Chocolate Honey (24 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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“What, are you doing here? I thought I told you never, to set foot in this office again.” “You, bitch, what did you do this time, I just saw Jules, he is so sad and lonely.
What did you do?
” “Lizzie, if you do not want me to finish choking you, I suggest you leave now.”

Lizzie, shot daggers at Christine and said through clenched teeth. “I will be praying each

and every, day that Julian, leaves you for good. You have done nothing but hurt him. What you have done this time, he won’t say, but I know it’s bad, one day, one day he will leave you, and I will be there, with arms and legs opened wide.” Christine, got up in a rage, walked over to Lizzie, slapped her and spat in her face. Lizzie, reacted by slapping her back, and reached for a pair of scissors to stab Christine. Christine, quickly, grabbed the scissors and held it against Lizzie’s neck. Christine, was so angry she was shaking. “Get the hell, out before I use this to carve you a new throat, leave!” “Bitch!” Christine, jabbed Lizzie, in her left eye, before, shoving her through the door. Christine, was too shaken to continue working, she was sure she would lose Sarah Neumann's contract, but it didn’t matter. All she could think about was getting Julian back, and prayed Lizzie, would never get her claws into him.


Julian, arrived at Blake’s shortly before 6 pm. “Julian, my son, I am so happy to see you. You look as if you have been run over by a pack of wild horses. What is the matter?” “Is it so obvious, that I am hurting? I am trying to look as happy as I can.” Blake, gently said, “Why don’t you tell me what the problem is, maybe I can help.” “You are not going to believe this, but I have left Christine.” “So, it’s true.” Blake muttered. “What was that Blake?” “Oh nothing, I am so sorry to hear that. What could be so grave that would

cause you to leave?” “I may as well, get right to the point. Christine told me she slept with Paul McClelland when she was in Uber.” Blake was flabbergasted. “Julian, are you joking, please say you are!” “I wish I was, but it is true. Apparently, she overheard, Paul and Jim plotting to have me killed here in New York. She said the only way to get Paul to back off was to sleep with him.” “I am so sorry Jules, and there was no other way?”

Julian, shrugged his shoulders, “I guess not. I know she loves me, I love her too, but I cannot stand being around her. Each time I look at her, I keep picturing them together. I don’t know what to do.” “Julian, I know one thing for sure Christine, did not deliberately sleep with Paul. She loves you too much to ever hurt you like this.” Julian, said through

tears. “I still hate the fact that she slept with that swine. I wish I had a magic wand to just wave this all away.” Blake, grabbed his shoulders and led him, to the chair and sat him down. “Jules.” He said, pleadingly. “Your marriage is worth saving. Remember I am the one who have seen you both through hell and heaven. You were both meant to be together. Please think about the love you both have before you decide to divorce her.” “I hear what you are saying, Blake but it is so hard.” “Look, into your heart son, I pray you will make the right decision. How is your work through all of this?” “I am gradually, catching up on my work. I have a trial a few days from now, I am doing fine.” “Well. hopefully other aspects of your life will be fine soon. Please Jules, rely on God for help on this one. Please.” “Blake, I am so glad you are still in our lives, you always know what to say. I will pray and look into my heart for an answer.” With that, he hugged Blake and left.




Chapter 29


Daniel, found Lizzie, sitting at his doorstep, sobbing and pulling at her hair. “Liz? What is

the matter my darling?” She ran into his arms and continued sobbing, he lifted her and took her inside the house. “Lizzie, my darling what’s the matter? Did Ruth die or something?” “No, it’s more worse, I love Julian so much and he will not give me the time of day. Plus, I just had a fight with Miss High Almighty Christine.” “Lizzie, did she come to your hotel?” “No I went to see her, after seeing Julian and Blake Bach.” She was sobbing uncontrollably, Daniel had to wait a few minutes, before he spoke. “Liz, why would you go to her, after what happened two years ago, and why were you at Blake’s?” She recounted, her meetings with Julian and Blake and her violent confrontation with Christine. Daniel, hugged his friend and rocked her in his arms. He kissed her forehead and looked deep into her tear filled eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of sadness for his dear friend. He wished, her love would just wane for Julian, he wished she would just go back to Paris and be with Louis. He held her hands and allowed her to weep, before speaking. “Lizzie, my darling Lizzie, please go back to Paris, be with Louis and forget Julian. Let your love for him take wings and fly. He will never leave Christine, you don’t deserve to be this unhappy!” She flailed her arms, helplessly, “I can’t Daniel, I love him so much, and I can’t set my love free from him.” “But you must, it is destroying you, please Lizzie, please forget Julian. I love you and hate to see you suffer.” Lizzie, suddenly, stopped whimpering, got a distant, cold look in eyes and demanded Daniel, ride her back to her hotel. She told him she will sleep, and pray her love for Julian will fade. He took, her to her hotel and made her promise to rest. She told him, she will be checking out, then go to Connecticut and then she will be off to Paris. Daniel wished her all the best and kissed her goodnight.


