Thoughtless Sacrifice (5 page)

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Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

BOOK: Thoughtless Sacrifice
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I gave a little chuckle and
shook my head. How pathetic was that twat? I had to ring Georgina
now and sort everything out. She must have been feeling like shit
and I hadn't helped matters. I ran my hands through my hair and let
out a little air. Could we recover from this?




I slammed down the phone. What
was he playing at? I had spent a whole day worrying about him and
he had been sat in his office. Why didn't I go and check when I got
to work? It was such an obvious place everything with him was about

I stood up from my desk and
left my office. I couldn't wait to see him and give him a piece of
my mind. He had overreacted and left me to deal with it all

I couldn't wait for the lift
and decided to take the two flights of stairs. Why had he acted
like that? Why had he blanked me till now? Suddenly I was full of
dread. What if this was going to be bad? What if he had done
something in New York?

My legs began to shake. I
couldn't imagine him touching another

Woman and telling them the same
things he said to me. His was mine and mine completely.

Surely I was just jumping to
conclusions and everything was fine. I stepped into the lobby and I
wasn't feeling as confident as I did a few minutes ago.


Morning, Mrs
Thomas” Maxwell's assistant smiled at me. I reluctantly smiled back
and stepped into his office. He was sat at his desk and immediately
looked up. He was a mess, still in the same clothes as before,
unshaven and his hair all roughed up. It was his eyes that haunted
me the most, red and puffy. He hadn't slept and my heart broke at
the sight of this troubled man. I sat down in front of him and he
finally smiled. His eyes warmed a little and relief filled me.
Everything was fine.

Hey” he

Hey” I
whispered back.

He reached out over his desk
and grabbed hold of my hand. He held it tight, leaned over and
placed a sweet kiss on my wedding band. My heart skipped a beat. “I
missed you” he began. “I'm sorry I never took your calls. I just
needed to think?”


About us” he
said slowly.

I snatched my hand away and
swallowed hard. Maybe everything wasn't fine after all. I nervously
shifted in my seat. He rubbed his brow and let out a sigh of
frustration. I just studied him not even saying a word.

Why are we
not getting along?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I know it’s my fault
and I should have never gone to New York.” He had my attention and
I looked back at him. I watched the despair fill his face and his
wonderful mouth was turned down at the sides. I couldn't bear to
see my beautiful Mr Golden Rule in pain. I jumped out of my seat
and climbed on to his lap. My arms clung round his strong neck. I
never wanted to let him go.

He returned my hug with the
same need. He ran his nose through my hair. “Let’s go to tonight”
he whispered into my ear.


No!” He
laughed. I never thought I would hear that sound again. “The north

What about
the children's schooling?”

I'll give a
donation” he replied. My hands gripped hold of his face and I
looked deep into his eyes. “The children will love it and I need to
make it up to my wife.” His voice lowered. “I should have never
missed your birthday, Georgina. Do you forgive?”

I ran a hand down his cheek,
with my lips close to his. “I will always forgive you, Maxwell” I
breathed. “I can't live without you.” Our lips met in a wonderful
stomach flipping kiss.

He pulled away and raised my
left hand. “Just never let me get on the wrong side of you” he
chuckled. “As this thing,” he kissed my engagement ring. “Can cause
serious damage.”

I looked down
at my ring and tilted my head....
What was
he talking about?



Blake Waterman


I was
thinking about coming to LA and seeing you” I waited for Riley's
reaction. It had been a while since we had last spoken. I was
pretty sure he would hang up when he realized it was me, but he
didn't, thank god.

I don't know,
Blake” he sighed.

I'm a changed
man” trying my best to convince. I guess a few people still thought
of me as that kidnapping freak. At that time I was just in a bad
place and wasn't thinking clearly. After all Georgina had left me,
I had beat my Mum after finding out what she did, I lost my job and
I was responsible for splitting my parents up. All this seemed to
happen within weeks of each other.

Please” I begged. “My Mum has died and my marriage is over. I need
to get away and I really need my best friend. I promise no dumb

Okay” he
finally agreed. “You better be on your best behaviour” he

Thank you” I
was relieved. “I'll call you when I have sorted out all the
details.” I put the phone down. Thank god, I was finally going to
get out of Oxford. I could no longer bare this place.

Hopefully, fingers crossed
everything went to plan. I wanted to try and get some work out
there and somewhere to live. I had nothing left in Oxford any more.
My Mother had left me some money, so that would be a big help until
I found work.

Me and Amy were half way
through our divorce. What was I thinking marrying that control
freak? All she cared about was making money and her failing

My Mother had passed away a few
months ago and I had started thinking about my life. I had learned
a lot about myself in the last few months and I no longer wanted to
be here. I wanted to start living my life my way and no was going
to hold me back any longer.

LA was going to be my new
start, new job, new house, a new life and maybe finally meet that
special person.


The 12 hour flight had been
physically draining. I was stood outside the airport waiting for
Riley. I'd managed to get a seat on a flight a few hours after
calling him. I hoped he hadn't changed his mind. I had never been
to LA before and didn't have a clue about hotels. A black
convertible pulled up along side me. I looked over at the driver;
his dark hair gelled back, black sunglasses and wearing a tight
white T-shirt.

Well... Well, what do we have here then?” He asked while giving a
pure white Hollywood smile. This place had made its impact on

What have
they done to you?” I joked, throwing my suitcase into the back-seat
of his car and jumping into the passenger’s seat.

