The Awakening (41 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              He chuckled. "Nolan would be the protective sort. We have never seen him interact with a woman.....well, not one he wanted us to know about...cared to introduce me to."

              Raina tilted her head. "That’s one thing I was wondering. I didn't realize Nolan had so many immortals in his life. I knew Thanatos...then realized Elenora was still you and Joseph, and even...Richard?"

              Joseph frowned. "Learn to forget that name, Raina...and pray you never have to meet him. At least it will not be me causing such a thing to happen!"

              Raina bit her lip again.

              "If I had known what he would become...I would have never granted him immortality! Jonathan, now he took responsibility...used his gifts to better humanity. Leave it to the young to set the example."

              She stared down at her hands.

              "Do not be angry, but I do not wish to speak of my son. Richard is his own island, and I wish to have no part."

              Raina nodded. "Yes...of course I'm not angry."

              He nodded. "To answer your wondering...yes, there are a lot of us. You may meet more before this weekend is through. I think Nolan avoids us because it reminds him of what he is."

              "There is nothing wrong with who you are as far as I can see," she said sincerely.

              Joseph shrugged. "He has a right to his opinion I live out life as he chooses. He can take what’s been given to him, and be happy or or poor.

              Raina leaned forward frowning. "He made mention that he has money...I just don't understand. He doesn't live as lavishly as..." Her eyes wandered the study full of leather and oak...expensive looking paintings.

              "As me?"

              She blushed.

              "He is....wealthy...beyond probably what I can imagine! Nolan has decided to live a simple life, which is his right. He lives to see others succeed. This Bradley, your friend, he will be a wealthy man within years with Nolan near. He can pin point exactly where the market will go. He never fails, it’s uncanny. “His eyes danced. “He profits too of course, but he will never flaunt it. He gives much, anonymously to charity...doesn't take a write off...doesn't ask for anything in return. It’s just his way."

              She smiled with satisfaction. "Sounds very much like a Nolan thing to do." She then shook her head. "But not a Thanatos thing to do. Why does he live the way he does?"

              Joseph cleared his throat. "Guilt."

              Her brows lifted. "Guilt?"

              "When he shot Nolan and Nolan was brought back, and Nolan reacted the way he did. Thanatos was filled with guilt."

              "Jonathan said Nolan was not happy."

              "He was deeply depressed. Thanatos felt awful. He'd let his jealousy get the better of him, and he caused it to happen. He should have known Elenora would never let him die.

Nolan and he had been friends...very good friends. Though things were never the same for them after, Thanatos has never let go of the guilt. I think he follows Nolan around just to watch over him... Thanatos is not all bad."

              Raina laughed at this. "That’s what I say...all the time!" She grinned. "He certainly causes mischief in Nolan’s life."

              Joseph nodded. "It makes life interesting for the both of them."

              She shook her head. "So...Nolan really hated that he had been given the gift?"

              Josephs face was solemn. "Thought he was an abomination before dead. But he wasn't Raina...he never died. I stopped the cycle is all. I didn't bring him back from the dead...I just made it possible for him to live forever."

              "You healed him?"

              "Hmm, no, not healed. If I had that gift I would have simply healed up his wound...he would have remained mortal. I don't have that gift though."

              "There are immortals with the power to heal?" Her eyes grew large.

              "Very’s rare."

              "You've meet them?"

              Joseph smiled, and closed his eyes. "I know of one."

              Raina shook her head in disbelief. "What an amazing gift."

              "It certainly is."

              "Nolan way he calms me...the dreams....the compassion." She sighed. "He doesn't want to talk about it though."

              Joseph steepled his fingers, and rested his chin on them. "He does not want to glorify what we are."

              "But you are...amazing...wonderful...."

              "It scares the hell out of him that you feel that way. He doesn't want you entertaining thoughts."

              She frowned. "Even if it means I'd be with him always?"

              His eyes softened. "I would follow you around all your life waiting for the moment fate stepped in and allowed me to change you! If only for Nolan! But I have promised him I would not feed that obsession in you."

              She drew in a deep breath. "I will respect his wishes too."

              He nodded. "That’s why he loves you so."

              Raina smiled and gave a small shrug.

              "Now, continue...ask me what you've been wondering."

              She thought carefully. She didn't know how long she had with him, and there was so much she wanted to know!

              "Your abilities. Nolan downplays them all the time...but the strength...the hearing...the sight. He says that the gift is enhanced...but I've seen too much to believe it’s just a little above human, as he lets on."

              Joseph laughed. "Oh yes dear Raina...there goes Nolan not wanting to glorify us again. Our sight? You just have to look at our eyes and know there is a difference. We have to at times dim our own sight to keep from going blind. We can walk through a dark forest in the middle of the night...moon and stars covered by clouds, and it’s as if it’s the middle of the day."

              "And you can see...the aura of a person? Really?"

              Joseph nodded.

              "What about hearing?"

              He tilted his head. "Has Nolan used his hearing skills against you?"

              She chuckled. "The both of them...Thanatos and Nolan’s quite annoying sometimes."

              "Hmm, but knowing Nolan, he dims that gift to honor your privacy."

