DefeatedbyLove (20 page)

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Authors: Samantha Kane

BOOK: DefeatedbyLove
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“There’s something to be said for that too,” Kate told him.
“If he’s seen you at your worst and came back across an ocean for more, then he
must like you a little.”

“Your talent for understatement is overlooked,” Daniel said,
heading toward the door. He paused and turned back. “Thank you, Kate,” he told
her, hoping she could tell how grateful he was for her no-nonsense advice. “I
came to the right place.”

“My door is always open for the handing out of free advice,”
she said, sitting back down and picking up her teacup. “Just make sure you
follow it.”

He smiled and walked away, planning to do just that.

Chapter Twenty-five


“Where the hell have you been?” Harry demanded when Daniel
walked in the front door. His hair was disheveled and he wore only a shirt and
loosely tied cravat. His jacket and waistcoat were tossed over the back of a
chair near the door. Standing directly in front of the entry with his arms
akimbo, he looked as if he’d been pacing the hallway.

“I went to see Kate,” Daniel said calmly as he walked up to
him. “Why?” He turned in time to see Matheson disappearing down the servants’

“Why? Because you stormed out of here after issuing
ultimatums and you didn’t tell me when you’d be back or where you were going.”
He grabbed Daniel’s arm and dragged him toward the drawing room. “I was

“Were you?” Daniel asked, not protesting his rough
treatment. “I’m sorry.”

That brought Harry up short. “What?” he asked, slowly
turning to face Daniel.

“I said I’m sorry I worried you.” Harry dragged him closer
and sniffed his neck suspiciously. “What the devil are you doing?” Daniel asked
in surprise.

“That’s a woman’s perfume,” Harry said, “not a man’s.”

“I told you I went to see Kate,” Daniel said impatiently.
“Didn’t you hear me?”

“Lady Randal?” Harry asked.

“Yes, Lady Randal,” Daniel confirmed. He’d forgotten that
Harry had only met Kate last night. He was the stranger in a strange land here,
and he’d come for Daniel. “Where did you think I was?”

Harry didn’t answer, he simply reached behind Daniel and
slammed the drawing room door shut. Then he pushed Daniel against it and kissed
him. It was a demanding, possessive, desperate kiss, the sort that Daniel
craved but had been afraid of in the past. It was too stark, too passionate to
be comfortable or comforting. It had asked too much of him before. Today he was
ready to return it. When he did, when he threw his arms around Harry’s neck and
kissed him back just as possessively, just as desperately, Harry groaned into
his mouth and let his full weight press Daniel into the door. When at last they
broke the kiss they were both breathless and Daniel laughed in delight.

“Who are you and what have you done with Daniel?” Harry
asked, biting down on his earlobe.

“Be quiet,” Daniel told him. “I don’t want conversation. Not

“Understood,” Harry said. He reached down and ran his hand
up along the ridge of Daniel’s hard cock. “I know what you want.” He managed to
stop talking by the simple act of kissing Daniel again.

Daniel cupped his cheeks, and Harry’s side whiskers tickled
his palm. He liked them. Had he told Harry that? He would, when they were done.
When speech wasn’t more than he could handle. His hands glided back into
Harry’s soft hair and then he wrapped one arm around his broad shoulders and
hung on. He was frightened. He was surrendering here, leaving himself
defenseless. If Harry… He stopped thinking. It was too late for that. He’d made
his choice. Thinking just got him into trouble.

Harry broke the kiss again and pressed his forehead to
Daniel’s while he looked down. Daniel could feel his hands busy working his
pants open. His heart thundered in anticipation. What would Harry do? He
couldn’t wait to see, loved wondering and waiting and wanting and knowing that
Harry would lead them to pleasure. He’d take care of Daniel, as he’d always
done. How had he forgotten that?

When the bare skin of Harry’s palm touched his prick Daniel
sucked in a deep breath and bit down on his lip to keep from coming right
there. That would be embarrassing. Apparently this emotional business could make
you as weak as a schoolboy, at least it felt that way. As if Harry had never
touched him like this, never stroked him so perfectly, never kissed him so
passionately. He was an imbecilic fool and he smiled as his head fell back
against the door at the force of his arousal.

Harry’s hand on the back of his head forced him to look
down. He opened his eyes and he saw that Harry had his cock out too, and he was
taking them both in his fist. He moaned and it sounded as desperate and
defenseless as he felt. The intimate kiss of cock to cock was almost too much.
Harry matched it when his lips found Daniel’s again. This kiss was more than
just gentle—it was tenderness itself, his lips barely touching Daniel’s as if
he simply needed the contact. Daniel knew he did. He wanted to stand there in
Harry’s arms and just breathe him in.

