this could be the beginning to my long overdue happy ending?”

Rex walked up the ramp to his dish and took out a block of food to nibble.

Ryan laughed. “I'll take that as a maybe.”

Laundry was finished. There were no dishes to wash thanks to his frozen dinner. He sat down and stretched out his legs across the couch. He closed his eyes and imagined running his fingers through the silk that was Maisie's hair. This wasn't like him. He'd never fallen for a woman so fast. Maybe he was just homesick.

• • •

Ginger unlocked the diner door for Maisie. The sun hadn't even come up yet, so it was chilly enough to give Maisie goose bumps. As she tied on her apron, Ginger flipped the sign on the door to open.

“Did you hear the newest about Mr. Oliver's toy store?” Ginger asked, turning on the lights.

Maisie shook her head as she opened the register to count the money.

“It's being closed down until his daughter can come from New York to run it.”

Maisie tilted her head. Mr. Oliver's store had been there since she could remember. She had hoped to one day buy her own child a toy there. The store was no bigger than the diner, but it was a magical place for little kids. Her mom had bought Maisie her first doll in his store. It was the love for that doll that had made her want to become a mom more than anything. “I feel so bad that he has to retire. At least the store will stay open. I was afraid that some auto parts store or barber shop would move in.”

Ginger rolled her eyes. “Yeah, like we need any more of those in Pleasant Valley.”

Maisie closed the register and started the coffee brewing. Soon the wonderful aroma would fill the air. “So when is his daughter supposed to show up?”

“I heard a few months, maybe longer. She ran a candy store in New York.” Ginger knew more news about this town than the local newspaper. But she'd keep a secret for anyone if they asked her to.

“A toy store owner is the father of a candy store owner. Sounds like a fun family.” Maisie paused. “It'd be really cool if they combined the toy and candy stores.”

Ginger laughed. “It'd be a kiddo wonderland.”

The elderly regular came through the door. He always ordered water and spent most of the morning in the corner booth reading the paper. He took up space that a paying customer could use, but Maisie didn't mind. The man was a part of the diner as much as the cookie art on the walls.

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