He found, Julian, waiting for him and he was in a happy mood for a change. “Daniel, I think I may take you up on your offer. I will like to go to that Aeropora and dance and

flirt a little. I think I am closer on a decision about my marriage. I just need some fun to relax.” Daniel, was so happy, at least Julian, seems to be coming out of his depression, and hoped the same will happen for Lizzie soon. He told Julian, about Lizzie’s visit to Blake, as expected Julian was upset at Lizzie’s persistence. He elected not to tell him of her confrontation with Christine, knowing Julian, will want to be with Christine in a flash. He wanted Jules to relax and have some fun for a change. They, both lounged around the house until around 9 pm. They got dressed and rode to Aeropora. The lounge was situated about four miles, from Manhattan, the attire was semi-formal. Julian was taken aback, by what he saw. There were elegantly dressed women, in dresses that swept the floor, most of the dresses were made of silk and satin. He wondered how many of them were designed by his Christine. The men were also well dressed, in jackets, waist coats and knee boots. He felt comfortable and soon began to relax and forget his troubles. He was flocked, by a ton of women, all wanting to be with him. He had to introduce, some to Daniel, who was for some reason, having a difficult time, getting anyone to dance with him. Julian, figured the problem was in Daniel’s manner. He will look on a woman’s breasts instead of in her eyes whenever, he asked for a dance. Plus he had a look of I just want to bed you, instead of its nice to meet you gleam in his eyes. Daniel was forty and still, all he thought about was sex and more sex. Julian felt sorry for him, when will that poor boy learn, sex will be his downfall.




Chapter 30


“What are you doing here?” Christine, felt she has asked that question one time too many for the day. She just arrived home, around ten at night and was in no mood for another confrontation with anyone. “I thought we agreed you would stay away from me and my family.” Paul drawled, “Always a pleasure to see you my darling.” “I repeat myself, what are you doing here? How did you get past the guards, first thing tomorrow I will fire them!” “I lied and told them I was a business associate of yours.” Christine, sank into her settee, can this day get any worse she thought. “They must be new, as they have all received description of you, and know not to let you anywhere near these premises. But, Bessie knows you, why would she not get the guards to throw you out?” Paul snickered, “That nigger, even though she is free is terrified of me. After a few threats she opened the door.” “Paul get out of here now. I demand that you leave. You are not a man of your word. After what happened in Uber, you promised you would leave us alone.” “Yes, I remember, but after our moment of passion---” “
you call it. It was the single most disgusting, time of my life. Did you know that after we finished I scrubbed myself until my skin peeled? Passion, it was more like eating filth!” “As I said, after our moment

of passion. I could not stop thinking of you Christine. I am willing to give you one more chance, leave that boy and your children. We can go back to Uber, I will give you prestige and power. It will change what people think of you back there. They think you are a nigger whore. I love you too much not to try and do something to change your

reputation.” Christine, looked at him as if he were mad. She backed away from him in horror as he kept coming closer to her. She felt she was trapped in a nightmare and kept hoping she’d wake up. She started to scream in sheer disgust causing Bessie to run into the room. “Are you okay maam? I can get the guards if you want.” “It’s okay Bessie, Mr. McClelland was just leaving!” “I am not going anywhere, where is that precious boy of yours? I need to tell him of our little rendezvous in Uber.” Christine, started breathing harshly as the reason why she and Julian, were apart was here, making threats in her parlour. She wished he would just leave. “You are all about threats and manipulation aren’t you. My darling Julian, already knows and has forgiven me. So what are you

gonna do you sick son of a bitch?” He was shaken, but continued, “Well, I still want to experience, the sheer joy of telling him, that I had my way with his wife. I just enjoy making him suffer.” Christine said, “Paul, why are you so cruel? You telling Jules of this will only hurt him further. Please leave before he gets here.” “It is about 10:30, shouldn’t he be here by now?” “Whatever time, my husband gets here is none of your business. Just get out!” Paul, smirked and sat down, he started leering at Christine. He was slowly undressing her with his beady eyes. She felt her skin crawling and her stomach churning.