He gave a little shrug. “Can I
help it if I'm a lucky son of a bitch?” He hadn't lost his charm
with words. He pulled off and we speeded down the road. “How long
you staying for?”

Not sure yet”
I lied, it was too early to reveal my plans. I began to take in the
views. For the first time in a long while I felt free and happy. I
had missed out on so much, well, not any more. Blake Waterman was
moving on up.

I'm free to
show you around today, but tomorrow I have filming.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Filming?
I thought you did modelling.”

I'm in soap.
I play Alex a troubled man who seems to sleep with everyone” a
massive smile appeared on his face.

Just like this car.”

He looked very smug and I
didn't blame him. Riley was living his dream. “All thanks to
George.” His voice trailed off and he started shifting in his

What was all that about? Was it
going to be like this every time her name was mentioned? I had got
over it.... It had been five years.

Riley quickly looked at me. “I
kissed her” he confessed and his eyes went back on to the road.
“That's why I have the mark on my face.”

Yeah” I
laughed. “She has a good left hook.” I rested my head back on the
seat. I wondered what she looked like now. Was she still that tiny
woman who still needed to be taken care of? Had she finally learned
to cook? A slight smile appeared on my lips.

Stop thinking
about her” Riley bellowed, immediately all my thoughts were
deleted. “Otherwise I'll be dropping back off at the airport. I
really don't need you causing me any more problems.”

I turned to look at me. “Riley,
I have changed. I am not obsessed with her any more.” Why did it
feel like I was lying?

I guess I was hoping to run in
with her. Not because I wanted to be with her, I just wanted to see
she was okay. My caring for her had never gone. There was no harm
in that was there?

Maybe that's why my marriage
had broken down. Amy never allowed me to care for her. She
controlled every aspect of our lives and I always felt like a spare

How is she?”
I finally asked.

Good” Riley
nodded. “I mean, I don't think she is happy and she seems a little
lonely.” He quickly stopped and glared at me. “That's all I am
telling you and I don't want you to mention her again!”

Deal” I

Good” he
pulled the car into a car park. “Beer?” I nodded in response. He
parked the car and we both got out. Riley led me into a bar. He
strutted over to the bar and ordered. A few women had noticed him.
Riley gave them a full on sexy smile, he hadn't changed one bit –
he had to give me a lesson on how he did that. We both grabbed our
beer bottles and headed over to a spare table. We sat down and I
noticed his eyes were still on the women.

There are
two” he smirked taking a sip of his beer. “Take your

Take my
pick?” I felt my eyebrows shoot up. “They are people not

He slowly looked up with a
screwed up face. Okay, I did sound like a woman. “I know... They
are women and you are on holiday. How about we shake things up and
get you a holiday romance?” I threw my head back and laughed.
Holiday romance. Isn't that what women read about. “Blake,
seriously just have some fun!”

His words circled around my
head. Fun? Wasn't that why I had come here in the first place? I
really did need it. I looked over at the woman and they were both
staring back smiling. They were both blonde and attractive. It was
the petite one that caught my attention.

I stood up. “Where you going?”
Riley asked.

To have some

It was time to get this holiday




I looked
around the hotel suite it was amazing. My Mr Golden Rule had gone
all out and got us the penthouse suite in the four Seasons hotel. I
had never seen anything so beautiful. A wonderful view of the
Eiffel Tower from our balcony. I was actually glad that Maddy and
Jay had come with us. They were sharing with the kids. I wanted me
and Maxwell to play lots of games and with children around it
wouldn't have been easy.

I felt
Maxwell's arms cling around me and I rested my head back on his
shoulder. I was in heaven, shame it had taken so long to get

Does my Mrs
Thomas approve?” He whispered in my ear and placing a kiss on my

Very much so”
I smiled.

Tonight I am
going to make it up to you for leaving you alone on your


He raised a
hand and pointed to the Eiffel Tower. “There... We are having
dinner and going to go to the First Floor. I'm going to wine, dine
and violate you up there!”

My eyes opened
wide. “I have nothing to wear.”

Oh, you do...
You think I didn't wander about that. I have a new dress for you in
the wardrobe.”

I spun round
to face him. I felt like a child at Christmas. “Let me

No!” He said
in his boss voice.

What colour is it?”

He tilted his
head to the side and gave me that look. “Mrs Thomas, why have you
got to be inquisitive all the time?”

Maxwell!” I
yelled in frustration.

He slowly
shook his head and that wicked smirk slowly appeared across his
mesmerizing mouth. “All in good time, Mrs Thomas. All in good

I stood back
and looked at my reflection. A wonderful cream and Navy chiffon
boob-tube dress and of course it was Jenny Peckham. He had brought
me cream high heeled Jimmy Choos. My husband certainly had

I had kept my
make-up basic, little blush and lip gloss. My blonde hair rested
gracefully on my shoulders. I narrowed my eyes. I hadn't really
changed much from when I met Maxwell. Even though I had boob job
last year, I was still the same. I heard Maxwell bang on the
bathroom door.

George!” He
yelled. “We need to go now!” I rolled my eyes. Everything was
always down to time. He was such a control freak.

I took in one
more look and smiled contently. “Coming” I sang as I opened the
bathroom door. Maxwell was sat on the bed, going through his phone.
He slowly looked up and his jaw dropped. I loved in that even after
five years being together I could still impress him.


It was
breathtaking staring down at Paris at night. A glass of champagne
and the man I loved by my side. Our meal had been fantastic and
everything Maxwell promised it would be. He could behind as I gazed
from our hotel balcony. The heat and his hard body pressed against

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