Chocolate Honey (5 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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“Mrs. O’Connor, how are you doing today?” “Becky, I am fine thank you. Did you have fun, yesterday helping Christine with designs for her---” “Momma, I really need to speak with Becky, come Beck, let’s go to my room.” “Christine, what on earth is your momma

talking about? I did not help you with any designs.” “I know, I was about to visit you so

you could cover for me.” “Christine, what’s going on?” “I have taken a lover, and I sneak away now and then to be with him. Each, time I do, I tell momma and poppa I am visiting you.” “Nice to let me know, you have taken a lover, I thought I was your best friend.” “I am sorry, I did not want to say anything, until I knew for certain, that our affair, would progress beyond a few stolen kisses.” “Where does this bloke live, here in

Uber?” “No, in Kingston, the town next to us.” “Oh, so what does he look like, blonde or red headed like me, what?” “Well, he has black hair and deep, sexy brown eyes.” “Brown eyes, that is strange for a White man. I think.” Christine sighed, “Well, Becky, God works in mysterious ways.” “So, how is the lovemaking with him? Is it any good?” “I made love with him for the first time yesterday. I am still intoxicated. It’s not like that one time with Paul. I had a real orgasm.” Becky‘s eyes bulged, “What did that feel like. Never, had one of those.” “For me, it was like I was floating on a cloud. All my senses became alive. It was so satisfying and relaxing.” “That sounds different, than you first time with Paul.” “Oh God that was not love making that was a gluttonous pig satisfying himself. First, he entered me with such force, then slipped out. He kept pumping in between my legs. I swear to this day, he thinks he was thrusting in my vagina. He grunted a few times then came. It was so disgusting. I had to gratify myself; shudder to think about that unattractive beast.” “A beast, with millions of dollars though. Money to me always makes any man attractive.” “You want him? You can have him, I won’t mind.” “Please Christine, you are my friend for Christ’s sake, plus I am not in the same social class as him. I am but a poor, uneducated bar maid.” “Trust me, you are better off, he is really, supremely ugly. That fat gut hanging down, you know it sucks, his penis inwards, it’s barely a stub. I felt nothing when he placed it into me. God, I really have to keep, that lover of mine, lest I would go mad!” “What is his name? And what does he do?”


“His name is Lawrence and he is an accountant.” “Mmm an educated man, that’s good. I want to meet him one day.” “All, in good time Becky, all in good time.” “Christine, I would really love to sit and chat forever. But my shift starts in an hour. I will see you soon.”


