The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (4 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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"Just kidding. I love you."

"I love you, more."

"What's with Amy, Andrew?"

His heavy sigh came through loud and clear. "What did she do now?"

"She gave Keira the directions to where I should meet you, and it seems as if it's in the mountain region in Timbuktu. If it weren't for Connor's smart mouth, I would be driving to Nowheresville. He said, 'She really doesn't like you much.'"

"That's not it. She gave you the town where we were shooting earlier this week."

"She's your assistant. Doesn't she know your schedule?"

"She does."

"Why don't you ever see…"

"See what?"

"That you're paying her to do nothing. You already do most of all of your stuff yourself because she's incompetent. Hire someone who can do their job."

"There’s more to it. Besides, she's been going through some personal things lately. She comes to me crying some days." I said nothing. "Andria?"

The girl knew Andrew would fall for whatever sob story she was dishing out, because he always fell for Brittney's. I took a deep breath, "I empathize with her, but this has been going on for some time now. Why don't I speak to Keira and see if she knows anyone who can handle your busy schedule. You have
much on your plate," I said, as sweetly as I could stomach. Two could play at manipulation.

"You may be right. It would be nice to have someone—"


"Yeah. Why don't I have a driver pick you up from the airport tomorrow and bring you to the set."

"That would be great." Then, I thought, I need to work on getting Andrew to give Brittney the boot.

"I'll see you on set tomorrow, baby."

"Sounds good. I forgot to ask, are you getting any rest? Did you eat today?"

He chuckled. Then with that honey coated tone of his, "I'm saving my appetite until I see you."






Jetlag was a biatch! Add the six-week book tour; on top of the relationship roller coaster with Andrew…I was about done.

Elena called before I had boarded the flight to Vancouver to tell me that she wanted to add a few more dates to the current tour. She also asked if I would be interested in doing another tour in a few months. When I refused, she said that she had received a call from Grant. He had stated that it would be an ideal situation to use the publicity that Andrew and I had created to advance the book sales and increase the movie's buzz.

She wasn't happy when I stressed that
wasn't in my contract. As much as Elena pleaded, I wasn't going on another tour anytime soon. The ink wasn’t even dry on
movie deal. I was sure they could "buzz" up the film closer to the release date without using my relationship for free publicity.

After speaking to her, I was already physically exhausted, and now was also mentally drained. All I wanted to do when I arrived was to crawl in bed with Andrew, and sleep for a week.

Connor and I breezed through customs, and the car that Andrew had sent was waiting for us outside baggage claim. I wanted to see Andrew right away, and Connor was kind enough to catch a cab to the hotel. Wade would be on set, so Connor, "allowed" me to go without a chaperone.

It was my first time on an actual live Hollywood production. As soon as we were cleared through security, we drove into a makeshift town out of the sixties. It was as if we had stepped back in time. Classic cars lined the streets alongside soda fountain shops, drug stores, and dress shops. People were dressed in vintage clothing, and their make-up and hairstyles were from that time. Women had bouffant hairdos and men had their hair slicked back. Cameras and equipment were everywhere, as people stood around talking or smoking.

The driver pulled up in-between a row of trailers. I grabbed my purse along with the toiletry bag, and stepped out of the car and was immediately greeted by Amy.

"Andria, it's nice seeing you again." The tanned brunette said unenthusiastically, as her blue eyes squinted at me.

"It’s great being here." I purposely added sugar to my voice. The woman didn't like me. She had made that clear from day one—without cause—and she was still Andrew's assistant.

For now.

She smiled. "I hear the paparazzi have been harassing you. This lifestyle isn’t for everyone. Makes you think if it's all worth it."

I chuckled to myself. She was a piece of work. You would have thought that she was the movie star. "Andrew is
much worth it." I fake smiled, bigger. "Where is he?"

"He's shooting across the lot."

We stood in silence looking at each other for a moment, before I asked, "Well, can you bring me to him?" It was more of a demand than a question.

Amy turned quickly on her blue stilettos and swished ahead of me in her tight black pencil skirt. I couldn't help but notice the tight blue shirt, which housed her ample bosoms that spilled out of it.
Isn't she cold?
It was winter! I looked down at my purple sweater set and jeans, and thought that maybe I should have changed clothes.

