Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)
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"I know, honey. I like him too."


Matt got into his cherry red 2012 Chevy extended cab pickup. Shutting the door harder than necessary, he sat there in the silence. He blew out a breath and stuck the key into the ignition. Pulling his seatbelt over his shoulder and locking it in place, Matt backed out of the parking space. He wasn't exactly sure where he was going.
Hell, he never should have left Andy's apartment!
He thought leaving the option open to her that he was doing the right thing, but now, he saw the surprised look in her face.

He couldn't fight her words. She wanted him to. She was looking for a reason to shut him out. Not knowing exactly what else to do, he had opened his arms to her and waited. She had hugged him back. Andy had actually made that small step to hold onto him. Matt slammed his palm on the steering wheel.
Then he had said something about leaving his cell number and left.
LEFT! Stupid idiot!
He plunged his fingers through his hair in exasperation. Some days he could certainly surprise himself.

Clicking on the radio, Montgomery Gentry's
came on.
Punching buttons he managed to change the station. He growled to himself. He had to admit she had done something entirely right to have wrapped him up so tight. Matt pulled into
Johnson Brothers Building
s' driveway. Without thinking he had driven to the office where he and his older brother, Garrett employed a crew of housing developers. So much for hoping Garrett was out of the office today. The big black Dodge Ram was parked just outside the front door. As Matt parked his truck, his brother came down the steps.
Speaking of the Devil!
Matt grumbled.

Garrett cast him a dirty look and smacked his younger sibling with the rolled up blueprints he was carrying.

"What is your problem today? You aren't even supposed to be in."

Matt nodded, stopping as the sidewalk converged with the stairs.

"I wasn't. Just needed to make sure the permits were submitted for final approval to the City. It shouldn't take long."

Garrett eyed his little brother with serious consideration and then a wide grin cracked. Garrett was an older version of Matt. Dark hair cut very short, six feet tall and heavier. The only difference to be truly noted was the brown eyes and the thin scar that ran from the corner of his right eye to his ear. Running into a wash line when they were younger had left a wicked mark. Now it might be unnoticeable except that when Garrett tanned, the scar did not.

"Well who is she this time, little brother?" Garrett crooned. Matt shook his head, but didn't make eye contact. "Boy, she really did a number on you! Who is it? Robin? Cami? Oh, please don't tell me it's Monica?" Garrett gave a horrified look as Monica, Matt's ex-girlfriend, was mentioned. Monica hadn't taken rejection well and since then she had been doing anything she could to get back together. It was never going to happen, but try telling
Psycho Monica

"No, it's none of those. Definitely
Monica!" Matt dug his hands deeper into his jean pockets. Lifting his head he looked at his brother and wondered how much
he was going to take for telling him. "Her name is Andy. I just met her."
This morning.
He left that part conveniently out. Garrett nodded, weighing his brother's admittance for truth.

"Hmm, well I can't wait to meet her. The one that snags you is in for quite a wild ride." He chuckled and Matt rolled his eyes.

"Gee, thanks, Garrett." Matt mumbled before turning around to go upstairs to the office. He could hear his brother chuckling all the way to his truck. Matt slammed the front door just for good measure. Thank God Margaret had gone for lunch or she would have given him the third degree too.

Chapter Four


He was exasperated with himself as he kept one ear tuned into the sounds around him. Guiltily he was hoping to hear Harper crying.
Just so you can save the day AGAIN!
Matt rolled his eyes. He had spent the rest of the afternoon at the office. He couldn't bring himself to come back to the complex. Just as he figured, he would be waiting for Andy to make her move. He paused at his door, listening for sounds from across the hall, but it seemed quiet. Expelling a deep breath, he stuck the key into the lock and began to click it open.

Andy's voice!

He looked around before he saw her coming up the hall with a laundry basket. She still wore her t-shirt and knit shorts, but now with tennis shoes. Her hair had been pulled back into a ponytail at the top of her head. Loose wisps fell around her neck. She smiled when she got closer. Was he wishing she was happy to see him or was she really?

"I didn't know when you would be home."
There was that word again. He leaned his back against his door and offered a friendly smile back. It was in sharp contrast to his eyes. He knew they were burning with ever-increasing need to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless.
Oh brother! Get a grip!

"Yeah. Laundry? Where's Harper?" As soon as he asked, he saw the little girl in the laundry basket. He laughed out loud. "Heck of a baby carrier!" On hearing his voice, Harper waved her little fists in the air and made happy bubbling sounds. Andy grinned.

"She seems to like it down there. I think she likes the sounds the machines make." She was talking about the washing machines and dryers in the basement for tenants use.

"Maybe things are too quiet for her to sleep. My mom always told my sister to run the vacuum cleaner and leave the television on." Matt ran his fingers through his hair. Mentally he felt like he was on eggshells. One, she was irresistible and two, she was touchy about family. Both would drive him crazy if he didn't get a hold of himself. Andy smiled and looked to Harper in the basket. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she had retreated back into her thoughts.

