The Awakening (43 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Raina shook her head. "Em, I would, but...I've told you... the less you do, the better off you are."

              Emily completely ignored her. "I have a bit of understanding as to why you must hide from Thanatos. He’s very into you Rain...that much is obvious...and I've seen enough moments to know he has a temper. And you say that ex-girlfriend of Nolan’s hangs around."

              Raina's eyes sparked fire. "Not Nolan’s," she growled. "Never his! That she-devil just thinks she had a chance with him!" Raina shook her head. "She would be wise to keep her hands to herself!"

              Emily grinned. "Jealous much?"

              Raina blushed. "Always!"


              "Yes." Raina frowned.

              Emily squeezed her friend’s hand. "Ok, so Thana...whatever Tos' ex has to be left in the dark too because of her obsession with Nolan? That, I can see," she murmured. "Nolan is worthy of being obsessed over!"

              Raina giggled, and pushed Emily's hand away. "Careful there, friend!"

              Brown eyes twinkled. "I'm just saying...I understand all of this to a point...just not completely!  It’s odd to me...all this hiding. It’s so covert."

              Raina pulled in a deep breath. Never had it been so hard to keep a secret. She had never kept anything from Emily. How wonderful and scary would it be to share this? The immortality...the significant gifts were still new and exciting to her. Even the knowledge of the She-devils jealousy was a bit delicious. Emily would appreciate that part. Who would believe Raina, of all people holding the attention of two immortals? All the while a third fantastically beautiful woman envied her? would be wonderful to share, but she couldn’t. The less Emily knew the safer she would be. Raina envied her naivety to a point. The knowledge she had now was nearly too much.

              "It's just necessary," Raina answered lamely.

              "Whatever makes you happy," she sighed. The tone in her voice revealed her disappointment.

              "Being with him makes me happy."

              Emily liked this answer, resting her chin on her hand. "How so?"

              Raina smiled. "For oh so many ways. He makes me feel, worthy," Raina whispered. "Like I'm something of value."

              "He does look at you with the sweetest expression," Emily smiled. "Like he’s amused with you...and captivated all at once."

              Raina bit her lip, and ducked her head. "I have no idea why. I just know he's not putting on a show."

              Emily nodded. "It’s love, Raina. You have the same look for him."

              Raina wanted to protest. It was complicated enough without admitting love. But, she did...very much love him.  As crazy complicated, fear inducing and life threatening it had been...she could not live without this! "I care very much for Nolan."

              Rolling her dark eyes, Emily giggled, "Duh! But it’s more than care Raina. You can argue all you want, but I know my best friend. Just admit it to me!!"

              Raina shook her head, not willing to give anymore, even if she had admitted it already to the man in question.

              Emily pouted, and pushed her coffee away from her.

              For some reason the tinkling of the little bell at the door, caught Raina's attention. She glanced up, and then froze. Her lip trembled slightly, and her eyes widened.

              Emily saw her look. "Rain..."

              Raina held her finger to her lip and pulled out her phone. Quickly she texted.
No more about Nolan.

Emily’s brows lifted.

              Raina bit her lip and felt a tremor run through her.
The she-devil is here.

Emily nonchalantly tossed her brown curls over her shoulder and glanced back at the same time. Her face turned back quickly, and her mouth hung open. "She’s gorgeous!"

              Raina shook her head. "She’s a hag!" She hissed these words out.

              Emily grinned. “She does look snotty.”

              Raina opened her mouth to agree, and then stopped short, swallowing hard.

              The She-devil herself stood not a foot away.

              "I know you," she purred. She balanced two coffees delicately in both hands. "You're Nolan’s friend."

              Raina tried to control her expression. She hated the woman before her...loathed her. She attempted a smile.


              Raina wanted to roll her eyes at the act of nonchalance. Of course she knew who she

was. Hadn't she ordered her away from Nolan?

              "Yes, Raina," she was proud her voice didn't come out in a squeak. "And you are?" Raina lifted her fair brows. She felt smug, seeing Elenora’s look of displeasure. Nolan would be proud.

              Elenora’s eyes narrowed. "Elenora," she sighed. "But I prefer Elly."

              "Of course you do," Raina mocked, softening it with another smile.

              "Perhaps Nolan has mentioned me?"

              Raina gave a shrug.

              Elenora frowned. Then without as much as a nod of invite, she took the seat next to Raina. "That surprises me. You seemed quite attached, the two of you, the last time I saw you." Her pretty lips tipped up. "Quite would think. I don't were together?"

              Raina wanted to scoot away. She didn't even want to share the same air with this She-devil. "I don't see how that is any of your business."  She shook her head. "I don't know you quite that well."

              Emily cleared her throat, giving Raina a glance. "I...I need to make a phone call...Bradley is expecting me. Please excuse me!" She got up nervously, looking puzzled.

              Raina wished she could explain the unexplained feeling her friend was having. She wished to tell her she was not crazy....that yes, she could be in that much danger.

              Elenora didn't even give Emily a glance, she simply studied Raina.

              Raina stared back at her...feeling a bite of fear crawling over her skin.

              "So, you don't recall your last conversation with Nolan?" Her tongue seemed to caress his name with possession.

              "Why is that important?"

              Elenora crossed her arms. "You know why."

              "Nolan seems to be a capable man. I'm sure he doesn't need you checking up on him," Raina murmured.

