Begin Again (3 page)

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Authors: Christy Newton

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Begin Again
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• • •

At six o'clock, Ryan walked down the sidewalk to Ginger Snaps. He inhaled the smell of damp wood. Fresh, brown mulch had been put out under the trees today. He opened the door and walked inside. Of all the little businesses along Main Street, Ginger Snaps was his favorite place to go for several reasons: the pie, the charming, small-town atmosphere, and the waitress with the silky red hair.

He felt disappointment overcome him when he looked around and didn't see Maisie.

A bubbly young girl strolled over to him. “Are you ready to order?”

Hoping the redhead was somewhere in the back, he replied, “I'm still trying to decide.”

The girl nodded, making her ponytail swish in the process, “Take your time. I'll be back in a few minutes.”

Ryan continued to pretend to study the menu. He felt an anxious spark when Maisie came out of the kitchen holding a tray of food.

He placed the menu down on the counter. After she helped her other customers, Maisie walked over to him.

“Lola's on break. Can I get you something?”

He studied her face for a hint of what she was feeling. Nope. No smile, no sparkle in her eyes. “Apple pie and milk.”

“Are you becoming one of my regulars, because if you're going to order the same thing every night, it'll save time if I don't have to ask what you want.”

He smirked. “You never know, one day I might surprise you.”

Maisie pursed her lips and nodded. “Okay, be right back with your order.”

What was it about her that felt like home? And why did he care so much if she smiled?

• • •

Maisie opened the swinging doors, almost hitting Lola in the face in the process.

Lola's eyes looked as though they might pop out of her head at any moment. “Well?”

Maisie shook her head at her friend. “Well what?” She went back to get the milk. “He is just like any other customer.”

Lola narrowed her eyes. “I'm telling you, he was waiting on
to take his order.”

“Lo, you watch too many romance movies.”

Lola took the glass of milk from her. “Okay, then let's see how he reacts when I'm the one bringing him his order.”

Maisie rolled her eyes. She would not play into Lola's games. Her heart wasn't in it. Instead of spying, she counted her tips.


“So, did you stop by Ginger Snaps yet?” Alice asked Ryan as he was locking up the clinic. He'd picked this building not only because it was in the heart of town, but because of the gorgeous, dark-stained, oak floors and the built-in bookshelves. He'd enjoyed placing pamphlets and books about critters on the white shelves. There was even enough room for critter treats that could be purchased.

Ryan took off his white lab coat. “I did, and I'm on my way there again now.”

Alice picked up her purse. “Told you they have great food. Maybe I'll head over with you. I can grab dinner for the hubby, that way I won't have to cook tonight.”

He never cooked. His freezer was stocked full of food he could nuke. “I haven't tried the food yet, just dessert.”

She smiled. “They have the best cheeseburgers, and their home fries are awesome.”

Ryan looked at his assistant who had immediately reminded him of his older sister when they'd met. “Since it's so close, I just walk.”

Alice nodded and followed him out. “Fine by me. I'll need the exercise after the calories I'm about to consume.”

• • •

When Maisie looked up from the counter and saw Ryan Tucker walk in with a pretty blond, she felt regret and relief at the same time. Sure, someday she may be able to have a relationship again, but that someday was far off. If that day ever came, a man like Ryan would be easy to care about.

Maisie went over to the woman sitting next to Ryan. “What can I get you?”

Ryan looked at Blondie, “It's on me.”

She smiled. “I'll have two cheeseburgers, two home fries, and two sodas to go. Extra ketchup.”

Maisie nodded and looked at Ryan in his lime green polo. The man liked bright shirts. And they liked him.

“I'll think I'll try the blueberry pie and a glass of milk.” He winked.

Maisie nodded and headed to the kitchen to put in their orders.
So he'd asked for a different pie. Interesting.
Lola walked in as Maisie was pouring the two percent into a frosted glass.

Lola smiled and walked over to her. “I see he's back.”

Maisie put the milk carton back into the fridge. “Yep, and I told you so. Did you see who he's with?”

“She's pretty, but you're prettier. I'm betting he'll be back tomorrow. Alone.” Lola giggled.

