Chocolate Honey (25 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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Meanwhile, Daniel, pulled an utterly broken Julian, onto the grounds, he was sobbing and clinging to Daniel, for dear life. He then fell to his knees and screamed. His scream came from the bottom of his soul. It was one of those screams that tells you the person was numb with deep physical and psychological pain. He has never felt so much hurt in his entire life, he felt he was trapped in a nightmare with no hopes of awakening. He pleaded, “Daniel, how comes she doesn’t love me anymore? What did I do wrong?” Daniel, felt so sorry for Julian, he wept as well. “Julian, let’s go, tomorrow will be a new day, come sleep this off and think about what you will do next. I am not of fan of Christine’s but I know you love her and she loves you. That is all that matters, you both love each other too much, for your marriage to end.” “Daniel. how will I cope? Let’s go I am aching all over.”


“You bitch, are you serious about accusing me of rape? You deserve that nigger then. Here I was trying to save you from yourself and you would dare accuse me of rape, to save his skin. You spiteful whore. I bid you good-night.” Christine, snarled, “You make sure this is the last time I see you in my home, in New York or any place I may be. Stay away from me and mine.” Paul, sounded pathetic, when he said, “Don’t worry I never want to see you or New York again.” He said aloud to himself, “I wonder if that Becky is still available?” “You both deserve each other. You know, this is none of your business, but I am going to let you in on a secret, this will ensure you staying away from me
.” He waited a few minutes, but Christine did not say a word, only glared at him. “What, are you trying to say. Out with it.” Christine, arched one brow and calmly sat down. “You know Paul, Julian and I are alike in more ways than you think.” “
Christine, laughed and said, “You hate Negroes right?” “I wouldn’t touch one with a ten foot pole.” Christine, laughed again and calmly said, “Well just to let you know I am part Negro!” Paul, laughed and searched her face to figure if she was lying. She had a poker face expression and he could not verify if she were lying or telling the truth. “What? Your man left you and now you’ve gone crazy.” Even though he was in pain, from the thrashing he received. He was laughing hysterically and holding his stomach. “Shut up, I haven’t gone crazy. Jim O’Connor is not my real father. My real poppa Mario Di Giuseppe was part Italian, part Negro. Idiot.” Paul’s eyes bugged and he stumbled. He grasped the walls in shock.” “You duped me. I could kill you.” “Take one step and my guards will finish what Julian started.” “You- you spiteful bitch. I hate you, Jim O’Connor and that boy. Stay the hell away from me all of you.” “Julian and I got the hell away from you ten years ago. YOU SOUGHT US OUT REMEMBER. Now get the hell out of my frigging house NOW.” “Don’t worry, I will leave you niggers alone. Hope you both rot in hell.” “After, you McClelland, after you.”


After he left, Christine, sobbed her heart out. She then went upstairs, had a nice relaxing bath, dried and put on one of Julian’s shirt, to feel its warmth. It will help her reminisce about being in his arms. She also decided to go in the study to sleep in his favourite chair. Upon entering the room, she lit a lamp and gasped as there was someone, already sitting in the chair. It was Julian, his right hand was resting in a bucket of ice. She trembled slightly. “Jules, what are you doing here? Didn’t you leave with Daniel?” He did not immediately reply, but stared with appreciation at her legs. He wished they were wrapped around him this minute. Julian, smiled and spoke soothingly. “I went as far as to the gate, and had him drop me off, about an hour ago. I saw McClelland stumbling out. Humph I figured you told him.” “Yes, I did he almost had a heart attack that pig.” Julian, sighed ran his tongue over his lips and stared at Christine. He sorely wished that they were wrapped in each other‘s arms at this minute. He felt his heart tearing, as he came to terms of how harshly he has treated his darling. Oh how he wished, he hadn’t left her and cursed at the lost time he had with her. Never in his entire life, has he been treated so wonderfully by any woman. She was his guardian angel and he vowed then and there to make things right by her. He finally said, You, have been crying a lot my darling. Your eyes are a sight, I hate to see you so sad.” “I have cried non-stop since--” She stopped in mid-sentence as she noticed he was staring intently at her. Her breathing became harsh and rapid, and they held each other’s gaze for what seemed like hours. It was Christine, who finally broke the silence, “Do you want me to get you something to eat or bring you a blanket? Get something for your hand?” “No I am fine. Could you come over here a bit? Please.” He looked so somber, she was sure he wanted to discuss their inevitable divorce, so she cautiously walked over to him. “Jules I am ever so sorry...” “Chris, I am the one who should be sorry. I behaved like an idiot and I should have known you only let him touch you to protect me.” “But, I should have thought of another way.” He placed the tips of his fingers on her lips, “Shh, Paul is the devil himself and I shudder at the thought that he forced himself on you. If we divorce now; it will be a victory for him and O’Connor. I love you and the boys too much not to try and fix this.” Christine, thought she was hearing things, sounds as if Julian wants to come home she thought. I have to ask to be sure. “Jules, what are you saying do you want to come home?” He sheepishly said, “Yes my darling that is what I am saying, only if you’d let me.” “Yes, yes!” She ran into his arms and rained kisses on him. “Oh! I suddenly remembered, something from our past.” Julian, who was busy sucking on Christine’s ear lobes, asked dreamily. “Remember what?” “This is so long ago. As I kissed you just now I remembered the time I actually fell in love with you.” Julian, stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes. “My darling, you fell in love with me after I learnt to read. Don’t you remember?” “My love, it was when we were children. We were playing and you fell and hurt your elbow. We were about eight and nine then. I ran up to you, just as I did now and started kissing you. I felt my heart beating really fast then.” “Oh, my God I recall that too. You kissed me and I ran to Bessie and started bawling that you gave me cooties. Chris do you know what this means? We were really meant to be together. Oh my God.” Christine, whispered. “Yes, we were meant to be together. It’s so funny, I’ve never thought about our first kiss, ’til now.” “Hmmm, pity I didn’t enjoy it. Would’ve married you then. Ha! Jim would have lynched me then and there.”