              She figured he did. It sounded like a Nolan thing to do. "What about the strength?"

              "Immense," he said nodding. "We contain it though. Some...are stronger than others. It depends on how they treat their immortal bodies. Nolan, for example, you see how he cares for himself. He runs...lifts weights...builds on what was already given him. He has great strength...makes for an effective protector."

              Raina now thought of Jonathans words, now realizing why he might fear Nolan’s jealousy. Her mind also wandered to the physique of her protector, and she blushed.

              "You will never find a heavy immortal our senses are is our metabolism...our immune systems..."

              "Wait!  Why would you need an immune system? Immortals can get colds?"

              Joseph grinned. "Sure, we're still human...we just don't die."

              She blushed. “Of course."

              "We have all the human feelings...physical and emotional. In fact...the physical can be rather intense with all the heightened senses. Smell...touch taste.....the best parts of love, hmm?"

              Raina blushed again. "Yes," she agreed.  She thought of how much he loved to smell her hair...touch he wouldn't allow her to do the same. It must be close to unbearable for an immortal man. Suddenly her respect for her protector went up. The patience and self-control he had used with her was admirable. His boundaries didn't seem so silly now...not for him.

              "I didn't know," she whispered. "What being with me costs him...what being with him could cost me."

              Joseph’s face turned so gentle. "I feel for the two of you. You love each other. You are right for each other. You were meant to be in the same time....I can only imagine that’s why Nolan was given the meet you."

              "Seems like a sick and twisted trick," she murmured bitterly.

              Joseph shook his head. "I can't tell you my feelings on that Raina...I’ve promised Nolan. I can only say, I do not agree with him. If it were up to would be like us."

              Raina bit the inside of her cheek. Felt the excitement at the prospect. She could be with him...really be with him, and neither would worry for her life. She could hold her own with Elenora...she could be happy again. Not that Nolan didn't make her happy now...he did...but this...immortality would forever be between them. Well, forever as in as long as her puny life lasted. But did she want to live immortal? Watch her mortal friends and family pass? She didn't know if she'd been listening to Nolan for too long, or if she truly understood what he meant.

              "Did you have any other questions little Raina?"

              She lifted her eyes to his. "Why has Nolan been so sad? Jonathan said, before me..."

              "He had no one Raina, when he was turned. He refused to tell his family what had happened. In fact, mortals knowing about us is generally frowned upon. He...he called me the night before he told you. He knew you could be trusted, and who was I to doubt Nolan? He has never lied to me, or made rash decisions."

              I didn't know that," she whispered softly.

              "Oh, I have heard about you for years...just tid bits here or there. I even know what nick name he uses on you! When his guard has been down he’s slipped...Aelan."

              Raina smiled. "I take great pride in knowing meanings and origins in names," she admitted. "I've shied away from makes it special, not knowing." She ducked her head. "That sounds silly."

              Joseph laughed. "It sounds romantic," he argued.

              Raina bit her lip. "I'll figure it out one day...but I refuse to look."

              "You're a good girl Raina...good and pure, and true. You are the female version of Nolan," he laughed.

              Raina felt her cheeks warm again. " were saying about Nolan being sad?"

              Joseph nodded. "Yes. He had no family he could turn to...he had to give up his practice...he recused himself, hated himself. He was young...he was unmarried. He hadn't truly lived yet. I...was granted my gift at a good moment in my life. I had a family...I'd married, had my beautiful wife, children, grandchildren. I'd lived life."

              Raina squirmed in her seat "Why hasn't he made a life with another immortal...woman?" The thought made her stomach twist in pain.

              "Raina, there has never been anyone. Maybe he had a tryst here or there, but never anything he has with you."

              "Again...fates sick joke," she sighed.

              Joseph grunted. " is."

              She shook her head. She wanted answers now, not a pity party. She pushed on. "Unlike stayed with your family?"

              He nodded. "They had no idea...but I couldn't leave them. I didn't know when I would do as Nolan and make myself scarce so they would not notice my non aging." He drew in a breath, "I won't say fate, but by chance, shortly after I was gifted...there was an accident. My family and I were taking a boat ride...a storm hit...the water was rough...the boat was going down. I knew I them, but only by gifting them as I am gifted. I rescued them in that way. Richard, Elenora, Jonathan...all but my daughter in law Elizabeth...a pity, she was an amazing woman. Jonathan is much like her."

              Raina felt a lump in her throat. "How sad that you lost her."

              He nodded. "Richard took that first, before he took full advantage of what immortality could provide him."

              "And your wife?"

              He smiled sadly. "Belinda passed five years prior to my gift." He shook his head. "Over three hundred years, and not a day goes by that I don't think of her." His dark eyes filled with pain. "But I still have family...Nolan has none." He smiled. " he has you."

              Raina felt a shiver of pleasure. She was proud to have him too.

              He smiled again. "I'm glad you are here Raina."

              She returned his smile. "I am too...thank you for sharing with me."

              He shrugged. "My pleasure." He rose to his feet and tilted his head at her. "I do have a meeting to attend little Raina. I'm going to put you in the safe hands of Jonathan until your Nolan returns. Would you like that?"

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