Love Without Boundaries (32 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard,M. K. Eidem

BOOK: Love Without Boundaries
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He signaled to Dar. “I’ll need both of you in my office when I hear back and we’ll have to move quickly. The warrants on her are all over the place no matter how well she thinks she hid. Someone always sees something which means it won’t be long before they add up matters and start looking at the Z. I don’t need that kind of trouble at my age.”

Considering he didn’t look much older than her, Ellie assumed he was using a figure of speech.

Aran began closing the snaps on his shirt. “I have to stop in medical for blood work and then we’ll join you.”

Chapter 9

Aran never imagined that the reasons behind Ellie’s illegal passage on the Zanian would be this huge. A part of him, the alliance officer, wanted to question her and her motives. But the Argoran in him wanted to tear into anyone who sought to do her harm. The constant back and forth on his emotions was wearing.

“I’ve got all I need, Chief T’Kar.”


Aran rolled down his sleeve after Medic Joohn closed off the top on the last vial of blood he’d drawn. The samples would be sent to his father for testing. While Aran didn’t fear tantra now that he’d mated Ellie, he needed confirmation that nothing else was wrong with him physically and the best way to do that was for his parents and those that understood Argoran DNA to study his blood.

Ellie shifted beside him. She’d been quiet while he’d had his blood work done but he knew her mind was busy with all that had transpired in a short amount of time. There was still the subject of matings which he’d yet to discuss with her. He sighed and decided to save that for later. She had bigger issues to contend with and as her mate he planned to take care of them for her. Nothing would interfere with his desire to spend his life with her. She meant that much to him.

Aran had also taken a moment to review the warrant further. Elliana Cage was wanted for a list of charges.
Assault, attempted murder, and a fugitive alert for running without answering law enforcement questions.
There were some smaller charges pertaining to her mental capacity as well. Her stepfather was said to be home and resting. In his pre-recorded conference, Palo expressed concern about his daughter’s safety and state of mind. As far as set-ups go, he’d trapped Ellie perfectly. The public outcry would be in his favor and the fact that she’d run without defending herself added credence to Hinder’s lies.

Aran stood from the stool he’d used and tucked Ellie’s hand in his. Her color was better. After Jax lost his composure, he’d restrained every instinct and urge that screamed to protect what was his. Coming out of full blown muata with a mate had sent his senses reeling. His heart beat for her. Knowing she faced danger enraged him but Aran knew she wasn’t ready for his declaration of feelings any more than she was ready for him to explain what they now meant to one another.
was still trying to find the right balance but he refused to let anything cause her harm.

As he’d promised Jax, Aran led Ellie to the Commander’s office. The space like Jax was well organized and orderly. A sleek work station with Jax’s secure console rested in the corner, several chairs clustered together off to the side and against the wall sat a red lounger that the commander loved.

They arrived first to the empty room. Surprising when one considered how intense Jax was about punctuality. With the level of responsibility on him running a battle cruiser with over a hundred crewmen, Aran often wondered how Jax managed to stay on top of it all.

Aran chose the lounge for them to sit on and smirked at what Jax would think when he realized his favorite seat had been taken.

Ellie twitched when he sat beside her. She’d been jittery and the feeling was growing in her. Aran eased closer. He could scent her fear as well. It covered her and blocked the fruity essence of her natural body smell which he preferred. “You’re scared.”

She didn’t deny the claim as her blue eyes flared with remorse. “I don’t know what to do. I thought sending the disc to Lissi was smart but I never thought I could be sending trouble her way.”

Aran cupped her delicate jaw. “You didn’t know. On the run with little choice, you chose the best option.”

She huddled into the cushions, shoulders rolled forward. “After what Jax said, I’m scared if Palo realizes what I did, he might go after her.”

Aran laughed. “If the senate leader tries to tackle an entire Jutak unit, then he’s truly crazy. Lissi has committed her life to Rydak Jaard who’s one of the Team Leaders. Rydak’s team and the others in his unit would kill anyone who attempted to hurt her.”

The pinched expression on Ellie’s face loosened.

His thumb traced the fullness of her bottom lip.

Her breathing went shallow. Fear shifted to desire “Thank you for telling me that.”

