Authors: Aaron Johnson
for more readers, because it is less predictable. Another leap in
information-content occurs in Steve Alien's:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You think this will rhyme
But it ain't gonna
H2 Prometheus Rising
The humorous unpredictability of this poem gives it, mathematically,
a higher information level than the predictable Valentine
poem we started with. If this is still obscure, try it in terms
of Bateson's elegant simplification: "Information is difference
that makes a difference."
Information is also known mathematically as negative entropy
or, in a widely used abbreviation, negentropy.
Entropy is a measure of the deadness of a system. Negentropy
or information is a measure of the liveliness of a system.
Evolution is always a matter of
at least
two stochastic processes,
each one acting as "selector" of the other(s). That is, in
non-living systems, where no such "selection" is involved,
entropy (lack of coherence) steadily increases, as stated in the
famous Second Law of Thermodynamics. In living systems, due
to stochastic co-selection, negentropy (information) steadily
increases. In Schrodinger's phrase,
"Life feeds
on negative entropy."
an ordering, selecting, coherence-making process.
Without getting embroiled in metaphysics, life (evolution)
as if
it were always aiming at higher coherence, i.e.,
higher intelligence.
This process accelerates because it is, as Shannon demonstrated
mathematically, logarithmic. Logarithmic processes are
such that if you put them on graph paper, the curve rises more
and more all the time.
Hence, the accelerations noted by Adams and Korzybski are
human increments in a process that has been innate in evolution
all along.
The human increment accelerates faster than pre-human evolution
through the third, semantic circuit
and its symbols
(words, maps, equations etc.) we are able to pass information
(negative entropy: coherence) from generation to generation.
World-wide wealth in terms of "Real Capital" (plants in
operation, actual known resources etc.) has been
doubling every
since economists started collecting statistics in the
18th Century.
Where does this wealth come from'? According to orthodox
economists it comes from land, labor, and capital. According to
Marxists, it comes from land and labor alone, and the capitalist is
a thief who has inserted an artificial bookkeeping system into the
Prometheus Rising
Both are wrong.
Land and labor alone, and land, labor
and capital together, can't produce new wealth if they are all
organized by a fallacious idea, such as searching for oil where oil
is not. The real source of wealth is correct ideas: workable ideas:
that is, negative entropy—Information.
The origin of these coherent (workable) ideas is the human
nervous system. All
wealth is created by human beings using
their neurons intelligently.
A neurotic young man once went to a Zen Master and asked
how he could find peace of mind.
"How can you lack anything," the
asked "when you
own the greatest treasure in the universe?"
"How do I own the greatest treasure in the universe?" asked
the young man, baffled.
"The place that question comes from is the greatest treasure in
the universe," said the Master, being more explicit than is
common for a Zen teacher.
Of course, as a Buddhist, the Master had taken a vow of
poverty and did not mean exactly what we mean here. But he
knew that the brain produces all that we experience—all our pain
and worry, all our bliss states and ecstasies, all our higher evolutionary
vistas and trans-time Peak Experiences, etc. It is also "the
greatest treasure in the universe" in the most materialistic economic
sense: it creates all the
which, socially employed,
become wealth: roads, scientific laws, calendars, factories, computers,
life-saving drugs, medicines, ox-carts, autos, jet planes,
If you are not alone in the wilderness, lift your eyes from the
page and look about. All that you see, whoever theoretically
"owns" it, is the time-binding product of the materialized or
manifested ideas of creative men and women. It is all negative
entropy. Coherent order.
And it is moving toward higher and more coherent order at a
faster rate-of-change all the time.
Of course, if you
alone in the wilderness, you will also see
coherent order, but in this case, the rate-of-change toward higher
order is much slower. That is, those stochastic processes which
we call genetic drift, evolution etc. are co-selecting higher order
at a different time rate than those stochastic processes which we
114 Prometheus Rising
call human thought, invention, culture etc. (This is why it is so
hard to reach agreement about whether the natural processes are
intelligent or not. As Bateson points out, if we accept any ordering
process as intelligent, then the biosphere is indeed intelligent;
but if we save the word "intelligence" only for those ordering
processes that move at the same speed as our brains, then Nature
is merely mechanical, not intelligent. To an extra-terrestrial with
a different time-sense than ours,
this question would not arise at
Most of what we perceive in the human environment is made
up of concretized ideas, in the above sense. Look again at a
human community; you are seeing the historical human mind
manifesting itself.
All ideas are not equally good, of course.
All manifested ideas (human creations in the biosphere) are,
therefore, not equally good.
This is why John Ruskin, a century ago, tried to introduce a
distinction between
This distinction did not
become accepted and incorporated into our language because
people, at that time, were not ready for it.
Wealth, in Ruskin's sense, consists of all those artifacts
(concretized ideas) which enhance human life, or life generally.
Illth consists of those artifacts which destroy, demean or degrade
life. A factory that pollutes the air or water is illth in this sense;
so is a bomb, a sword, a pistol, a tank of nerve-gas.
