My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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“He is one hell of a man.” I choke out.

“He’ll make it through this. Damned stubborn he is.” I smile because I know that first hand.

“He will. I know how much he wants them, babies.” I let out a weak laugh. So does Jude. He walks up and pats my shoulder then leaves the room.


“Seven days Row. It's been a week since they said you were going to wake up. Now they are starting to lose hope. Please, please. Wake up.” It's been so long. I overheard the doctor telling his parents that if he hasn't woke up by now his chances of waking up were decreasing by the day. “I won't let go, Woodrow. I won't. Don't make me.” I whisper into his hand tears streaming down my face.

“What did I say, Dove? Balls deep.” It’s the best sound in the word. His voice is scratchy and harsh. I look up to his beautiful bruised face, right into his eyes. Blue. The bluest blue I have been praying to see for the past few days, right there staring back at me.

“Water babe.” He croaks out. Oh, shit of course. I jump up and grab him some water bending the straw toward his mouth. He gingerly leans forward and wraps his chapped lips around the tube sucking in a small amount. “Thank you.” He says already sounding better.

“I need to get them,” I say getting up.

“No, not yet. Need you Dove.” He squeezes my hand that I place back into his. “I saw you right before everything went black.” My face is wet with tears and I can't breathe through my nose. I'm a mess surely. “You are so fucking beautiful Dove. I missed you.”

“I missed you too Row. So fucking much.” I sob uncontrollably into his hand.

“That bull beat the shit out of me didn't he?”

“He did,” I say quietly. Just then the door opens, it's his mom. Shit now I feel horrible for not getting them.

“Hey, mom.” Row rasps out.

“Oh Woodrow, my baby.” She rushes over to hug him softly. I take that as my exit strategy. Getting out of the room I find the rest of his family and tell them the good news. Then I walk down the hall until I find a closet and go inside, shutting the door behind me. I drop to the floor of the dark room and cry. Cry so fucking hard it hurts. I fall apart right there in a god damned broom closet in a hospital in Cheyenne.







“Did you get it?” Cris asks me right when I walk into the apartment. I was just at a second job interview at the firm Lee works at. No, I am not a lawyer. They needed a receptionist.

“Yep,” I say. “Now have to get nice dress clothes to wear. Linnie is going to love this, I should just give her money and have her be my personal shopper.” We laugh. She would absolutely love that. Me not so much. It will definitely be a big change to my sweats and tank tops. The only places I like to go is second-hand stores and rummage sales if you look a person could really find some good deals. But there is a dress code at the firm, there for I may just have to bite the bullet and go to the mall. My dad wanted me to be able to focus my time on raising Karter without the worries of expenses and daycare. It wasn't something I wanted to do but I agreed for the first year. I mean, yes, it's a nice carefree way to live. Living off your daddy, but that's just not me. I needed a job. From my schooling, I had just enough qualifications for the job and when Lee told me about it I decided that it was perfect timing.

“I'm sure she would do that for you no problem, but she might get you things that show more cleavage than you would want.” She giggles.

“That is so true. I guess I will be going with her.”

“When is Row supposed to get here?” Row. It took him another couple weeks in the hospital to recover until he could go home. Those two weeks I spent in Cheyenne it was back and forth from the hospital to the hotel I was calling home. When the toe weeks were up he wanted to come home with me but I insisted he go with his family. It wasn't that I didn't want him here with me I just wanted him to be with them. I could see the thankfulness in his mom’s eyes when I told him he needed to go back to Texas. He has been away from them for so long and I know they missed him.

“He should be here at the end of the week. You still sure about having him move in?” I ask. We have been over and over this, she says it's fine but I still feel like it's me pushing her aside.

“I wanted to talk to you about that.” She starts. Getting me on alert. “Well mom sold her place and is going to be moving here soon, I was thinking of moving in with her.” My heart pangs at the thought of her leaving but at the same time I'm happy mom will be coming here. She needs Cris around, I know this.

“That’s great Cris. I'm glad she will be here.”

“So we are good?”

“We’re good.”


Since my baby boy is not so much a baby anymore I decided about a month ago to finally give him his own room. I mean really its time, maybe was time right after he was born. I took my time and ,made the room into an under the sea theme. Nemo is everywhere, oh did I mention he likes Nemo, the walls are a sea blue with random green seaweed painted from the floor up to about half way up the wall. Oh, and there are bubbles painted everywhere and when the lights are out they grow in the dark. It is adorable. He is still in the crib for now. Right in the middle of the ceiling hanging from the fan string is his mobile. Shana made it out of origami animals. I remember opening it at my baby shower and the three of us rolled with laughter. She made them out of pages of a children’s book. A little inside joke between us. I got a hair up my ass one day and wanted to try my hand at origami and we owned no paper. Besides the books Cris always kept in the living room. I skimmed over all of them and decided on the dumbest one. Hell, I would replace it. So I tried and tried and tried. Turns out I suck at folding paper. I used about a quarter of the pages and still nothing. Needless to say, she was pissed and I had picked one of her favorite books to do the deed. Well, I felt bad and tracked down another book and got the damned this signed for her. Problem solved, but she still never let me forget it.