There were so many promises he wanted to make. Not yet. Aran bit back on the volley of words. The time wasn’t right. Blood results and another talk with his father were definitely in order.

“I’m scared, Aran.”

“I know.” And he hated it.
Hated that he couldn’t make all of this instantly go away from his mate as was his right.
His ingrained duty.

In hopes of distracting her from worry, Aran leaned towards her in need of a kiss. The soft press of her lips eased his yearning and his desire to soothe the fear strangling her senses.

The first touch of his mouth to hers had Ellie tensing. Aran shifted his hand to caress her cheek, the angle of her jaw. His thumb brushed back and forth until she relaxed. He touched his lips to hers again and this time she gave him what he wanted. She melted against him with a slight moan that went straight to his groin.

Her lips parted and his tongue teased into the opening she provided to sip at her sweetness. She tasted like his wildest dreams. Hot, sweet and with a hint of citrus. Aran wanted more. His animal half stirred. Aran’s arms curled around her waist as he welcomed the full weight of her breasts onto his chest.

He sucked and licked at her mouth making a meal of the kiss. Soft fingers traced the pointed tips of his ears and Aran groaned. He caught her hands in his when she would have dropped them to her sides and held them to his sensitive lobes.

“Ellie,” he murmured when he pulled back slowly from the kiss.

“Aran, what’s going on between us? I’ve never felt like this before.”

Aran pressed another short kiss to her bewitching lips. When he at last let her go, Aran swore he could still feel the imprint of her mouth on his. Her lashes fluttered as her lids reluctantly lifted. He was pleased to note he wasn’t the only one impacted by the kiss. He ran a quick check on his muata.
The heat was gone. No fever coursing through his loins. No uncontrollable urges.
Just red hot desire.
Desire to join with this woman in his arms.
His mate.

“How do you feel?”

She sat up, cheeks flush. “I…I’m not used to getting close to someone this fast.”

Aran considered how much to share. She wasn’t Argoran. This was new to her. She wouldn’t fully understand how natural it was for his kind to fall. He chose to simply say, “You’re my mate.”

At his words, Ellie attempted to increase the distance between them but Aran caught her about the shoulders. “Don’t.”

The door to the office chimed and Jax entered followed by Dar. Jax took one look at where they sat and grunted. Dar cracked a smile and both men pulled up a chair. Jax slid his over to the console.




Ellie didn’t know what to expect when the men joined them. She had questions that Aran needed to answer. Especially the mating term that kept getting tossed around. There was more to the word and the picture was starting to form in her mind.
A picture that created a warm glow in her middle.
Jax spoke over his shoulder while reading the communication on his screen.

“I heard back from Torkel the Jutak Unit Leader. Rydak got the disc from Lissi and their teams reviewed it.”

He spun in his chair to face them. His expression warned Ellie she wasn’t going to like what he said next. “He’s agreed to send a team to meet us in Urala.”

Aran growled. “Xenol is better.”

Jax’s eyes narrowed. “I tried, Aran. Torkel was firm on Urala and you know what that means.”

Ellie didn’t understand the difference unless one took them out of the way. Aran lunged to his feet and flexed his fingers.
When she glanced down the fingers on his right hand sported razor sharp claws.
She shivered. “What’s the big deal, Aran?
If it gets the information quicker.”

The low deep rumble continued to roll from his chest as he paced. Ellie looked around. Jax had a wary eye on Aran and Dar avoided her searching eyes altogether. Finally Dar cleared his throat.

“Urala is not a neutral planet and Xenol is.”

Her spine stiffened. Were they going to turn her in? After everything she’d shared with them. “What are you saying?”

Jax kept staring at Aran when he answered. “Going to Urala means we can’t protect you. Torkel and his Jutaks will be obligated to arrest you based on the warrant.”

“No!” Ellie jumped to her feet. “Did they look at the evidence? I’m not guilty. I had to protect myself.”

Claws popped on Aran’s left hand and he stopped in the middle of the room and bared his fangs. “I didn’t agree to that, Jax.”

