Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)
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Knock, Knock!
Andy only registered the sharp taps. Her eyes hurt. Her throat was raw. Her head was beating in a not so friendly way.
Knock, Knock!
She had cried for twenty minutes. Pressing her lips together, she wiped the wetness from her cheeks.
Knock, Knock!
She had hoped whoever it was would take the hint and go away, but at this rate, it would wake Harper. Taking a deep breath, she shoved away from the kitchen island. Stilted and with not much balance, Andy unlocked the door and opened it. Her mouth fell open.

"Matt." She wasn't sure she had said anything. The blood in her head was pounding and she heard nothing. She wondered if he would be angry when he had hung up the phone. He looked terrible. Her stomach twisted.
You don't look so good either.
She swallowed and a long minute passed with nothing more said. It was like waiting on a precipice, wondering if a strong breeze would push you over the edge. It was altogether too terrifying.

"Andy, I'm not leaving." Matt's voice was scratchy, but determined. Her resolve crumbled and she felt the tears streaking once more down her cheeks. She heard him growl as he pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"I'm sorry. I am a mess. I don't know how to do this." She gurgled into his shirt, the fabric well soaked now. Her fingers clutched at his chest as she fought for some control. It was a joke. When had she ever had control? She didn't like being alone, but she had done her best to convince herself that alone was safer.
Less dangerous.
Almost unbearable.

"I understand, baby, I do. I want to make things easier, but I can't do that if you don't trust me. I need you to talk to me and not shut me out." He had gathered himself together. His request was firmly stated and Andy clung to that strength. She swallowed. Nodding, she pulled back from his chest, but not from his embrace. His hands dropped to her waist.

"I'm sorry." It was all she could think to say. Her brain had gone blank again and she wondered if it wasn't for the best. If she could say all she wanted, then everything would be out there in the open. She wasn't sure she was ready for it, or if she would ever be ready for it.

"I know. I'm sorry I hung up. I just couldn't talk to you over the phone." He shut the door firmly. Crossing into the living room, he took a seat on the couch and patted the seat beside him. She went.

"I didn't plan it. I've just been thinking about last night. I am not sure that I am ready for a messy relationship. Emotions are messy. You add an ex-girlfriend like Monica and well, I don't think I can compete with that."
She had said it. Andy thought she saw him wince.

"I don't expect you to compete with Monica. Hell, you win hands down, Andy. There is
there for you to worry about. You are someone so amazing and so beautiful, I wouldn't screw it up by even letting you think she had a chance to change that." He brushed a strand of hair away from her cheek and behind her ear. His blue eyes watched her carefully. She believed him. She trusted him. It had all happened that day he rescued her in the hallway.

"It's not that I don't think what you are saying is true. I just have a bad feeling about her. There's more to her than meets the eye, I think."

Matt's eyes widened, his mouth opened and closed. She hurried on to explain herself.

"I swear I have heard her voice before. I've never seen her before last night, but the more she spoke, the more certain I was that I had heard her before. Oh, I know it sounds crazy! Maybe I am imagining things." She starred at her hands clasped in her lap. She felt crazy.

"I hope you aren't crazy." Matt chuckled in a nervous way. "Monica is enough crazy for anyone." He took a deep breath and his worried expression made her sit up a bit straighter. "After Monica and I broke up, she has taken it upon herself to chase off every girl since. Friday night I started getting threatening texts from her towards you and Harper."

Andy's heart nearly stopped. It was one thing if it just involved Andy, but if someone had threatened her daughter, it had to be taken seriously.

"So it probably was her." Andy mused aloud. At Matt's raised brow she continued. "I got a phone call at work warning me to stay away from you, that you would bring only problems. No name. Just the warning from a female voice." It was like the oxygen had become thin in the room and she struggled for a full breath.

"That would be my guess." He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. "I am going to take this seriously, Andy. I won't let her do anything."
Why does that not make me confident it won't?

"Do you think she is capable of action or just being a genuine pain in the ass?" Andy tried to look at this objectively. It was always better to have a plan. If anything she had learned not to underestimate anything or anyone.

