The Awakening (37 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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"Oh Aelan...I don't want to wake up," he murmured against her neck. Her skin was so soft, warm under the pads of his fingers. Her waist was tiny; he could span the width with his hand. There was the slight ridge of her ribs, not prominent, she had so many curves. He caressed that soft skin, hesitated, and then continued his exploration. She felt so good. He instinctively bit her shoulder sharply and moaned. Her body arched back into his. His response was another moan, and she let out a contented mewl.

              Nolan froze, and his eyes flew open, as the sound penetrated his foggy mind. The warm body that was nearly a part of him moved again, taking all his strength, and thoughts. In that moment he wanted only one thing and that as sure as hell couldn't happen! "Damn it Raina!" He roared. He pulled away, and then fell right out of bed, taking the covers with him. He said a few more choice words under his breath, his body was shaking, literally shaking.

              Raina sat up, also a little breathless.

              "Don't look at me," he growled, getting to his feet. "Hell!" He tripped out of the room and slammed the bathroom door behind him. The water went on instantly, and he made a hissing noise, that could be heard through the wall, as he stepped in.

              Raina blinked, her adrenaline still thrumming from her wake up.

She shakily crawled out of the bed and sneaked passed the closed door. She heard more swearing from inside, and a noted, 'What the hell was she thinking?"

              Raina’s cheeks were flushed...her whole body was flushed. She gathered the clothes she'd be wearing today. She wanted to take a shower, but didn't know how long he'd be...then she heard the shower end.

              It was several minutes, then, she heard Nolan in the hallway. She couldn't see him from her spot on the bed, but could hear him breathing. He was seething still. With a growl, he turned, and went back into the living room.

              "I...I'm going to take a shower," she called meekly.

              "Do whatever the hell you want Raina...whatever the hell you want!"

              Raina blinked at the harsh words. She certainly had not been the one groping him, making his knees weak. Why should he be so grumpy? It wasn't her fault he'd thought her a dream, decided to touch...she blushed. But it had been her fault.

              She snuck into the bathroom and closed the door. The mirrors were clear, not fogged up. She frowned at this. She undressed quickly, then started the water...the water was freezing! She stood straight...if he'd just been running water it should still........she bit her lip, and then couldn't help her smile. She giggled then, waiting for the water to warm to her taste. She touched the shower curtain, cold to the touch. She stepped in, letting the warm water splash over her. A laugh bubbled up in her, and she let it out...full out giggles over taking her.

              "I made Nolan Gregor take a cold shower," she sang softly to herself. Oh how she liked that. For once she wasn't the only overcome one!

              She froze then, her quiet whisper she was sure he had heard...him and his crazy immortal hearing. She blushed, then shrugged...let him know she knew. A satisfied smile passed her lips, and she began to hum. If he was seething before....he’d be inconsolable now.

              He was going to be a bear...that was for sure. She finished her shower, and dried quickly. She pulled on the pretty little blue dress Emily had packed. Her friend seemed intent on showing off as much of Raina’s body as possible. Even her bed shorts...she rolled her eyes. Emily had been intent on what had gone on this morning on the bed going a whole lot further.

              She brushed her drying hair, and then braided it behind her.

              She opened the door, and the bear was waiting. His glacial eyes flowed over her. For a second there was a look of appreciation, but that was fleeting.

              "We are going to," he said in a low voice. He gripped her shoulders, and pushed her back into the bathroom. Swiftly he sat her on the counter, leaned toward her, his hands on either side of her hips. "Tell me Raina, what possessed you to crawl into my bed?"

              She blinked at him.

              "Were you trying to seduce me?"

              "Me?" she cried. "I woke up and you were....."

              He flushed with embarrassment. "Raina any warm blooded male..."

              "No, I was not trying to seduce you! I got in bed, and we were back to back!"

              He frowned at her response. "Point got in."

              "I told you no touching, no kissing just like you asked! You said you were hardwired to obey! I didn't think it would bother you, me being there."

              "Wouldn't bother..." He looked at her like she was nuts. "We have boundaries for a reason, Raina...I am bothered a whole hell of a lot! All of the time thanks to you! Raina...I'm a man...I'm hardwired for other things too. You have this idea in your head that because I'm immortal...I'm immune to those things. I'm not....first and foremost I am male. Why would you ever think you were safe in my bed? Do you realize I was close to...Raina I could have..."

              She blinked back tears. "That would have been okay," she whispered.

              His eyes darkened, and a sweat broke out across his forehead. "Don't say things like that," he said through gritted teeth.

              Raina let the tears fall down her cheeks, and nodded.

              He shook his head. The tears did not set well with him, but he was angry, and frustrated. "We are setting hard and fast rules right now. There will not be another repeat episode like this morning. You got that?" His voice faltered a bit at the end. He was still fighting the physical effects of that memory.

              She looked down at her hands, hurt. She knew she'd been foolish, but his sharp words cut deep. “You won’t touch me at all?”

              Nolan’s eyes darkened. "Raina, you're killing me."

              She almost smiled.

              "Cute, you're laughing at me...when I'm trying to be serious. We have a very important meeting today, and you want to be cute."

              She shook her head in denial, again feeling a stab of hurt that he hadn't given just a little. He was wound up so tight.

