Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)
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They stood there touching, brushing and trying to find some control. Never had he ever felt like this. It was almost beyond explanation and description. She was meant to be his. It was as clear as the sun in the daytime and the stars at night. Possession so fiercely sprang through his blood; the likes of which scared him slightly. He had no idea how to handle that last bit so he tucked it away for future reflection. He didn't dare walk forward and he didn't want to step back. He simply waited. She would tell him what she wanted.

For what seemed a full ten minutes, Andy filled the sink, poured dish soap in and then put the dirty dishes in to wash. She didn't move her body other than her hands. Her small fingers covered in suds, she relaxed hesitantly into him. Hard, muscled frame matched her curves nicely. Matt smiled, warm and brilliant at her trust in him. He promised himself at that moment, he would fight tooth and nail to keep it.

"I have an idea." His breath brushed the brown tendrils at her nape and he found pleasure in making her shiver. The pregnant pause only increased the suspense. "Come with me to the roundup." He might as well have been asking her to come to the moon with him. He refrained from mentioning his family and his home...for now.

"I am not sure I can get the time off work, but I will think about it."

He grinned as he placed his lips just behind her ear. Her voice was breathless and sexy as anything he had ever heard. It revved him up! Andy tilted her head to the side and slightly back to meet his eye.

"You do that." He gave her his
grin. "Now may I do the dishes?" It clearly wasn't what she had anticipated hearing and he chuckled, nuzzling her neck. Swiftly closing her mouth, she stepped to the side and back. Indicating he should do as he pleased, she escaped to the safety of the living room.

Chapter Five


The next five days were structured with a strangely satisfying schedule. Andy dropped Harper off with Rachel and went to work as a hospitality clerk at Happy Trails Inn. She would check people into their rooms, take reservations, and welcome travelers to Rapid City, South Dakota. For the most part she liked her job. Meeting new people had always been a highlight. Even as reserved as she was with people that knew her, she could relax with those she wouldn't see again after they left the hotel.

She would pick Harper up from Rachel's after her shift and head back to their apartment, where Andy tried to keep up with the ever mounting laundry and house work. She never could get it all done. Then around dinner time, Matt would come to spend the evening. He had since gone back to his house he shared with his brother, Garrett. It had become quite a comfortable routine. Sometimes she would cook, other times he would bring take-out, and always they would sit and talk about their day, playing with Harper before her bedtime.

She tried not to look at it too closely. This was a relationship of very different proportions. In her head it was senseless and terrifying.
She was putting Harper in a position to wonder where this guy went when he left. He would leave. They had all left one way or another. Shaking the ice off her thoughts, Andy knew if her head stayed out of it, her heart saw it for what it was. It was something entirely off the charts and unexpectedly satisfying. Well, almost satisfying.

As much sexual chemistry as was arcing between them, Matt had yet to make a move past kissing. Her heart jumped at the thought of his soft, warm lips on her own. Playful, tempting and he always left her wanting more as he departed for the night. Once he had offered to stay up with Harper when he saw how tired Andy had been, but knowing that she was nowhere near ready for that, Andy had declined. She knew that he wouldn't pursue it. He would wait for her to let him know.

Andy smiled as Matt tried to feed Harper pizza sauce from his finger. He had stopped by for the fifth night with pizza, chips and a container of cookie dough, which she had popped into the oven. Harper made a squishy face at the foreign taste and Matt laughed, pulling a wide-eyed look from the infant.

"I think she likes it." Matt teased, wiping the remaining smudge from Harper's lip. Andy raised her eyes and shook her head.

"I don't think she is quite ready for pizza. The no-teeth thing might be a problem."

She laughed at him, leaning from her perch on the couch to pull another slice of pepperoni pizza onto her plate. Resuming her position with her feet tucked up under her, she balanced the plate in her lap. Picking up the slice, she carefully took a bite trying not to burn her lip on the hot cheese and sauce. Her eyes were drawn to Matt in the recliner and as happened so often, he was watching her intently. Hunger etched on his face. Her stomach rolled in response. A hunger that demanded satisfaction and it wasn't food he wanted.
Hell! Who are you kidding?!
She saw her own desires mirrored in his face.

Helplessly turning her attention back to her pizza, Andy ate with single minded focus. Matt continued to play with Harper until she was rubbing her eyes with the backs of her little fists. That was her cue! Andy gathered Harper into her arms. Her breath hitched in her chest when Matt's hand brushed her breast.
Intentional or accident?
She wasn't sure. Determined not to meet his blue gaze, she whisked her daughter off for a little bath and bedtime.


