The Spawn of Hate (2 page)

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Authors: Angel Flowers

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Fairy Tales, #Paranormal & Urban, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Spawn of Hate
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This school’s football team practiced year round. Although the season was over they continued practicing as a way to stay in shape and learn all the plays by heart. It was doing a particularly late
practice that I missed the final bus and had to walk home, 10 miles away and it was getting dark. About four miles from the school I saw a lady walking towards me, eyeballing me the whole way.

As I got closer I could see she was about my height but maybe around 30 or 40
years old. Her most striking feature was that she was white as a sheet. I had never seen an albino before but I was guessing she was one of them. I figured she must be nervous seeing me on the street walking towards her, so I started to drift towards one side of the sidewalk so she could see me as not being a threat. When I shifted, she suddenly shifted and continued walking straight towards me. I shifted again and she followed suit. This chick had to be crazy. I figured I would just pass her by and continue on my way. As we got close enough to touch she reached out grabbed me.

turned to look at her and something was off. She had two very long teeth that appeared to be growing and her mouth was wide open. I tried to pull my arm away but she had too good of a grip and she seemed to be stronger than I thought. This time I tried hard to yank my arm away and push her back at the same time. She caught my other arm and then picked me up and slammed me into the pavement. She held me down and looked like she was going to bite me.

I know I wasn’t going to let her get the chance. She was probably some chic
k hopped up on drugs. While she had her mouth open preparing to bite me, I spit the gum I was chewing directly into her mouth. That startled her enough that her grip slackened and I raised my hips and launched her over me. I really didn’t fancy beating up or getting beat up by some old lady. Either way I was sure if someone came upon the scene they would say it was my fault, that I must have attacked her. So I tore off down the street at a breakneck pace. I chanced a glance over my shoulder and she was behind me, coming up fast.

You know the old stereotype of the strong
er the person the slower they are? Not applicable here. I was a pretty fast guy, not the fastest but what I lacked in quickness I more than made up for it in agility. She however did not seem impressed as she quickly caught me from behind and tackled me to the pavement. I knew something was wrong immediately. I heard a popping noise and my shoulder hurt instantly. I was underneath her again and this time she seemed pretty peeved about the whole bubble gum thing. I tried headbutting her, but she just turned my head away and tried to bite down on my neck. I put my arm up and she bit it instead, which hurt way more than I thought it would. I tried thrashing my way from under her but that just made her angrier as she bounced my head off the concrete. Before I faded to black I felt her bite my neck and heard a distant voice telling her to freeze.














Guilty as Charged

I awoke in a hospital bed surrounded by my paren
ts. My parents were crying and I was handcuffed to my bed. Everything was still foggy in my mind so I asked my mom what was going on.

hy am I chained up to this bed?” I asked my mother. My mind was still fuzzy about what happened earlier.

“Cory”, my mom said “Why did you do it?”

She had me confused. I remembered fighting some pale chick and trying to get away. What I didn’t remember was doing something wrong. “What are you talking about mom?”

“Son”, my dad began “We know about y
ou trying to snatch that lady’s purse. Could you have picked a worse target? She was a cop for crying out loud. I thought you finally were finished with doing this type of stuff. You weren’t raised this way.”

My mind started swimming.
I did not remember snatching any purses. Burglary and shoplifting was my thing, not strong arming people. Whose purse did I snatch anyway? The last thing I remembered was getting beat up on a side walk and getting bit by some chick who thought she was a vampire.

“Dad”, I said “I d
id not snatch anyone’s purse. I was attacked on the street and beat up by some lady.”

“Yeah you sure were
Son; You were beat up by the lady whose purse you stole. You lucky she didn’t kill you. That will teach you a lesson about picking on women.”

“Dad I didn’t pick on any woman, she started with me!” I then told him my story beginning with right after I left practice until waking up here.
He wasn’t buying it. I really couldn’t blame the man either, I still didn’t believe it. He told me they had a witness who saw the whole thing and who helped beat me off of the woman I allegedly attacked.

Later on that night
I was moved from my hospital bed to the infirmary at Juvenile Hall and placed in confinement until my trial. I never saw a lawyer or the woman who accused me. I wasn’t allowed to be around the other kids for some reason and a guard kept watch over me. My parents were not allowed to see or talk to me until my trial, which was only a week away.

My trial was a farce. Since I was a minor and not facing “Detention”, but instead faced “Rehabilitation” I was not allowed any lawyer. I told my side of the story and the judge practically scolded me. The crazy albino lady, later identified as Detective Cranberry told her side of the story.

Apparently I tried to steal her purse and then force myself on her. What nonsense, If I was going to force myself on anyone she would at least have to have some type of pigmentation and be around my age bracket. The witness she had come up with told the exact same story she had. I thought I recognized his voice as the person who was trying to stop the attack. After his testimony my parents looked heart broken. This would be my third time and this time if convicted I would be away for a long time.

I was called a serial criminal who was getting worse with age. They said my parents could not control me and I should spend the rest of my childhood until the age of 25 in the California Youth Authority, or
as the juvenile hall crowd called it; baby prison. I was found guilty as charged. As the judge was preparing to give me my sentence, my so called accuser stepped up and asked for leniency. How very big of her. Instead of jail she wanted me to go to Lionel Wilson Preparatory School for Wayward Teens in Oakland. From what I gathered it was some type of boarding school. The judge readily agreed. So I was on my way. They didn’t even let me say goodbye to my parents, just cuffed me up and took me to a car and threw me in. As if the day couldn’t get any worse, guess who my chauffeur was?


















