The Road to Berlin (159 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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Yugoslav materials

Oslobodilački rat

, vol. 2. See ch. VII, ‘Beogradska operacija’ (1 NOVJ Army Group and Soviet 4th Guards Mech. Corps), Belgrade, liberation of Voivodina, pp. 314–30.
Djonlagic, Ahmet
et al., Yugoslavia in the Second World War
, pp. 177–82, liberation of Belgrade.
Soviet–Jugoslav collective work,
Beogradska operacija
(Belgrade: Vojnoist. Institut 1964), pp. 83–266, preparation and execution of Belgrade operation.

Hungarian materials

The Confidential Papers of Admiral Horthy
(Budapest: Corvina Press 1965). See Documents Nos. 62–5 (June–July 1944), Horthy to Hitler, proposed dismissal of Szótaj administration, pp. 300–19. (See also ‘Concluding Remarks’, bitterly anti-Horthy, pp. 320–22.)
Vengriya i vtoraya mirovaya voina
. (Soviet translation of Hungarian secret diplomatic papers:
Magyarország és a második világyháború
, Budapest, 1959; Moscow, 1962). Pt IX, German occupation of Hungary, pp. 312–42.

The Soviet war effort (1944) pp.


Soviet war effort / Soviet society at war

Soviet material on the Soviet war effort in its widest framework is massive and still growing. At the moment I know of no comprehensive non-Soviet study of Soviet society at war embracing these materials, which are at once highly variegated and highly informative. My purpose here is simply to furnish a rudimentary profile of subjects and sources, though in the Bibliography I have attempted to widen the compilation.

Dunnigan, James F. (ed.),
The Russian Front. Germany’s War in the East 1941–45
(London/Melbourne: AAP 1978). Ch. IV on Soviet army organization (J. Dunnigan), pp. 87–106. (Text and organization charts.)
Fischer, George,
Soviet Opposition to Stalin
. See pt II, ch. VI, the ‘Himmler stage’ in the Vlasov movement, Himmler–Vlasov 1944, pp. 72–83; ch. VII,
, Prague assembly,
apparatus, pp. 84–93.
Millar, James R., ‘Financing the Soviet Effort in World War II’,
Soviet Studies
(Univ. Glasgow), vol. XXXII(1), Jan. 1980, pp. 106–23. (An exceptionally important study.)
Nicolaevsky, Boris I. (ed. Janet D. Zagoria),
Power and the Soviet Elite
(London: Pall Mall, New York: Praeger, 1965). See ch. 5, biographical essay on N.A. Bulganin, Stalin’s illness (1944), p. 238.
Reitlinger, Gerald,
The SS. Alibi of a Nation
, ch. 14, ‘Himmler the War Lord’, in command of the Replacement Army, Himmler and Vlasov, pp. 381–91.
Rigby, T.E.,
Communist Party Membership in the USSR 1917–1967
(Princeton UP 1968). See ch. 7, the army and the Party in wartime (numbers, composition Party membership), esp. pp. 250–72.
Steenberg, Sven.,
, pp. 143–64, Himmler–Vlasov meeting,
manifesto (pp. 158–60), Prague conference, Vlasov and the Ukrainian movement.
Strik–Strikfeldt, W.,
Against Stalin and Hitler, op. cit
. See pp. 206–21, Himmler–Vlasov meeting 1944 (author’s eyewitness account),
, Prague manifesto, Prague conference.
Tolstoy, Nikolai,
Victims of Yalta
(London: Hodder & Stoughton 1977). Ch. 3 ‘Tolstoy’ conference, Eden in Moscow (1944), on repatriation of Russian prisoners, pp. 62–76. See also
Stalin’s Secret War
(London: Cape 1981),
. (Also on repressions and deportations, the GULAG system, deportation of nationalities.)
Werth, A.,
Russia at War
, ch. XIII, on ‘alternative policies and ideologies …’, pp. 932–48. (This is an excellent, first-hand analysis of changing Soviet moods and policies, including ideological/Party tightening up; there is also much contemporary material in
Soviet War News.)
, see also: ‘Die Behandlungen des russischen Problems während der Zeit des ns. Regimes in Deutschland (unpublished MS), Teil B, ‘Die Aktion des Generals Wlassow’, ch. VIII, ‘Die Lage 1944 … eine neue Wlassow–Aktion’, Himmler–Vlasvov meeting; ch. IX, ‘Weiterentwicklung der Aktion’,
founded, manifesto, problem of the non-Russian nationalities, the Ukrainian problem, pp. 171–245.
Parrish, M.,
The USSR in World War II
(New York/London: Gartland Pub. 1981), vol. II. See pt V, economic aspects—agriculture, economy, energy, labour, transport, pp. 685–785. (Books published in the USSR.)


Captured German military materials contain a mass of information on Red Army organization, weapons, the war economy and social conditions; here I have attempted to outline and identify some of these ‘main collections’ emanating largely from
Fremde Heere Ost (FHO)