              "Then tell me you understand me...I will not touch will not touch me.”

“Fine!  Now get out of my way!" She shoved at his chest to no avail.

              "Not until..."

              "I understand," Raina said lifelessly. “I’ll do one better…I won’t even speak to you.” She frowned, when he stepped back, so she had room to jump down, and leave the room.

              He had not been mean, never mean. But his matter of a fact tone got to her. She wanted his warmth back. She wanted to crawl back under the covers with him...that she could not help. God she loved him! He may not love her yet but he sure wanted her, which had been evident.


              "I said, I got it," she whispered back coldly.

              Nolan frowned. "Good."

              She was true to her word. She did not speak as they prepared to leave. She did not speak as they took the elevator to the lobby, or as they waited for the car. She was fuming.

              Nolan gave her a few sideways glances. He didn't like the silence. He'd been rash, but that was because he'd lost his temper. Everything had gotten out of hand. He should have never kissed her yesterday. It was his fault, not hers, for his lack of control.

              "Raina, we have to talk before we get to Joseph’s," he said softly, as he turned the car into the flow of traffic. He cleared his throat. "That is, if you still want to talk to Joseph..."

              She knew what he meant. They were going to Joseph because of their inability to stay away from each other. He was offering her an out...just in case his actions had convinced her she really didn't want him anymore. Truth was she wanted him more now, so yes she still wanted to go. But truth was also...she was pissed at him.

              "OH, I’m allowed to speak to you now?"

              Nolan clenched his jaw. "Yes of course!"

              It was silent for a moment. Nolan felt a sinking feeling.

              "I want to meet him Nolan," she sighed finally. Her voice was soft and weary.

              He drew in a breath, and nodded. "Good...then we should get something out of the way..."

              She blushed. "That’s what started the trouble in the first place."

              He couldn't help his grin, and then he was laughing.

              She tried to keep the giggle down, but couldn't. "Quit making me laugh...I want to be mad at you!"

              He silenced his laugh, and shook his head. "I don't want you mad at me," he said softly.

              Raina bit her lip. His voice affected her deeply. "I don't really want to be mad at you either."

              He smiled again, and gifted her with a glance. "Then we do have to get this out of the way...I'm sorry for blowing up."

              She smiled a small smile.

              "I shouldn't have opened the door. I promise you, if I hadn't kissed you...this morning’s incident wouldn't have happened. Well, I would have been less...warmed up. I...I let go of a bit of control yesterday, and it made me weak."

              Her tummy flipped at his confession. Warmed up? She studied his profile; saw the struggle on his face. "I shouldn't have gotten into the bed," she sighed. "Or at least I should have waked you, so you'd know I'd be there."

              He gripped the steering wheel, and growled. "I honestly thought I was dreaming. I'm hands on you like that, was inappropriate. Please accept my apology."

              "I forgive you," she said softly. She bit her lip against telling him how much she rather enjoyed was wrong, just wrong that she entertained such thoughts.

              "I don't easily...give in, and it troubled me that I did so willingly. I respect you more than that Aelan."

              "We distract each other quite easily. I didn't truly understand why you abstained...until this happened."

              He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well, maybe one good thing came out of this fiasco."

              Raina frowned. "Fiasco? You don't think it was good?"

              Nolan swallowed hard. "It was amazing Raina. The kisses. But now is not a good time to discuss this. I need a clear head."

              She smiled secretly out the window. His admission couldn't please her more. "I promise to behave," she announced.

              His chuckle made her tummy somersault.

              She watched the palms as they whipped by, and smiled again.

              "You had a bad dream last night?" he cut in to her secret celebration. "That’s why you crawled in?"

              She nodded, hugging her arms against the chill the dream now gave her.

              "What was it about?"

              She swallowed. "I'm scared about the meeting. I don't know who this Joseph is."

              Nolan nodded. "I thought you would be scared, but Raina, don't be. Joseph is just like any other man you'll meet."

              She rolled her eyes. "Like you are like any other man I'll meet?"

              He smirked. "Let’s just say...if you didn't know he was immortal....he'd be like any other man."

              "So what is he like?"

              Nolan shrugged. "Joseph is kind...well spoken, unlike his granddaughter. He will not harm you."

              "Does he have eyes like yours? Vivid?"

              "They are brown like Elly’s."

              She bit her lip against the nick name. She hated it from Nolan’s lips. "Her eyes were very vivid for brown though...luminous. It’s a strange thing...I wonder why it happens?"

              Nolan cleared his throat. "The eyes are the windows to the soul. I think when we are granted immortality...that portion becomes more evident."

              She nodded, smiling. "I like that theory."

              He drew in a breath, and sighed, all signs of a fight between them melted away. He was so angry with himself for allowing anything to alter that natural ease he felt with her! He had honestly thought his actions would help. Well, live and learn...he had def done enough living, he should have known better.

              His tension inside was growing, a different kind of tension now, as they got closer to the house. Would Joseph understand what he was going through? Would he see in Raina what he was seeing? What Thanatos saw?

              He was sure Raina would win him over. The light, the passion, the honest kindness that came from her was hard to miss...especially to an immortal. He would see the treasure she was.

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