Begin Again (5 page)

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Authors: Christy Newton

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Begin Again
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Ryan sat parked behind Maisie's sedan. She had held up a finger, indicating for him to wait in the driveway while she ran her hamster inside. He was thrilled she had agreed to go to dinner with him and even more thrilled he'd thought of the perfect place. Ryan opened his cell and dialed his momma.

“I have a surprise. I'm coming for that dinner you've been asking me about, and I'm bringing a friend.”

“Wonderful! How far away are you? I want to make sure everything's ready.” He could hear the smile in her voice.

He glanced up to Maisie's place. “We're just leaving so we should be there in a couple hours.”

“Be careful.”

“I always am, Momma.” Ryan ended the call and stared up at the brick house. He didn't know why Maisie lived with her sister, but having family to count on was a good thing. If it weren't for his parents' love, he never would have become the man he is today, a man ready and able to take care of a family the way his daddy had taken care of them.

The drive to his parents' house would give him a chance to talk to Maisie and find out if what they had growing between them was more than just physical chemistry. While he had nothing against pretty girls, he had dated plenty and was now ready for so much more.

• • •

“Take a deep breath,” Cady told Maisie before she hyperventilated.

Maisie mimicked her sister's breathing and slowly inhaled, filling her lungs with air.

She peeked outside at Ryan's SUV and shook her hands in the air. “I don't think I'm ready for this.”

Cady handed Maisie her purse and tucked her hair behind her ears. “It's only dinner. You have your phone. Call me if you start to freak.”

Her sister wasn't going to let her get out of this one. She looked from the window to Cady and nodded. “You'll check on Boots later?”

Cady smiled. “I will.” She shooed her toward the door. “Now go.”

Maisie walked outside and down the driveway to Ryan's SUV. She got inside and buckled her seat belt. The click made everything sound so final. She was trapped. The SUV was pristine inside, unlike her car, which was filled with tissues and candy wrappers. She made a mental note to clean it when she got back.

She wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. “New car?”

Ryan glanced over at her and shook his head. “Nah, I've had this for three years.”

Wow. Now she felt really bad. Her car was only about a year and a half old.

She tried to relax. “So where are we going to eat?”

His dimple made its famous appearance. “It's a surprise.”

She folded her hands in her lap, unsure what to say to that. “Thanks for checking Boots out for me.”

“You're welcome. Hamsters make great pets.” He paused to look over at her. “Though I'm a rat guy myself.”

Maisie scrunched up her nose. “Rat?”

“Yep. I have a rescued rat named Rex.”

“Hmm, never knew anyone with a pet rat before.”

Ryan stopped at a red light and looked over at her. “They're just as smart as dogs.”


Ryan laughed. “Well, I've never had a dog, but that's what I've been told.” The light changed green, so he stepped on the gas. “See, growing up I only had hamsters, rats, lizards, and fish because my sister is allergic to cats and dogs.”

Maisie smiled. Ryan was easy to talk to. “Is that what made you want to become a veterinarian for critters?”

Ryan shrugged. “I guess so. I always knew I'd do something with animals. When the neighbor's cat got into a bird's nest and I kept the baby bird and nursed it back to health, I knew that was my calling.”

What was her calling? She had always thought it was to be a good mom. But that wasn't in the cards. “I don't have a calling.”

“Of course you do. Everyone does. You just have to be patient until it's revealed to you.”

“I'm not the most patient person.” Not a great personality trait, she knew.

Ryan pulled onto the interstate and merged into traffic with the ease and confidence of a racecar driver.

“So you have a sister. Any more siblings?” Maisie asked to change the subject.

“No, just my sister. She's a few years older than me.”

Maisie watched the cars speed by. “Older sisters can be a pain, but mostly they're great.”

He nodded. “My sister and I didn't always get along growing up. We get along good now, though.”

Maisie's heart raced when she saw Ryan was crossing the state line to Illinois. Her eyes widened. “You didn't tell me we were going to another state for dinner.”