"Honestly, I don't know. If I was sure, I would have better idea of how to go about this." He leaned back against the couch, throwing his head back against the cushion. Andy felt even more confused than before he had shown up at her apartment. She felt that familiar knot in her chest increase its pressure.
Shit. What should I do?
If staying away from Matt protected her daughter, of course that is what should happen. Her daughter came first, but where was she ever going to meet another man like Matt Johnson.

"All right, here's our plan. I will take these texts to the police. Someone there should be able to tell us what to do. We will go from there." He paused, looking at her with wide, puppy dog eyes. He thought she was going to tell him to bug off. That was very clear in the blue depths. Her heart wrenched.

"All right, but Matt if this gets out of hand, I'm done. I have to protect Harper. She is my first priority. Got it?" She had inserted her best
I'm the boss
voice. He nodded and took her hand in his.

"Got it." He leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers. Anticipation and longing built at surprising speed. The kiss was soft, special and teasing her to give in. A familiar cry echoed from the bedroom. They both expelled a frustrated breath and leaned their foreheads together. Andy chuckled and Matt groaned.

"Well I guess we should get you both packed up and to the barbecue. Everyone will be there soon."

Andy smiled and got up to get Harper. She was still nervous about Monica, but at least they had a plan now. It offered some courage. She sighed and left Matt on the couch.

Chapter Nine


The barbecue had been fun. A much needed break from the roller coaster that had appeared without warning. Matt's friends were welcoming and full of embarrassing stories. She couldn't remember when she had laughed so hard and blushed so much. Most of the guests present were single males, but some had brought their girlfriends. Hannah, Garrett's current flame, was there and she was very helpful with Harper. They got by with only a couple of Harper's meltdowns before she settled into the atmosphere. Andy's daughter had no trouble being the center of attention.

Matt was attentive, considerate and he was never far from her. Feeling a bit smothered, as she wasn't used to having anyone around, she had to tell him that she would be fine on her own if he wanted to go visit with the guys. She hadn't really given him much of a choice. Looking a bit unsure, Matt had went to the backyard with a beer in his hand. Andy did give him credit for not abandoning her once they had reached the house.

When it was time to leave, Matt had helped her carry a sleeping Harper to his truck and clicked her car seat into place. Once they got back to the apartment, Matt had helped bring Harper inside. He really was a perfect gentleman. It was a relief not to have to be the only one caring for her daughter.

Andy couldn't quit yawning as she had little sleep the night before and she had no idea what this one would hold, so Matt had left with little more than a kiss goodnight. Had she not been so tired, things might have continued in a similar vein as they had experienced before. Instead of falling into Matt's arms, Andy had caught the lock, slipped into her shorts and top, and fallen asleep on the couch. To her surprise she had opened her eyes to the early morning sunshine to find that Harper had slept all night!
Thank you God!

Now at work at Happy Trails Inn, Andy fought to stay focused. She had time to think about Monica and the crazy text messages to Matt. Her stomach turned and boiled with apprehension. He said he would speak to the authorities today. What had he found out? What could they do? She hadn't physically threatened her or him. It made her head ache with the ins and outs of it all. Hopefully he would have good news for her. She only had a thirty more minutes of her shift left and she could pick up Harper and head back to the apartment.


Matt knocked on Andy's apartment door rather tired after dealing with the police and his lawyer. Unfortunately what he thought would be an easy process was going to be a bit more
that he would like, but it meant the protection and safety of Andy, Harper and himself. He sure as hell didn't feel comfortable with Monica's texts and her impromptu intrusions. He knew Andy was well past uncomfortable to the point she was ready to kick him out of this relationship if he didn't get it handled. So he had handled it; at least he had done all he could at the moment. It would be up to the authorities and his attorney now.

"Hey Matt, come on in. Dinner is just out of the oven." Andy no more than opened the door and scooted quickly back to the oven. He almost laughed at the sight of her in her black yoga pants, white tank top and really big yellow oven mitts! He might have laughed had his eyes not settled back to her nicely curved and firm rear end. He closed his fists to keep his hands from wandering up the backside of her as she stood there with extremely hot food.
Maybe later. Definitely later.

"It smells amazing! I missed lunch so I am starving." Matt moved to the living room to find Harper happily gurgling on the floor on her big fleece blanket. She was waving a ring around in her tiny fist. Her little green dress made her look like a very petite fairy. He grinned.

