Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)
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"An adopted mother, I guess. Margaret is our secretary at work. She offered to watch Harper tonight or any night if we needed her too. She's wonderful. She has kids and grandkids of her own."

Andy felt some relief at his words. She wasn't sure why she would, but she could figure that out later.

"That's very nice of her. I hope she doesn't change her mind about any future offers." She busied herself with making up a couple of bottles of formula for Harper. She could tell by the little shivers that ran up her spine that Matt was watching her. She kept her hands busy.

"You probably should put those flowers in some water." His words were soft against her neck.

"Oh, right." Her voice was a whisper. The water in the sink had been running and she didn't hear him come up behind her. Her breath caught in her chest. Closing her eyes, she could feel his hard body all but touching hers along the back of her legs and behind. Snapping the faucet off, she turned her head to the side. A warm palm slid over her hip to flatten against her stomach and pull her against him.

Shock and pleasure melted into tremors that made their way up and down her body. She couldn't help but lean back against him and simply
there with him. The nervousness that he made zip through her core was made more of excitement than fear. Nothing about Matt made her afraid to be with him. That surprised her and made her happy for it too.

"I should get to those flowers." Andy reached around him to the counter and tugged the wildflowers off. Matt groaned as her behind brushed against the front of his jeans. Andy couldn't hide her grin. He tilted the side of her head away from him, nibbling and kissing as he went.

"Mmm...maybe we should stay in." He chuckled at her soft gasp and backed away.

"And miss my first night out without Harper. Absolutely
!" She smiled at him and cocked her head to the side. Shaking it lightly, she put the flowers down and reached out her hands. "How do you manage to do that? Let me put her down."

Matt backed away, cuddling a sleepy Harper to him.

"No, no, I want to hold her until Margaret gets here. Brownie points, you know!"

Andy smiled, her eyes softening and her heart swelling. Matt Johnson was a wonder.

Be careful, girl! You're falling! It's too soon!
The internal warning seemed to come too late or maybe it didn't matter at all. Looking at him holding her baby girl, Andy was certain she had never seen anything more beautiful in her life.


Margaret arrived to baby sit Harper, who protested being pulled away from her warm place against his shoulder. Matt felt a tug at his heart at the little scrunched up face. He was head over heels for that little girl. There was no doubt about that and her mom, well, he was finding it hard to force words past a lolling tongue.

Wow! When she answered the door all
sexy momma
with a baby on her hip, he could have plastered her against the wall. Every nerve ending in his body had screamed out for her touch and it was all he could do to keep his hands to himself. Heck the smile that he gave her was enough of an indication where his thoughts had gone! Her green eyes had flashed emerald fire as her gaze drank him in. All he wanted to do was pull her against him and bit by bit reveal every inch of her skin to his lips and fingertips. She even smelled of honey with a hint of grapefruit. Oh, it drove him wild! He would have to figure out just what she used to get that scent. Her well-fitting jeans clung like a loving hand to her legs and that damned fine backside. The lacy shirt with the one bare shoulder made his mouth water. Just last night he had her breast in his hand.

Matt grunted. It was going to be very hard to maintain any sort of sexual boundary if this was how quickly she lit him on fire. He could have handled it if Andy didn't feel the same. Instead she had leaned back against him at the sink and not-so-subtly wiggled her backside against his ever hardening erection.
Dear God! I'm sunk!
He had decided to be the saint, but now he wasn't sure this was a battle he wanted to win.

"Where are you taking me tonight?" Andy asked as they walked out to his truck. He hadn't been able to resist touching her. He had captured her hand and linked their fingers even before the apartment door had closed. He clicked the unlock button on his remote control and saw the lights on his truck come on.  He knew where he wanted to
take her tonight
. She walked towards it as he tried to get his thoughts back on track.

"The Firehouse. I was trying for fun and casual."
He felt anything but casual at the moment. Thankfully she didn't seem to notice his distraction. They got to his truck. As she reached for the door handle, he put his hand over hers. He desperately wanted to pull her against his chest and take her luscious lips with his.
The innocence of her silent question in her glance pulled him back from the brink.

"I got the door." Smiling he opened it and helped her up into the truck. Once she was seated, he climbed into the driver seat. She chuckled when he dropped his keys on the floor. Swearing softly, he groped around on the rubber mat for them.

"I thought I was nervous." Her eyes teased him even in the dimming light. He couldn't help the answering grin that spread across his face. Her smile just made him happy.

"I'm not. I'm just all thumbs apparently."

She nodded slowly as if she didn't quite believe him. He took a deep breath and felt around for his keys again, found them and stuck them in the ignition. Matt leaned back in his seat, but couldn't bring himself to start the Chevy truck. He took a full breath.

