Begin Again (8 page)

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Authors: Christy Newton

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Begin Again
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“Good.” He stood up and pointed to a cage about four times the size of her hamster's. “I brought your rabbit over and supplies you'll need to start out. Would you like me to carry it downstairs for you?”

Ryan looked amazing in his red polo shirt and blue jeans. His blond hair curled over his ears, making him look adorable. He was so masculine yet had that boyish charm. Maisie realized she was staring when her sister cleared her throat to make a point.

“Sure, that'd be great.” Maisie followed him down to her apartment.

“Where do you want to keep him?” Ryan asked looking around with the cage in his arms.

“How about on the counter?” Maisie pointed to the L-shaped counter behind her sofa.

He turned to look at her. “That won't leave you much room to eat.”

Maisie shrugged. “I eat upstairs in the kitchen most times. I just eat snacks down here.” She looked at the bunny. “Is this the same little guy?” Smiling, she opened the cage to take out her new pet. She lifted him to her face. He smelled sweet.

Ryan grinned. “I cleaned him up for you. He's doing so much better. Just keep him on the vitamins.” He took out the dropper and handed it to her.

When his fingers touched hers, she felt a warmth sizzle throughout her body.

Maisie took the bunny out of the cage and walked over to the sofa to sit down. She held him up to her face and pressed his nose to her own. “He's the cutest thing. I guess the name you picked kinda stuck in my head.” She put the animal in her lap and stroked his fluffy fur. “Welcome home, Lucky.”

Ryan sat down beside her and grinned. “I'm glad you're feeling better.” He rubbed the rabbit's long ears. “I'll just check on Boots, then I better head home. My buddy from Illinois is visiting.”

Maisie looked away from Lucky to Ryan. “Oh, is that why you didn't stop by the diner?” Why was she relieved?

“Yeah. Plus I didn't think you'd be working today.”

She blushed. “You come to the diner for pie or to see me?”

Ryan looked at her as if she'd just asked him to solve an impossible equation. “I thought that much was obvious.” He leaned over to plant a kiss on her lips before she knew what happened.

His touch was so quick, yet profound. His lips were so kissable, she didn't want to pull away, but she shouldn't let him think she was interested, even though she was. “Ryan, I'm not able to be in a relationship right now.”

He nodded and winked. “I'll wait until you are.” Standing up, he walked over to check on Boots. “He looks good. Call me if you have any questions about Lucky. Or if you change your mind about anything.”

Maisie pressed her lips together and nodded as Ryan disappeared back up the stairs. She got up to put Lucky in his cage. She closed her eyes and smiled as she thought of Ryan's sweet lips on hers. Maybe her heart wasn't as dead as she'd thought.

• • •

Ryan couldn't get the grin off his face as he drove back home. Even though their kiss was only a couple of seconds, the sensation of Maisie's lips pressed to his made him feel buoyant. Whenever they touched even the slightest, it was like a new kind of energy was formed. She was beautiful inside and out and couldn't look more perfect holding Lucky in her lap. They had a future. He knew it. Now somehow he just had to convince her of that without scaring her away.

As he pulled into his driveway, Jacob rushed out of the house, twirling his keys on his finger. “Thanks for the visit, but I have to get going. I'm meeting Kate tonight to discuss counseling.”

Ryan shook his hand and slapped his back. “That's great, man.”

Jacob grinned. “Yeah, I want to get there before one of us changes our minds.”

Ryan laughed. “Don't let me keep you.”

• • •

Ryan didn't recognize the number on his phone.

A stranger's voice asked, “Is this Mr. Ryan Tucker?”

Ryan drew his brows together. “It is.”

“Mr. Tucker, I am calling from the ER at County Hospital. I'm sorry to tell you that Mr. Jacob Jones has been in an accident.”

Ryan's heart dropped. “Is he okay?”

“He is in with the doctor now. You were listed on his emergency contacts.”

“I'm on my way. Was his ex-wife notified?”

“Claire Jones?”

“No that's his momma. She's in a nursing home.”

“I'm sorry, no. Only Claire Jones and you were listed as his emergency contacts.”

