The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (3 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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No warning or explanation could have prepared me for what I had experienced over the past week. No matter how hard Andrew had tried to warn me. Connor said that I hadn't seen
yet. Europe was apparently tame compared to what was waiting for me in the states. He also said that the only reason the paparazzi were hanging around was due to being a new story—guaranteeing that when I return, no one will care. "The French will get bored with you quickly," he said.

Erin called last night to check on me. She said that Andrew was being hounded relentlessly. His face had been plastered on entertainment shows for over a week. The first pictures of the two of us had hit the stands mid-week, and after that, everyone had been asking, "Who the hell is Andria Moore?"

Then, the pictures of Rebeca and I had surfaced from the book signing in London. Elena called to say that her phone hadn't stopped ringing. I had also received more publicity offers than I had for the previous year in total. What really irked me was that Elena sounded like a giggly schoolgirl. She talked about the dollars that this "free" publicity was bringing in, and that pissed me off. I made it very clear to her that I would
be putting my relationship with Andrew on display to sell more books.

"You can't pay for publicity like this," she had said over the phone. "You are dating one of the most desirable men in Hollywood. People will buy your books just to get some tips."

"That is wrong in so many ways, and Andrew is off-limits."

"Don't be so hasty. Once you get used to the idea, you will see how dating Andrew will help you in the long run—"

"My relationship with Andrew is
is not up for negotiation. I will promote the book—per our contract—but I will not profit from our relationship."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to profit from it or not. It's going to happen.
sales have increased over forty-five percent from last week, and continuing to climb. Don't forget we’re about to bring it to the big screen. The studio must be salivating at the new figures."

I refused to listen to her anymore. I told Elena that I would discuss this further upon my return. Talking about all of this was making me physically sick. The last thing that I needed was for Andrew to see that I was profiting from being with him.

Tell him Andria
, I thought to myself.

Somehow, I needed everyone to understand that I was not in this relationship for the money.

"Hey, Dad." My cell rang as soon as I entered my suite.

treating you?"

I chuckled. "It's been good," I said, softly. Trying not to wake up anyone—especially Connor. He would flip if he knew that I had snuck out.

I gently opened my bedroom door, and tried quietly to shut the squeaky thing closed. "Are those photographer people still harassing you? Do I need to see if we have some contacts there to look after you?"

"That's not necessary, Dad. Andrew has one of his bodyguards with me." I kicked off my running shoes and sat down on the vanity chair.

"Mr. Hollywood has thought of everything," he said sarcastically.

"Dad, Andrew is just concerned."

"He should be, he caused this—"


"The boy was seen with some girl, and then he's across the water hounding you."

I rolled my eyes at my reflection from the desk mirror. "It wasn't like that."

"You keep telling me that, but the boy just ain't right!"

"I love Andrew."

"For now," he mumbled under his breath.

"Did you call me just to complain about him?"

"I called to check on my
daughter, who is halfway around the globe, while her face is being plastered
. Pilar and I were watching the game, and there was a commercial on for some late night show. They had a picture of you, Andrew, and that girl. I didn't quite understand the comedian's joke, but I know it wasn't flattering, Andria."

It was hard enough dealing with what people were saying about me in regards to Brittney, but having my family hearing the lies was worse. "Hopefully, this will die down now that Andrew has put out a statement."

"Jaimie said that you're in over your head."

A flash of anger ran through me. "Now you're listening to Jaimie? I didn’t know that being a hairdresser makes you the foremost authority on celebrities’ private lives."

"Pilar is concerned as well. She said Mr. Hollywood is actually some big shot. Bigger than most of those celebrities—did you know that?"

"Yes, Dad." I said, laying my head on the desk and trying not to pound it in frustration.

"Honey, I just want you to be careful. It's hard enough trying to make a relationship work—your mother and I tried hard at ours—but...all I'm trying to say is that it takes work. Add all of this..." he heavily sighed.

"I hear you, but please don't worry. Andrew and I love each other very much, and we are both committed to making this work…in spite of who he is."

"Just make sure you are thinking of yourself in all of this."

"I am."

"Well, take care of yourself and I'll see you soon?"