"Can I just do something that has been on my mind since I saw you open your apartment door tonight?" All the air seemed to be sucked out of the cab as he watched a wary shadow pass over her eyes. Before he could scrutinize it further, the shadow was replaced by green smoke. This was his chance. He decided to take it. Leaning across the middle of the seat and cupping her chin where it met her beautiful neck, Matt kissed Andy tentatively at first. A soft swipe of his tongue over her bottom lip sent shock waves through his body straight to his groin. He thought he had groaned, but realized that it wasn't him.

Andy leaned into him, her hands wrapped around his neck and fingers buried in his longish hair. Lips pressed hotly together, breaths combined into something burning quickly out of control. The tips of her nails brushed his earlobe and grazed his neck. It spurred him forward. Deftly he worked his mouth against hers. Their tongues sparring side to side, forward and back. A dragging vortex of passion tossed them where it would. Matt felt like he was on fire. His clothing a hindrance as nothing else could be. Hell his conscience didn't even speak loud enough for him to heed its warning!

Andy didn't seem at all self-conscious as she scooted closer to him. They met in the middle of a truck cab that was swiftly seeming smaller by the minute. Her breasts were pressed up against his shirt front, her fingers unbuttoning some of the snaps. Her slender fingers slid through the opening and across his chest branding him as hers. He broke from their kiss, gasping for a cooling breath. If this didn't simmer down, he was going to combust right there in his own truck!

He leaned back into her kiss, softening and gently teasing. She responded in kind. All too soon she pulled her hand from his chest and he groaned at the lost connection. Still he knew it was for the best. Both of them were breathing hard, chests heaving from restrained exertion. Her cheeks were flush and her eyes fairly sparkled with delight. A slight haze still hung as a veil over those amazing green eyes.

"My God you are just about the sexiest woman alive, Andy!" His voice was soft, the edges sex-roughened. Her lashes shaded her eyes and she looked down at her hand on his thigh. The thought tensed his muscle underneath the denim.

"You're pretty special too, Matt." Her voice was small, unobtrusive in a concerning way. He wasn't sure if now was the time to address it though. He hated to shatter the silken webbing that had attached itself to this moment. He didn't want those questions to undermine the value of knowing how connected they were.

"We should probably go eat. I know I'm starving now." He chuckled as it pulled a grin from Andy. She finally raised her eyes to his and nodded in agreement. Casually they tried to put themselves back to rights. Matt couldn't quite button up his shirt again without feeling the loss of her hands on his chest. Things had moved progressively faster than he had anticipated. Buckling their seatbelts, he started up the truck. Reaching across the seat to hold Andy's hand again, they pulled out of the parking space and headed for The Firehouse.

Chapter Seven


The Firehouse Brewing Company was a buzzing hive of local activity. The imposing red brick building had been Rapid City's first firehouse in 1915. Now a thriving restaurant, theater, and microbrewery, The Firehouse welcomed both locals and tourists alike. Andy was in awe as she walked into the building brilliantly lit. Boasting polished ceiling tiles and walls adorned with a very large firefighting collection of gear, insignia and transportation. A portion of the restaurant shared The Firehouse's brewing processes seen through glass windows. It was really rather fascinating! She absorbed it all.

"Will this table be ok?" The hostess asked in a professional, yet friendly voice. Matt looked at Andy and it was a moment before she noticed. Hastily Andy nodded her head with a smile.

"This is amazing! I am so happy you brought me here." She sat in the chair Matt had gallantly pulled out for her and he assumed the one across the table. She made a show of taking it all in with wide-eyed wonder. Her senses were all focused on the
man just across the table.

"It is one of my favorites. It seems like every time I come, I find something I didn't see before." Matt wasn't looking at the walls. She could feel his direct gaze hot on her face.
Oh dear me!
She wondered how she was going to make it through the next few minutes without hauling him from the building!

"I can see why. I like the idea of live music. Oh, there's live theatre too? Wow!" Now she was rambling. It seemed as the thoughts came to her mind, they came out her mouth without filtering. Andy tried to avoid his eyes. He was on to her and she wasn't sure she could share the information with him tonight, maybe not ever. Swallowing hard, she tried to slow her hammering heart.

"They also create and serve some of the finest beers around. Would you like a drink? I think I could use one after our
in the truck." That pulled a startled look from her in swift order. Matt's knowing grin sent shivers through her.
He'd figured out she was easy to shock. This was going to be an agility course she wasn't ready to compete in.

