Chocolate Honey (23 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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Aeropora tonight with me, there will be a dance there. Maybe you can go there flirt a little, so your mind will be settled and you can think more clearly.” “Thank you Daniel, but I am not in the mood for socializing now. I need peace and quiet to think about what I should do about my marriage, maybe another time.” Daniel insisted, “Jules you need fun to help you relax and think. C’mon now you got any party clothes in dem bags of yours?”

“I took a few pantaloons and shirts. I am going to Connecticut to see Lizzie. I may be back later today or tomorrow.” “No!” Daniel yelled, “You can’t, Jules that girl is still sweet on you, if you go to her now, it will look like you are still interested in her.” “Daniel, what harm will I do? I just need the opinion of another woman in this mess. I am sure Lizzie understands that we are over, huh?” “Julian, Lizzie will understand that you no longer love her when, hell freezes over. If you let her know you have left Christine, albeit only temporarily, you will raise her expectations. It won’t be fair for her, you or Christine.” Julian, thought for a moment, “Thanks, Daniel I just was not thinking I am so lost. I will just go to my office, maybe I will work out my frustrations. I will see you later.” Julian, thought for a moment about Daniel’s offer, “Daniel, I will go out with you tonight. Maybe a little harmless flirtation will help ease my mind.” “Just don’t go taking any of my girls. Aren’t you gonna have something to eat?” “No, I will have my assistant get me some breakfast.”




Chapter 27


Molly, flew into Christine and Julian’s room. She was worried, as she has not heard or seen Christine in a few days. “Christine sweetheart, I have been calling all day and no answer. I called your chocolate honey, and they said, he only came in briefly yesterday and hasn’t been there again.” Christine, sat up and took her sleep blinders off, her eyes were red from crying. Molly, rushed to her side, “Christine, please what’s wrong. You’ve been crying.” Christine, hugged her and started to sob uncontrollably, after a few minutes she blurted out. “He’s left me Molly! He’s gone.” “What do you mean gone?” “He packed up his clothes and left a few days ago.” Molly was shocked and wondered if Christine is going mad, no way would Julian, leave Christine. “Are you talking about Jules? Why would he leave? Business trip?” Christine, shook her head no, and repeated the entire saga to her. “Oh, my God Christine. I am so sorry, you are going through this heartbreak. Jules must be going through hell. McClelland is his worst enemy.” “I know, but I was so scared. He was just kidnapped weeks ago. I thought it was the only way to halt poppa's and Paul’s plans!” “I am so sorry my darling. I know without a doubt that you love Julian more than anything in this world. I also know he loves you more than life itself.” “Jules, says he loves me, but love can’t fix his heart.” Molly, hugged her friend, and tried to comfort her. She wished she had the power to go to Uber and remove, Paul and Jim from existing! “Christine, do you know where Jules is now?” “No, he told me he will be staying at Daniel’s and to hurt me, he told me he may go to that wretch Lizzie.” “Lizzie, I thought she was in Paris--” “She, is here for Ruth, I heard she has been ill for a

while.” “I just hope, he won’t go to her. It would only encourage her obsession with him.” Christine, chuckled, “It would make her pathetic life, complete wouldn’t it?” Molly, kissed the sides of Christine’s face. “Julian, would never love her. I seen the way he looks at you. Just give him some time to cool down.” “You really, think so?” “He will, he will. Just pray, pray that’s all you can do.” “Mol, I am so sorry, I am rambling on. How about you and Peter, everything ok? “Couldn’t be better! His crazy momma, still hates me though. You know the more she hates me, the more he loves me.” “And, my dear that is all that matters, you both love each other.” “You, know we may go to Canada, to live its more liberal there. He wants to get married, there. I am fighting him though, marriage is just a formality. I am happy.” “If you both decide to go, don’t become strangers, you are my best friend in this whole wide world.” “I won’t, I really have to leave. Gotta go home, Peter needs plenty of attention and I have not gotten any lovemaking for days. You will be ok?.” “Yes I will. Don’t worry.“ Molly, was worried and wondered if she should spend the night with Christine. “Chris, do you want me to stay over?” “No, I want at least one of us, to be happy with their special half. Don’t worry I’ll live.” “Jules will be home soon.” Christine sadly said, “Ha, at least you are confident, he will be home. God I don’t know if Jules, will ever be back!” “Don’t worry, soon Jules will be home. Then you won’t be able to pee straight for days! What a reunion that will be.” “I wish I had your positive attitude.” Molly, hugged Christine and flew out

