The Awakening (35 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              He chuckled. "Raina, I have a king at home...and believe me we would...I take up a lot of space when I sleep."

              She looked up at his laughing face, and felt a warm tingle up her spine. Quickly she shook it off. "I wake up where I fall asleep usually," she admitted.

              She turned back to the view and drew in a breath. "When do we meet with Joseph?"

              "Tomorrow morning. We'll go to the house for some breakfast."

              "She nodded. So what are we doing today?"

              He came to stand beside her to enjoy the view of the water. "Whatever you would like." He gave her a smile. "We could go in search of alligators.

              She laughed, and shook her head. "I'd like to test out that water," she sighed             

              Raina hurried to her bag, and rummaged. She rolled her eyes, and looked to Nolan, who was watching her with amusement.

              "You won't make fun of me will you?"

              Nolan swallowed hard. "Never," he tried to laugh.

              She grabbed the less skin baring suit she had, and the sundress that would make a good cover up, and headed to the bathroom. "Get your suit on Mr. Gregor...we are going swimming!"

              He grinned, and went to do her bidding.

              She came out, covered in her sundress. He was waiting, trunks on, t-shirt covering his massive chest, and towels in hand. A pair of sunglasses sat atop his head, and a smirk. "Did you put on sunblock? I don't want to have to tend to a burn tonight."

              Raina blushed. She hadn't.

              "I'll help you," he said gently. He set the towels down, reaching into his bag for the spf laced spray.

              Raina frowned, not wanting to move.

              He shook his head. "Were you planning on swimming in the sundress Aelan?"

              Raina blushed again. "More of a ...slip out of it and make a mad dash for the cover of the water."

              He grinned. "You trust me don't you? I'm going to spray you down now, so I don't have to rub you down with aloe later."

              Raina warmed all over, and blew out a breath. "You are right," she whispered, and silently slipped her sundress off.

              Nolan swallowed. "Nice suit," he chuckled huskily.

              Raina liked the pleasure in his easy stare, and then saw him veil his pleasure, ever the gentleman.

              "Turn about," he ordered, and she quickly obeyed.

              He sprayed her back and front, careful to cover all. Hot sun would be brutal on such lily white skin. It was beautiful skin though, with just a tiny bit of freckles across her shoulders and arms.

              She pulled her dress back in place and held her hand out. "I'll do you," she offered.

              He shook his head, and tossed the spray. "I don't burn."

              "You don't burn?" she was incredulous. "How would you know?"

              He smirked. "I have been more places than Oregon, my dear. I just brown."

              She frowned. "Is there nothing imperfect about you?"

              He lifted his brow, and she blushed...they had had this conversation before.

              They slipped flip flops on their feet, and towels over their arms before heading out. The walk to the beach was a short one from the hotel. The sun was still hot, even in the afternoon, but a nice breeze came off the water. Nolan grabbed a couple beach chairs, provided by the hotel, and they found a place near the water.

              Raina couldn't keep her eyes off the water. "Have you ever heard any sound more beautiful than this?" She turned her face to him, when he hadn't answered. He had dropped his sunglasses down on his face, so she couldn't read his eyes.

              "Let’s go test it out," he said gently. He pulled his shirt over his head, and tossed his sunglasses on top of it.

              She bit down hard on her lip.

              He stood, and offered his hand.

              Raina pulled her hair back, rolling it into a bun on top of her head, and took the offered hand. She hesitantly paused, then tossed the sundress much like he had on the t-shirt.

              Nolan watched her with approval.

              She could be brave! She barely let her eyes skim the beautiful physique beside her. She didn't want to start to drool in front of him. Nolan had a perfect beach body...and that scar, well, it just emphasized his maleness.

              The soft hot sand burned her feet, and she felt relief when the water lapped at her soles.

              "Getting quite a few stares," he teased, as they reached the water’s edge.

              Raina glanced about, lots of female eyes she noticed. "You have the female masses atwitter as usual."

              He chuckled. "I was talking about the male stares, Aelan."

              She rolled her eyes. "Well I guess you appeal to both."

              Nolan barked a laugh. "Not at me, you silly girl!" He tugged her hand, so she stepped closer to him. He tipped her chin up and stared down into her eyes. "They are looking at you. Do you know how well that suit fits you?"

              She gasped at his compliment. "With my big hips...thighs and bottom?"

              "Curves Aelan....beautiful curves,” he murmured. He tugged her hand again, and led her into the warm water.

              Raina sputtered after him, not knowing how to accept the compliment. It made her heart skitter a bit. She stared at the broad muscled back, and knew she was the envy of every girl on the beach.

              "Should have brought our boogie boards," he teased.

              "I'll end up drowning myself," she laughed, as a wave caught her around her torso. The water barely reached his hips. She envied his height.

              "How far are we going?" she asked a little fearful, as the water lapped at her chin, and she started to tread a little.

              "Until you can't get away from me," he teased,

              Raina glanced over at him and laughed. "Why would I try to get away from you?"

              He shrugged, wrapping an arm around her waist.

              Raina gasped in shock, and pleasure, as he drew her against his chest. Her arms wrapped about his neck. She looked into his eyes with questions. She saw the silvers fill with desire, and it made her catch her breath.