"I'll be there in a few weeks. Give Pilar my love."

"Will do."

"Happy V-day, Andria!"

Erin and I had made a pact to always appreciate each other on Valentine's Day. I had actually forgotten about it until Andrew's roses arrived yesterday along with an assortment of chocolates.

Because it was too late to send him something, I gave him a gift via video. I hated saying goodbye to him on those things, but this time I was creative. I put on my sexiest lingerie, and tried to do a striptease. In-between the awkwardness and laughter from both sides, I gave up, and we spent the rest of the time talking about our days. Don't get me wrong, I loved our sexy times, but I cherished the times when we could laugh, talk, and just be ourselves. Andrew's schedule was finally winding down, and it allowed us more time together, even if it was over the phone or online.

Erin called while she was driving home after a long day of wedding preparations. She actually worked at the boutique, but it sounded as if she had spent most of the day looking through bridal magazines. "I was able to snag us four tickets to the concert in DC."

"That's great, Erin! Who's going?"

"Besides you and me, I thought we could take the guys."

"I'm not sure Andrew can—"

"Already spoke to him. He's all in. Besides, the film's wrapping up this week."

"I should have known that you had spoken to him."

"Ciao," she laughed before saying goodbye.

I hadn't spoken to Andrew’s Mother since she had flown back home from London to perform emergency surgery on her cancer patient. "She's much better, Andria. Although, she's only eleven, she's a trooper."

"Good to hear that she's doing better, Rebeca."

"She's getting stronger every day. You need to make sure you take care of yourself as well, dear."

Keira placed another chapter on my desk. "I am."

"Erin said that you'd be here at the end of the week?"

I mouthed out a "Thank you," to Keira, and turned my attention back to Rebeca. "I wanted to look at a few houses, and we're going to a concert."

"I heard. I didn't know that you were into hip hop."

I started crossing out corrections on the first page. "I enjoy many different genres of music."

"Next time you're over, ask Nelson to bring out his old cassettes, and 8-tracks. He was a big Parliament fan, and then was turned on to rap in the late seventies."

That got my full attention. "I really can't see Nelson being a 'funk' kind of man."

She laughed. "Nelson is
of surprises."

"Are you sure that you're okay, Honey?" Loud music blasted through the receiver.

I was never going to finish these edits. My cell had rung nonstop. "Yes, Mom. I'm fine." I yelled over the song.

She had called me every day since word had spread about Andrew and me.  She was beside herself when she saw a side-by-side comparison of Brittney and me on a magazine cover. I asked her several times to ignore it, and not to pick up trashy magazines. But, she said it was about me, so how could she not.

I understood. It would be hard for me
not to pick up one for myself to read what was being said—knowing it would all be lies. No one who knew Andrew and me would ever
say anything to the press. Although, I was tempted to Google my name, as well as Andrew's, to see if something new was being said about us.

The first time that I took a look online was immediately after the news had hit. I was overwhelmed by people's reactions, and it seemed as if there was a split down the middle again, between Andrew's fans and Brittney's. Even though both statements made it clear that they were not romantically involved—Brittney's statement came
the fact—her fans were still upset. After a while, it all made me nauseous, and I couldn't read anymore.

Keira scolded me, and said to stop torturing myself while Connor said to get over it. Actually, his exact words were, "Who cares what they think? They have nothing to do with you." Connor was starting to grow on me.

The music in the background grew softer as my mom continued. "I worry, Honey."

"How are you and Bob?"

"Everything's fine with us. We are just worried about you."

"I'm fine—I'll be fine."

"If you say so. Bob and I will be in Dallas in the next two weeks to put some things in storage, and to close the house down for the summer."

"Sounds good."

"Take care of yourself and Mr. Hollywood," she snorted out.

"You've spoken to Dad?"

"You know your father. He found a way to blame me for Andrew. He said I encouraged you to be a free-thinker, and so on."

"I think it's cute how you two still talk."

"We have something in common to talk about. Even though, your Dad and I didn't work out, it doesn't mean that I don't love him. He did give me the most important thing in my life."

"Ah, that is so sweet."

"What is honey? That your father gave me half his pension?"

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