“Ahh, I did say it would take a while to get there.” He grinned. “I'm from Illinois. I hope that's okay.”

She tried to relax her grip that had tightened on the seat. “I've never been out of Indiana.”

Ryan's eyes widened. “Really? Never?”

Maisie shook her head. “I never had a reason to.” She didn't want to share with him that she'd almost gone with her parents to Rwanda.

Ryan looked at her in disbelief. “Family vacations even?”

“No, we usually spent our summers at the lake house or the state park.” Maisie paused. “My parents are out of the country right now on a mission trip. It was the first time they had ever left the country.”

He pulled his SUV around a car going ten miles under the speed limit. “That's great. Where are they?”

“Rwanda. They'll be gone for another three months.”

“I've never been out of the country, but I've traveled all over the United States. Someday, I'd like to go to Italy.”

“I hear it's beautiful. To be honest, I'm afraid to fly, so I don't know if I'll ever leave the country. My parents asked me to go with them, but I didn't.”

Ryan merged the SUV over to the exit ramp. “Flying is not that big of a deal once you get that first time over with.” He turned into a gas station. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Sure, a fountain soda.”

Ryan smiled. “I'll be right back.”

She watched him walk into the store and took a deep breath.
He seems normal, so why am I so nervous?

• • •

There was a lot more to Maisie than being a waitress. She kept herself guarded most of the time, but on those rare occasions when she was just herself, Ryan liked what he saw. She was kind, smart, and a little shy. He loved to make her smile and hoped his parents liked her as well. When the idea had come to him to take her home for dinner, he hadn't been sure why. Now he knew he wanted to see what they thought about the woman he was starting to fall for. He paid the cashier for their sodas and headed back out to the SUV. He was relieved when he saw she hadn't bailed; she'd had one hand on the door most of the way.

He got inside and handed her the drink. “One fountain soda.”

Maisie took the cold, plastic cup from him. “Thanks.” She took a long sip. “So how much further until we get to the restaurant?”

Ryan pulled the SUV back into the flow of traffic. “I never actually said the word
, did I?” He chuckled.

Maisie bit the inside of her cheek. “Uh, then where in the world are we eating?”

Ryan looked over at her and smiled. “Promise you won't get mad?”

Her palms started to sweat. “I … guess so.”

“We're going to my parents' house. My momma is the best cook I know, and she's been after me since I moved to come home for dinner.”

Maisie felt relieved and terrified at the same time. Relieved because they wouldn't be alone and terrified because there would be more people to witness if she had one of her breakdowns. She rubbed her sweaty hands on her jeans. “Sounds great.”

Ryan blew out a breath. “Good. You'll love my parents.” He paused and then added, “I told them I was bringing a friend.”

• • •

The screen door swung open before he could knock.

“Ryan!” His momma grabbed ahold of him and about knocked him down. She was a small woman but stronger than an ox.

Ryan returned the crushing hug and then let go to look at Maisie standing there like a fish out of water.

“Momma, this is Maisie Scott, my friend from Pleasant Valley.”

Without warning, Ryan's momma hugged her, although much gentler than she had him. “So nice to meet you, Maisie. Welcome to our home.”

Maisie blushed. “Thanks, Mrs. Tucker.”

His momma rested her hand on Maisie's arm. “Any friend of Ryan's can call me Lauren.”

Maisie nodded and smiled.

His momma closed the door behind them and motioned for them to follow her back to the dining room. His daddy walked up to him and shook his hand. “Good to see you, son.” He looked over to Maisie. “And who might this lovely woman be?”

She put her hand out. “Maisie Scott, Ryan's friend.”

He took her hand and squeezed it lightly. “Wonderful to meet you. I'm James.”

Ryan's father motioned for them to all have a seat around the antique farmhouse table made of reclaimed wood. “Your momma's been in the kitchen ever since you called. My mouth has been watering in anticipation. Let's eat.”

Ryan pulled out a chair for Maisie and sat down next to her across from his parents.

