Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2)
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“But that’s just it, you can’t do anything. This is my mistake and you can’t fix it, so don’t act like you can.”

He ran his hand through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh, then leveled me with a look. “I can do more than you think.” The seriousness in his voice was chilling.

I shrugged feeling the weight of the moment. I no longer wanted to fight with him, not when I had to let him go.

“Let’s go. I want to get this meeting over with.” I also wanted to get away from him. The physical pain I felt from my fight was nothing compared to the pain Gage had delivered tonight.

He was about to move the car to drive, but slid it back to park. “Wait, I have to know.” He closed his eyes, hands gripping the wheel. “What’s going on with you and Rusnak?”

The thick emotion in his voice nearly choked me. “Nothing.” I didn’t want to tell him how he knew me. I didn’t want to talk at all. I didn’t trust Gage anymore. No matter what his words, his actions have repeatedly shown he would choose them. I couldn’t blame him, but I wasn’t going to trust him either.

He gave me a side look, with narrowed eyes. “He usually lets his captains take over a deal and doesn’t interfere. But he keeps stepping in on your deal with Nick. I thought it was to get to me, but I’ve worked my shit out with him now. So what’s going on?”

I sat up. “You worked your stuff out with him? What does that mean? Are you throwing your fight?”

He shook his head. “I told you, I’m in now. I get to keep my boxing career, but I work for him.” He shrugged. “He’s not so bad. As long as you get your job done, he’s fair. That’s why I know he wouldn’t hurt you. At least I don’t think he would. He hasn’t, has he?”

I shook my head, trying to process. He had said he wouldn’t keep our relationship a secret once he didn’t have to. It sounded like he didn’t have to now, but I doubted he would do anything to jeopardize his place by Rusnak’s side.

“Has he tried anything? I know he gave you gifts, but you can say no to him.”

I stared at my hands. “Doesn’t seem like the type of guy who takes a no very well.”

Gages eyes flashed and his jaw clenched, but his phone beeped and pulled his attention before he could respond.

“Hello. We’ll be there soon—Twenty minutes.” His eyes slid to mine. “Yeah, maybe. We can talk about it when we get there.” His thumb slid over the screen, ending the call. Then he slid the phone back in his pocket.

He put the car in drive, merging into traffic, and kept his eyes forward as he said, “you can say no. In fact, you should say no. He might give you gifts, but he won’t interfere with Nick’s deal with you. So don’t think letting him touch you will get you anywhere.”

I bit my tongue, tasting acid from my stomach. I wasn’t talking to Gage about this. He was speaking with jealousy, that was clear in his harsh tone.

“Say something. Has he tried anything? Have you let him? Would you let him?” The disgust in his tone lit my anger. He had no right to judge my actions, not when he wasn’t innocent either.

“I’ll do whatever I have to do to get the hell away from all of this.” I turned away from him to look out the window, but peeked back with the corner of my eye.

He jerked his head to look at me, but only for a moment before he had to focus on the road. The muscles in his jaw worked as he clenched his teeth, and the lines of his muscles in his arms flexed as he gripped the steering wheel.

We both stayed silent the rest of the ride.


Gage parked around the back of the building, tires crunching over the rocks as the drive turned to gravel.

“Regan,” my name came out like a whispered plea. “I need—”

I shut the door on his words, sliding out the minute the SUV had parked. I wasn’t going to be sucked in by his words anymore.

I gripped the strap of my bag on my shoulder and walked to the back entrance, not waiting for him.

His car door slammed, then his quick footsteps were behind me and I jerked back, turning, as he grabbed my arm. “I’m trying to fucking talk to you.”

I let out one puff of a sarcastic laugh. “I thought it was Nick I’m supposed to be talking to?” I used my hand to peel his fingers off of my arm, meeting his angry eyes with my impassive stare.

“Don’t go in there with this damn attitude. Just sit and listen to what he says, all right?” He stepped closer to me but didn’t touch me again, his arms crossed over his chest.

And even now, the heat coming from him caused my stomach to dip and I crossed my own arms, just to keep from touching him. I had spent the ride wrapping my anger around all of my emotions and all my pain, but he still managed to untangle them with just a glance.

I nodded, tight lipped. I was fine with keeping quiet for now.

