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Authors: Susan Ronald

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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abington, Edward

Acquaviva, Claudio

Act Against Fugitives over the Sea

Act for Apparel

Act of Settlement

Act of Supremacy

Act of Uniformity

Acts and Monuments

Admonition to Parliament, An
(Field and Wilcox)

Adrian VI, Pope

Adryan, Peter

Agazzari, Alfonso

Agnus Dei

Alba, Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of

Council of Troubles

in Netherlands

pay of troops and trade

plot to invade England

Segovia Woods letters

Alexander VI, Pope

Allen, William

death of

at English College at Douai

Marian purges

political involvements of

in Rome

Alleyn, Edward

All Saints' Day

Amboise conspiracy

Anglican Church

Anjou, Duke of.
Henry III, King of France

Anne, Queen of England

Anne Boleyn

Antoine of Navarre

António I, King of Portugal


Apology of the Church of England


Aquinas, Thomas

Aretino, Pietro

Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Earl of

Spanish Armada

Arnault, Jean

Arran, James Stewart, Earl of

Arundel, Philip Howard, 20th Earl of

Assonleville, Christophe d'


Aubigny, Esmé Stuart, 6th Seigneur d'

Babington, Anthony

Babington Plot

Bacon, Anne

Bacon, Anthony

Bacon, Francis

Bacon, Nicholas

education system and

Lord Privy Seal

religious matters and

Bailly, Charles

Ballard, John

Bancroft, Richard

Bannister, Laurence

Barnard, Robert

Barnewell, Janet

Barrow, Henry

Battle of Dreux

Battle of Yellow Ford

Beaton, James

Bedingfield, Henry

Bedingfield, Thomas

belief systems

Berden, Nicholas

Berney, Kenelm

Bess of Hardwick

Blois Treaty

Bodley, Thomas

Boncompagni, Giacomo

Bonner, Edmund

Book of Common Prayer

Book of the Ocean to Cynthia

Borghese, Venturini

Borromeo, Charles

Bothwell, James Hepburn, 4th Earl of

Chaseabout Raid and

imprisoned in Denmark

Lord Darnley's murder and

Bowes, Robert

Breughel, Pieter


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