"No. I don't drink. Water is fine." She couldn't look away. His blue eyes sharpened, but thankfully he didn't speak. Yet. The waitress came to take their drink orders and left them to look at the menus. It was a casual dining restaurant with so many tempting entrees. She made it through the first few descriptions, but the silence stretched long and thick. She didn't want to answer the questions that were brewing. Maybe if she just ignored it.
Yeah right!

"I think I am going to have the New York Strip marinated in Jack Daniel's. How about you?" Matt closed his menu and placed it at the corner of the table. Andy shrugged.

"Maybe the bacon wrapped filets? I always have a hard time deciding what I want." There. She saw his eyes widen fractionally and press his lips together. Was he going to pursue this double meaning?

"You never know for certain if all your choices will be good ones. It's an educated guess at first and after that, it's a leap of faith." Matt reached his hand across the table, turning his palm up. The invitation was open. He wasn't pushing. He wasn't giving her ultimatums. He was offering. She liked that, but with her life experiences, she still questioned it.

"All choices have consequences. I wish I would have known that before..." Andy blinked back the moisture that gathered in her eyes just as their waitress came back to take their orders. The moment's reprieve didn't lessen the tightening of her chest.
Where was all the air?
She unconsciously ran her palm over her chest and shoulder, massaging the muscles. Matt squeezed her hand softly.

"Not tonight, huh? Let's just enjoy this." He rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand. "I am a very lucky man to be with such a beautiful woman." The blush was back, creeping into her cheeks. She knew it was useless to try and hold back the smile. She couldn't help but believe every word he spoke. She wanted every mouth-watering,
you're mine
look. Already she felt her core responding to him and all he held was her hand.

"I had no idea what tonight was going to be like. But I think it's off to a very,
good start." She lowered her voice, dashing all doubts of what she was thinking. The crooked grin that started at the corner of Matt's mouth only made her melt that much quicker. It might be painful to let him get too close, but the pleasure that he all but guaranteed, would be worth it.
She hoped.

"Oh, dinner was wonderful! Thank you." Andy said as she got ready to leave. Matt had insisted on dessert and knowing if she ate one more thing, she really would not feel very sexy. They had compromised. New York Cheesecake to go. Matt held the Styrofoam to go box in one hand and held her hand with the other. The evening had only picked up pace in and outside of The Firehouse. She could hear the band starting another set. People meandered along the sidewalks, past the shops and other businesses. They stopped to look in some of the windows. Matt would point out something that had caught his eye. Andy was rather surprised by his contemporary tastes. She supposed he was an artist in his own right. His company built houses. A discerning eye would be necessary to bring the vision to life.

Matt let go of her hand to reach into his pocket for his cell phone. It was buzzing. He flicked the screen, smiled and put it away. She tilted her head questioningly.

"Margaret says Harper is fine." He grinned and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him. He chuckled into her neck. His breath against her skin offered a pleasurable jolt down her spin clear to her toes. She smiled, bumping her shoulder into his chest.

"She seems really great. I am glad Harper isn't being a pain. I would have felt terrible." Andy let him hold her to his side. She liked the closeness and the security she felt by being there.

"Margaret is wonderful. She's really good at her job. Sometimes
good. She likes to be a bit nosy at times. That's how she found out about you actually." He squeezed her shoulder, leaning into kiss her cheek.

"That doesn't surprise me!" Andy giggled, partly for the accurate description of Margaret and partly for the brush of his lips on her cheek.

"She is good! The woman could find out classified information, I swear!" Matt steered them along the sidewalk.

"Well I am glad she is on our side." Andy smiled again, loving how easy it was to talk and laugh with him. She had no idea she could be this comfortable with someone she had just met a week ago. They continued on in hopeful silence as they passed other couples headed to dinner or just out enjoying the cooling night air. It was a wonderland to her. They could be in the middle of some God-forsaken desert and it would be an oasis with Matt beside her.

She loved the giddy bubbles that floated around inside her. There was more than a glimmer of possibility in her life and it came when everything seemed to be falling down. Maybe what she had always heard was true. Sometimes you just had to let things fall where they would. For her something amazing was rising out of the pieces of shattered dreams, useless regrets, and a million
what ifs.

Her self-perusal was interrupted more by Matt's arm tensing around her shoulders than by the voice that called out to him. Instantly her senses were on alert, but she had no idea why they would be.

Matt, is that you?" A pretty, very musical voice came from just behind them. Andy looked up at Matt's face. It was wiped clean of expression, but his eyes frosted over. It amazed her that such a warm blue flame for her could become a freezing cold glare for someone else inside a minute.