Maisie's eyes widened. “You're hopeless.” She shoved the cold glass into Lola's hand. “Take it to him.”

Lola frowned. “Okay, I will. But I get your tip.”

Maisie let out a huff. “Fine. Tell Ginger I'm taking five.”

Lola's mouth dropped open, then she snapped it shut. Maisie never took breaks unless she was told to. She walked out the back of the diner to get some air. Twilight was setting in, turning the sky a purplish hue. The hair on her arms stood up in chill after a few minutes of the brisk breeze. Even outside, the greasy smell of the diner still clung to her clothing. She leaned on the building and took a deep breath to let the cool air fill her lungs. Would her life ever feel right again? She looked up to the sky.
Why did you leave me, Luke? Why did you yell at me to run but you didn't?
She felt tears well up in her eyes but rubbed them away before heading back inside.

• • •

“The Pleasant Valley carnival is tomorrow night. Are you going?” Alice asked as they covered the birdcages for the night. Ryan kept a couple of parakeets at the clinic. He took off his lab coat as he waited for Alice to grab her purse.

“Sounds like fun. Maybe I will,” Ryan said as he turned off the lights.

Alice smiled. “There's always a big turnout, and there's even a Ferris wheel, and a local band plays so people can dance.” She paused. “Although most people go for the food.”

Ryan laughed. “See you tomorrow. Tell that husband of yours I said hello.” Ryan made sure Alice made it to her car okay then turned the corner to head to the diner.

Summer was due soon, but the Indiana weather felt like winter tonight. Ryan zipped his jacket all the way up and raised his shoulders to keep the cold air out of his ears. As he got closer, he could smell the comforting aroma of the food from within the diner. He opened the door and walked over to his usual spot at the counter. Maisie was taking a tray full of food to a table to his left. When she looked up and saw him, she held up a finger letting him know she'd be right there.

Quickly warming up, Ryan shrugged out of his jacket. He looked over the food selection on the menu. Fatty food was big here. He'd better stick with the pie or he just may gain that weight his momma had warned him about. He nodded to the elderly gentleman in the corner. Funny he was always here, but Ryan had yet to see him eat anything.

• • •

“Hey, Ryan, apple or blueberry tonight?” Maisie asked as she lifted the glass top off the pie stand.

He smiled. “I'll stick with apple.”

She slightly tilted her head before walking off. “And milk?”

“Yeah. When you have a minute, there's something I want to ask you.” He looked tense.

Maisie scrunched her eyebrows. “What's that?”

“I hear there's a carnival tomorrow night.” He paused. “I don't know a lot of people here yet and was wondering if you would go with me.”

Maisie swallowed, unsure what to say. Was she being asked on a date? She shoved her hands in her back pockets so Ryan couldn't see them trembling. “Uh, I wasn't really planning on going.” She nervously blew at a stray hair that had fallen over her eye.
If he didn't know anyone, who was the blond he had been with?

Ryan hesitated as if he were trying to decide what to say next. “As friends, of course.” A good-humored smile crossed his lips. “Although I can't promise I won't ask you to dance.”

She loved to dance and hadn't since her high school prom. Luke hadn't been big on dancing, as in never. Maisie's mouth involuntarily did something it hadn't done in a long time — it curved into a small smile. The feeling took her by surprise, and she quickly pressed her lips together. “Let me think about it.”

Ryan cut a piece of pie with his fork. “Take your time.”

She turned and hurried back to the kitchen as emotions stirred inside her.

Ginger grabbed ahold of her shoulders and peered into her eyes. “Is that a smile I see?”

Maisie felt her face grow hot. Even her ears could feel the warmth.

Ginger smiled at her like a proud mom. “It is. Does it have anything to do with that new regular of yours?”

Maisie sighed. “I don't know. He just asked me to go to the carnival with him tomorrow night.”

“And you're going,” she said with a stern voice.

“I don't know.” Maisie bit her lip. “I wouldn't want to give him the wrong idea.”

Ginger put her hands on her hips. “What idea would that be?” She paused to smirk. “Go, have fun.”