The Longest Drive

Cranberry began driving away and kept glancing at me in the rearview mirror. I didn’t want to see her. She ruined my life based on a lie, no wonder people hated Cops. I used to hear about guys saying they were framed by the cops all the time, I never believed them until now. I bet she was real proud of herself, getting another black teen thrown in jail. It was at that point I wasn’t going to let her intimidate me. I fixed my face in a look of pure hatred and stared at her in the rearview. To my surprise the smug little witch I was expecting wasn’t there. She had a look of sadness and I could see tears forming in eyes. What the hell just happened?

“Cory” she said, “I am sorry I got you into this mess, but you must listen to me
. Your life is in danger. I got you arrested to protect you.”

“You have
a funny way of protecting me. Just tell everyone the truth and let me go home. You tried to kill me and now you are taking me away from my family. Just let me go home.”

“Cory”, she said sounding annoyed “You are in a terrible s
ituation, you cannot go home. The people you have stumbled across are unforgiving and will do anything to protect their secrets. The man that lied on the witness stand has gambling problems. We erased his debt for his cooperation. Sadly he died two minutes after we left the courthouse, the victim of a massive heart attack. The same sort of thing will happen to your parents if it is even thought that they know anything. Just sit back and listen to my plan on how to keep you alive, at least for another day.”

“I don’t care what you have to say”, I said almost on the verge on tears. “
I don’t know anything but this, I want you to tell the truth and let me out of this car. Just let me go home.” Suddenly she did the unexpected; she pulled over to the side of the freeway and stopped the car. She got out of the driver’s seat, opened my door took off my handcuffs and let me out.

“There you go Cory”, Cranberry spoke. “You obviously care nothing about what I hav
e to say, so now you are out. Go home if you can make it. Bye.”

I couldn’t believe she was letting me go. Something
just seemed off though. Part of me wanted to go home but I had a nagging feeling that was exactly what I should not be doing. Still, felt good getting out of that car.  I looked as she turned around and was climbing into the driver’s seat. I rushed to stop her, it couldn’t be this easy.

“Detective Cranberry you are seriously just letting me go?” I asked puzzled.

“Cory you obviously only care about yourself and your freedom” She said. “I told you your parents’ lives were in danger and all you wanted was out of the car. Well now you are out of the car. Have fun with whatever time you have left. I should be at the school within a half hour and will tell them of your escape. Your family members will start dying mysteriously until you and your parents are both caught and killed. But I am boring you with things I have already told you. You wanted out, now you are out, now leave.” And with that she closed her door and drove off, leaving me stuck on the side of 880 freeway.

Now wh
at was I supposed to do? I whined about getting out of the car and I was out, but what if she was right? I just doomed my parents. I don’t know why I let my emotions get the better of me but this situation just seemed surreal. I immediately regretted my decision and started running the way she drove off and sticking my thumb out inbetween rest breaks to see if I could hitch a ride to where ever Lionel Wilson was. After about two miles of running a car finally stopped for me. To my relief it was Cranberry. She must have known I would change my mind and doubled back to get me. I was angry at her for even being put in this predicament, but I figured I had better play it safe at least for my parents. I walked up to the car and hopped in the back.

“Cory, I am guessing you decided to stop acting like a spoiled child.” Cranberry spoke.

I decided against letting my emotions get the better of me so I just kept my mouth shut, but the tears started to flow.

“You don’t have to
answer me Cory, just listen. When I came upon you that night..”

I guess my emotions ended up getting the better of me. I was not going to let her diminish her part of getting me in this situation. I would listen to her but she wasn’t going to sugarcoat anything to me.

“What do you mean by ‘came upon me’? You tried to kill me” I spoke.

“Cory, if I wanted to kill you, you would have been dead.” Cranberry said matter of factly.

“If you were not trying to kill me, then why in the heck were you trying to bite my throat out?”

“Cory I will give you the no nonsense version.” She said. “Just hold all your questions until the end, we don’t have much time and I will answer anything you want tonight
after you meet the principal. Now then, Cory I am not human. I am a Vampire and I know you saw my fangs. You are about to be brought to a place where most of the stuff you think couldn’t happen, happens. When we reach our destination, since you are not a wizard you will be put to death and if you are lucky, your parents will be paid a large sum of money as a hush money for the school not guarding your wellbeing. I am going to attempt to prolong your life by asking that you remain alive to provide sustenance to myself and any other Vampires who may need you. Now speak and tell me your thoughts.”

I was
shocked, did she think I was that dumb to believe in Vampires? “Detective Cranberry, do you think I am dumb enough to believe in Vampires?”

“Why don
’t you believe in Vampires? You were attacked by someone much smaller than yourself who turned out to be much stronger, faster and more resilient to injury than you are. Can you explain how all that happened if vampires are not real?”

I didn’t have an answer. I still wasn’t buying it though. What I needed to know was why did she pick me to ruin my life? Why not some other guy? “Detective Cranberry, if you were not trying to kill me
, then why did you attack me? Why did you pick my life to ruin?”

“Cory, I picked you because you had the blood that I needed.” She said co
ntinuing, “I am pregnant, like a mosquito, pregnant vampires need blood to keep the baby inside them from dying. It cannot be just any blood though; it has to be that of a virgin male who has already hit puberty. I stood outside your practices for two days and you were the only one who fit that criteria. I could smell your scent from a mile away. The only vampires who need blood are pregnant vampires, normally vampires don’t eat or drink.”

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