Christine, snuggled in Julian’s arms, kissed him on his nose and caressed his face. She felt so alive, as a troublesome weight has been lifted from her shoulders. She wished they could lay there forever. Just loving each other, with no interception from anyone whatsoever. Julian, kissed her and brought her back to the present. “I love it that I am here, missed you and my darlings so, much.” “We all missed you so much. I am so happy you are home. Now, please let’s make love right now. I am aching and dying to feel you inside me.” She did not have to ask twice, Julian complied with her wishes and they hungrily made love in that parlour as if to make up for the days they were apart.


After they were finished, she kissed the sweat from his brow and laid satisfied in his arms. Somehow, whenever they made love after being angry with each other was the best sex she ever had. “Julian what time is it? It must be almost dawn.” He looked at the clock hanging on the wall, its 3:30 AM. They have been making love for hours. “Come let’s finish this in the bedroom.” Julian said. “Who says I want this to end, I want to remain here on this coach forever with you my darling. I missed you so much for the past few days, I don’t want this night to end.” Julian, sniffed her hair and kissed her passionately, they both started to giggle through their kisses. It was like they were teenagers again. Julian said, “We will have several more nights like this sweetie, you sure you don’t want to go upstairs?” “Yes I am sure, but we have to lock the doors, as we can’t let anyone see us like this, especially the boys. Can you go lock the doors, please?” Julian arose from the coach and he was naked, seeing him in the nude made her giggle with pleasure. “What's so funny, laughing at my behind aren’t ya?” “No, I am just thinking that after, I make love to you over and over and over, that you won’t have the strength to walk so fast! It will be your punishment for leaving me so long. I am going to make your toes curl in pleasure!” He stopped and came back to her, kissing her gently he said, “That is a punishment I am looking forward to, punish me anytime maam!” “Hurry and lock the doors, I am getting horny by just looking at you, please hurry.” “Okay, okay, just hold on a second longer.” She got up a few seconds, later stating she had to make a quick run to potty. “Jules, do you hear rustling outside?” “No, but it must be the cat or the guards, checking the grounds. Don’t worry, I am here now.” “I don’t think I want to remain here, I want to go upstairs to our room.” She naughtily said, “And finish what we started in here. I am going to make love to you so much. Toes gonna curl. Back’s gonna be sore and last but not least your balls will hurt.” Julian kissed her softly, “Oh, I guess I will make you unable to pee straight for days.” “Huh?” “Don’t you think I haven’t heard you and that Molly a time or two!” She playfully punched him on his shoulder. “Oh so you are in our little secret, are you?” “Yes, I am. Here hop on my back. I will take you upstairs.” “Ok, let me put my drawers on.” “No, leave them, I want to feel you.” “Wait!” Christine said and ran to the telephone. “I want to call Molly. I’ve got to tell her.” “Sure, she and Peter won’t mind.? It’s still early in the morning sweetheart.” “I know, but they have both been worried about us so. I need to tell them my darling is back.” “Okay, don’t be long. I need you to cuddle with me. Miss tasting your tongue already. Plus I really need to make you moan my name in pleasure.” Christine, felt tremors of delight, when he said that. She planned only to tell Mol, the good news and then hop on his back, to pleasure. “Molly, its Christine. I am so sorry to wake you. But guess who’s here with me.” Molly, sounded groggy when she answered. “Chris, are you ok? Who’s there McClelland?” “Molly, don’t call that man’s name even in jest.” Julian, stood behind, her and nibbled on her neck. She leant back and gave him more room to nibble. She was becoming breathless, and wondered if Molly heard her harsh breathing. “Chris, are you ok?” “Oh Mol I am so sorry. I needed you to be the first to know. Jules is here! he’s back. Oh Mol, he came back, isn’t it wonderful.” Molly, shrieked into the phone, and asked to speak with Julian. They spoke for a few minutes, before Julian handed to telephone back to Christine. “Molly, I’ll tell you everything later in the day. You have to come, as I am not leaving this house before tomorrow.” “Christine, I am so happy for you. This just proves it, you both we meant to be.” “I know. Love you and tell Peter I am sorry to call so early.” “He didn’t even hear the telephone. He is asleep. I’ll tell him the good news later. Now go and make that man’s toes curl.” “Thanks, Mol you know I will.” Julian said, “Now, that you are done, come on my back, let’s go to bed.”