OKW/Feldwirtschaftsamt. Feldpostbriefe
… Extracts from many regions in USSR (captured mail), dealing with
rationing and food supplies
, Feb.–Dec. 1944. T-78/ R477, 6460649–740.
(II). File:
Kriegsgliederungen der Roten Armee
… (Tables of organization, equipment of Red Army divisions and units—armour, rifle, naval infantry, air assault—PW interrogations, captured documents, 1943–4.) T-78/R460, 6438639–39110.
. Reports to OKW/Feldwirtschaftsamt (Ausl. ost), material on
Soviet war industry
, war economy (1943–4). T-78/R478, 6461656–1816.
(IId). Reports to Chef der Heeresrüstung, on Soviet tanks,
guns, small arms (with photographs, technical drawings, 1942 onwards). T-78/R478, 64641092–1522.
(IId). File: studies of
Soviet armour
, excellent photographs, technical drawings, intelligence assessments and reports. T-78/R478, 6461818–2119.
(I). File:
Beute und Verluste
… Statistical presentations, Soviet losses men/ equipment, daily reports 1942 onwards to July 1944. T-78/R489, 6474667–7580.
(IId). File:
Gefangene erbeutete u. vernichtete Panzer
… Statistical material, charts on Soviet losses, manpower, weapons, beg. Jan. 1942. T-78/R481, 6464699–950.
on Soviet tank maintenance, Soviet logistics, rations, Red Army supply in non-Soviet countries … (variegated material, 1941 onwards). Captured Soviet orders also. T-78/R481, 6465470–6023.
OKW/Feldwirtschaftsamt (Hgr. Süd)
. File: on Soviet tank development,
guns, tables of production, maps of production centres, photographs. Nov. 1943 onwards. T-78/R477, 6460740–1092.
Narodnoe khozyaistvo SSSR v gody VOV
(Moscow: Nauka 1971). (Soviet publications on wartime economy, works 1941–68).
SSSR v gody VOV, Ukazatel’ sov. literatury 1941–67
(Moscow: Nauka 1977). See ch. V, support for the front (pp. 463–521); ch. VI, trade/labour unions, the
, voluntary organizations (pp. 523–52); ch. VII, the war economy (pp. 553–86; see pp. 585–6 on finances); ch. VIII, the state structure/state apparatus (pp. 588–92).

Soviet materials

, 4 (on 1944), pt 4, chs 19–20: industrial production, Soviet economy 1944, agriculture, transport, food and welfare, recovery and reconstruction, pp. 580–627; Party organization, ideological work, literature and art in ‘educational work’, pp. 628–55.
, 9 (on 1944). See pt 3, ch. 14, on Party-political work, pp. 359–83; ch. 15, industrial production, recovery/reconstruction, pp. 384–406; ch. 19, Soviet military forces and Soviet ‘military art’, pp. 499–516.
Kim, M.P. (ed.),
Sovetskaya kultura v gody VOV
(Moscow: Nauka 1976). (24 essays on Soviet wartime science, education, propaganda, the cinema, front-line filming, the Hermitage and the blockade, cultural life in Siberia, the Ukraine, Belorussia.…)
Danishevskii, I.M. (ed.),
Voina Narod Pobeda 1941–1945
(Moscow: Politizdat 1976), vols 1–3. (Miscellany of reports, articles, short memoir pieces.)
Gladkov, I.A.,
Sovetskaya ekonomika v period VOV 1941–1945 gg
(Moscow: Nauka 1970), 503 pp. (A comprehensive monograph, including a section on finances, pp. 415–43.)

Party organization/Party-political work

Krainyukov, K.V. (ed.),
Partiino-politicheskaya rabota v Sovetskikh voor. silakh v gody VOV 1941–1945
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1968), 583 pp.
Kommunisticheskaya partiya v VOV 1941–1945
. Dokumenty i materialy (Moscow: Voenizdat 1970), 494 pp.
Petrov, Yu.P.,
Partiinoe stroitelstvo

. See pt III (6), on Party membership/ composition in the armed forces in wartime, pp. 387–97; also on the
, pp. 420ff; on intensification of ‘political work’ among Party members 1944, pp. 431–6. (Petrov puts casualties among Party members at more than 1,500,000 killed at the front.)
Kirsanov, N.A.,
Partiinye mobilizatsii na front v gody VOV
(Moscow: Moscow Univ. 1972). (General and local Party/
wartime mobilizations; detailed studies, much tabulation.)
Zhukov, S.I.,
Frontovaya pechat’ v gody VOV
(Moscow: Moscow Univ. 1968). (Useful, broadly based study of front-line newspapers—see listing for 1944, pp. 7–11.)

‘Rear Services’ (logistics), the Soviet rear

Kurkotkin, General S.K. (ed.),
Tyl Sovetskikh vooruzhennyk sil v VOV 1941–1945 gg
. (Moscow: Voenizdat 1977), 559 pp. (Immensely detailed and comprehensive work on Soviet wartime logistics.)
Pospelov, P.N. (ed.),
Sovetskii tyl v VOV
, vol. 1: ‘Obsche problemy’; vol. 2: ‘Trudovoi podvig naroda’ (Moscow: Mysl 1974). (Collected essays and studies, with valuable reference and source material on the war effort.)
Kovalev, I.V.,
Transport v VOV (1941–1945 gg.)
(Moscow: Nauka 1981), 480 pp. (Detailed narrative and analysis Soviet wartime transportation—chiefly railways—by Lt.-Gen. Kovalev, wartime chief of the Main Admin./Military Communications, VOSO, member of the Transportation Committee/GKO.)
Kumanev, G.A.,
Na sluzhbe fronta i tyla
(Moscow: Nauka 1976), 456 pp. (Detailed study of Soviet railway organization and operations, on the eve of the war and in wartime, for whole period 1938–45; detailed bibliography, tables, index.)
Industrial labour force/trade unions’ role
Belonosov, I. (ed.),
Sovetskie profsoyuzy v VOV 1941–1945
(Moscow: Profizdat 1975). (14 memoir-essays on Soviet trade unions in wartime.)
Kotlyar, E.S.,
Gosudarstvennye trudovye rezervy SSSR v gody VOV
(Moscow: Vysh. shkola 1975), 240 pp. (Important, informative monograph, industrial labour force.)

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