He opened the door for me, but stepped in front of me as we walked down the hall to Nick’s office. Gage walked in without knocking, but nobody was in the room. He went straight to the drink cart and poured himself a shot. He slammed it, then opened the mini fridge and took out a beer and water. Walking back over to me, he handed me the water, then took a seat on the couch and pulled out his phone.

“Have a seat,” he said, looking down at his phone as his thumbs bounced on the screen.

I sat in the chair opposite Gage, the one that gave me a better view of the door. Sliding my bag off my shoulder, I placed it between my feet, then opened the water and drank. The night’s events were catching up with me and I needed something to ease the pain in my head.

Gage leaned back in his seat, eyeing me with a stern face as he sipped his beer. He leaned forward suddenly, about to speak, when Nick walked in.

He strode in, casual and confident. He flashed a smirk my way as he went to the drink cart and mixed a glass. “You managed to pull it off, little one. Maybe Silas was right about you.”

He sat next to Gage on the couch, setting his glass on the coffee table between us. Side by side, both resting their forearms on their knees as they leaned forward, the resemblance between them was clear. I had thought Gage was nothing like his uncle and it pierced my heart to admit I’d been wrong.

Nick’s eyes swiped over me and his smile grew. “Look at that bruise. Ya gonna feel that in the morning.”

I nodded, putting a lid on the simmering anger that his delight caused.

“Let’s get to business, all right?” Gage spoke up.

Nick looked to him and nodded, smirk evaporated. “Sure.” Then he brought his focus back to me. “You ready to fight again? Silas worked out another fight in two weeks.”

“I thought it was next month?” Gage cut in.

Nick’s smirk was back as he took a slow sip of his drink. “That was earlier. Anatoli told Silas to find another fight, something sooner.” He shrugged. “Everyone want’s this done with.”

Lines creased between Gages brows, “But she’s going to need time to prepare and recover. She—”

“It’s fine. I want this done with, too. Who is it?” I stopped his argument. I was skeptical of Rusnak’s motive, but the one thing I knew it meant was that Gage was wrong. Rusnak would intervene on my behalf.

“Fuck if I know. Silas has all that information, he should be here soon.” Nick leaned back in the chair sipping his drink.

The door opened, but instead of Silas, it was Rusnak. His black suit was tieless and the top buttons of his shirt were undone. Everything else about him was put together, though, not a hair out of place and perfect white teeth shown as he smiled.

“Congratulations Regan, I heard you had an impressive win.” He sucked in air as he looked at me, “But you didn’t go unscathed”

Maybe I should have kept my hair down.

Gage had stood up when Rusnak entered. “You got a minute to talk?”

Rusnak shrugged one shoulder. “Maybe later, right now I need to talk to Regan.” He looked back at me and nodded his head to the door. “Come with me.”

I looked towards Gage as I stood, stomach gripped tight. Didn’t he say he wasn’t leaving me alone? Now was the time to prove that, to prove he meant any of what he’s told me. But Gage wouldn’t meet my eyes. Instead, he was staring through Rusnak, face unreadable.

“Come on.” Rusnak held the door open for me, waiting for me to listen.

I picked up my bag in one hand and walked out. As I passed by Rusnak, he slid his hand to the small of my back, guiding me where to go. The door closed as he let go of it, and then we were alone in the hall. I counted to ten in my head, waiting for Gage, but he never came.

Rusnak led me into another room, a bigger office than the one we were just in, with nicer decorations as well, dark cherry furniture with red accents. The smell of cigar smoke clung to the room and made the open space suffocating.

As the door closed and he clicked the lock, my heartbeat quickened and I gripped my bag closer to me.

He walked around his desk and sat in his leather chair as he opened a bottom drawer and rummaged through it. He popped up into standing and crossed the space between us with long easy strides.

“Here’s your take from tonight.” He held out a wad of cash for me, hundred dollar bills on the top.

“That should go to Nick.” I stepped back from the money, not wanting to tempt myself.

Rusnak smiled and kept the money raised to me. “He’s got his share already. This is for you. You’re going to need money.”

Not wanting to argue, I took it. Maybe it wasn’t as much as it appeared. I would count it later. For now, I shoved it into my front pocket and nodded to him in acceptance.

His arm shot out and snatched the bag in my hand.

I tried to pull it back at first, keeping my grip tight, but thought better of it and let him take it. “What are you doing?”