"I am glad I opted to make something instead of forcing leftovers on you."

He caught the grin in her voice and turned as she set the casserole dish on the island. Her mischievous green eyes met his. Tonight everything felt right with the world. He was going to have dinner with his beautiful girlfriend and her sweet baby girl. His heart flipped. He had to pull himself back. Somewhere in the corner of his subconscious, he was already considering Harper their daughter. It was a bit of a revelation, but not altogether surprising.

"I am not picky. My parents made us try everything. We may not like it afterward, but the goal was to broaden our palates. I remember trying Rocky Mountain oysters. My sister gagged. My brother thought they were great until my dad told him what they were." Matt laughed out loud and walked into the kitchen.

"And you? What did you do?" Andy asked as she mixed the salad in a big bowl.

"I tried not to chew!" Matt's cheeks blushed as he chuckled and Andy laughed too. He knew she was picturing his family at the dinner table and the children being told what body part they were eating.

"I have never had them and I don't believe I will." Andy mock shivered in disgust. He chuckled some more as he set the plates and utensils on the table.

"Ah, I wouldn't want my kids to be picky eaters either. Although I'm not sure I would force bull nuts on them!" He made a face and Andy smiled at his wit.
Oh she's gorgeous!
The last few days an ever deepening desire to make her his own had infused his blood and it was getting harder to refrain from doing so. The constant interruptions were starting to wear on his already thin reins. Matt's stomach growled in response to the aroma of the casserole.

"I made cheesy enchiladas. They are one of my favorites and not too bad reheated if there are leftovers." Andy scooped a large helping onto his plate and handed him the salad bowl.

The rich, cheesy goodness along with the spicy taco meat made him salivate. He had three helpings before he was completely full. She was cooking dinner at least four times a week and at this rate, he was going to be ten pounds heavier by the end of the month. He couldn't complain. He looked forward to dinner every night with Andy and Harper. He pushed his plate away and noticed Andy was watching him, her green eyes careful.

"You want to know what happened today with Monica." Matt's voice was low, thoughtful. He kept his eyes on hers and noticed the emotional step back. He wondered at it, but didn't mention it.

"Will they help?" Her voice was a bit raspy with an edge of disbelief. He couldn't blame her. He wasn't sure the authorities would do anything to help either. In a way, he had been pleasantly surprised. Matt nodded and Andy relaxed some.

"They took copies of the texts. I gave them what information I could. My lawyer handled the rest of it. They are going to see if there is enough for a protection order." Matt took a drink of his tea and set the glass back down on the counter. Andy followed him closely. He felt the stirrings of hope. She was interested.

"Your lawyer thinks that they can keep her from messing with us?" Andy looked across the room towards Harper on the blanket. He didn't like to see Andy questioning Harper's safety. He would never risk that. She was the most important thing in this whole sphere.

"Yes. He called it stalking. He told me that states, especially South Dakota are taking this more seriously now. Monica's texts and phone calls are all harassment. I told them about the run in on our date and the mysterious phone call you got at work. They will probably call you to verify the information." Matt watched the information sink in and watched Andy relax her posture.

"Well I guess that's all we can do then. It sounds like they have it well in hand." She got up from the table and busied herself by gathering up the dishes. Matt had already picked up on this cue. When she was nervous, she couldn't sit still. He smiled. She turned the faucet on to fill the sink for dishes. Matt stood to help. They didn't argue over who would do dishes anymore. He automatically helped her dry them once they were washed.

"Will they contact her about this?" Andy's voice was tentative as he sidled up next to her at the sink. She glanced at him and Matt couldn't stand not touching her anymore. Pulling her hips into his body, he made her look up into his face. He tried to pass on as much confidence and control as he could to her. She needed to know he was handling it, just as he would handle anything else that she needed him to. This was just the start to opening up the door to the dangers and treasures he knew were inside her past and present.

"My lawyer said it was a certainty they would contact her today and explain the situation. From there she would be involved and warned to stay away and refrain from contacting us." Matt watched as Andy's chest continued to rise and fall in a fast measure now. The green in her eyes had turned stormy. He nearly crowed with delight. Her tendency for flight was giving way to a deeper desire for him. It was a balm. He had been worried about how she would receive the information. He had been worried she would step back and put more barriers up between them. Instead she was in his arms where she wanted to be.