“Christine, I had to tell Daniel that you were teaching me to read.” Christine was upset at him. “Why, did you do that? Are you sure he won’t tell anyone about this?” “Daniel, loves me he won’t say a word.” “You didn’t answer my question, why’d you tell him?” “He was waiting for me, when I came back from town. He came, as you were coming into my cabin, left and came back as, we were both leaving.” “Oh I see, you had to tell him something. Do you think he believed you?” “I had to show him the books. I am still alive so I doubt he has said anything.” “On a different subject, I dreamt about you last night and our time together. I could still feel you with me, loving you is so wonderful Julian.” “I wonder what will happen, say ten years from now. Wonder if we will still be together. I sure hope so.” For the next few months, Julian and Christine followed the same routine, she taught him to read, they loved, laughed and played together. She discovered that her monthly period was three weeks late and concluded that she may be pregnant. “Julian, I have to tell you something, it is normally good news to tell a man, but based on our circumstances this may not be good news.” Christine, sat on his bed, and let out a few melancholy sighs. Julian was disturbed. He knew her news may not be what he wants to hear. “What is it Chris? Please tell me, I hate the suspense.” “I am pregnant, I have missed my monthly for the past three weeks, this has never happened before. I don’t know what to do.” She sobbed. He dropped to his knees and lifted her night gown and started to kiss and caress her stomach. “You mean, you could be carrying our child? If it weren’t for our state of affairs, it would be a cause for celebration. What are we to do? Are you planning to keep the baby?” “Yes, my darling I very much want to keep our baby. It would be our love child. I just don’t know how I am going to explain the baby’s colouring. I can’t very well say, it is yours.” “I am willing to take any punishment they are going to mete out. I won’t allow you to bear this one alone.” “All I know, I am an independent and strong woman, not even if poppa beat me or send me away, I will never reveal the identity of our child’s father.” “As I said, I am prepared to stand and say this child is mine. I too am not afraid of what punishment they will give me.” “My darling, and where would that leave you? Dead is what. I want you to be with me as long as life lasts. I will never allow you to die because of our love.” “I could run away and try to make it up North, then you could join me.” “But how would I know, how to locate you?” “Oh I feel so helpless, trapped in this life of oppression, now my love is pregnant and I can’t do anything to help!” Christine, lovingly said, “I’ll bear the criticism of having our child. Hopefully, you won’t be sold for years to come.” She chuckled. “At least Paul won’t marry me. I know him, he would never raise a child, especially a coloured child that wasn’t his own.” “They will eventually, figure that the child is mine, after all I am your personal slave.” “Oh God, you are right, perhaps a trip to New York is necessary. I will leave tomorrow, return in two weeks. I can then say, a coloured man in New York made me pregnant.” “That, sounds like a good plan. It will be lonely without you. I just have to be man enough and wait until you return.” “Can you really cope without me?” “It will be hard but I will try.” “Julian, please make love to me now. I need relief from this unforeseen stress.” “I need you too.” He kissed her neck, eyelids, cheeks and then her lips. She allowed him to slide his tongue deep into her mouth. She savoured the taste of him as if it were the first time they kissed. Minutes later they were both naked and happy. She knelt over him, and began to kiss and caress him, just the way he liked. He growled and swore, as she sucked his penis. Just as he reached the point of no return; she lay on her back and invited him in. He, gently entered her and for the next thirty minutes the world and its problems were light years away. After they finished, Christine said, “You get better, each time and what's with the swearing?” He laughed and said, “I know, I get better each time and so do you. I swore because I was tired of thanking God, for a happy experience while sinning. Chris, don’t look so shocked, I am only joking, I don’t know why I swore.” “Well, keep it up, I like it.” “Mmm, you are a bad, bad girl.” “You know, I experience a new height of tenderness and passion, when we are together. I am going to miss you, while I am away, but this has to be done.” “I will pray, that everything will go according to our plans. Don’t go finding any fancy men there now.” “You are the only man for me, you know that. What time is it now, I have to go home now.” “It is about 11 pm.” “Kiss me before I go, as I will be leaving before, 7 am and I won’t see you.” “Let me walk you up, it’s kind of chilly, take my blanket and wrap yourself in it.” “Won‘t you need it, it can get pretty cold in here.” “I have several blankets. I don‘t want you to feel any cold.” “Thanks, I will hug it, to keep you close to me. I love you!”


Julian, felt lonely and depressed for the first couple days of Christine’s absence. He put the best face forward, as he did not want to make anyone suspicious of his sadness. He started to attend the local dances and socialised with everyone as usual. Mary, the girl that Daniel spoke about, came up to him at one of the dances. She danced provocatively,

swaying her hips sensually, in an effort to get him to dance with her. “Julian, you sexy devil, come dance with me!” “Maybe some other time. I just want to enjoy the music.” “Come on, why you leaving a girl hanging. I sure know you not courting anyone, come baby dance with me.” He saw that it was useless to decline her offer and danced a few songs with her. “You look, so sexy tonight, but you are sad though. Still moping over poor long gone Lizzie. Baby, live for today, I am here now, I can take all your troubles away.” She cooed, “I can, put her out of your mind. Just spend one night with me and I will fuck her memories from your brain.” Julian was stunned and did not know how to

respond to Mary’s raunchy offer. “Thanks, but no thanks, I am not in the mood, to fuck, as you put it.” “You, know, Lizzie was a bitch, I told her, how hot and sexy you were, when she came. Told her I had the hots for you. What she do, went and scooped you up for her damn self. You coulda done better.” “Hey, Liz did not force me to propose to her, I did that willingly. I loved her at the time.” “Loved you no longer with her, she is here you know, comes every Saturday night, craning her neck to see you. Thought, you were denied a pass, why you never showed again.” Julian groaned, “Oh God, Lizzie is here?” “Yep, she is here with a poor sap, thought she was trying to make you-- Uh-oh, here she comes. Talk with you later sugar.” “Oh well, look who is here, surprised you

haven’t brought your white bitch.” “Lizzie, it’s nice to see you too. Who is the white bitch?” “Julian, please stop pretending for once in your life. I meant, your bitch Christine “High and Mighty” O’Connor.” “Are you drunk or just plain, crazy. First of all, Miss Christine is not a bitch and secondly, she does not belong to me.” “No I ain’t drunk or crazy. I hear the talk, I knows you left me for her.” “I left you because, I fell out of love with you, when we was together at the O'Connor's, and I hated fucking someone, like an animal, in the open outdoors! I did not leave you for her.”