As we walked, people stared. I assumed they were gawking at Amy until I heard my name whispered from one of the extra's mouth. "That's Andrew Hughes's girlfriend." I looked at them, and they quickly looked away. People walked by saying, "hello" and "hi" as we continued to walk across the lot.

We entered into a makeshift store, and inside was a warehouse with green walls. People were everywhere and nowhere at the same time. They stood still, walked a few steps, stopped and walked back. It was weird, yet interesting how they were all unified. It looked as if it was supposed to be a lobby of a building. Men had briefcases in their hands, and women had pads of paper or coffee in theirs. I heard someone say, "cut," and they all relaxed and walked back to their original spots.

Eyes followed us as we maneuvered through the crowd, but they all stayed in character. "Andria, you can have a seat here—"

"A. P. Moore." A male voice shouted from the distance.

I turned around to see a dark, handsome man, with curly black hair. "This is the director, Christopher Bryant."

He walked up, took my hand, and placed a kiss on top. "I have heard a lot about you."

"She's taken." I heard from behind me, as I turned my head to see Andrew walking toward me.

He had on a black sixties style suit and was wearing a hat. He looked amazing, and my heart beat faster with each of his steps.

Our eyes stayed locked as he approached. "That's my girlfriend you're kissing."

"I know exactly who she is." Christopher winked, as he placed another kiss on my hand, before placing it in Andrew's.

"How was your flight?" Andrew asked, before placing a firm kiss on my lips.

I thought, if only we were alone. As exhausted as I was, that kiss jolted an energy boost inside me. "It was long, but worth it," I said gazing into his bright hazel eyes.

Rudely, we continued to stare at each other, ignoring everyone around us. "She's even more beautiful in person." Christopher interrupted our ogling.

I looked down, embarrassed by my behavior as Andrew pulled me in closer. "Hey, if you don't stop flirting with my girlfriend, I'll tell your wife."

He lifted his hands as if he was surrendering. "No need to get Molly involved, Andrew." Christopher said, laughing. "My only intention is to pick your beautiful lady's brain." I then looked at him confused. "I'm in the running to direct

I knew the studio was looking at three directors, and that he was one of them. I had already cast my vote for one of the female directors—I loved her previous work—but the final decision was up to both Grant and the studio. "You are welcome to pick away, but I don’t have the final say in which director it will be."

He moved closer, "May I call you, Andria?"


"Andria, you
have a say. I hear Andrew had a few opinions that helped when you renegotiated your contract."

"How…" I asked, turning to Andrew.

"Hollywood is like a large family," Christopher answered. "Nothing you do will remain a secret." Andrew shrugged sympathetically.

"I see. That actually scares me."

Christopher chuckled. "I like you. Stay. Make yourself at home. You two should join me for dinner tonight."

"Maybe in a few days," Andrew quickly answered. "Andria has been on a six-week tour, and I think she may be a little tired." His hand rolled down my lower back onto my butt, giving it a light pat.

I smiled at Christopher. "Why don't we plan on later this week?"


Andrew leaned into my ear. "I'm going to have to go. Do you need anything?" I smirked, looking at him with a raised brow. "For, now," he smirked back.

"I'll be fine."

"If you do need anything, have Amy get it." Her name falling off his lips made me cringe. "What?"

I shook my head. "Nothing."

He narrowed his eyes at me as he lowered his voice. "It's Amy."

"Does she always dress like that?"

He looked around for her. "Like what?"

I smiled to myself. "It's nothing, Andrew."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go. You have to work." He gave me one more firm kiss before walking off.

I really missed watching him walk.

I watched Andrew work for over an hour. It wasn't until Wade grabbed me into a bear hug that I realized how tired I was. "Little one, it's good to see you."

"It's great seeing you too. How's Taylor?"

"She's good. A little moody, but good."

"That's expected. As long as the baby is fine."

"She is."

"It's a girl!" I cheered.

"We haven't confirmed that yet, but we will find out next month. Even though, I told Taylor that I knew it was going to be." He smiled big.

"A little girl to dress up, even though I know Taylor will be happy with a boy
girl as long as they are healthy."

"We both will. Drew said that you needed to freshen up and get some rest."

"That sounds good."

"Come on little one. I'll show you to his trailer."

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