"Shit." Matt cursed under his breath. Andy turned with him as he had pulled her minutely closer than she had already been. The woman who had called out to him was coming towards them. In the evening light, she was beautiful. Tall, thin and classically elegant. Andy fought the sudden dislike down. In every way she was this woman's antithesis. Andy was shorter, curvier, and well, shabby. A crack of self-doubt started to show through her earlier glow.

"Hello, Matt, I thought that was you." The woman flirted carelessly as she batted her thickly lashed eyes and pouted her full, red lips.
Someone still wears that shade of red lipstick?
Apparently so.

"Hello Monica." Matt stared at her. It wasn't friendly, but more in a dismissive tone. Clearly hoping that he was interested, Monica swept her hands down the length of her short mini skirt. The tight fabric ended somewhere mid-thigh. Andy was sure if Monica bent over even slightly, there would be nothing left to the imagination. She swallowed the growl that almost came out. She really hated these kinds of girls. They used their bodies to shamelessly lure guys to them.

"I haven't seen you in ages. I was starting to wonder if you weren't interested anymore. Yet here you are. You did always like this walk after having dinner at The Firehouse." Monica's voice was pure sex kitten and Andy nearly choked.
What am I? Chopped liver?
The fact that he took dates to The Firehouse and on a walk afterward was not an issue. She had to repeat that to herself a couple of times before it stuck. Well, it was as stuck as it was going to get.

"Oh, hello there, I don't believe we've been introduced. My name is Monica. I'm Matt's girlfriend."
Andy's stomach crashed to the concrete. Those doe brown eyes swept her from head to foot, finally dismissing Andy as irrelevant.

-girlfriend, Monica. We are not together anymore." Matt growled, taking a half step into the leggy, short skirted
Andy felt rooted to the spot, her mind telling her to leave now and her heart was blanking foolishly. Monica had the gall to look hurt by Matt's protective gesture.

"Only for the moment, Matt." She looked at Andy. "You know how on and off things are. When you get tired of
scrounging the backwaters
give me a call."

Andy's mouth fell open at the insult. Her brain did a stutter step in its filthy rant of every word she could think of for Monica to bring a vague memory to the forefront. As Monica slammed her, her voice had sounded so familiar. Why? She was pretty sure she had never met this woman. She certainly wasn't the type to stay at the Happy Trails Inn. What was it? It would bother her until she remembered.


Monica turned and walked away after her comment about Andy. He closed his mind to the view of Monica's short skirt and the way heels made her legs look even longer! The fact that he even saw her that way and that she had insulted Andy so viciously made him even angrier. He took a deep breath before he turned towards his very quiet date. His hand rested on her shoulder. Matt swallowed hard. He didn't like the calm, collected, but confused look on Andy's face.

"I am so sorry. I wish I could excuse her, but there is absolutely no way to do that." His apology came out in a rush. Her green eyes had grown stormy as they met his. He couldn't describe the catch in his heartbeat, but it happened just the same.

"She's beautiful." Andy pressed her lips together as if to keep from saying more and turned down the street towards the spot where he had parked his truck.
This wasn't good at all.

"Wait. Andy, please." Matt didn't like the gruff panic that came out with her name, but he didn't like the fact that she was walking away from him either. Hell she could rant and yell for all he cared, but silent and accepting was going to be a mortal death to this relationship. He was as good as sure of that.

"I get it, Matt. I really do. I appreciate your help and your kindness." She made it to the end of the block before turning around to look at him. The storm in her green eyes had died considerably. He couldn't let her give up the fight.
Fight for us, damn it!
He had to get her talking and get her to express some of her feelings.

"You don't get it at all, Andy. Monica and I are over." He stepped close enough to lower his voice and slide his hand down from her elbow to her fingers, entwining their hands. "
is now. I want to see where this will go." He scrutinized each fleck in her eyes, every blink and every spark. There was a distinct lack of the latter.

"I think you should take me home, Matt." Andy didn't pull her hand from his grasp, but pulled him along behind her. Reluctantly he followed her, staring at the way her dark jeans clung to her backside. He nearly groaned. They got to his truck and he was torn between a serious desire to shuck all her clothes or get down on his knees and
that she speak to him. She waited for him to unlock the door without turning around. Her fingers loosely interlaced with his and he wanted to pull her hard against his chest. He wanted to kiss her senseless until the fire reignited in those beautiful green depths.
That was it!

Clicking the unlock button on his remote, Matt put his hand on the door handle. He didn't pull, but let it rest there. An expectant pause stretched almost to breaking before he leaned his mouth close to her ear. He noticed the shiver that ran down her body at his approach. He grinned knowing she wasn't immune to him. She couldn't deny her desire for him. It was a definite point in his favor.

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