• • •

Maisie wasn't sure if it was the big, old, comfy house with the wrap-around porch complete with colorful Gerbera daisies or the smell of a meal cooked with love. Maybe it was the happy chatter of Ryan and his parents, but something had her feeling warm inside. Ryan's parents couldn't have been more welcoming or sweeter. She wouldn't have expected any less after seeing the type of man Ryan Tucker was.

In spite of herself, Maisie couldn't remove the smile that had taken over her lips from the moment her bottom had hit the wooden seat of the dining chair. She had never been really close with her own father, but James was impossible not to feel completely comfortable around. The spitting image of Ryan, only older, James was a big softy.

“You're welcome back in this house any time, Maisie. In fact, I insist that Ryan bring you along the next time he visits.”

Ryan laughed. “Ryan who? I think you would be fine with adopting Maisie.”

“Now, Ryan, don't go getting jealous,” Lauren teased.

Ryan stood up and gathered some empty plates. “Well, that was delicious as always, but I'm afraid I need to get Maisie back home at a reasonable hour.”

Maisie stood up and pushed in her chair. “Thanks for the yummy dinner.”

James and Lauren both stood up and hugged her as if she were their own daughter. “We're both so glad Ryan met such a wonderful young lady. I feel so much better about him being in Indiana now,” Lauren told her.

Maisie didn't know what to say, so she just smiled and nodded. Ryan came back into the dining room.

“I got the dishwasher started.”

“That's my Ryan, so helpful,” Lauren said patting his back. The woman with shoulder-length gray hair stood about five inches shorter than her son.

Ryan hugged his momma. “I'll stay longer next time, I promise.”

The sun was setting as they climbed back into the SUV. Maisie couldn't remember the last evening she had spent feeling normal. She pulled her eyes away from the road to look at Ryan. He was even more handsome than before. The more time she spent with the man, the more hopeful she was that she could have a regular life again someday.

“Well, you were right. Your momma is an amazing cook. That was, by far, the best pot roast I've ever eaten. And the divine dessert she called Strawberry Fluff? Just yummy! Though I'm surprised she didn't make you apple pie.”

Ryan laughed. “Strawberry Fluff is my second favorite dessert, and she knew I've already been eating pie every night. Told you she was a great cook.” His blue eyes lit up. “They really liked you.”

Maisie nodded. “I really liked them, too.” Probably more than she should.

• • •

After twenty minutes of lighthearted talking, Ryan couldn't stop himself from asking about the thing that had been nagging him since the other night. “Can I ask you a question?”

Maisie turned her head to look at him. “Hmm?”

“Why did you leave me at the carnival? Obviously something upset you. What was it?”

Maisie stiffened. “I don't want to talk about it, okay?”

Knowing he would regret it, he continued anyway. “I feel like we are getting closer. You can tell me. I want you to tell me.”

Maisie bit her lip. “Just something I saw brought up some bad memories, that's all.”

“What happened to you?” The second it slipped out of his mouth, he knew he'd gone too far.

Maisie turned her head away from him and stared out her window at the interstate's never-ending stone walls. With one careless question, the happiness drained out of the SUV like a deflating balloon.

“It's been a long day.” Maisie closed her eyes and leaned back. “I think I'll just rest my eyes the rest of the way.”

Ryan could hear the hurt in her voice. He wanted so badly to take that hurt away, but how could he if he didn't even know what put it there in the first place? The rest of the ride home was spent in uncomfortable silence.

• • •

As soon as Ryan pulled into her driveway, Maisie got out and shut the door, not looking back. Ryan got out and ran over to her, blocking her path.

She looked up at him. He was so handsome. “Thanks for dinner. I had a nice time.”

Ryan nodded. “So did I. I'll walk you to the door.”

Maisie didn't want the awkward moment of deflecting a kiss, so she shook her head. “That's okay. I'll just see you tomorrow?”

She hated the disappointed look on Ryan's face. “Tomorrow then. Good night.”

Maisie watched him drive away and took a deep breath before going inside to where she knew her sister would be waiting to hear details of her time with Ryan.

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