“I’m checking something.” He unzipped the top, then the inside pocket, and his smile grew. “I knew it. You don’t wear the bracelet I gave you, but this,” He slid my gun out and raised his eyebrow at me. “This you carry with you. It’s illegal to carry out of its case.” He clicked his tongue at me.

I rolled my eyes and took my bag back. He didn’t need to see the rest. “It’s illegal for me to have a gun. I’m not licensed.”

His eyes were bright with amusement. “Well then, I’ll have to get you one.”

“Why did you tell Silas to schedule a fight sooner?” I asked directly, not in the mood for his banter.

He stared at me for a moment, and then he inclined his head to the couch along the wall. “Let’s have a seat and talk.”

I looked to the gun he still had in his hands, my gun, and walked to the seat. Damn, I don’t think sometimes. What good did I think a gun in my backpack would do?

He sat next to me and followed my gaze to the gun. “Here, put it away. I was just curious.” He handed it back to me.

This man confused the hell out of me. I took it from him and zipped it back into my bag.

He stretched his arm on the seat behind me as he leaned back, watching me. “I told him to speed it up because I know you want out, to be left alone when this is done.”

That’s the story he was going with. Fine. I still wasn’t sure if I believed him, but I would go with it too, for now.

He moved his hand on the couch, the tips of his fingers playing with the end of my ponytail. “Are you sore from the fight?”

I sat up further, moving out of his reach. “I’m fine.”

His eyes narrowed and lip curled, his hand still floating where my hair once was.

“Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?” I kept control of my voice, not letting my nerves show.

“You wanted out of the deal with Nick last week. I wanted to see how you felt now.”

“You said you couldn’t do anything because my deal was with Nick, not you.” I spoke slow, unsure of where to step or what to say. Certain I was being lured into a trap.

“Wouldn’t do anything, not couldn’t. I can do what I want. But I’m still not willing to completely interfere. I only wanted to know how you felt about it now that you won.”

“I’m fine. I’m going to go through with it. So if that’s all…” I stood up, wanting to end this conversation. I was tired of never knowing what to expect.

“No, that’s not all” He stood up with me, grabbing my elbow and taking a step towards me at the same time. “Was there anything else you needed? Wanted?”

I jerked away by reflex. “Nothing. I don’t want anything from you.” I took a step back towards the door, still facing him but putting distance between us.

His eyes narrowed as he considered me, but a smile tugged at his lips. “I know you were looking for work this week, applying to different places. If you want more money, all you have to do is ask. I could give you a job.”

“No. I’m all right.” Agitation was building as I thought of working for him. I wouldn’t.

“I insist. If you want to work, work at the gym. They’ll work with your training schedule, they pay well, you can walk there, and they won’t mind when you show up with bruises like this.” He stepped close and ran the back of his fingers over my cheek.

“No.” I pushed his hand off of me, but didn’t step away. I didn’t want to show any weakness. “I don’t want anything from you. My deals with Nick, not you.”

He had my ponytail in his hand before I even finished, jerking my head back, forcing me to look up into his angry face. “I have been nothing but nice to you. The least you could do is say thank you.”

I met his eyes, unblinking. My fight adrenaline was back, coursing through me, tightening my body. “Thank you.”

His lips curled up as his head dipped close to mine. He wound his hand up in my ponytail, pulling it tighter, my scalp burned as he forced my head back further.

“I think I like you better scared.” His voice was low and his warm breath dripped in my ear.

His grip didn’t allow my head to move, but I did my best to look directly at him. “Too damn bad.” I tried to insert as much strength into my voice and glare as I could. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me scared. Not tonight.

I knew I was only inciting him further, but at this point, I didn’t care. I wanted to force his hand, make him show his cards. I was tired of this game. And he was finally showing himself.

He pulled his head back to look at me. His free hand moved to my neck, lightly wrapping around it. “I know you’re lying, I can feel your pulse. But that’s a good try.” His hand in my hair didn’t let up as the other one slid down my neck and over my shoulder to my back. He pulled me in close, against him, and whispered in my ear, “Or are you more turned on than scared. Is this how you like it?” His teeth grazed my ear lobe and then he sucked, sending shivers over my skin.

BOOK: Inside Danger (Outside The Ropes Book 2)
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