The Westward migration of Capital noted by Brooks Adams
was a migration of both wealth and illth.
Obviously, under primitive planetary conditions—finite space
and finite resources—the illth was perceived as necessary to
protect the wealth. Territorial politics are much the same among
domesticated primates as among other mammals; the primates
are just smarter at building more omni-lethal weapons faster.
This was originally a survival trait, an Evolutionary Relative
Success, because primates are born without the physiological,
inbuilt weaponry (lethal teeth, claws, horns etc.) of other
Since the Age of Reason in the 18th Century, the exponential
increase in wealth (life-enhancing ideas manifesting) has led to
more and more Utopian yearnings. At the same time, the equal
Prometheus Rising
and opposite increase in illth has led to more and more dystopian
and apocalyptical fears.
One's expectations about the future—Utopia or dystopia—are
always based on what one thinks is the dominant force in evolution.
This whole book, not just the present chapter, is based on
the belief that an overview of evolution shows beyond all doubt
that wealth-producing faculty (the search for higher coherence)
is the deciding factor. The illth-producing faculty is an archaic
mammalian survival system rapidly becoming obsolete.
The highest historical concentration of wealth (real capital,
and ideas generating new capital) now co-exists with the highest
concentration of evolutionarily advanced nervous systems.
Il6 Prometheus Rising
In California, Oregon, Alaska, British Columbia. Arizona,
Texas, the Hawaiian Islands, Japan and all around the Pacific,
where East meets West, the world of 2000 and 2010 and 2050 is
being created by persons who are veterans of a gigantic Neurological
Revolution—the psychedelic pioneers of the 1960s, the
graduates of the Consciousness Movement of the 1950s-70s, the
synthesizers of modern psychology and ancient Oriental mindsciences.
These persons are called the Aquarian Conspiracy by
Marilyn Ferguson, one of their spokespersons. They are
denounced as the Me Generation by Tom Wolfe, a time-traveler
from New York, i.e., from
the neurological past,
from a culture
crystallized before 1950.
This "Me Generation" is the
high water mark of
the time-binding function. Moving steadily Westward—away
from Tradition, away from Dogma—they are the products, as
Edmund Burke said of the first Americans, of "the dissidence of
dissent and the Protestantism of the Protestants." Every heresy
that left Europe produced newer, wilder heresies in the Eastern
Seaboard, 1600-1800. Those that were "too far out" had to move
further West and produced the 1000 Utopian communities
(anarchist, evangelical, free-love, etc.) that were attempted in the
mid-West during the 19th Century. Those who were even further
"out"—out of the traditional mode—moved further Westward in
the last 30-70 years.
All of the fallout of this migration seems weird to the Eastern
states, and even weirder to Europeans.
It all became much weirder still when it hit the Pacific and
began to interact with Oriental neuro-sciences and brain-change
arts, like yoga and Taoism and Zen.
It swallowed the Oriental lessons whole, without
It remained Western—the dissidence of dissent
etc.—and it has been gaining momentum and direction for two or
three decades now.
It aims at Higher Coherence and Higher Intelligence.
This is the new Power Elite.
As youngsters, these Aquarian Conspirators made the Youth
Revolution of the 1960s, which—whatever its excesses and
blunders—permanently changed and improved student-administrator-
teacher feedback in our universities; liberated our Puritan
Prometheus Rising ilj
culture for some healthy hedonism; imported a dozen varieties of
Oriental neuro-science (and two dozen varieties of Oriental
humbug, alas); launched the ecology movement (the first planetwide
perception of the difference between
recreated a true love of the wilderness and of wild creatures:
pioneered flex-time and other liberations from economic robothood;
launched Women's Lib, Gay Lib, Child Lib and generously
supported Black Lib; ended the Vietnam War; spread
holistic medicine throughout our culture; etc.
The same group is now leading the computer revolution;
spearheading the drive toward Space Migration; supporting the
Hunger Project, which will abolish starvation in our lifetimes;
leading the Longevity revolution and the search for immortality;
And they are all very conscious of being part of the Intelligence
Intensification explosion which is the major topic of this
This type of "Western progressivism" (or Utopianism) came
out of the mid-East and is the distinct contribution of the Jews,
which is why all reactionaries are intuitively anti-Semitic. As
William Blake wrote of this tradition:
The Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel dined with me, and I asked
them how they dared so roundly to assert that God spoke to
them; and whether they did not think at the time that they
would be misunderstood & so be the cause of imposition.
Isaiah answer'd: 'I saw no God, nor heard any, in a finite
organical perception; but my senses discover'd the infinite in
everything, and as I was then persuaded & remain confirmed
that the voice of honest indignation is the voice of God, I cared
not for consequences, but wrote.'
This vision of the infinite in everything is common to East
and West; what is distinctly Western, out of the Jews, is the
voice of honest indignation against every institution which
would deny or demean the infinity within each human soul. The
release of our full human potential—to let the light of Prometheus