“Okay, thanks.” Ryan disconnected and grabbed his keys. He should have told Jacob to be careful. Instead, he let him rush off, knowing how anxious he was to get back to Kate. Tears stung his eyes. Jacob was like a brother to him. He had to be okay.

• • •

Ryan sat beside his friend's bed and watched him sleep. Between the bandage around his head and the cast on his arm, he looked even worse than Ryan had imagined on the way over to the hospital. The man driving the semi wasn't harmed, except for a couple of bruises, and claimed Jacob had run the red light. He rubbed his scruffy face and dialed Kate's number for the twentieth time. Where was she? Didn't she care that her ex was lying in a hospital bed partly because he was rushing home to meet her?

Ryan glanced at his phone and let out a sigh of relief to see Kate was finally calling him back.

“Kate, it's Ryan Tucker. Jacob was in an accident. I'm here with him in Indiana at County Hospital.”

“Oh my gosh. Is he okay?”

Ryan looked at his sleeping friend. “He's got a broken arm, some broken ribs, a sprained ankle, and a concussion, but yeah, he's going to be okay.”


Was she crying? Worried? “Are you still there?”

“I'm here. I'm just trying to decide what to do.”

Her ex, a man she supposedly still loved, was hurt badly. What was there to decide? If Maisie were in an accident, he'd be right by her side. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I can't come to Indiana. I have work. How is he going to manage with broken ribs and a broken arm?”

Ryan's face burned. “He was rushing back to see you. To work on your relationship!”

“I know. I feel bad, but the fact is I can't take care of him.”

Ryan got up and walked into the hall. “Kate, you haven't changed. You are still the same selfish, cold woman you've always been and always will be.” Ryan disconnected and walked down the sterile hall to the exit doors. He needed some air. As the cool air hit his face, he took a deep breath. The moon was full and bright. He leaned against the rough brick building. He had never been a fan of Kate's, but he'd kept his mouth shut when Jacob had married her. Then he'd kept his mouth shut again when Jacob had wanted her back. It was time Jacob heard the truth about what he really thought of Kate.

As he walked through the circular door, his cell phone buzzed.

“Ryan, it's Maisie. I hope I didn't reach you at a bad time.”

Her voice was like chocolate, smooth and sweet. He would never grow tired of the sound. “Well, I'm at the hospital.”

“The hospital? Why?” He could hear the alarm in her voice. Maybe she did care about him.

“I'm fine. It's my friend, Jacob. He was driving back to Illinois and was in an accident. I've actually been here for the last few hours.”

“Is he okay?”

Ryan paced. “Yeah, he's hurt, but he'll heal.”

“What hospital?”

“County. He didn't get far before the crash.”

“I'm sorry.”

He licked his dry bottom lip. “Things happen. So is everything okay with you?”

“Oh, yeah, I just wanted to know if I should give Lucky anymore vitamins tonight. How about you? Do you need anything?”

“No, just pray for Jacob. And no, you don't need to give him more vitamins tonight. Start the dose tomorrow.”

“Okay. I will.”

“Talk to you later.” He disconnected and walked back inside.

• • •

Maisie glanced at the cup holder as she drove to County Hospital. She knew from experience that the hospital's coffee was nasty and thought Ryan could use something better and stronger. When Maisie had called Ginger at the diner and asked for a personal day then stopped in to get two coffees and two pieces of pie to go dressed in a skirt and ruffled shirt complete with heels, Ginger had about had heart failure. Once the initial shock had worn off, she'd smiled and rushed Maisie back out the exit door into the warmth of the sunshine.

Maisie didn't want people to get the wrong idea. It wasn't like she was going on a date or something. She just knew Ryan could use some support and, after all he'd done for her, she wanted to repay his kindness. Pushing the doubt that she should be here away, she pulled her car into a parking spot.

• • •

After Ryan had told Jacob about Kate's coldhearted phone call, Jacob had stared out the window, looking lost.

Ryan swallowed the lump in his throat. He hated seeing his friend like this. “You're too good for her, Jacob. You always were.”

“Look at me.” Jacob shook his head and held up his cast. “What am I going to do?”

Ryan walked over closer to Jacob's bed. “You're going to stay with me until you heal. I'll get someone to help you while I'm at work.”