the room. Christine, was cheered by Molly’s visit somewhat. She was still feeling a bit low, she decided to go to her design house. No use remaining at home, making herself sick. She asked Bessie, to take care of the children and stay overnight, as she needed to catch up on her outstanding orders. Her customers, were quite impatient with her as they needed their gowns and dresses for their balls, dinners and theatre engagements. They are

such heartless wretches, they didn’t care for the stress and heart-ache she recently suffered and is still suffering. It is not that they are no other designers in her employ, they were four others in fact. However, customers such as Sarah Neumann, May Edwards, Nora

Brown, will not trust anyone else to design their gowns. These women placed orders on a weekly basis. There is always some dinners, parties that they attend. They all have to get unique designs, no repeats of clothing was accepted by this elite society. Still there are no complaints, over the years since she has open her own design boutiques she has amassed quite a fortune. She is well known throughout the Northern States for her quality designs and excellent service. She thought about the life Julian and her have led since they married. The poverty, their children, Julian’s inheritance, his kidnapping and now their unfortunate separation. She wished that Julian, will come to his senses and return home. It is getting highly stressful with his absence. When she arrived at her office, there was chaos, Sarah Neumann, was screaming at Mrs. Clarke, regarding the tardiness of her designs. “Christine, now I understand, you are having a bit of stress lately, but we have a

contractual agreement for you and only you, to design my gowns. I do not appreciate, being flubbed to an amateur, to design my clothing!” An immediate, migraine took ahold of Christine, she massaged her temples and sighed. “Mrs. Neumann, I am sorry, that I have been inattentive for the past month. However, I am sure you can understand, with my recent situation, I would be incapacitated and not able to fully complete your designs. I

have Luanne Parks, one of my best designers she is more than capable of assisting you.” “Mrs. Livingston, you are the best designer in this country, I am paying for your attention and yours only. How soon can you design my gown, for next week’s costume ball?” Christine, smiled as she saw it was no use, getting through to this woman. “I will start now, it should be available by the earliest Monday of next week.” Sarah, smiled and patted, Christine’s hand. “Good, girl Christine, design, design, design. Tell that wonderful, sexy and Black husband of yours how di do for me.” “I will, Sarah, see you next week.” Sarah, swept her dress up and proudly walked out. “Mrs. Clarke, I am so

sorry Sarah was so rude with you. I will do my best and design, design, design as she puts it.” Mrs. Clarke, laughed, as Christine mimicked, Sarah’s whiny voice when she spoke. “Don’t worry, Christine, you know that woman pays our way through life. I am so happy she did not take her business elsewhere. It would have cost us a fortune. So go design that gown of hers.” She just hoped, she would have the strength, to complete Sarah’s order. Her mind wondered back to Jules. She hoped, he is not with that idiot Lizzie. She is sure of one thing though, if Jules ever cheats with Lizzie, that bitch would lose more teeth, than a fella with bad teeth.




Chapter 28


Julian, arrived at his office, to a different scene than Christine. His assistant Shane, has been handling his cases and Mr. Faulkner has been more than understanding of his needs. After breakfast, he settled in his office, and tried to prepare for his up-coming trial. His client, has been wrongly accused of severely, beating a white man senseless. Shane has completed most of the leg work, interviewing witness, taking depositions and checking into the victim’s background. His only job is to review the material, prepare the client

and do the actual trial. After two hours, Shane popped his head in to tell him he had a female visitor. He knew it was not Christine, as Shane was not blushing, or smiling when he announced his visitor. “Shane, I am quite busy, tell whomever it is to call in a few hours.” “Jules, she said it was important, said her name was Lizzie.” Julian, contemplated on what to do. He was in no mood for visitors, especially Lizzie, he was about to tell Shane, to have Lizzie, leave. He figured he may as well get this visit over and done with. “Shane, tell her to come in, I have a few minutes.” She strutted into his office, but quickly lost her smile when she saw his appearance. He was unshaven, seemed thinner and his eyes were red and swollen. “God, Jules what happened? I guess Daniel was right, but why are you so sad, you should be happy. After all we will be back together again soon.” Julian, furrowed his brow and wondered what on earth was Lizzie, talking about. “