“My, my, how well you lie.

Anyways, I got a got a turn on you, my Negro, yeah I gots me a man, a fiancé. We gonna be married as soon as Spring comes.” “We broke up just recently and you have a fiancé, already. Who is the poor sucker?” She replied harshly, “Such an ego on you, thought I be sitting at home pining for you huh? You got it wrong there sucker.” He stared at her and wondered, what did I see in this woman? “I don’t care, who you are with Lizzie. I just could not continue making love to you, outdoors as if I am an animal. Plus I no longer loved you.” “Well, it’s your lost, ‘cause you won’t get anymore a ‘dis.” She pointed to her vagina as she spoke. “Lizzie, is there someone, here to take you home, you are drunk.” “No, I ain’t drunk, you bastard. Can’t stand it huh, no more ride in sweet pum-pum for you.” Julian frowned in disgust. “Can, I leave now? You are blocking my way.” “You, always running away. Walking away, when we fight huh.
I hated that about you.”
“Get away from me Lizzie,
I need to go, now.”
“Not before, you meet my fiancée Sam. Sam, my darling, hic. Come meet my old suitor, Julian Livingston.” She

staggered then, spoke. “Julian, meet Sam, I am sorry.” Sam, hastily spoke,

“Good, to meet you. Lizzie, he ain’t ugly. You said he was short, fat, ugly and balding.” “Better, get her home and sober her up. Look, I need to leave, can you both move?” “That’s it, run home to your white princess. Sam and I gonna have lots of sex. It’s his name I’ll be moaning out not yours.” “Good, luck Sam, think you gonna need it.” Julian said.


Christine returned, a week earlier than expected. She immediately, requested that Julian be allowed to assist her. As she had several packages. “Hey, my darling, did you miss me while I was away?” “More than you could ever imagine. Your tummy is not showing as yet?” “It’s a bit early for that, it is at least three months before my tummy will start rising. I keep throwing up though, everything I eat gets expelled. I can only eat macaroni and oysters.” He hugged, her close and said. “That’s an awful combination. I am so sorry!” “It actually is good, you should try it.” “Naw, I hate oysters. So how was your trip?” “I saw quite a few of my old classmates. We went to dinners, the theatre, frolicked in the snow. I had fun. What did you do?” “I went to a barn dance, saw Lizzie and we had a less than pleasant confrontation. She has a new beau now you now. I feel so sorry for that poor sap.” “Yeah, I know she will make his life a living nightmare. Well, good for him.” “So, did you meet anyone, in New York, that can help us escape up North?” “My friends, gave me a contact, one of those abolitionists, a Quaker I think. I am supposed to ride to Silver Creek in two days, that arrangements can be made. God, Julian, we may be out of here within a week’s time. I am so happy!” He lifted her high in the air and spun her around. “Christine that is the best news I have heard in a long while.


I will be praying, that we will safely, make it out of here. Do you know, where we will be taken?” “Maybe New York or Connecticut. I have money saved. We will both have to get jobs. I won’t worry about that until then.” “I am not gonna miss this hell hole. I wonder what freedom will be like?” “It’s wonderful. I want you to spend tonight in my room. I can sneak you in, as poppa being that today is Friday, will visit one of his mistresses and momma will dull the pain, by getting drunk.” “I am not sure, I don’t want

us to get caught before we can be free together.” “Julian, I need tonight to be special for

both of us. I have got a fireplace, poppa has put new carpeting in. I haven’t seen you for so long, please humour me.” Julian sounded offended when he spoke. “Hey, my cabin is just as nice. I know, it can a bit damp and cold sometimes, but it’s still wonderful.” “Sweetheart, your cabin is unusually, nice for a slave, but I want you to be here with me okay.” She looked into his eyes and smiled sweetly. Julian was weakened by her smile and said, “I can see it is no use to argue, I just don’t want us to get caught. I love you and want to be with you, alive.” She gave him a quick kiss, before Felicia called out asking why they were both taking so much time.


Their night together was as wonderful as they expected. The meal was excellent, Christine bribed Bessie into cooking a wonderful meal for her and Julian. Bessie is the only living soul on earth, who knew of Julian’s and Christine’s affair. She was Christine’s nanny, and would never breathe a word to another soul. The evening ended on an erotic note, Christine and Julian made sweet passionate love and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

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