Love Without Boundaries (34 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard,M. K. Eidem

BOOK: Love Without Boundaries
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Chapter 13

“Thank you for coming in Ms. Cage. We appreciate you taking the time to speak with us.”

Ellie shook hands with the man who’d walked her through the questioning as they recorded her statements for public record. She’d sat through hours of grueling questions, faced skepticism and finally acceptance. “I’m glad I was able to help. This has all been very trying on me.”

His graying head nodded and warm brown eyes glinted with sympathy. “It’s disappointing to discover these atrocities from such a distinguished member.”

Ellie glared and Rahul Tou had the decency to flush. The chamele seemed nice but nothing would change what she’d found out about their peer. She didn’t think there was anything distinguishing about Palo and there never had been.

“My apologies.”

She didn’t need more enemies here. There were enough people, who respected Palo and hated Ellie in return for the news that broke. Somehow the media had gotten a hold of further details about her stepfather’s crime. Ellie had been exonerated and charges dropped but she’d accrued a following of protesters. Palo Hinder supporters had rallied around the space port when she’d first landed.

The rowdy crowd had followed Ellie and the Jutaks at her side with loud taunts and jeers as they made their way to the Rastor detention center where Ellie would be questioned. Someone had thrown a rock but Rydak’s arm jerked in the air as he caught it just inches from Ellie’s face. The blond team leader had stopped and stared at the roaring crowd. In an instant, the colorful insults vanished in the face of Rydak’s speed and the dark red uniform he and the others wore. Recognition of the Jutak warriors spread. Silence echoed back and nothing else had been thrown.

Ellie was grateful for the men Torkel sent to accompany her. Rydak’s familiar presence was a balm to her rioting nerves. She recognized the other two men with them from the day Aran sent her to Enotia.


Her heart squeezed tight in her chest. Ellie wanted Aran more than she’d wanted anything in her life lately. She wanted to cuddle deep into his arms and let his chest warm her. She wanted to hear him purr as she stroked his ears.

“Heads up, Ellie.”

Rydak’s low murmur from the other side of her had Ellie’s shoulders bracing. Rahul’s pace had slowed but the small circle they’d created to protect Ellie as she left the hearing didn’t allow him to move far. She scanned the throng of people to find what Rydak saw.

They stood outside on the stairs of the Rastor security center. People milled around yelling, media had cameras set up recording the event and then her gaze landed on the lone man at the bottom waiting. Dressed in his gray and black uniform, Ellie had initially glanced over him.

A smile of welcome met her stare.


Love bloomed in her chest. Forget falling. Ellie loved him. Her smile stretched her lips until her face hurt. Tears blurred her vision. She didn’t wait for Rydak. Her feet flew down the
her only thought to reach Aran’s side.

She missed Rydak’s hand reaching for her.
Too fast for even the powerful Jutak.
Rahul choked beside her but she didn’t turn to see why. Ellie had one purpose as she weaved through the mass of bodies.

Aran’s expression changed.
Became distraught.
“Ellie, no!”
He pushed at the people around him and ran towards her.

Ellie shoved at the few people barring her path. She lost sight of his dark head. Footsteps clattered behind her and someone called out her name.
Her steps slowed as Ellie recalled the reason Torkel had sent his men with her. He worried that Palo would attempt to silence her.




Aran had wasted time going to Enotia only to have Torkel tell him that he’d sent Ellie with three of his men to Rastor. Aran had rushed to catch another shuttle transport threatening the pilot who’d dared question his urgency. The delay caused dread to build in his chest.
Too fast.
Jax was right. This was all moving too fast and he had a feeling he knew why Palo insisted Ellie answer the questions for the Rastor security officials in person.

The Senate Leader wouldn’t care about proving any discrepancies in Ellie’s story. He’d only care about paying back the woman who ruined his life. Somehow, Palo Hinder planned to use Ellie’s questioning as an opportunity to take her out of the picture. What better way to do that than to get her back on Rastor where she’d be within his reach. The thought had his cat snarling and only the firm hold on the seats kept him from shifting.

Aran barely let the pilot finish his post flight check before he raced down the ramp and charged a hover car to his accounts. The light weight vehicle skimmed through the streets as Aran pushed it to the limits in his rush to get to the security center.

The protestors caught him by surprise, forcing him to park at the end of the street. Aran doubled back after parking and fought his way through the yelling and chanting. He didn’t have a clear line of sight to the building. Determination fueled his efforts as he managed to work his way toward the front.

The door to the security center opened amidst shouts and Ellie stepped out with a man Aran recognized as Rahul Tou. Three Jutak warriors in red riot gear filed out behind her. Rydak Jaard was one of them. When Aran’s gaze landed on his mate his cat let out a growl of recognition startling the woman standing next to him. Aran ignored her and pressed forward with every intention of getting to Ellie.