I tuck in Karter closing the door to a crack and go to my room to sleep. I wake to hands skimming up my sides and lips bring pressed to my stomach.

“Hey, Dove.” I hear a familiar voice vibrate on my skin. I moan out a response and arch into him stretching my back in the process.

“Hey you.” I breathe. Running my fingers through his still long hair. He has gotten it cut but hasn't had it shaved like before. I tug a little and he groans. Oh, I love that groan.

“You tugging on my hair gets me so fucking hard.” He says in a deep gravely tone that sends tingles right to my clit. His mouth kisses its way up to my face and he takes my mouth with his. Hard. We knock teeth and he nips at my bottom lip. His hands continue their exploration pulling up my shirt and then pulling down my panties. I'm only sleeping in my panties and tank tonight. I was just too hot when I went to bed. Now I'm glad I did so.

“You are here early,” I say in between kisses.

“Couldn't be away from you anymore. Needed you baby.” I hear his zipper go down and then he is settling on his knees between my legs. The top of his jeans brush against my inner thighs and he pushes forward into me. He can never wait to take his pants completely off, needing to be inside me as quick as possible. I love it. I love him. Why haven't I told him yet? I pull his face away from mine and he stops his movements, keeping himself rooted deep. “What is it Dove?” that accent laced with lust. My nickname on his lips. Just the way he says it makes me tingle.

“I love you, Woodrow. I don't know why I never said it before but I do. I love you.” Small tears seep out the corner of my eyes and run down to pool in my ears.

“I know you do and I knew you would say it when you were ready baby. I love you too.” He puts his full weight on me and melds his mouth to mine, continuing in and out with slow steady movements. We make love all night, over and over again until the sun comes up.



“What are you doing today Dove?” Row asks while we sit at my small table eating breakfast. Just a bowl of cereal and Coffey. It’s so domestic, normal. I love having him here and try not to think about him leaving again, whenever that may be. We have settled into a routine, I go to work in the morning and he watches Karter during the day, sometimes visiting at lunch. At first, Karter was going to daycare but Row insisted he stay with him, his reasoning that he was bored and wanted someone to hang out with while I was gone. I agreed to it, reluctantly, but am growing fond of the two of them bonding.

“Just going to go in for a bit today, get caught up on some stuff. Got a little behind when I was sick last week.” I had a head cold from hell. Felt like I was going to die. My boss at the firm was understanding and agreed to let me come in and catch up on my filing on a Saturday, giving me a key to the office.

“Anyone else going to be there with you? Maybe I can stop by for a little office sex.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. “Always wanted to get head from a secretary under the desk.” I roll my eyes.

“You are such a horny bastard. No. There won't be anyone there just me.” I wink and get up to leave. Going to my room to get dressed. Picking out a pair of pinstripe black dress pants and a sleeveless white silk blouse. Pairing with black flats. There may not be anyone at the office today but I still want to look nice in case a customer does show up, and well, I like feeling dressy. I won't let Linn know that little fact, though.

“You are so fucking sexy baby.” Row says. I turn to see him leaning on the door jam of my room. Pushing off he stalks toward me. “Little Man is passed out in the playpen.” He says when he reaches me. “Thought I would come in here and say good by before you go to work.” Wrapping his fingers in my hair he pulls my mouth to his. Wet lips and tongues tangle together but I know if this keeps going we will only end up in bed. Reluctantly I pull away from him.

“I gotta go,” I whisper against his lips giving one last chaste kiss before pulling myself away. “You know what will happen if we keep going.” He groans.

“Sure as fuck do Dove.” He comes for me again twisting me so my back is to his front and snakes his hand down my pants. The reason why I chose these ones was because they were stretchy and comfortable. Apparently, them being stretchy is in Row’s favor too. He holds me close, lips brushing my neck, arm wrapped around my chest, while his fingers start to slowly play me. Bringing me higher and higher, his other hand sliding into the V of my shirt and under the cup of my bra. He pinches my nipple and twists slightly making me moan.

“Row I'm going to come.” I breathe out right before I shatter into his arms.

“Fucking sexy Dove.” He nibbles my ear. “Don't change your panties, want you squirming for me all day.” He whispers shortly in my ear making goosebumps break out all over my skin.







In the flustered condition, Row leaves me in I head for the office. As expected nobody is there and I go about my work. I have a stack of files to go through and I don't want to be here all day long. On my way, I went through the drive through of Starbucks and got myself a coffee hoping that it would light a fire under my ass and give me the ambition to get things done. We have one of them single cup makers here but I wanted something stronger first up. An hour in and I need to pee, go figure, I get up to go to the bathroom. Having to pass the front door, which is a clear glass door, I notice a car out front I don't recognize. It wasn't there when I got here and no one is in it. I shrug my shoulders at it. There are many other businesses here and sometimes no parking at them. Or lot sometimes gets the spillover parking which is why we have a sign for business hours parking only. It's not business hours so I decide to let it go.

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