you and I back together soon?”
“Yes, you silly man. I went to Daniel’s to tell him good-bye and he told me, you’ve left Christine and was stopping with him.” “Oh so you thought, I’ve left Christine for you?” “Well, it’s true isn’t it, you have finally left her.” She strolled over to his desk and attempted to kiss him, Julian backed away and looked upset. “Lizzie, what do you think you are doing? What is the matter with you?” “What is the

matter with me?” She shrieked, “What is wrong with you Julian?” “It is true I have left Christine, but not for the reason you think.” Lizzie, could scarcely contain her glee, but decided against jumping for joy, when she saw his expression. “You, may as well know, we are separated and at this time, I do not know if I will return to her.” She was confused, “Well it you did not leave her for me, why are you separated from her?” “It is a matter, than I cannot discuss with you. The only thing I can say is that you may have been right. My marriage has been a source of pain for me, this past month.” Lizzie pleaded, “Jules, can you not give me a hint of what she has done this time?” “I can’t, it’s too painful

and it’s a private matter.” “Jules, for your sake, please divorce this woman, relax for a few months, and take care of your children. I will help you along the way, until you can find someone more suitable. Please.” “I wish it were that easy. There is a lot of time, love invested in my marriage. Plus my children, Julian Jr. must be worried sick, I need to go to them soon. I cannot walk away.” Lizzie, countered persuasively, “But on the other hand, are you willing to compromise your happiness for a marriage that is truly not agreeing with you? Jules you know how I feel about you. I will be with you the instant you say so.” “I know, I know.” “It is just not right for you, such a wonderful person to be treated the way you are by Christine.” Julian sighed and rubbed his temples. He said, “I know your intentions are good, but Christine is the love of my life, I am sorry Lizzie, but she is. I need to find a way to get over this issue and be back with her.” “I wish you will decide the right thing. Your happiness and well being is worth more than being with someone who is the source of this great pain, you are enduring.” He smiled, sadly, “I can’t continue, in this manner, I need to speak with Blake, I need his head to help me decide what I should do. Seems he is always saving me. He has been always been my second father. Lizzie, I hope you don’t mind, I have a tons of material to read. Will I see you before you leave for Paris?” “Of course, I will never leave before saying good-bye.” “Good, I will see you then.” Just as she was out the door, she turned and asked, “Is Blake in New York, thought he moved to New Hampshire.” “Yes, but he has business in New York, he is staying at the Posh Royal on Broadway, why?” “No reason, I just wondered if you were going to New Hampshire, that's all. Good luck”


Chapter 28



“Mr. Bach, you do not know me, but I know who you are. You are a friend of Julian and Christine Livingston.” At first, Blake thought, Lizzie, was a friend or family to a slave who she wanted freed, before he utter a word, she rambled on. “I was Julian’s fiancée in Uber, while we were both slaves. I was sold and taken from him as a result of Felicia O’ Connors, spitefulness.” “Quite, a mouthful there Miss McGregor, pleased to meet to meet you too. But why are you here telling me all this?” She said an embarrassed apology

and continued. “Julian, has left Christine, and is not sure whether he should try and save his marriage to her. He said he is coming to see you for guidance.” “That is impossible! I cannot believe he has left her. The last time I saw them, which is a few weeks ago, they were so happy as they have always been. Are you sure, you are not mistaken?” “Yes! I saw him a couple hours ago and he left her a few days ago. As I was saying, in light of

what I told you, I think it is only fair that you encourage Julian to end his marriage to Christine. I am the one who deserves him not her.” “You know that as a clergy man and a friend of theirs, it will be highly inappropriate to counsel Julian in that manner.” “How heartless are you? I am suffering, for ten years they lived a lie.” “Heartless, you say maam? Julian, has to follow his heart. I can only listen to him and counsel him accordingly. I think you are very presumptuous and spiteful in your manner Miss McGregor. I suggest you leave now and I will forget this highly inappropriate visit. I bid you good day!” She started to sob, “But you don’t understand, if it weren’t for Felicia,

selling me when she realised, Christine was in love with Julian, he and I would be together this day. Mr. Bach, please help me. I love this man so much.” “I understand, that you need to move on with your life Miss McGregor. Please, I am a busy man, I cannot comply with your request. Good day.” He left her sobbing in the lobby, with passersby staring at her. She vowed that Julian, will be hers one day. He is unlike any coloured man she knew. Julian was wealthy, ridiculously handsome, educated, sweet and caring. She felt Christine did not deserve Julian, and hoped and prayed he will leave her for good, one day.

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