He slowly spoke, “You know, I am thinking I may rescind the agreement we made in

Uber. Going to bed with you was like drinking fine wine, you drink it and then a feeling of calm and relaxation takes over you. I want to have that feeling again.” “Harm Julian, and I will kill you myself. The only way you will ever touch me again is if you raped me!” “Well, I will just wait here for your precious nigger.” “I am going to get that guard in here now. Bessie! Is Sam there? I need him to get the guards. There is a piece of filth I need to get rid of.” Paul studied her a little before speaking, “You know I think you are lying. He doesn’t know does he? No matter I will tell him myself some other time.” Just as he decided to leave, Julian and Daniel, came laughing in. Paul said, “Oh the man of the hour has arrived.” Julian barked, “What are you doing in my home McClelland? My side of the bed is still warm and you have your lover in our home. You really are hateful aren’t you Christine?” Christine cried, “Jules, I did not invite this piece of garbage here. I came home and found it waiting for me. You have to believe me.” Paul said, “Hey, hey I am still in the room. Be nice to me. Julian I came as I missed your wife’s vagina and wanted some more. You have had it several times, even ate it from what I observed. Can’t blame me for trying to get it too, can you?” Christine, asked incredulously, “How did you know, the intimate details of Julian’s and I lovemaking? Oh my God, you have been spying on us. You are truly sick McClelland. Truly sick.” Paul, kept taunting Julian, regarding what he thinks was a time of passion with Christine. Julian was shaking and angry to the point of exploding. Christine, kept pleading with Paul to leave. It was so loud that Bessie, had to close the parlour door, in fear, the noise may wake the children. Daniel, spoke, “Julian, why did you make us leave Aeropora so soon, to come here? It’s only more pain you are facing, come lets gather the rest of your clothes and leave. It’s no use getting upset, she clearly does not care for you.” “Daniel, you shut the hell up and keep out of this. I know you always thought I was wrong for Jules.” “Don‘t blame me Christine, you were the one who couldn‘t keep her legs closed” Daniel said. Julian yelled, “Daniel! don’t ever speak to Christine like that ever again! I warned you what would happen if you disrespect her again!” Daniel grudgingly apologised. Julian started to advance towards the door with Daniel in tow. Paul said, “That’s it go ahead and leave J boy. I will love her into forgetting your black ass!” With that Julian exploded, he leapt over the corner chair and tackled Paul, while he was still talking his trash. Julian, kept delivering punches to both his face and his stomach. All of a sudden teeth started flying. Julian knocked him to the floor. “Get up and fight you sniveling, son of a bitch. Where are your guns and goons now? Useless without them aren’t you? I told you once that you are only big and brave with your guns and goons.” Paul feebly attempted to rise with Julian, standing there. He barely could get his fists up. “You are dead nigger, dead. I will have you hanged for assaulting me a white man!” With that latest outburst, Julian punched him again before Daniel pulled him away. “Jules, he is not worth being hanged for or being placed in an asylum, think of your children, let’s go.” Christine, stepped over Paul and rushed to Julian and attempted to touch him. “Daniel, get her away from me. Don’t you try and touch me. The next time I see you will be in divorce court, before a judge. You filthy bastard you can have her.” “Julian, my darling, please don’t go. I love you, please O God don’t go.” She held onto his arm and pulled him to her, while crying. “Please my darling, let’s work this out.” He was sobbing and she hated to see him in such great pain. She softly kissed him, which lasted a couple minutes before he pulled away. He whispered, “I love you too my darling, but that is not enough. O God, I wish I could forget what you did with him, but I can’t. I have to go.” She held onto him, before he gently took her arm from his shoulder. As soon as he was out the door, she fell to her knees and started wailing uncontrollably. “O God, what am I going to do? My darling is gone. How can I cope? My sweet, sweet darling.” She heard a too familiar annoying drawl behind her. “Gather, yourself woman. Why are you wailing over a nigger.” “You filthy swine, why are you still here?” “There is still the matter, of me laying charges against that boy.” He slurred his next words, “As soon as I can make it through those doors. I will get a policeman to arrest him.” “You deserved the thrashing you got. It’s a pity Jules did not completely knock your teeth out. You should thank God you have a few left, it saves us from looking at your completely disgusting face.” “You seem to think I am joking. I will have him prosecuted, look at my bloody teeth all over the floor. How would you feel with a few missing teeth. It’s about three or four there on the floor. The only way I won’t press charges is if you come back to Uber with me.” “What, let you manipulate me into betraying my husband again? Did he knock your senses out as well as your teeth? Are you insane?” “Well. if that is your answer, I will be filing assault charges against him. Not even Blake Bach can save him now.” “Hey, let me tell you something, Julian was never here, he did not hit you. You tried to attack me and the guards gave you the thrashing you deserve. I swear I will testify in court to that. It is about time, I stand up to you for my man and marriage. Do you want to be known as an attempted rapist?”

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