As if Harry knew how close he was he began to pump their
cocks in his fist, rubbing them against each other, the heat and tight grip of
his hand pulling Daniel to his toes as he cried out in pleasure. “I’m…” he
gasped, not able to finish the sentence.

“I know,” Harry growled against his mouth. “Do it. I want to
feel it all over me.”

When he came Daniel didn’t try to contain his hoarse shout
of ecstasy. The wet heat of his come was a burning relief as it shot out and
covered Harry’s cock and fist. “Yes,” Harry hissed, his hand moving faster,
until it was almost a sort of painful pleasure on his sensitive flesh. And then
Harry came too, and even though Daniel had already climaxed it was an erotic
thrill to feel his come join Daniel’s all over the two of them.

“How do you know exactly what I need?” Daniel asked, still
trying to catch his breath. “That was perfect.”

“Was it? I remember the first time you did that, in
Portugal. I thought it was even more intimate than fucking. Made me come so
fast and hard.” Harry’s voice was rough and uneven. He hadn’t caught his breath
yet, either.

“Exactly.” Daniel laughed again. “You know just how to touch
me, how to please me. I’m having a hard time fighting that.”

“Stop fighting,” Harry said in a low, intimate whisper. He
kissed up the side of Daniel’s neck. “Give in.”

“I thought I just did.” Daniel tipped his head back and
closed his eyes, giving Harry more room to kiss him. It felt good, but he was
also reluctant to let Harry see exactly how much he had given in. He wasn’t
ready yet to admit defeat. Soon, but not yet. He rather liked this wooing of

“I love it just as much, you know,” Harry whispered, against
the rim of his ear. He shivered. “Everything about you, everything about the
things we do. There’s nothing I won’t do to you, or for you. You know that,
don’t you?” Daniel just nodded. Someday he’d reveal the truth—he felt the same
way about Harry. He knew that now. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for him,
with him, nothing he wouldn’t forgive. It was a little frightening, letting go
like that.

“Good.” Harry let go of his cock and Daniel frowned as the
cool air of the room hit him, the flesh that had been so snug in Harry’s palm
pulled tight, seeking warmth. “Give me your handkerchief, then, and let me
clean you up.”

He handed it over. “I’m not a child, you know. I can
certainly clean up my own mess.” He smiled as Harry carefully wiped him clean
and then himself. Harry looked closely at his hand. He looked up and lifted his

“Untie this cravat. I’ve run out of cloth to clean this off.
We both spent rather heavily.”

“Sorry,” Daniel said without an ounce of real contrition. “I
had a great deal of pent-up passion to spend.”

“Apparently so did I,” Harry said, cleaning off the last of
it. He tossed the handkerchief and the cravat aside. “I actually needed to talk
to you, but baser needs got in the way.”

Daniel walked over and poured them both a drink. “I wouldn’t
have been able to listen. Baser needs prevailed here, as well.”

Harry took his drink from Daniel with a frown. “You’re very
lighthearted tonight. We should fight more often.”

“We should make up more often. It lightens a man’s load.”

Harry chuckled at his pun. “Touché.”

“What did you need to talk about?” Daniel asked, taking a
seat on the sofa.

Harry threw himself down at Daniel’s side and twirled the
whiskey in his glass. “Manderley returned. He had some rather disturbing
stories about my family.” He took a drink. “Damn it, I’m ashamed of my name. I
can’t say I’ve ever felt that way before, but there you have it.”

“I’m sorry, Harry,” Daniel said and he let himself actually
feel that way. He’d mouthed so many platitudes in the past and he’d never let
the actual emotion touch him. Those days were over. He wanted to live again.

Harry seemed oblivious to the magnitude of the changes
taking place in Daniel. He wanted it that way. There had been too much angst
between them. It was a little confusing, all these thoughts and feelings
crashing through him. But he just sat there and sipped his whiskey and let the
changes roll over him like a steady tide. There was release in just
surrendering to the inevitability of love. First he needed to accustom himself
to the idea of it. He’d tell Harry soon enough. He didn’t want him to get

“Manderley asked around about my father and cousin and
learned that a business associate by the name of Curry was murdered soon after
signing a partnership agreement with them, right about the time Christy
overheard their conversation. The business passed to them, and they’ve made a
fortune on it. In addition, a competitor’s warehouses were burned down a few
years ago, and fingers were pointed at my family again.” He sighed and ran his
hand through his hair. “We’ve never gotten along, you know. You heard what was
said the other day. I’m not really his son.”