She said something to Rydak before jerking her head around. Her eyes landed on him immediately. The knot in his chest loosened. Aran smiled. It was over. No more separation. He was taking his mate with him and never letting anything separate them again.

Blue eyes beamed at him and pleasure radiated over Ellie’s face. Red hair trailed behind her as she skipped down the stairs in his direction.

His cat practically rolled over beneath his skin at her joy. Aran wanted to laugh out loud at her speed. Instead of meeting her, Aran decided to wait at the bottom as he prepared to catch her heedless flight.

Rydak reached for her and shouted something. Aran’s Argoran hearing picked up on one word.


Coming up on the left and cutting around the large columns at the side of the giant stairs was a man in tan pants and a white shirt. He approached from the side, making no attempt to hide the laser pointed directly at Ellie.

“Ellie, no!”

His inner animal tore from his control and Aran raced toward Ellie on four paws without realizing the shift had swept him under. A spark of light flashed from the laser and Aran roared when she stumbled backward. Red zoomed over his vision and his cat went wild. He didn’t heart the screams.
Didn’t see the frantic people as they scrambled to get clear away from him.

His single minded focus stayed on the man who tried to run. Aran jumped and took the fleeing bastard to the ground. His paws swiped across the shirt, drawing blood. The rich scent spurred his animal on.

Aran let loose the low throttle growl rumbling in his chest, pleased when the man under him cried out. He pressed deeper with his claws, reveling in the flow of blood.
Blood that his mate would have shed if her attacker had his way.
The thought sent his anger spiraling once more and his teeth locked around the trembling throat. He clenched his jaw, allowing the threat of his fangs to pinch at the skin of the neck in his grip.

He wanted to kill.
To savage the enemy bleeding beneath his claws.
The only thing that held him back from the killing blow was the soft voice pleading with him.




“Die whore!”

The scream was close enough to distract. Ellie turned and a man aimed a blaster directly at her. Panic skittered over her spine. Her vision narrowed to the two of them while everything else was blocked out.
Dark hair.
Dark eyes.
His mouth twisted in an evil smile. Ellie had seconds to notice his fingers twitch on the trigger. Seconds to hear the loud roar and snapping growls before the weight of a hover car slammed into her back.

Ellie fell onto the ground, her hands and face taking the brunt of the impact. Pain ricocheted up her arms and her shoulders slammed down followed by a searing burn in her side. Screams filled the air. Ellie struggled to make sense of what happened as her vision wavered out of focus.

“Stop him, Ellie.”

Rough hands pulled her up. She shook and trembled as she gained her feet. More screams and deadly snarls that had Ellie wanting to curl up and hide.

“Come on. Hold on a little longer for me. I’d hate to arrest your mate for murder.”

Rydak spoke to her in urgent whispers. He needed her to get to Aran. The leather covering his hands brushed over her shoulders as he helped her, practically dragging her along with him. His men snapped out orders creating a small perimeter around where the sounds originated.


Ellie blinked and brushed her hair back from her face. Her fingers caught in the tangles. “What’s going on, Rydak?”

“Aran needs you.”

They closed in on the two Jutak warriors, weapons drawn and expressions dark. The one with the scarred face checked Ellie over with burning green eyes. Different from Aran’s but compelling.

His gaze shifted to Rydak. “Quick or its over.”

Rydak cursed and barreled through, Ellie at his side. They came to an abrupt halt. Aran had a man in torn pants and shirt pinned to the ground.
But not her Aran.
This was Aran in his deadly shifted form.

Large paws planted on the fallen man’s chest. Claws that continued to dig into the ripped fabric as blood dripped from the wounds. His stubby tail arched straight from his rear but the barbs were fully extended. Aran had his face pressed into her attacker’s throat and it would only take the slightest pressure from him for the blade sharp teeth to sink into tender flesh.

“Get him to back off, Ellie. We’ll take care of this. I promise.”

Rydak’s whisper jerked her attention to him. Her heart pounded in her chest and her side hurt.

Rydak nudged her forward. “Hurry before his instincts overrule the man and your mate does something he may regret.”

“Doubtful,” the green eyed Jutak with the scarred face murmured.

Ellie thought of Aran’s career.
His friendship with his Commander.
She hurried forward, not questioning why she wasn’t the least bit afraid to kneel beside the white cat prepared to kill the man who’d attacked her.

“Aran, please.
Don’t do this.” She whispered the words close enough for him to hear and slid her fingers through red stained fur.
She grimaced and kept murmuring words of comfort, words of reassurance. She shifted to her butt and winced at the pain in her side.

His growl increased in volume causing the man beneath him to squeal.

Ellie licked her lips and laid her head on the furred shoulder. “I love you, Aran.”

He stiffened. With one last snarl, he released the throat from his deadly grip. He remained crouched over the man but turned his large head in her direction. She forced a brave smile to her lips though the edges quivered.