Matt almost groaned out loud. He watched Andy carry a sleepy Harper into the bathroom. He appreciated the seductive sway of her hips and the way her black yoga pants clung to her rounded backside.
Ah! She's driving me nuts!
The last few nights had been so normal and inviting. Despite Andy's uncertainty, she had welcomed him into the small circle of people around her. The domestic bliss that wrapped around the three of them when he was here made him so sure that this was, for the lack of better words, meant to be.

He settled deeper into the worn recliner and listened to the water running in the bathroom and Harper's unhappy squawks. He grinned, but his stomach was knotting with anticipation. He needed to explore this further. He wanted to know what Andy was ready for. So far, all he knew for certain was she was as seduced as he was by their connection. Tonight he would see where this was going.

Matt got out of the chair and folded the pizza box up. Collecting their paper plates, he gathered the box and threw the trash away. He glanced around the apartment. It held very little clues as to her family and life outside of Rapid City. Some of Harper's baby photos hung on the fridge with colorful magnets. Shopping lists. To do lists. A post card from New York City from her friend, Rachel who watched Harper for her.

It was so hard to imagine life without his own family. Again he felt the disbelief and anger build in his chest. He knew Andy didn't trust him enough yet to tell him what had happened, but he hoped that she would. Even if it was something that couldn't be fixed, he wanted to share it with her.

"Matt, could you grab Harper's jammies from the laundry basket? I folded them, but didn't get them put away." Andy asked from the bathroom. He nodded, locating the white plastic basket with clean, folded laundry. He couldn't help but notice Andy's panties on top.

White. Cotton. No frills. No lace. Hmm.

Picking up the yellow footie pajamas, he took them to the bathroom to find Andy almost as wet as Harper. Bathing a baby was serious business apparently! He grinned.

"Do you need jammies too? It looks like you crawled in there with her!" Matt met her eyes and she smiled.

"Almost. She is not so crazy about the bath tonight." Andy wrestled with the hooded terrycloth towel. "I just hate putting her to bed smelling like formula and baby vomit." She wrinkled her nose as she shimmied Harper into the pajamas. The struggling ended when Andy finally got the snaps secured and Matt had lifted Harper into his arms.

He held Harper at eye level. Wide blue eyes stared back at him. All he could see was trust. This little thing trusted him and it tugged at his heart.

"She is absolutely amazing." His words came out more as a whisper than he had meant. The awe that he felt was so captivating. Harper made an
with her perfect pink lips. He grinned and was lost. Hugging her near, he kissed her downy cheek and passed Harper back to Andy for bedtime. "Good night, baby girl."

Ten minutes later, Andy came out of the bedroom where she had put Harper down for bed. Matt had made himself comfortable on the couch, although that was a rather farfetched idea. The couch sagged in the middle and could not be termed anywhere near comfortable. He patted the cushion beside him and reached for the remote. She raised a brow, but came to sit beside him anyway.

"How do you feel about
The Closer
? I kind of like the murder mystery cop shows." He grinned, throwing his arm on the back of the couch around her shoulders. Andy smiled and leaned back against the cushions.

"I have never seen it." She watched for a few moments while he watched her. He couldn't help it! Nothing could be so entertaining as to take his mind away from her. Lush lips. Expressive eyes. A body softly rounded from her pregnancy, but with all the drop dead curves he couldn't wait to get his hands on.
Slow down! You will scare her away.
He gritted his teeth and turned his eyes to the television.

"Would you go out with me tomorrow night? Do you think you could find a sitter for Harper?" Matt tried to be nonchalant about asking. Andy shrugged.

"I could ask Rachel, but it's pretty last minute."

Matt saw the door closing and stuck his foot in it, so to speak.

"Let me talk to my brother. He has stayed with my nephew before. I don't see why he couldn't watch Harper for a few hours. It won't be a late night." He watched her bite her lower lip. He wasn't sure what possessed him to volunteer his brother as a babysitter! He would owe Garrett

"Ok. If your brother will watch Harper, I guess that would be fine. He can always call us if he can't handle her." The color in her cheeks warmed and he saw the nervousness bubbling to the surface.
Give me a chance. Don't back out.