“I think your cousin is,” Daniel said, wrinkling his nose in
distaste at having to say the words. “The resemblance is uncanny, whereas you
look nothing like him.”

Harry nodded. “Yes, it’s been noted before. But until the
other day nothing was said about it. I suppose I ought to be glad we’re not
related by blood. Too bad my mother withered away and died before telling me
who my real father was.”

Daniel put his drink down and crawled over to straddle
Harry’s lap. Harry was surprised and spilled his whiskey a little before he
managed to set it down on the floor. “What’s this?” he asked with a grin,
wrapping his arms around Daniel’s waist.

“Me trying to distract you from your horrendous family, or
lack thereof.”

“If there’s one thing I’m not lacking it’s horrendous
family,” Harry quipped.

“You’re better than both of them, you know. Much better.”

“Thank you for noticing,” Harry said, nuzzling his neck. “At
least they were good for something. It would be hard to come out the loser in
that comparison.”

Instead of trying to break away from Harry’s caresses or
holding himself stiffly, Daniel allowed himself to relax into Harry’s arms and
let the pleasure swamp him. He hummed low at how good Harry’s lips and breath
felt on his neck.

“Whatever happened while you were at Kate’s,” Harry
whispered against his skin, “I like it.”

“Good. Then take it to bed.”

Harry’s eyes opened wide. “Together? Now? We haven’t even
had dinner.”

“Dinner after.”

Harry stood up and Daniel nearly tumbled to the floor. Harry
righted him with a hand on his elbow. “After it is. Come on.”

“You could play hard to get,” Daniel said, grabbing the used
handkerchief and cravat from off the floor. He shoved them into his pocket.

“That’s your job,” Harry said.

“Not anymore.” Daniel smiled over his shoulder at a
stupefied Harry as he waltzed out the door.

Chapter Twenty-six


Daniel woke up disoriented. He panicked at the feel of a
man’s chest rising and falling under his cheek until he remembered it was
Harry. He relaxed again, and rubbed his cheek on Harry’s chest hair. Harry
mumbled in his sleep and tightened his arm around Daniel. Daniel smiled,
content. They hadn’t left this room since yesterday afternoon. He was starving,
but he wasn’t ready to leave in search of sustenance yet.

He tried to go back to sleep, but something was wrong. He
could feel it. The hair on the back of his neck rose as a sense of unease
assailed him. Beneath his cheek Harry stirred. “What’s wrong?” he grumbled. He
yawned widely and snuggled into Daniel. “Need sleep. Can’t.”

Daniel sat up, his hand pressing into Harry’s stomach for
leverage. “Oof,” Harry said. “What are you doing?” He sounded more awake now.

“Something’s wrong,” Daniel whispered. He crawled carefully
out of bed. When he stood up he smelled it. Smoke. “A fire. Harry, get up.” He
searched the floor frantically for his pants. The house was silent. No one had
sounded the alarm yet. Where was the fire?

Harry leaped out of bed and grabbed his pants right away.
He’d wisely tossed them over the back of a chair. Unfortunately he’d tossed
Daniel’s clear across the room. He was reaching for the door handle when the
sound of breaking glass came from below. Suddenly there was a shout. “Christy!”

“It’s Manderley,” Harry said, ripping open the door. Before
they could leave the room a gunshot rang out below and then pandemonium broke
out. Several voices were shouting and more gunshots were fired.

Barefoot and shirtless they both ran out into the hall.
Christy had emerged from her room, and she coughed in the smoky air. “Stay up
here,” Daniel ordered her. “We don’t know what’s going on below.”

“But, the fire,” she said, coughing harder.

“Get down on the floor,” Harry shouted at her. “Less smoke.
I’ll get you when it’s safe.”

The unmistakable sound of fighting came from downstairs and
Daniel ran toward it. He supposed that was what made him and Harry different
from most men. Others would run away from danger. Daniel’s heart raced, but not
with fear. With anticipation. It had been too long since he’d seen action.

Shots rang out and one hit the wall in front of Daniel as he
was going down the stairs. He crouched and ran the rest of the way down while
more shots were fired. He could still hear Harry’s steps behind him, so he
didn’t turn to see if he was all right. There was too much risk that he might
be shot if he slowed down. Smoke filled the entry hall and he could barely make
out the bodies of the combatants there. He coughed at the acrid stench, his eyes
watering. They had to find that damn fire and put it out.