"I wanted to say thank you for today. I felt terrible after you left; probably wondering what the heck you were thinking for even offering to help us." Andy's voice trembled as she sailed through her apology and explanation. She barely took a breath. "I made dinner if you are hungry. Of course you don't have to come over. I wouldn't dream of imposing further." Her blush deepened and her voice became breathy.
What would she dream of asking him?
Her green eyes met his and he smiled. She was nervous and he liked that. It meant she felt the chemistry going on between them too.

"I am
For so many things other than food!
So much for starting out SLOWLY!
He grinned at her and she smiled, nodding her head. Bracing the plastic laundry basket on her hip, she turned the door knob and let them into her apartment. From behind her, he could see Harper watching him with a considering look. Her blue eyes kept him carefully in view. Harper squawked when Andy put the basket down on the island. Closing the door behind him, Matt tucked his keys back into his jean's pocket and sniffed. His stomach growled loudly.

"That smells great!"

Harper continued to make a fuss about being in the laundry basket and not being able to see her mother or Matt. Andy checked the timer on the oven and turned the burner on underneath a pot of sweet corn. He peeked over the basket to see what Harper was doing and almost laughed aloud to see her lips pursed into an adorable pout. Lifting the infant out of the basket and pressing her little body against his chest, Matt put the basket on the floor by the door.

"I am glad you are hungry. I don't usually make dinner for just myself." Andy wiped off the counter where the basket had been. "I always make too much and I am not thrilled about eating the leftovers for days!" Her green eyes drank him in with her daughter in his arms. For a couple of very hot moments, a deep desire flickered in their depths. His chest tightened and his heart pounded at a faster rate. She might never admit in words exactly what she wanted, but Matt knew without a doubt at this second she wanted him.

Trying to hide his triumphant grin, he brushed the briefest kiss against Harper's downy head. She smelled of the faintest baby shampoo and formula. She was sweet, warm and dearly fragile in his strong arms. He had to admit that he was completely fascinated with this little bundle. Her little hands gripped his shirt and her perfect pouting lips made a sucking sound. Matt rested his cheek on her head, whispering nothings softly to her.

Harper was only three months old, but still he couldn't help but compare her to her mother. Where Andy had green eyes, Harper's were blue. Where Andy's hair was a deepening brown, Harper's was a strawberry blonde.
Was there anything she got from Andy besides her agitation?
He rubbed her back in slow circular movements and was rewarded with a smile. There is was! She had her mother's smile. So absorbed in Harper he only just noticed that Andy was leaning against the counter, her eyes riveted and her mouth slightly open. His heart jerked. Where the desire had been some odd minutes ago, a sadness had taken over.

This was a complex situation to be sure. He felt completely out of his depth, but something stirred in him to keep going. He might be flying blind, but something amazing was waiting at the end if only he could just get there. Lowering his eyes from hers, he continued to rub Harper's back.


Watching him carefully handle her daughter, Andy was powerless to pay any less attention. Since she had found out she was pregnant, no one had paid such sweet praise to Harper. His large hands massaged slow circles on the pink and white onesie. Andy felt oddly jealous that it wasn't her feeling his hands on her body in the same methodical movements. It soothed her daughter, but did the opposite to Andy. Her temperature kept rising with each torturous thought!

Matt was something she had not expected, not even if someone had sworn it would be for the better. She glanced over his body again. T
ouch him!
He was tall, powerfully built with a very masculine strength exuding from every pore. His ruggedness brought about all sorts of
needs. Still watching him cradling her daughter against his chest and pressing kisses to her tiny head, she was hit by a wave of sadness and longing. Harper's father should be doing what Matt was doing. Harper's
should be the one to soothe and nurture.

The lump in her throat nearly broke the reserve in her heart. As a mother, she couldn't help but want what was best for Harper. Still it was wishing for things that would never happen. Blinking her eyes quickly to dispel the tears, she washed her hands and picked up the hot pads. The oven timer went off just as she opened the heavy door. Taking the glass casserole dish out and putting it on top of the stove, she turned off the burner under the corn.

Busying herself with setting the island with plates and utensils, Andy tried not to make eye contact with Matt. He unnerved her with how much he saw and how much he understood. To him she was an open book of this she had no doubt. All the chinks in her armor were glaringly obvious in his company. Swallowing hard, she took out the iced tea and a couple of glasses.

"She's asleep. Want me to put her down?" Matt's whispered voice made her jump and spill some of the tea onto the counter. Andy threw an annoyed glance his way and nodded.