Matt lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gently, nipping her full lower lip. A crashing warmth filled his veins as he watched in the siren in his arms. He could feel the quickening pulse under his fingertips as they rested on her neck. His other palm slid between them to find the sweet swell of her breast. His thumb flicked the raised nipple he could feel through her tank top. She sucked in a breath between deep, molten kisses. His tongue mimicked what he wanted to do to her. He felt like a man thirsting to death in the desert and she was his only oasis. It was beyond a need. It was beyond urgent.

Matt felt Andy's hands press against his stomach with a moment's hesitation and then felt a sharp tug at his waist. He wasn't sure whether to grin like a devil or faint from unparalleled relief as she undid his belt and started on his jeans. He felt the pressure mount and he growled as she continued with blind need. Breaking from her lips, he worked open mouth kisses down her neck and to her collar bone. Fine, silky soft skin under his lips.
Sweet Jesus! This isn't going to end well if there's another interruption!

Andy's fingers shifted his cotton t-shirt from his jeans where it was tucked. She was a woman on a mission. He heard more than felt his zipper come down and his heart beat faster, if that were possible. Hastily she raised his shirt to his chest and pressed white hot kisses to his stomach. He groaned. She licked and nibbled. She scratched and soothed. It was starting to become overwhelming and if she didn't pull back soon, he wasn't going to be responsible for what happened.

"Andy, baby, you have to slow down." He growled again as she nipped his stomach. "Baby, it's my turn."

She paused just a moment long enough for him to pull her up against him and press her tight against his aching erection. A wildness consumed him and he lifted her up in his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. He kissed her fiercely, matching her need with his own. He backed her up to the kitchen island, leaning her backside against the counter top. He tried to pull back on the near run-away emotions. They weren't the only ones in the apartment.

"Are you sure? What about Harper?" His voice was low in her ear, but she turned her head to glance at her daughter.
An instant relief set free the worry about stopping this time.

"Oh, I'm sure. Bedroom, Cowboy." She purred in his ear. The sound of her voice reignited the need to immerse himself in her. Holding her tightly against him, Matt carried Andy to her bedroom, where a queen sized bed was made up. It was almost dark outside so the room was nearly just a shadow. He liked it except that he couldn't see what his fingers told him was a very beautiful girl.

He shucked off his jeans, lost his shirt and then helped Andy do the same. His hands reached for her in the dark, soft velvety skin that smelled like honey and grapefruit. His mind gaped.
Merciful lord!
There were no barriers anymore. Nothing to stop them from taking the pleasure they both craved with a blazing madness. He kissed his way up her stomach until he took first one nipple and then the other into his mouth. Andy squirmed against him, brushing her hips against his stomach. Her breath short and needy. Her fingers anchored themselves in his hair.

He grinned against her skin. He liked driving her wild. Her reaction to him was instantaneous, without thought and with carefree abandon. He felt enormously proud to drive all worry from her mind for at least a while. His hands roamed her naked body, mapping every curve and hollow. His primitive self-roared with satisfaction as he found her wet core begging for him. She nearly came off the bed when he slipped first one finger inside and then another; setting a rhythm not too fast and not too slow. Matt kissed from her breasts down her stomach and hips to the soft mound below.

Matt! Oh God!"
Andy's words came more as a prayer as his tongue flicked out to tease and conquer. She shuddered. She moaned, arching her back and pressing into his fingers still working their magic. He felt the surge. His body reacting to hers. She fragmented and broke apart in his arms. Grinning in the darkness, Matt slipped off the bed to retrieve a condom from his wallet. Quickly opening the package and sliding it on, he positioned himself between Andy's thighs as she came back to him.

"You are amazing, Andy." He pressed into her, feeling her slick heat stroking him. His eyes rolled back. He was certain nothing had ever felt so good. Andy pulled him down to kiss his mouth, her tongue dueling with his own. Matt locked their hands, raising her arms above her head. She met him thrust for thrust, frenzy renewed in their joining. This maddening rush boiling to an even greater height than before.

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