Jacob closed his eyes then opened them with tears glistening in the sunlight. “I'm a burden.”

Ryan shook his head. “You're not. You're my best friend, and you'd do the same for me if the situation were reversed.”

“I can't even walk without a crutch or bend my arm, man,” Jacob whispered. “I just wanted to make things work with Kate so bad. After all she'd done to me, despite her selfishness, I still loved her.”

Ryan winced. He hated seeing his friend in emotional pain even more than physical. “I know.”

Jacob reached his hand out for his cup of water on the bedside tray and moaned. “That hurts.” He closed his eyes. “I think my love for Kate has finally died.”

Ryan lifted the straw up to Jacob's lips so he could take a sip. “You'll be okay. Time will heal your bones and your heart.”

“I'm not one of your sick animals!” Jacob lashed out.

Ryan pressed his lips together. “Never thought you were. Get some rest.” He needed a break. Jacob was angry, and he wasn't in the mood to be his punching bag. They'd both feel better tomorrow.

Ryan walked down the hall and, to his surprise, saw Maisie turn the corner carrying a drink holder and a white paper bag. His heart grew lighter at the sight of her rosy cheeks. She'd never looked so pretty. While she looked great in simple tennis shoes and jeans, a sexy skirt and heels screamed out that she was a beautiful woman.

She held up the bag and the cardboard carrier. “I thought you could use some caffeine that didn't taste like sludge.”

Ryan smiled. “Thanks. How'd you know I'd be here?”

Maisie handed him the coffee. “Your friend is in the hospital — where else would you be?”

He took a much-needed drink of the liquid energy. The Styrofoam cup warmed his fingertips, but it was Maisie that warmed his heart. “Thanks for this. That was really sweet of you.”

She held up the bag. “I also have pie.”

His stomach growled at the thought. “Let's find someplace to eat. I think I saw some picnic tables outside.”

Maisie nodded, making a strand of hair fall over her eye. She reached up and pushed it over. “It's a nice day. The warmest we've had so far.”

Ryan led her outside and over to a picnic table under a huge oak tree. Most of the grass was still brown, but patches were turning green. Hyacinths peeked out of the earth nearby as if reaching for the sunshine. Maisie sat down across from him, which was a good thing. If she got too close he would be tempted to pull her into his arms.

“How's your friend doing?” Maisie asked.

Ryan sighed. “His bones will heal. It's his heart and his pride I'm worried about.”

Maisie broke the crust off her pie and threw it to some birds.

He looked at her as though she'd just committed a crime. “You gave away the best part.”

Maisie shrugged. “I don't really care for crust.”

Ryan drew his eyebrows together. “That's funny.”

Maisie tilted her head and looked at him, then they both laughed.

Maisie got her laugher under control. “What happened to him?”

Ryan chewed his last bite. “He has a complicated relationship with his ex-wife. Long story short, he was on his way back to see her to discuss counseling.”

Maisie frowned. “She must have been terrified to learn he was in an accident. Is she on her way?”

Ryan shook his head. “That's just it, she isn't. She is a very selfish person and didn't want to take time from her precious career to take care of Jacob.”

Maisie got a confused look on her face and finally said, “Poor Jacob.”

Ryan sighed. “Yeah, and I had to be the one to break the news to him.”

“Does he have family? Is anyone coming for him?”

“No. His only family close by is his momma, and she's in a nursing home. I'm all he has.”

Maisie put her warm, soft hand over his. “Then he's lucky.” She removed her hand before she finished the sentence. “I've witnessed what a great friend you are firsthand.”

He tried to smile but her words hit him in the heart. Was that what she thought of him? A friend?

“Thanks for the food. I'd better get back inside.” He stood up and tried to hide the disappointment he knew was reflected in his eyes.


Maisie started her car and convinced herself that Ryan was just under a lot of stress and that was why he'd rushed off. Now she knew how he must have felt when she left him without explanation at the carnival.

Driving home, she wondered what she would do all day without work to keep her busy. Ryan would need dinner. Maybe she could bring him something to eat later. She made a U-turn and headed to the grocery. If her family had taught her one thing, it was that when someone was upset, stressed, or even happy, food was the answer.

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