              "We are going to get this out of the way right now," he whispered. "I needed your full attention." His feet were still solidly in the sand, as he stood holding her. Raina’s feet tread the water around his legs, but it wasn't necessary, he had a good firm grip on her.

              "Get what out of the way?" Her blue eyes held his.

              "We're going to make boundaries much easier to a bit of the tension. I want us both to have a clear head longing gazes, no relentless teasing."

              She blinked.

              He drew in a breath. "One kiss Raina...just one. It has to satisfy something..."

              "Or make it worse," she murmured.

              His eyes darkened. "Well, then I'll deal with that."

              Raina trembled. She knew it wouldn't be enough, but who was she to argue when Nolan was going to kiss her?

              "Then boundaries back in full force, okay?"

              Raina nodded. Her eyes danced. "You're not going to count to three, then kiss me are you? Might ruin the mood."

              He chuckled, and shook his head.

              "Wasn't sure with you and all your rules."

              He sank deeper in the water, and gathered her up more securely.

              "I like this," she said softly. "Just being this beautiful water, bright sun with you. We could do this for a long time." She let her fingers weave into his hair softly. "No boundaries for just a few minutes."

              Nolan closed his eyes, and nodded. He loved the gentled him, calmed him. He'd always made his hair a boundary because it was so...intimate. Well, he could stand it for a few minutes.

              Raina laid her cheek against his. She lifted her legs to lightly surround his hips, no heavy contact, just made the floating easier. She felt his arms tense for an instant, and then relax. She was surprised he didn't push her away and murmur "boundaries" as he often did. She pulled back slightly to study his face.

              His eyes were dark. Perhaps to his original grey color, Raina thought. "See, this isn't bad for a couple minutes, right?"

              Nolan nodded, not trusting his voice.

              "Maybe," she whispered. She swallowed hard, and tugged gently at the nape of his neck. "Maybe we should just set aside boundaries all together."

              Nolan’s gorgeous frowny face appeared. "We can't Raina. Just a few minutes, then back to business."

              She sighed. "I like no boundaries," she pouted.

              He grinned, that sexy grin. "Oh Aelan I do to. I do to." His hands squeezed her waist gently. "But I have to have a clear head around you."

              She sighed. She'd heard the argument before. "Well, what about a few hours instead? I can enjoy you through dinner...maybe get a dance?"

              He shook his head. "I can't let myself have any more time than this," he sighed. "A few touches, a kiss, and I will be satisfied."

              Raina bit her lip, and shook her head. "I won't."

              Nolan’s eyes dilated.

              She smiled. "But it will help," she admitted.

              Nolan licked the salt water from his bottom lip, and attempted a smile.

              Raina leaned in then and kissed him softly. She didn't linger, but pulled back to look him in the eye. She was caught by the shock, and the arousal her little kiss caused.

              Nolan’s hand captured the back of her neck, and he pulled her back, slowly, with control, until their lips barely touched. He gently moved his mouth along her bottom lip, and then nipped softly at its fullness. Raina’s breath caught. Lazily he turned them in the water, teasing her jaw, her neck with his lips.

              "How do you like to be kissed?" His voice was husky, soft.

              Raina drew in a deep breath. "What?" she asked fully dazed. She was still waiting on the kiss his teasing was promising.

              "How do you like to be kissed?"

              She frowned. "Why are you asking?"

              His shoulders shrugged. She felt his mouth at her ear now. "I just want to please you."

              His words made her tremble, even more so when he teased her earlobe with his teeth.

              "Nolan," she sighed into the side of his neck. "Please just kiss me." Her nails bit into his shoulders gently.

              He appeased her, again drawing her slowly near, his lips capturing hers. He pulled her firmly against him. His eyes closed tightly, and he suppressed the groan in his throat. "Aelan," he whispered against her lips.

              Raina felt her senses slip away, and gave into the feelings his lips were blossoming in her. She shivered when his tongue touched her lip, hesitantly, questioningly, and she accepted him, sighing happily.

              The tip of his tongue gently dueled with hers, and it was more than he thought he could take. His heart was already threatening to come out of his chest. She felt just right in his arms. His hands were now at her hips, cuddling her closer, her legs wrapped around him tightly. He couldn't stop touching her. He couldn't stop tasting her. It was too much...and it was not enough!

              Raina sighed again, letting her fingers play in his hair.

He pulled away breathlessly, feeling if he didn't he'd lose all control.

              They both stared at each other with dazed, passion filled eyes.

              It was then that they heard hooting from the beach. They must have given some kind of show.

              Nolan grinned, and Raina blushed, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

              Her hands clasped his hair, and she couldn't look up into his eyes. She could still feel her anticipation rising, and controlled her breathing. She wanted so much more, and she knew a kiss from Nolan would frustrate her. She just didn't know it would be this good.

              "How many girls have you kissed?" She whispered this in his ear.

              Nolan chuckled. "A very few," he admitted. His muscled chest still labored in its breathing, pressing firmly to hers.

              "You're very good at this," she murmured against his neck, and trailed kisses to his shoulder.

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