The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star (2 page)

BOOK: The Trouble with Marrying a Movie Star
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"Andrew insisted."

"He what?" I yelled, as Keira now entered the room. "Andrew never told me this. Why do I need a bodyguard?"

"You said it all little one. Andrew. Your relationship is out."

I started pacing around the hotel room. "I know that Wade, but that doesn't explain why I need a bodyguard."

"He wanted you to be protected twenty-four seven."

"This guy is going to be with me all the time? Where is Andrew?"

Keira walked over to me, sitting down in the closest chair. "He's in the trailer going over his script."

"Thanks." I hung up and dialed Andrew.

His sexy voice came through. "What are you wearing?"

"Nothing that you're going to see if you don't explain why you hired a bodyguard and didn't tell me."

"Connor arrived then?"

"He did. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I had Wade make all the arrangements while we were waiting for our flights in London. There was no way that I was going to let you out of my sight."

The way he said that made my heart swell—a little. "You're overreacting."

"You saw them. Does it look like I am overreacting?" He had a point. "The vultures are in a feeding frenzy right now and I can't be there. Andria, I trust Connor with my life. Please, don't fight me on this."

Even though I still felt that Andrew was overreacting, I loved the fact that he loved me enough to want to keep me safe. "Well, since you're not here…"

"Oh, make no mistake, I
to be the one that was guarding your body, but I can't be there."

I felt flushed. "Don't tease me. I can't play now; I have to speak to Connor."

"Call me later for some play time."

I giggled to myself before hanging up and turning to Connor. "I think we need to start over. Hi, I'm Andria Moore, and you're guarding my body?" Keira choked out a chuckle. "I mean, you’re my new bodyguard?"

He walked to me stretching his arm out, "Ya," as we shook hands.

Keira stood up. "Would you like me to make some sleeping arrangements for you, Connor?"

"No need, I will be staying here."

Keira and I both looked puzzled at each other. Before I said, "Ummm, I don't think so. I don't even know you."

"I've been friends with Andrew and Wade for a very long time. Don't worry your pretty little head. I'm not interested in anything other than protecting you, sweetheart." He laughed out.

I saw nothing humorous in that statement. "That's not what I was saying."

"Weren't you, sunshine?" He smirked. It wasn't an Andrew smirk, but it was a smirk none the less.

I glared back at him. "Why don't you go get your things and I'll make up the room next to Andria's." Keira said, stepping in-between the two of us.

"No need. I'll sleep on the sofa. I'll be back," he stated before leaving the room.

We watched him leave. Keira turned towards me as she said, "Mr. Personality."

"I'm going to kill Andrew."

"He's only doing it to protect you."

"I know, but he's going a little overboard."

"I don't think so. After seeing the paparazzi at the airport, and then being accosted here. I think Andrew was wise about bringing Connor in."

As much as I didn't want to hear it, she was right. The paps at the airport
vicious, and being questioned the moment I had stepped off the plane at Charles de Gaulle airport was a wake up call.

Instead of the usual line of people at my book signing, I now had
of people and press gathered both inside and outside of the tiny bookstore. The owner was in a flutter over the business he was receiving while I was a nervous wreck.

I had mics and cameras shoved in my face as Connor plowed through the entrance, dragging me behind him. The overwhelming sense of anxiety muddled my mind, and I couldn't function normally. Keira seemed to be able to handle all of this better than me. She took care of setting everything up, and coached me on what to say. Andrew told me not to answer any questions pertaining to our relationship until the press release came out. It was scheduled to be released later that day and the paps were getting antsy.

As much as my anxiety tried to clutter up my mind, I couldn't help reacting to comments regarding Brittney and Andrew's relationship.
They didn't have one!
I wanted to respond. I wasn't the villain in this story.
, I kept my mouth shut as instructed.

Staying silent seemed to make it clear that I wasn't going to be giving out any statements regarding my personal life, and the paps began to get tired of waiting. One by one, they disappeared as quickly as they had arrived.

That only left me with
fans. Usually, the person I was signing a book for had read
, but in this case they hadn't. Most of them wanted to know about Andrew, and what he was like as a person. That threw me off, but I understood what they meant. All of the questions were actually ones that I wanted answers to. What did he like to eat? What did he do for fun? What was a typical day for him? Is he good in bed?

Yup, someone actually asked me that. Well, more than one someone.

The first woman who asked, I gawked at her appalled. She laughed it off, but I knew she wanted to know. I gave the standard, sorry, that subject is "off limits." She said, "A girl could try," and I couldn't blame her for doing so.

