in various ways. This is exactly what you can do with your relationshipcreate it, cherish it, nurture it, and empower it to stand on its own as a unique entity.
The difference between a couple and an actual human being is that the kind of couple we are talking about is manifested in language as opposed to biology. "Couple" is a way of being, not a physical being per se. You have to speak your relationship into being through a couple vision or proclamation. According to Carl Huber, one of the designers of this method, "[The couple] is, nonetheless, every bit as real as a body, and we should treat it so and respect, acknowledge, and care for its being properly."
Now let's go through the procedures for the proper "birth, care, and feeding" of this dream baby.
Time and place: The first thing to do in designing your couple vision is to create an environment in which each partner is ready and willing to focus on the "birth process." The necessary conditions need to be met for a successful birthing to take place. Check with each other to make sure this is a good time to be co-creating your visioning dream; if it is not, agree on another time. Similarly, pick a setting you both like and that is private enough for you to focus on the task. Some couples like to pick a quiet time at home when they won't be disturbed by children or the telephone; others may choose to go out for lunch or dinner. An enterprising couple we know likes to work on their couple proclamations in the bathtub by candlelight. You might also want to wait until you are relaxed in bed together and then incubate, or suggest to yourselves, to have a dream that will give you ideas for your couple vision. Take some quiet time in the morning to share the dream stories,