Jax rose to his feet and even match for Aran’s height. “I know but this is the only way. The Jutaks will take her into
keep her safe until they can get that disc into the right hands. The evidence is there, Aran. She’s got Palo hooked. Message links, plans to kill his wife and illegal credit transfers into his personal account. It’s all there.”

Aran’s chest rose on a deep inhale and relaxed when he exhaled. He lowered his head and the muscles in his arms twitched before his claws retracted. “If she’s injured, Commander…”

Jax relaxed and his mouth quirked. “If she’s injured, you get a free hit.”

Aran didn’t even joke. “If something happens to her, I’m going to gut you.”

Jax narrowed his eyes. “Don’t overstep yourself, Chief.”

Ellie stood up unwilling for Aran to get in more trouble. When she stepped next to him, he cupped the back of her neck using the hold to pull her close and rested his forehead on hers. “You have no idea what it means to be my mate.”

“Then tell me,” she whispered, feeling the stares of the others.

“If something happened to you...” Aran broke off the words and closed his eyes. His fingers caressed the hair at her nape. Rubbing, stroking. Ellie inched closer and placed her hands on his shoulders.


His lids popped open and the green eyes that she was beginning to adore with their diamond pupils glinted down at her. “Now is not the time.”

Ellie wanted to protest. Demand answers but he was right and with his commander and lieutenant listening, Ellie gave in. “We’re talking later,” she declared.

His lips curved into grin, flashing fangs that no longer looked nearly as deadly as they had before. Aran brushed a kiss across her lips, too fast for her to savor the telling gesture before he straightened. “I want Torkel there, Jax. He takes her in.”

Ellie’s breath stalled in her chest.
Taking her in.
Taking her in.
What if Palo got to her? Would she end up dead like her mother? Her heart tripped, remembering the lost of her last parent. Her chest burned as fear of the unknown tore through her.

Ellie rubbed through the shirt to alleviate the pressure. It didn’t work. She gasped, trying to draw air in a raw panic.

Aran’s hold on her neck turned firm. His green stare locked on her.
Slowly, sweet girl.”

Ellie focused on his lips. Each word shaped from his mouth. His thumb pressed hard into the column of her neck where the fear had formed a tangled knot.

“Easy, follow me. There you go.”

She kept her eyes on his. Her lungs released and air flowed freely. Ellie waited as her heart rate slowed. She followed Aran’s slow and steady breaths until she calmed. “I don’t want to go, Aran,” she cried out as soon as she could speak.

“Torkel is the Unit Leader for the Jutak warriors. He’ll take good care of you. It won’t be for long. Once we get the evidence turned in to the proper channels, I’ll come for you.”

Sincerity blasted from his green depths. Ellie took another deep breath and let it out. She had to trust him. Trusting him was a risk she needed to take. Running wasn’t going to work. Her actions proved she wasn’t good at it.
One more deep breath.

Aran smiled and let her go. “Set it up that Torkel be there, Jax.”

His Commander rolled his eyes. “We’re pushing but I’m sure he’ll agree. It’s Lissi after all.”

Chapter 10

“Remember, everything will work out, Ellie. Trust me.”

Ellie hardly needed Aran’s reminder. Nothing would shake her nerves about the plan they’d worked out on her behalf until it was over. Once Palo was behind bars where he belonged and her name was cleared then she’d relax.

“Palo will pay, Ellie,” Aran assured her as they strode across the busy station on Urala. Almost as if he read her mind.

It was just Aran and Dar hurrying with her through the streams of people at the space port for one of the larger military training facilities in the alliance. Jax had remained onboard the Zanian IX to complete landing procedures and to issue assignment distribution for the training the crew needed to partake in while here. Dar had received permission to accompany them. The lieutenant sent a smile Ellie’s way to boost her confidence.

It worked until her gaze landed on the six men dressed in all black waiting for them. Black button downed shirts with high collars were tucked into fitted black pants. The laser blasters strapped around their hips and tied to their thighs slowed her steps. Three of them had blond hair brushed back from their foreheads, gazes stern. The other three had dark hair.

Ellie came to a full stop in the middle of the port. She sensed Aran’s confusion but was unable to move. Those three were the ones to beware. The tallest of the group was also the biggest. He headed in their direction, pinning them with his dark stare. His hair fell about his shoulders daring the slightest breeze to disturb it.

