Thoughtless Sacrifice (6 page)

Read Thoughtless Sacrifice Online

Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

BOOK: Thoughtless Sacrifice
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His hand
gripped hold of my waist, the other hand moved up to zipper on my
dress. My breathing started to get rapid and that desire filled my

I think this
would look better off” he growled in my ear as the dress dropped to
the floor. His hand moved down my bare back, and I felt his
erection pressed against my behind. I wanted him deep inside me. I
wanted to get lost in the orgasmic world we shared

His thumbs
dripped into the waistband of my panties and slowly he pulled them
down my legs; placing hot kisses on my skin as he followed their

I closed my
eyes and embraced the moment. This man was everything I ever
needed. There was no other who made me feel this way. Walking into
that interview had been the best decision of my life and I would
never give him up.

He stood back
up, his hand slipping between my legs and massaging my sweet spot
making me sleek and ready for him. I let out a groan as I heard the
zip of his trousers. The champagne glass slipped from my fingers
and smashed on the ground. I gripped hold of the balcony, pushing
my arse out. I needed him. I needed him now.

Mrs Thomas” he laughed in my ear. I groaned in response, as his
magic fingers played and almost brought me to the edge. His index
finger dipped inside of me and I let out a louder moan of

Just how I
like you, Georgina. Wet and ready for me.” His finger disappeared
and he plunged deep inside of me. The scream that left my mouth was

He began to
thrust and move his hips, hitting that deep spot inside of me. One
hand gripped hard on my waist as he pounded into me. The other hand
grabbed hold of my hair, pulling my head back.

Harder” I
panted. He growled and picked up speed, quickly sending me to
orgasmic heaven. My hot body with the cold Paris air only added to
the sensation. The tingles started at my toes and worked there
through my body. My heard thumped against my chest. My whole body
shook and went crazy.

Fuck” he
hissed, as I felt him explode inside me. He rested his head against
my back. “I love you.”


Our week in Paris was over.
Everything about it had been amazing. I was on top of the world.
Maxwell was relaxed and hadn’t mentioned anything about work.
Olivia was getting on with me, even though it did cost me a Chanel
handbag. As for Bailey he was just happy that he had met Mickey

I looked over at Bailey playing
on the bedroom floor. Maxwell and Jay were loading up the car to
take us to the airport. I didn’t want to go home. Why was it always
like this? I know why, the second Maxwell stepped into that office
he forgot about everything else.

I know he enjoys working and I
know that maybe I do sound whining. LA doesn’t feel like home to
me. I don’t know anyone. I suddenly missed Amy badly and needed to
talk to my friend. Amy had been my rock for so many years. In spite
of everything that happened, I knew I cold confide in her.

Since moving to LA I had barely
spoke to her and that made me feel guilty. I looked round the room
trying to locate my phone. That’s when I saw Maxwell’s on the
bedside cabinet. He wouldn’t mind if I borrowed his.

The red light was flashing
indicating he had a message. Without even thinking I opened the
message and began to read.

'It was nice seeing you again.
I really enjoyed it. Not so long next time xxx'

My jaw dropped open and I
didn’t know what to do. What did that text even mean? I looked at
the name, but it was just some number I didn’t recognize. It might
have not meant anything. I just had that nagging voice in my

The tears began to well up in
my eyes. There was no doubt about it. The text was from a woman.
You didn’t need to be a detective to work that out. Why would a
woman send my husband a message?

My legs felt weak and fell down
on the bed. I had to stay calm. I didn’t want to make a scene in
front of Bailey. Could Maxwell really cheat on me?

I heard the hotel door open and
I quickly put the phone back. With the back of my hand, I wiped the
tears away. Maxwell strolled in, wearing jeans, a shirt and his red
hair all ruffed up. He was beautiful and he was mine. He would
never cheat on me, he loved me. After everything, he wouldn’t throw
our marriage away... would he?

You okay?” he
asked, his blue eyes sparkling at me. I felt a lump in my throat. I
wanted to yell and scream at him. Not yet, I was going to find out
the truth before I confronted him.

Yes” I
smiled, which was difficult. If he had cheated on me, I would find
out. Some would say this was karma and I deserve this after all I
did to Blake. So maybe I couldn’t take the moral high ground. On
the other hand, this was a different situation and I needed to
know. God help him if he has.



I looked at my reflection. I
looked a mess from the lack of sleep and the worry that had taken
over me. Maxwell was fast asleep still while I was stuck in the
world of uncertainly and I couldn't bring myself to talk to him
about it.

I couldn't sit
here all day I had to get ready for work and gain some normality.
Also, it would help keep my mind from drifting off to worse
scenarios possible.
Would he actually do
that to me?