She climbed on his back, and they met Bessie, coming down the stairs. “Bessie, what are you doing up? Can’t sleep?” Julian said. Bessie, shrieked with happiness. “Mr. Julian is that you? Thank God. Are you home for good?” Christine, slipped off his back and ran and stood at the top of the stairs. “Yes, I am Bessie and I am not leaving. My lady up there will have to get the sheriff to get me out. Sorry, I was gone for so long.” Bessie, hugged and kissed his cheeks. “Well, this is a cause for celebration. I will have Cook make a huge breakfast for you in the morning. It is so wonderful to have you home!” “Bessie, Julian and I will be quite busy, making up. Only let the boys in our room, if they are crying, otherwise we will be pre-occupied until noon!”


Page 107


Chapter 31


Paul’s Anguish



Meanwhile, three days later, Paul, blindly made his way back to Uber. The first thing he

did was pay a visit to Jim O’Connor. He pounded on the door. “O’Connor! O’Connor come here now!” He answered and stretched his hand out to Paul. He stormed past Jim and went into the house. “Paul, what’s the matter. Did you convince Christine to leave that Negro?” Paul, snarled and then punched him in the face. Jim was taken aback by Paul‘s actions and immediately taught of retaliating, when he noticed bruises on Paul‘s face, plus a few of his teeth were missing. “What the devil happened to you man?” Paul started breathe rather aggressively, his breath came in short heaves and snorts. “Look at what that Julian did to me. All because of your greed and poverty!” “I am sorry. Did you lay charges against him?” “You ought to be sorry. Sent me on a wild goose chase, after a woman who hates me.” “She is blinded by that boy and that mother of hers. Give her a chance she will come to her senses.” “You idiot, she ran away with him ten years ago. What makes you think she will leave him? I took leave of my senses! I should never have gone to New York. As I know she only loves him, she slept with me to save his skin. Remember?” “Paul, maybe if you sponsored my trip to New York, maybe I could help her come to her senses.” Paul scowled at Jim and hated him with every words he took. “You bumbling jackass, don’t ever, ever come to me with any schemes to get that NIGGER DAUGHTER of yours again.” “What do you mean, I know Christine, is with that boy, but that does not make her a Negro.” Paul scornfully said,
“You don’t know, do you?”
He laughed, hysterically, “Well maybe if I tell you now, you will have a heart attack, die and leave me the hell alone.” “What are you talking about?” “Well here goes. Your daughter told me her real poppa was of Negro and Italian breed.” Jim spluttered, “You are lying, you bastard! Christine is fully white I tell you.” “Think about it man, if she were fully white, they would never allow them to be married, even though he is mulatto.” Jim turned pale, when reality hit him. Come to think of it, Christine was always darker than most white folks. He always thought she was that colouring because of God. He never dreamt his precious daughter could not be pure white. “As I said, stay the hell away from me and rot in hell.” With that Paul stormed through the door and out of Jim’s live forever. After leaving Jim’s he packed up, left his cousin to operate his estates and moved to Louisiana for good. Paul left a broken man, who realised that his dream of regaining power, slowly diminished. He also knew, that he was duped into raising a part Negro and also that his staunchest supporter hated him and wanted nothing more to do with him. He fell to his knees in defeat and contemplated suicide.

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