Aran pressed his hand to her lower back trying to move her forward.

Her feet dug in. She couldn’t. The breath rasped in her chest. Ellie curled her fingers into her palm. The urge to run screamed across her senses.

The giant stopped in front of them. Ellie tipped her head back to keep his face in view. He topped Aran by at least two inches but his broad chest and menacing presence made him seem so much bigger.

“Chief T’Kar.” The deep voice rumbled from his chest and Ellie bumped back into Aran.

Aran leaned into her side.
“Easy, Ellie.”
To the man he said, “
for agreeing to come, Torkel.”

Torkel nodded. “My Commander had no problem with your request although Team One would have taken good care of her without me.”

Dark brown eyes shifted in Ellie’s direction. “What you did was brave, Ms. Cage. The disc Lissi turned over has serious data that incriminates Senate Leader Hinder in some very bad decisions.”

Bad decisions.
Ellie stifled her tears. Her mother’s death was more than a bad decision.

“But,” Torkel added. “If you ever jeopardize a Chosen like that again, you won’t like the results. Lissi is my only sister.”

The implied threat came across loud and clear. Ellie wished she could hide inside Aran but she couldn’t get any closer to the man at her back unless he could absorb her into his skin.

“Ellie understands.” Aran’s voice was like steel as it whipped forward. “Just like you understand that a threat to my mate is a threat to me.”

Torkel hiked his brow. “I didn’t receive word you’d mated.”

Aran shrugged behind her.

Torkel released Ellie from those burning brown orbs and met Aran’s stare. “Congratulations.”

The rest of his men caught up to them and formed a semi-circle behind their leader. Aran snarled and took a half step back with Ellie in his arms. One of the dark haired men with eyes of blue steel raised his palms up in surrender and moved back several feet.

Torkel glanced over his shoulder in surprise. “Arak?”

His man offered a rueful grin. “I’m part Argoran and he’s newly mated. I can smell their combined scent.”

Aran snarled again and the hand he clamped around Ellie’s middle became a band hard enough to cause her breath to catch. She gasped and the hold loosened immediately.

It was Dar who jumped in. “Aran, we need to make this quick. We’re drawing attention standing around.”

And it was true, Ellie noted. People in the station glanced over, eyes curious. Heads craned their way as the crowd shifted. Any time you had an obvious Jutak team present you’d draw stares. Their presence meant high level military involvement. Soon someone would notify the media and the elite soldiers did
do media and publicity.

“Are we good, Chief T’Kar?” Torkel asked, a new tension radiating from his pores.

Aran made soft growling sounds but not in the warm way Ellie had grown used to. She turned in his arms and cupped his jaw. The very fact that he was worried about her somehow eased her own concerns about going with the soldiers. “You’ll come and get me right?”

His green stare narrowed on Torkel. “Three days, Torkel. Have this over by then because I’m coming for her.”

Ellie checked over her shoulder and the tough leader’s mouth curved up. “She’ll be in safe hands on Enotia.”

Aran’s hands locked at her hips.

Torkel nodded. “I received permission from my commander to house her at the Jutak home base.
Better than a detainment cell or a prison colony.”

“You’ll watch over her?”

There was
a vulnerability
in Aran’s question that made Ellie’s stomach dip. She ran her hands over his shoulders.

Torkel tipped his head to the side. “I’ll honor her as if she were my Chosen.”

His words had a dramatic effect on Aran. He exhaled softly and the tight grip on her waist released. “Three days.” He shifted his weight.

She looked up at Aran uncaring that her mouth quivered. “I’ll be fine.”

He nodded. “You will.” His thumb pressed against her bottom lip. “I’m coming for you.”

She needed the reassurance and nodded.

His thumb drifted away and she missed the contact.
The added stimuli.
“Once the Z finishes our training exercise, I’ll head to Enotia. This nightmare with your stepfather will be over and I can take you to meet my parents on Argora.”


He cracked his first smile and cuffed her chin. “They’ll want to meet my mate.”

Ellie stroked the sensitive tips of his ears, pleased when he purred. The sound was growing on her. “We are so talking about this mating business.”

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