When the three of us returned back to the hotel, we were met by more paparazzi and press. Our official statement was out. I already knew what it said—that Andrew and I had met at his premier—we had decided to keep our actual meeting to ourselves. I was an invited guest by the studio, and we hit it off. It was revealed that I was the "mystery girl" seen with Andrew at the airport in Virginia, and that the incriminating pictures of him and Brittney had been doctored. The publicists lied, but it worked. Andrew made it clear that he and Brittney had a relationship that was on screen only. They are just friends, and would like for people to continue to respect their privacy. We all knew that
wasn't ever going to be the case, but at least Andrew had tried.

As much as I hated to admit it, Andrew was right about Connor. Each day, the size of the paps grew, making it progressively more difficult for us to maneuver in public. The last two days had been exhausting, and I couldn't understand how Andrew dealt with this on a daily basis. I couldn't walk to the sundries store in the hotel lobby without being approached by a pap. They seemed to be everywhere, and there was no escape in sight. For the past couple of days, our time had been spent between the bookstores and our hotel room. Going out was not an option for me. Although I insisted that Keira enjoy the city, and one of the bookstore owners had offered to show her around.

It seemed as if I had been trapped in the suite for weeks, but it had actually only been four days. I was glad to be leaving the city and that really sucked. I loved Paris, and I had wanted to do some shopping while I was here. Instead, I moped around my bedroom frustrated, until I called Andrew.

"I'm starting to despise Paris."

"How could you say that about the most romantic city in the world?"

"Maybe, if I was able to see it, I would think differently. But, I've been stuck in my room."

"That's what Connor is there for."

"He said it's not safe. He didn't say why, but he mentioned something about not having the coverage he needs."

"This is the first I've heard about that." He sounded pissed.

"He was speaking to Wade earlier. I'm sure they are discussing…whatever they discuss." Andrew went quiet.

"Are you still there?"

"I'm here."

"Andrew, I'm fine. If not seeing Paris is what I have to do, then I'm good with that."

"Why don't I take you the next time?"

"You really want to take me to Paris?"

"I want to take you to many places."

"Ah-huh. Are some of those places actually places?"


"Oh, did I tell you that several women actually asked me if you were good in bed?"


"I couldn't believe the bluntness of people. What was I supposed to say? He's a sex god in bed?"

"I like the sound of that."

"I'm sure you do, but, really? That's personal."

"It's going to get worse before it gets better, baby."

"As long as it gets better quickly."

"This is a part of my life…" He sounded remorseful.

"I know that. I just need…time. Time to get used to it, but I will." I tried to sound cheerier than I felt.

"You never get used to it, but it won't bother you as much after a while."

I walked to my bedroom door and peeked out seeing Connor sound asleep on the sofa. I shut the door and went straight for the bed. "Andrew. Where are you?"

"On set."

His voice stirred things inside of me. He always sounded so damn sexy over the phone, and it had been a long time since we had been together romantically. My hands automatically started to massage my breasts. My reaction came as a surprise to me, but Andrew seemed to stir that kind of reaction—a lot. "Are you alone?"

"I can be, why?"

I pinched one bud in satisfaction as I breathed out, "I miss you."

"I miss you too."

I moaned as a circled the other. "No. I
miss you." Dealing with all of this had made my body a pent-up, tight, ball of a hot mess. I needed Andrew in any way that I could get him at that moment as I continued to fondle my breasts.

"Baby, we have four days left until I wrap you in my arms."

"Actually, I was thinking of something a bit sooner." The words came out like a wanton whore, but I didn't care. I was going to explode.

"What did you have in mind?"

I began to run my hands down my stomach until they reached the edge of my panties. "A little stress relief."

"Ahh, I think I can help with that."

"I sure hope so, because I'm spending way too much money on batteries."

"My greedy girl wants the real thing?" he whispered.

"She always wants you."

"Baby, you keep talking like that and I'm not going to be able to finish this scene."

"Sorry, I know you're busy—"

"I didn't say stop!"

"But you're at work."

"Surrounded by loads of people, but I'm only interested in the fact that your needy and wet right now." I gushed, with a groan. "I know you like it when I talk dirty," he whispered. "I can't wait to be buried deep inside your warm, tight—give me a second," he suddenly yelled out.

I knew he had to go, so I said, "We can finish this later." The disappointment came out loud and clear.

"Sorry, baby. I’ll call you later.  Oh, and Andria don't even
about coming without me hearing you." He hung up and left me in a wet mess.






An early morning run had always helped to clear my head. I was finally getting to see Rome, and the ruins appeared surreal as the sun came up. It had been a crazy, busy week, and I needed to get away from it all.

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