A fist flew out of the smoke, taking Daniel unaware. He took
the punch on the left temple and went down to the floor. Suddenly Harry was
flying over his head, tackling his assailant. Daniel’s cheek stung like mad,
but he shook his head and came unsteadily to his feet, intent on helping Harry.
But Harry was lost in the smoke with the rest of them. Daniel could hear him
shouting, and the sounds of fists hitting flesh. Before he could dash into the
fray another shot rang out. Christy screamed from the top of the steps and
Daniel looked up, afraid she’d been shot. But she was leaning over the railing
from the floor above, looking into the smoke where Harry had disappeared.
“Harry,” she cried out, and Daniel could hear the terror in her voice.

His heart stopped. Had Harry been shot?

An unintelligible voice came out of the smoke and Daniel
paused. Was that Barnabas? But how could that be? What was he doing here? He
dove into the smoke then, intent on finding out what was going on. He realized
it was clearing. He felt a breeze and knew windows had been opened. Where was
Harry? “Harry!” he called out.

“Here,” Harry said from his left. Daniel turned and saw him
standing over a body lying on the floor. He ran toward Harry but when he got
close enough he saw that the body on the floor was Barnabas.

“No,” he said, terror swamping him. He was running full tilt
and fell to the floor and slid on his knees the last few feet until he bumped
into Barnabas and he hauled him into his arms. He was still breathing, but he
was deadweight in Daniel’s arms.

Harry squatted next to him and put his hand on Daniel’s
shoulder. “He wasn’t shot. He was knocked out when he jumped on the man trying
to shoot me. This bastard saved my life again. One of these days I’ll have to
pay him back.”

“Thank God,” Daniel said resting his forehead on the side of
Barnabas’ head. Daniel might not be in love with him, but he was one of his
oldest friends and he’d saved Daniel’s life countless times. He was shaking as
he held Barnabas’ body. The smoke was clearing out and there were shouts from
outside and in the back of the house. There were at least two bodies on the
floor and two more being held by the men doing the shouting.

“Barnabas’ men,” Harry told him. “You’re bleeding.” He
reached out and swiped at Daniel’s cheek. The fire brigade had arrived as well
and the men were swarming through the door.

“So are you,” Daniel said, his voice rough. He was choked up
with relief that Harry wasn’t lying in his arms.

Harry stood up next to him. He sighed and looked around.
“I’m sorry,” he said unexpectedly. He sounded sad.

Daniel was confused. “For what? You didn’t do this.”

He raised an eyebrow. “No, but I can guess who did and they
share my name. But that’s not what I’m sorry about.” He squatted again and
looked Daniel in the eye. “I can see what’s going on here, what you’ve been
trying to tell me. You do love him.” He shook his head. “I didn’t want to
believe it, and that’s why I’m sorry. I should have listened.”


Suddenly Barnabas moved in his arms. He struggled to sit up,
holding his head. “What a crock of rubbish,” he muttered. He rolled out of
Daniel’s arms to the floor and kneeled there on hands and knees, breathing

“Sir,” a brisk voice said from next to them. Daniel looked
up to see one of Barnabas’ agents standing there, concern furrowing his brow.

Barnabas waved him away. “Not yet.” The young man backed
away, but not too far.

“I don’t want him,” Barnabas said, coming up on one knee only.
It took him a moment to rise to his feet and he swayed.

“Are you really going to be an ass and refuse to behave like
a man who just had his brains scrambled?” Daniel snapped.

“See?” Barnabas said, pointing at Daniel but looking at
Harry. “You can have him. By the way, I just saved your worthless hide. Again.
A thank you wouldn’t be out of order.” Barnabas looked around. “Am I correct? I
don’t think I’m exaggerating.”

“No, sir,” his aide said from behind him. One look from
Barnabas and he took two more steps back.

“Thank you,” Daniel said with heartfelt gratitude. “I’m just
glad your worthless hide wasn’t killed, either.” He stood up and hugged
Barnabas. “Did you save him again for me?” he whispered for Barnabas alone.

“It’s what you needed,” Barnabas whispered back.

“Like that, is it?” Harry asked quietly. “I can leave

“Good God, no,” Barnabas exclaimed, pushing Daniel away. “A
man can be forgiven shagging someone like you during the war. We all go a
little mad at war. But now?” He shook his head. “It clearly indicates a defect
in his character. We are through. You may have him.”

“Thank you,” Harry said sarcastically. “I owe it all to

Barnabas pinned him with a withering look. “You have no

“I remember you once told me you always try to give people
what they need,” Daniel said. “I didn’t really understand what that meant until

“I’m not a gift he purchased, you know,” Harry said
disgruntled. “He had nothing to do with my return.”

