Heretic Queen (51 page)

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Authors: Susan Ronald

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Brooke, William, 10th Baron Cobham

Browne, Robert

Browne, Thomas

Brûlart, Pierre, seigneur de Genlis


Bull, Eleanor

Bullinger, Heinrich

Bullingham, Nicholas

Burghley, Lord.
Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burghley

burning at the stake

Burroughs, William

Butler, Thomas, 10th Earl of Ormond



Calvert, Charles, 3rd Baron Baltimore

Calvin, John



Campion, Edmund

execution of

in exile

History of Ireland

imprisonment and trial

in Ireland

mission to England

Oxford debate

Campion's Brag

Carafa War

Carey, George

Carleill, Christopher

Carranza, Bartolomé

Cartwright, Thomas

Casket Letters

Castelnau, Michel de

Castiglione, Baldesar

Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of

Catesby, William

Catherine de' Medici

Amboise conspiracy and

Cateau-Cambrésis Treaty

Elisabeth's marriage to Philip II

Elizabeth I marriage proposals and

Guise faction and

Huguenots and

Marguerite and Henry's marriage

Mary and Scotland

Nemours Treaty and

overtures of “peace” and

Segovia Woods letters

Catherine Howard, Queen of England

Catherine of Aragon

Catherine Parr, Queen of England

Catholicism (Catholic Church)

Council of Trent

in England.
English Catholicism

Spain and Philip II

Catholic League

Catholic Mass

Catlyn, Maliverny

Caveat for Parsons Howlet, A

Cavendish, Thomas

Cawarden, Thomas

Cecil, John

Cecil, Mildred

Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury

Cholmeley assassination plot

death of father

foreign affairs and

influence of

James and succession claims

Southwell and

theater censorship and

transition from Tudor to Stuart England

Cecil, William, 1st Baron Burghley

death of

domestic politics and

Elizabeth and marriage question

as Elizabeth's most important advisor

England Triumphant

foreign affairs and

Mary and

Parliament and

religious issues and


Chaderton, Laurence

Chaloner, Thomas

Champernowne, Arthur

Charke, William

Charles, Archduke of Austria

Charles II, King of England

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

Charles IX, King of France

Chartley Manor

Chaseabout Raid

Châteauneuf, Ambassador

Châtelherault, James Hamilton, Duke of

Chettle, Henry


Cholmeley, Ranulph

Cholmeley, Richard

Church of England

“activist” women and

Cartwright and

Elizabeth as Supreme Head

establishment of

reconciliation with Rome

Vestments Controversy

Cinque Ports

Clement VII, Pope

Cobham, Henry de, 1st Baron Cobham

Coligny, Gaspard II de

Amboise conspiracy and

Charles IX and

civil wars

St. Bartholomew's Day massacre and assassination

Collington, John

Colloquy of Poissy

Comans, Jerome

Compromise of the Nobility

Condé, Louis de, Prince of

Battle of Dreux

Chartres and

English intervention in France

Tumult of Amboise

Congregation of the Index

Cooke, Anthony

Cooper, Thomas

Corporation of London

Council of Blood

Council of the North

Council of Trent

Courtenay, William

Coverdale, Miles

Cranmer, Thomas

Cromwell, Thomas

Crowley, Robert


Curwen, Henry

Dacre, Leonard

Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord

“crown matrimonial” and

marriage to Mary

murder of

Rizzio's murder and involvement with rebels

Davison, William

de Brès, Guy

Declaration of Breda

Dee, John

de Feria, Gómez Suárez de Figueroa

de Foix, Paul


de Quadra, Alvarez

Dering, Edward

des Gallars, Nicholas


de Spes, Guerau

des Sechelles, Monsieur

Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex.
Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of

de Vives, Juan


Dissolution of the Monasteries


Douai Bible

Douglas, Margaret.
Lennox, Margaret Douglas, Countess of

Drake, Francis

Spanish Armada

Spanish raids

voyage of circumnavigation

Drury, William

Dudley, Ambrose, 3rd Earl of Warwick

Dudley, Amy

Dudley, Robert, 1st Earl of Leicester.
Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of