He came back from laying Harper in her playpen in the bedroom. She had managed to hurry her preparations along. Scooping out a good sized portion of lasagna, Andy filled Matt's plate. She hoped he was hungry, because she didn't think she could eat a thing! She opted for a small scoop and settled onto her stool. Matt drew in a breath and smiled approvingly. Giddy with his pleasure, she smiled despite her reservations. He took a sip of his tea and then a bite of the lasagna. The tomato sauce clinging to his lip.

Oh baby!
Andy's heart thumped along with the shallow intake of breath. There was no denying what he was capable of doing to her. Her breasts tingled and she was very aware of just what his presence was doing to her
there! She desperately tried not to think about what would happen should he touch her
Sweet Lord! Say something. Anything.
She had to stop thinking along those lines or she would...well, she wasn't sure. She just had to stop.

"You mentioned that you have a sister? She has children too?" Andy's voice shook, but she desperately hoped he was too interested in his meal. He had already eaten half his plate full. He scooped some corn into his mouth and smiled appreciatively. His blue eyes smiled.

"Yes, I have an older brother, Garrett and an older sister, Nora. Well, it's actually Sonora, but if you call her that be prepared to get punched. She
it!" Matt chuckled on remembrance. Andy wished she could know them. She wondered if his siblings were anything like him. "Nora has one son. His name is Drew and he is five." Matt took another bite of noodles. Andy had to tear her focus away from his well-sculpted mouth.

"Obviously your brother, Garrett, isn't married. Is your sister?" She tried to keep her curiosity about his family low key, but she really wanted to know. She felt like knowing more about them, she would understand their younger brother better. Plus she had always wanted siblings.

"No, Nora isn't married yet. She's been stringing her fiancé, Randy, along for quite a while. I finally got an invitation for the wedding two days ago. Guess they are going to do it right after the Buffalo Round-up." Matt finished his food and leaned away from the island. Andy was scooting her food around the plate. She had yet to take more than a bite.

"Buffalo Round-up? What is that?" It sounded unusual, but most things about South Dakota were. Matt smiled, looking like he had just caught a big

"The Buffalo Roundup happens once a year in Custer State Park. Park rangers and ranchers like my family help bring in the herd. Then they are auctioned off to buyers to replenish their herds."

Andy watched as Matt's eyes lit up as he talked about home.

"It sounds amazing! I bet the photographs would be lovely." She thoughtfully put a piece of noodle and cheese into her mouth. Matt nodded.

"You have no idea how cool it is! It's like reliving a piece of history with those huge animals thundering across the prairie. It's majestic and inspiring. All sorts of people come to take pictures and experience it."

Andy pushed her plate away, already lost in the idea of seeing such a thing let alone taking pictures. It was something she used to be good at.

"Does your family help with it?" She wasn't sure where she was steering this conversation. Matt smiled, nodding at her.

"Oh yeah. My dad helps every now and then. It just depends on how many men volunteer. It varies from year to year."

She caught him staring at her again so she got up to put the dishes in the sink.

"Let me clean up. You made dinner." Matt half stood from the stool, but she shook her head.

"I like to do it. Besides you are just a
tonight." Cracking a small smile, Andy took out the aluminum foil, measured out a strip and covered the casserole dish. Put the dish in the fridge, she stuttered in her footing. He was watching her again. Their conversation had faltered and now he was following her every movement.


Matt finally saw her curiosity blossom as she asked questions about his siblings and his home. Well not so much about the place he grew up, but about the Buffalo Roundup. It was a very thrilling event and one that he looked forward to every year. She had also mentioned photographs.

He watched her movements around the tiny kitchen, her steps much like a graceful dancer. Her bare legs were slim and he couldn't help but follow them up to where her shorts met. Matt couldn't help taking in her softly rounded stomach and her full breasts. His imagination was running wild with what it would be like to run his hands over her skin. She was a goddess and sexy as all hell!

Andy slowed, casting wary glances over her shoulder at him. She knew he was watching her. Heck she knew he was very near salivating all over the counter. The awareness crackled again as it had since they had met many hours ago. This was crazy!
Oh, but crazy feels so right!
He slowly got up from his stool and pushed his jeans further down his hip. He was trying to disguise the heavy erection from her, but it had to be so obvious.

She kept her back to him as she ran water in the sink to do the dishes. It was now or never. If he didn't take this moment with her guard somewhat down, she would wall up again before he had a chance to convince her that she wanted him too. A couple of cautious steps across the kitchen brought him up to her. Andy tilted her head to the side, but didn't turn around. His hands itched to touch, to cup, to soothe all her womanly curves. He swallowed hard, hoping this was the right course.

His hands slid around her hips, holding her firmly in front of him. His body hardened, his desire pulling at what little reins he had left. So far so good. She didn't push him away. One booted step forward and the front of his jeans were brushing her rear.
Oh sweet Lord!
He closed his eyes to savor the jolt of excitement. In response to his front against her back, Andy slowly straightened, but that was hardly without casualties. Now her back was brushing his chest and Matt sucked in a breath.

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