"Of course it will be fine. We won't leave town, I promise." He grinned and winked at her. She smiled and looked back to the television screen. Andy didn't relax totally, but she had pulled her legs up on the couch and stretched them out. The silence between them was sparking with unsaid conversation. His body craved her touch. Tension flickered through his nerves.

Deciding to see if she would open up to him, Matt angled his body towards the television and into Andy. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.
Good. She was aware of him.
He moved his right arm off the back of the couch to shift her closer to him. His stomach clenched when she leaned forward, but didn't lift for or against him. His muscles focused on the
beside him. He craved her! After what seemed a tense moment, Andy shifted and leaned her back up against his chest with her legs still resting on the length of the couch.
Phew! Baby steps, man, baby steps.


Andy was so aware of Matt's strong chest pressed to her back that it was almost painful. Such acute sensations heightened every response. It was impossible to deny that she wanted him. She needed his hands on her body and ached for his kisses. She swallowed hard, trying to dislodge the doubt and negativity. Just once she wanted to know what it was like to be young and desired.
Oh, yes!
She knew she was. There was no missing the bulge of his erection brushing her elbow as he would reach for his drink from the coffee table. Each time she thought she could be bold enough to inspire him further, but her nerves stopped her.

What was the worst that could happen? It wasn't as if they weren't attracted to each other. She knew he liked her enough to come by every night. She was pretty sure this is what people considered
...if not an extreme case of it. Trying to boost her confidence, she took a deep breath and felt him lean back into the couch after putting his cup down.
Now or never!
Gingerly she reached up to grab his right hand on the back of the couch and pull it over her stomach.

She could feel him breathing hard. His chest rising and falling behind her head. Her own had nearly stopped as his forearm brushed up against her breasts. Andy could hear Matt's heart beating or was that her own? It sounded so loud in her ears. Matt flexed his fingers, but he didn't move his arm. She knew he was waiting. Taking it all in just like she was. Closing her eyes, she slid her fingers down his arm to the top of his hand. He felt so wonderful, warm and strong. She couldn't believe she was being this brazen!

Tucking her thumb inside the palm of his hand, she shifted his fingers to her breast. A deep groan from Matt startled her and then sent her spinning.
Sweet heaven!
He cupped her breast through her shirt, gently squeezing it. Her nipple tightened and rose to his touch. She couldn't help arching her back to encourage him. Not that he needed it. He seemed as absorbed as she was in the moment.
Kiss me. Kiss me!
She mentally cried out. As if he heard her, Matt twisted his body around so that she was cradled in his arm and he kissed her soundly. His tongue parting her lips and dipping boldly inside. It caressed the insides of her cheeks and the roof of her mouth. It dueled with her own tongue as she began to take for herself.

He was deliciously male and she felt so strong in his arms. He made her feel amazing. Running her fingers along his jaw and into his hair, she encouraged him further to take what he wanted. Tonight was for her. Tonight she wanted to know him and him to know her. She felt his hand find the bottom of her shirt and slide along her stomach up to her bra. He grunted under his breath and she couldn't help but grin. Matt cocked his head to the side, the television glow illuminating half of his face.

"What is so funny?" His grin made Andy laugh and their fun, teasing relationship felt completely natural. She looked up into his blue eyes that seemed darker in the shadow of the soft light.

"You make me smile. You have a knack for making me feel happy." Her heart was hammering against her ribs, honesty buoyed to the surface. There was just an overwhelming warmth that radiated from him and she soaked it up like a much needed vacation in the tropical sunshine. She leaned up to kiss his cheek, a tentative and fledgling hope. His seductive gaze roamed her face and stopped again on her eyes. Her breath caught at the gentle desire banked, but burning hotly.

"You are so damn sexy, Andy." The last came out more as a growl. It sent shivers up her spine and gooseflesh rose on her arms. Pulling her closer to him and enveloping her in his arms, he lowered his lips to hers so slowly. Agonizingly slow.
Hurry up! Please!
She could feel his hot breath on her lips. She ran her hand up over his shoulder to pull him down to her, trying to inspire some urgency.

"What the...!" Matt pulled his head up. Andy felt slightly dazed from the lack of air to her lungs and then his sudden retreat. Leaning back and jostling her body, Matt pulled out his cell phone from his jean's pocket.
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Andy pressed her lips together, irritated by the interruption. He flicked the illuminated screen and read the text message. Raising his eye brows in annoyed disbelief, he clicked off the screen and took a deep breath.

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