Dunne, John

Dutch Revolt

Dyer, Edward

Edict of Amboise

Edict of Nantes

Edict of St. Germain

Edinburgh, Treaty of

education system

Edward III, King of England

Edward VI, King of England

Egmont, Lamoral, Count of

Eleanor of Aquitaine

Eliot, George

Elisabeth of Austria

Elisabeth of France

Elizabeth I, Queen of England

accession to throne

coronation festivities

at Hatfield House

Henry VIII and

illegitimacy question

imprisonment by Mary Tudor

See also
Privy Council;
and specific advisors

assassination attempts and plots

Babington Plot

Cholmeley plot

de Quadra

Ridolfi plot

Throckmorton Plot

Catholicism and

Act of Supremacy

Act of Uniformity

papal-sponsored invasions

Pius V's excommunication

church settlement

court life

Cult of

death of

French Huguenots and

Ireland and

marriage proposals and negotiations

Archduke Charles

Francis of Anjou

Robert Dudley

Mary Stuart and

attempts to reclaim English throne

Babington Plot

Casket Letters

Darnley marriage

Duke of Norfolk marriage plans


rapprochement with

return to Scotland through England

succession questions

trial and execution

Netherlands (Low Countries) and

nobility and


Philip and Spain

Catholicism and papacy

French insurrection

maritime voyages

as marriage prospect

trade war

Protestants and

Puritans and

Marprelate Controversy

religious issues

clerical vestments

education system

Knox and

middle way

need for tolerance

Oxford visit

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Spanish Armada


succession problem

Hertford affair

Elphinstone, Nicholas


England Triumphant

Englefield, Francis

at Louvain

Mary and

returning England to Catholicism

English Catholicism

Campion and

Edward VI and

Elizabeth I and

Act of Supremacy

Act of Uniformity

Regnans in Excelsis

religious settlement

Enterprise of England

Gunpowder Plot

Mary I and

Northern Rising

parish churches

seminary priests

English College (Rome)

Enterprise of England

Eric XIV of Sweden

secret service

Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of

court and military life

death of Lord Strange

Ireland expedition



Felton, John

female form, male fascination with

Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor

Feron, Laurent

Field, John

Filby, William

FitzGerald, Gerald, 15th Earl of Desmond

FitzMaurice FitzGerald, James


Foix, Paul de

Ford, Thomas

Forest, John

Fotheringay Castle

Foxe, John


peace treaty with Spain

in Scotland

wars of religion.
French Wars of Religion

Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alençon

Coligny's assassination

death of

marriage proposal with Elizabeth

Francis I, King of France

Francis II, King of France

Frederick II, King of Denmark

“freedom fighters”

French Wars of Religion.
See also
Guise faction; Huguenots

Amboise conspiracy

Catholic League

Colloquy of Poissy

court faction

Edict of Amboise

Edict of Nantes

Edict of St. Germain

English intervention in

“iconoclastic fury”

Massacre of Vassy

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Treaty of Vervins

Frobisher, Martin


Gardiner, Stephen

Garnet, Henry

Garnet, Richard

Gascoigne, George

Gérard, Balthasar

Gerard, John

Gerard, Thomas



Gifford, Gilbert

Gilbert, Humphrey

Googe, Barnaby

Gordon, George, 5th Earl of Huntly

Gordon, Jean, Countess of Bothwell

Gorges, Thomas

Gough, John

Gran Grifon

Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de

Gray, Patrick

Greene, Robert

Greenwood, John

Gregorian calendar

Gregory XIII, Pope

Gregory XIV, Pope

Grenville, Richard

Gresham, Thomas

Grey, Catherine

Grey, Jane

Grindal, Edmund

Groatsworth of Wit, The (

Guise, Francis, Duke of

assassination of

Calais and

Massacre of Vassy

Tumult of Amboise

Guise, Henry I, Duke of

Coligny's assassination

Henry III and

Mary and

Paris Committee of Sixteen

St. Bartholomew's Day massacre

Guise, Louis, Cardinal of (Louis de Lorraine)

Guise faction

assassination plots against Elizabeth

Coligny's assassination

Henry III and

Massacre of Vassy

Pope Pius IV and

Tumult of Amboise

Gunpowder Plot

Guzmán, Enrique de, 2nd Count of Olivares

Guzmán de Silva, Diego


Harding, Thomas

Hardwick, Bess of.
Bess of Hardwick

Hastings, Henry, 5th Earl of Huntingdon

Hawkins, John

Heath, Nicholas

Henry II, King of England

Henry II, King of France

Henry III, King of France (formerly Duke of Anjou)

Guise faction and

marriage prospects

protection of Rheims

Henry VI, King of England

Henry VII, King of England

Henry VIII, King of England

currency debasement

dissolution of the monasteries

illegitimacy of Elizabeth

More and



treason act

Henry of Navarre (Henry IV, King of France)

conversion to Catholicism

line of succession

marriage to Marguerite de Valois

Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley.
Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord

Henslowe, Philip

Herbert, William, 1st Earl of Pembroke


Herle, William

Herries, William Maxwell, 5th Lord

Hertford, Edward Seymour, Earl of

Hesketh, Richard

Highford, Robert

History of Ireland

History of the World

Hoby, Thomas

Holinshed, Ralph

Holyrood Palace

Horn, Philip de Montmorency, Count of

Horsey, Edward

“hot gospellers”

Howard, Henry

Howard, Philip, 20th Earl of Arundel

Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk.
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of

Howard, William


Catherine de' Medici and

civil wars

Battle of Dreux

English assistance

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

taking of Rouen

Coligny's enquiry into rebellion of

Colloquy of Poissy

Condé as leader of

emigration to England

first meeting of

Guise faction and


Humphrey, Laurence

Hunters in the Snow

Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, 5th Earl of

Huntly, George Gordon, 5th Earl of

Il Shifanoya


in Ireland

Low Countries and

Pius IV's death and

Pius V and

in Spain


Irish Pale

Isabella Clara Eugenia

Isabella I, Queen of Castile

Islands Voyage

James II, King of England

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