“I had everything to do with it,” Barnabas said. “You just
didn’t know it. McKenzie!” he called out. He had his arms spread out and was
looking at his torn and dirty clothes. His aide rushed back to his side. “Why
did I have to dirty my clothes? Isn’t that your job? Where were you?”

“Yes sir. Sorry, sir.” McKenzie was frantically trying to
dust Barnabas’ clothes off. “Across the street, sir. We didn’t see the fire
until the constable hollered. We were maintaining secrecy, as you ordered, and
had backed off when we saw him approach. By the time we reached the house, you
were inside already. We rushed in and took over the prisoners from the
constable and he ran off after one who escaped.”

“Has he returned?” Christy asked from behind them. Daniel
turned to see her standing there, clutching her robe about her, looking
frightened and disheveled.

“My dear,” he said, going to her side and wrapping an arm
around her shoulders. “You’re trembling. Everything is all right now.”

“No ma’am,” McKenzie replied. “The constable has not

“Yes he has,” Robert said from the doorway, looking like the
avenging knight he’d been nicknamed after. He was holding the arm of a man who
looked as if he’d met a mob. Robert tossed him over to McKenzie. Daniel
suddenly saw Simon standing in the shadows behind Robert. “Simon caught him and
between the two of us we dragged him back here. He said Ashbury hired him. The
cousin, but the father was there too. They were to set fire to the house and
make sure no one got out alive.”

Christy rushed into Robert’s arms and he held her tight. “I
was so scared,” she mumbled into his chest.

“It’s all right,” Robert told her. He looked up at the
others. “I’m going to take care of Christy. I’ll meet you all at the police

“Don’t bother,” Barnabas said. “I’m just irritated enough by
this whole affair to take care of it through my office. Trust me, none of you
shall be bothered again.”

Robert nodded and moved off with Christy, taking her back up
the stairs. Only when they were out of sight did Simon enter. “Is everyone all
right?” he asked. “You look like hell.”

“I’ll survive,” Daniel told him, taking the handkerchief he
held out and putting it to his bleeding cheek. “Where were you?”

“I was asleep on the sofa in your study. I heard the window
crash and Manderley hollering and I ran out here. I managed to take out one of
them before the Home Office boys arrived.” He gave Barnabas a disgusted look.
“They need more training.”

“Don’t worry,” Barnabas said, “they’ll get it.” He turned to
look at Harry. “Do you want your father’s business? You are his only heir.”

“No,” Harry said with a shudder.

“Reconsider, Harry,” Daniel said. “Your father may have been
a murderer, but he does have quite a few people who work for him. If you close
the business, they’ll suffer.”

“It is a chance to redeem the family name,” Barnabas said,
rolling his eyes, as he gingerly felt the back of his head. That must have been
where he was hit. “As much as you can, anyway.”

“Fine,” Harry agreed, ignoring Barnabas’ jibe.

“I’ll arrange the proper paperwork.” Barnabas snapped his fingers
and two agents who had just been standing there stepped forward and flanked
him. “See to it,” he told them. They nodded and suddenly all the agents and the
prisoners disappeared quietly out the door, except for McKenzie who waited at
the door for Barnabas.

“What were you doing here?” Daniel asked curiously. Harry
was now standing next to him, a hand on his bare shoulder.

“It’s irrelevant,” Barnabas said dismissively, and Daniel
knew that was the end of that. “However, I am now leaving,” he said. “Do not
expect to see me again.”

“Liar,” Harry called after him. “You would never be so kind
to me.”

Barnabas’ laughter floated back through the door. Simon
shuffled after them. “I think it best if I sleep at home tonight,” he said. He
sounded exhausted. “I’ve had a day.” Without another word he closed the door
behind him.

“So,” Harry said, not looking at Daniel. He bit his lip and
looked around. “A bit of a mess, isn’t it?”

“I love you.” He hadn’t meant to just blurt it out, but
circumstances seemed to dictate some sort of declaration.

Harry turned slowly to face him. “Do you?”

Daniel nodded. “Against my better judgment. So, you’ve won.
You wore me down. As Barnabas said, you can have me. What are you going to do
about it?”

“Well, I’m going to have you, of course,” Harry said with a
wink. “But I think we have to get this cleared up first, don’t we?”

He looked over to see a member of the fire brigade heading
their way. “Yes,” he said with a nod. “But then I’m yours.”

“For how long?”

He looked back at Harry. “That sounds like a question I
ought to ask you.”


Daniel grinned. “Good answer.”

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