Maisie poured milk into a frosty glass. “I don't think I'm ready for that.”

Ginger took Maisie's hand and her voice softened. “Honey, we're never ready to move on. But that don't mean that we shouldn't. Understand?”

Maisie took a deep breath. “I told him I'd think about it.”

“Now look here. I know people, it goes with the business. And that guy out there is a good man. I can tell by his eyes.”

Maisie knew what she meant but didn't say so. Instead, she nodded and took Ryan's drink to him.

“I'll go.” She set down the glass. “As friends.”

Ryan's eyes lit up. “Good.”

“Are you sure you wouldn't rather go with the blond from last night?” Maisie blurted out then bit her lip. Had she really just said that out loud?

Ryan chuckled, which made his blue eyes crinkle and twinkle at the same time. “Alice?” He smiled. “I'm pretty sure my assistant is going with her husband.”

Maisie felt the corners of her mouth turn into another smile. Had she gone insane? “Oh.” Why not go for broke? “Assistant for what?”

Ryan dabbed the corner of his mouth with a napkin. He opened his wallet and pulled out a business card. Maisie took it from his outstretched hand. She read aloud: “Ryan Tucker, Exotics Veterinarian. Caring for small animals is my specialty.”

Her eyes widened. “You're a veterinarian?” He didn't look like a vet. Vets were old and wore spectacles, at least the ones in the movies. He didn't dress like one either.

Ryan nodded. “I am.” He smiled. “You're a terrific waitress but not much of a detective.”

Maisie let out a little laugh. What a strange sensation. She hadn't laughed in a long time, or smiled for that matter. Maybe spending time with Ryan would be good for her. She could use a friend that didn't know anything about her past.

He crinkled up his napkin and put it over the crumbs on the plate. “So, you'll still go with me?”

Maisie nodded her head a little more eagerly than she intended.

He smiled like he'd just won the lottery. “Great, I'll pick you up at seven o'clock.”

What was she doing? She didn't really even know this guy. Maybe he was a murderer and wanted to cut her up into little, tiny pieces. “How about we meet there?”

He stood up to put on his The North Face jacket. “Okay, I'll find you.”

• • •

Ryan had just settled down on his couch when he heard his phone. He stood up and grabbed it off the table.


“Hey man, how's the country treating you?” his best friend, Jacob, asked.

“It's great.” Maisie's face took residence in his thoughts. “In fact, more than great. I think I'm actually going to like it here.”

“Awesome. Because of business or pleasure?” Jacob knew him too well.

Ryan dropped a piece of dried apple in Rex's cage and smiled. “Both. I think. I'll have to get back to you on that.”

Jacob chuckled. “Alright, man. You deserve a break after what Beth did to you last year. Well, we should grab a coffee sometime when you get settled in.”


He could hear Jacob shuffling around some papers. “Tomorrow evening?”

“Anytime, but then.” He paused and ran his fingers through his hair. “I have plans.” After disconnecting, he shook away thoughts of the past. They were both better off because of Beth's leaving, even if she'd done it in a rotten way.

• • •

Maisie sighed at her sister. “I don't know what to wear.”

Cady rummaged through the pile of clothes on Maisie's bed and held up a ruffled tank top. “How about this?”

Maisie blushed. “Shows too much skin.”

Cady rolled her eyes and tried again. “How about this?” she asked, holding up a baggie, tie-dyed T-shirt.

Maisie turned up her nose and shook her head. “Too hippie.”

They both looked at each other and giggled. Her sister's eyes widened when she heard the rare sound escape from Maisie's lips.

Ignoring her sister's surprise, Maisie tried on a pink peasant top with white shorts.

Cady smiled. “That's perfect.”

She looked at herself in the mirror. “I feel silly. Like an imposter.”

Cady stood behind her. “What do you mean?”

“Like I'm not me. Like I'm playing a role I'm supposed to play, but it's not me.”

Cady put her hands on her sister's shoulders and turned her toward her. “You are being you. The girl who has been living with me for the last two years is not the Maisie I grew up with.”

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