Aran leaped and soon Ellie’s arms were filled with a heavy muscled cat as he nuzzled her neck and purred. She laughed. The sound caught her off guard, considering the situation. Rydak grabbed the man as soon as possible and wrapped flexi-cuffs on his wrists. When their gazes clashed, he nodded at her.

They all ignored the man’s rants as Rydak led him away.

Ellie stroked Aran soothing his anger. He shifted beneath her hands and she welcomed the weight of his arms as he lifted her when he rose to his feet. Unmindful of his nudity, Aran kissed her deeply.

Lips tangled and relief brought tears to Ellie’s eyes. When he eased back, he said, “I love you, Ellie.”

“I love you.” She hugged him hard then cringed at the pain in her side. Aran froze, his hands frantically pulled at her clothes. Both of them saw the darkening stain on her shirt at the same time.


Ellie tried to tell him she was fine. Tell him it was a minor injury but his face blurred and the world went dark.


Aran ran his hand over the fiery strands of his mate’s hair. They lay in his bed in his room onboard the Z. Her attacker faced charges of attempted murder after revealing Ellie’s stepfather had paid him to kill her once she returned to Rastor. He would have managed it too if not for the Jutak warrior’s quick actions.

Rydak had tackled Ellie to the ground while Aran had tried to cover the distance between them when he spotted the shooter aiming for her. Aran knew the odds of reaching her in time were against him as he cut across the sidewalk and hurdled up the stone stairs. The debt he owed the Jutak could never be repaid.

Aran placed a kiss on Ellie’s forehead not wanting to wake her. Palo now had a one way ticket to a prison colony. Aran hoped he rotted or better yet one of the other prisoners killed him in the many prison riots that occurred.

“Such dark thoughts you have.”

Aran glanced down into sleepy blue eyes that managed to twinkle at him. His finger traced a path over the soft skin of her cheek. “I almost lost you.”

He wouldn’t have wanted to live without her.

“But you didn’t.” She yawned and snuggled against his chest.

A medic had been summoned to treat the laser burn she’d received. A flesh wound. The small scar rubbed his cat wrong and Aran couldn’t wait to get her to Argora where he’d make sure his parents and the skilled staff removed any sign of the injury she’d sustained.

“Next time, stay with those assigned to protect you.”

“Hopefully there won’t be a next time.” Ellie wisped a hand over his jaw, gentle in the stroking caress.

Aran nudged his head into the tender touch. She smiled and continued to run her hands through his thick hair. Having his mate touch
in such a gentle manner caused the expected reaction. He purred.

Ellie’s smile blossomed. “I love that.”

“I know.” He kissed her parted lips. “I know what else you love.”

Her gaze changed with the knowledge of what he meant. The blue darkened to a deep rich hue. She wet her bottom lip and Aran held back his own grin at the greed reflected there. He planted his palms by her head and crouched over her. The covers slid down his back to fall to the floor. His shaft pulsed and throbbed as Aran rocked against her.

Her low pitched moan had him growling. Aran eased down her length in the bed until he faced her beautiful hidden treasure. His fingers slid between her thighs to tease. Ellie’s hands latched onto the strands of his hair as she arched her hips up.

Aran chuckled and gave her what she wanted. He’d always give his mate what she wanted. He replaced his fingers with his mouth.

“Stars, Aran. That feels wonderful.”

His lips found the wet heat of her and licked. The flicks of his tongue explored and tasted her heated depths. She
her hands tight in his hair. Aran added his fingers again. They slid through her entrance made slick by his ministrations.

“I can’t take it. It’s too much.”

She cried out and her thighs clenched. Aran sucked her swollen button and groaned when her release filled his mouth. His nostrils flared from the scent of her. Rich and passionate like the woman herself. He slowed the wicked lashes from his tongue until she eased down.

Aran lifted his head to meet her glazed blue eyes. “There’s more I hope.”

He laughed. She was made for him.

Aran climbed over her careful not to bump her side though the medics assured she was completely recovered. Ellie tugged until their chest brushed against one another. Her hard nipples stabbed his chest and his arousal thickened.

Her hands glided down his back and her nails raked deep on the way up. Aran hissed and closed his eyes at the pleasure that rippled over him.

“We never did talk about that mating business.”

Aran tucked his face in her neck so she wouldn’t see his smile. “What’s to talk about?” He whispered before licking the frantic pulse at her throat.

Her hand slapped at his shoulder.
You can’t be serious.”

He ran his nose along the column of her neck and goose bumps pebbled her flesh. “What do you want me to say?”

She did a pretty good impression of his growl and Aran gave in to his rich laughter. “I’ll tell you whatever you want.”

“Good.” She sounded proud.

He wondered if the mating talk should also include his knowledge of her impending pregnancy.

“After,” he stated and slid into her passage on a smooth stroke that had her arching beneath him.

“You’re right,” Ellie moaned. “After.”

Aran smiled.

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