              "He's mine," Elenora growled.

              Raina bit her lip to stop her retort. "I didn't know he belonged to any particular person."

              "Don't play innocent Raina. I know you want him. I also know he's intrigued by you.  He's made some promise to watch over you, and he has always been a man of his word...but it’s beyond just his word now, isn't it? You fancy yourself in love with him, and a noble person like Nolan would be drawn to that. That makes you a threat. I'm just watching over my property."

              Raina frowned. "Property? Nolan is no ones." She felt shame at the tears that pricked her eyes. She wanted to add, “and your Grandfather would be so ashamed of you."

              "Especially not yours," the dark eyes squinted. "You're not pretty enough for him!"

              Raina's blue eyes blinked in shock, as Elenora glared at her. She suddenly was reminded of all her imperfections. She looked back into the dark eyes, and believed every word. She didn't deserve Nolan...never would! Raina wanted to hide her hideous face under the table, to agree with Elenora!

              Where had that come from? Her confidence was gone. It was as if every word Nolan had spoken of her qualities, her beauty were all lies. Raina shook her head with confusion. She was lost as how to respond.

              Elenora rolled her eyes. "I know I'm a bitch," she growled. She gave a shrug of her shoulders. "That word suits me well. Doesn't it? It doesn't suit you though, does it? That word?" Elenora pouted. ''No, you’re not a bitch," she chuckled. "You are a sweetheart, kind and sappy. You have imagination...and probably have turned this whole thing into a fantasy? You are just like a child...and that’s why my Nolan has grown so attached. It’s the only reason, obviously."

              Again Raina felt the unease. She glanced down at her coffee, trying to earn back some of her new found confidence. It was failing her miserably!

              "And Thanatos...he likes your sweet ways too...but his thoughts don't bother me! “ She leaned forward and glowered at Raina. "I care greatly that Nolan favors you. You are a novelty with your gentle ways, your hero worship of him!"

              Raina stared up at her, caught again by the withering glare.

              "It won't last...he'll tire of you, tire of your mundane little life." She dismissively tossed her dark hair. “He’ll get over it! He prefers dark and beautiful over fair and plain"

              Raina tried to seem unaffected. The words hit below the belt. They enhanced the fears Raina already had about not being worthy. She wasn't the great beauty Elenora was, that was for sure.

              "Hmmm," Elenora purred with a wicked smile. "There I go being a bitch again. Such a strong word...isn't it? Wouldn't it be great if there was a male word like that? So to the point? It’s a shame there isn't. Thanny deserves something like that."

              Frowning, Raina shook her head. She felt as if the woman had slapped her. "He's not all that bad."

              Elenora scoffed. "Thanny? Oh, yes he don't know him!"

              "I think I know enough," Raina bit back. "I'm certain he wouldn't like you to call him Thanny!" She didn't like that the she-devil had a nick name for him! It didn't matter that she herself called him the Green eyed Devil.

              Why should that bother her?

              Elenora’s delicate brows lifted. "So the sweetheart even defends the wicked? I never thought I'd see the day that Thanny had someone covering his back!"

              "He can't help the fact you are...well, not a nice person."

              Elenora laughed at this. "You mean bitch? It’s so cute you can't say it out loud. You are disgustingly sweet aren't you?"

              "As you are disgustingly vain and arrogant," she bit back. Raina felt the hairs on her neck stand at attention at her boldness.

              "You don't value yourself over others do you? Otherwise you wouldn't be risking your life to save the honor of Thanatos," she deliberately drew his name out. "He is who he is because of his own choices. He is selfish...vicious, and above all he is bitter. He is my male equivalent," she growled. "But I did not make him that way!"

              Raina frowned. "You most certainly did."

              Elenora’s brows lifted. "He was weak struck....he made his bed!" Her voice was icy, yet calm

              The blue eyed mortal could not feel calm....she had no idea why she was standing up for someone who had caused her misery! Only that...she hated this woman before her more than she could hate him at the moment.  "He couldn't help that you used his love against him!" She shivered, keeping her eyes from meeting the she-devils. "You hurt him...broke him. You are responsible for who he is. He certainly was not like that before you! You used him!”"

              Elenora frowned. "What do you know of that? He would never have told you! So, did Nolan tell you this before or after my threat?" The dark eyes blazed.

              Raina bit the inside of her cheek; she had to be careful with her words. “I read beyond his words.”

              "Oh really?  I used him? I hurt him? Then he must be a really stupid boy," Elenora glanced up, and Raina followed her gaze up. Thanatos stood behind Elenora. "Because he keeps showing back up!"

              His green eyes were unreadable, as he looked down on Raina. His handsome face was impassive.

              Raina's pulse leapt at his appearance. She hated the response, but was useless to stop it.

              "Be careful how you speak to me Sweet Raina. I can make your life hell without as much as lifting a finger. You don't understand such things...but you will. Keep testing me."

              Raina kept her eyes on Thanatos, saw him visibly stiffen at Elenora’s comment.

              "Tell me you feel used or hurt by me?" Elenora reached up and touched his arm possessively.

              Thanatos reached down and picked up one of the two coffees sitting on the table. "Was wondering what was taking so long for two coffees," his deep voice murmured.

              Raina glanced up...noting he had ignored the question. His mouth was turned down in a frown. She attempted half a smile at him.

              "Hey, beautiful."

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