I picked up my hair brush and
began to brush my hair. The message wouldn't go away. I kept
reading it out loud in my head. 'It was nice seeing you again. I
really enjoyed it. Not so long next time xxx'

I kept telling
myself it was innocent, it was just a friend he had run into. Yet,
this nagging doubt that he could have betrayed me was haunting me
Could he? Would he? Was I no
longer what he wanted?

I shook my head. I didn't even
what to think of the thought of him not wanting me. My Mr Golden
rule... What would I be without him? I couldn't bare it and then on
the other hand I couldn't bear to be near him at the moment. I
applied a little lip gloss and left my dressing room.

The whole car journey to work I
couldn't say one word to Jay. I was still lost in my own thoughts.
Paranoia was beginning to take over me. Maybe I should go and check
his office?

There could be something like a
recite, email or anything just to give me peace of mind. Yes, I had
to go and check his office, fingers crossed it was all in my head
and I wouldn't find anything.

As soon as I got a quiet moment
I made my way to my husband's office. I knew he was out in a
meeting and his assistant had gone with him. At least that way no
one was going to tell on me. I stepped inside and straight over to
his desk.

I began to search the big pile
of papers stacked on his desk, then his computer and then I began
to ruffle through his draw.


I wasn't sure if that was good
or bad... Maybe he was just good at hiding his trail of deceit. I
looked over at the picture frame sat on his desk and my heart sank.
It was a picture of all four of us together just after Bailey was

The tears began to pour out and
I couldn't control them. Was my husband having an affair?

There was a
knock on the door.
I wasn't expecting anyone to come here. I quickly
closed the draws and cleaned up the paperwork I had scattered over
the desk.

Come in” I
yelled, my voice breaking in places. I quickly wiped away the tears
and tried to gain my composure.

The door opened and to my
surprise Riley walked in. He seemed shocked to see me. He couldn't
bring himself to make eye contact to with me which made me feel
uncomfortable. He placed his hands in his pockets and wouldn't come
any further into the room. He just remained staring down at the

Hey” he

Hey, what are
you doing here?” I blurted out, sadness hit me hard. He was the
only friend I had in this god forsaken place and now it felt like
we were strangers.

I had a
meeting with Maxwell and he never showed up. So, I thought I would
come here and see what had happened.

You had a
meeting with Maxwell? How come?”

He looked up, stunned at my
question. “He's my agent.”

Great, now not only was he
cheating on me but now stealing my clients without telling me. “And
he didn't show?” I asked, I think my mind was beginning to get the
better of me.

No,” finally
his eyes met mine. “Something wrong, George?” He asked with
concern. I shook my head, I could no longer remain strong and the
tears began to fall again. “George.” He ran over to me and hugged
me. This was really what I was just trying to avoid but I had the
need to confide in someone.

I think
Maxwell is having an affair” I cried, it hurt even more saying it
out loud.


I nodded. “I found a text while
we were in Paris. It was someone from the New York visit.” I let
out a deep breath and reached for the box of tissues on the desk.
“I just can't take any more. The endless fighting, his control of
everything, his non existence at home and now this!” I wiped the
tears away and began to play with the tissue.

This looks
cosy” boomed a voice. My eyes looked over at the doorway and there
was Maxwell leaning up against it. His face cold and his mouth
tight. Riley jumped away from me as Maxwell strolled in. “Get the
fuck out of my office!” Maxwell bellowed at Riley.

Mr Thomas,
Georgina was just upset.”

If my wife is
upset I will comfort her. Now, get the fuck out!” He smoothed down
his navy suit jacket and glared at Riley. His eyes turned to me and
his toned turned dangerously low. “Me and my wife obviously have
issues to discuss.”

Riley nodded and practically
ran out of the room. Maxwell slammed the door shut and spun round
to face me. Just by the look I knew I was in deep trouble. Then
again, I wasn't the one getting mysterious texts.

You can be
such a prick” I spat, giving the cold stare back at him.

He shook his head and began to
rub his thumb along his magical mouth. “What is it about him? Every
time I'm not around you are with him!” He began to pace up and down
in good old Maxwell Thomas fashion, his hands running through his
red hair.

He is my
friend” I insisted, folding my arms and sitting back in his chair.
“Let's talk about your little trip to New York” My voice full of
venom. He stopped and looked at me. His eyes narrowed and his mouth
twitched at the corners. I had his full attention now. The table
had turned, about time he was put on the spot and made to feel

What about
it?” He shrugged casually. Sometimes he really annoyed me. His
poker face wasn't fooling me, in fact I could see right through

I slowly rose from his chair
and strolled casually over to him, my eyes never leaving his. “I
saw THE text!”

Instantly his attitude changed.
“You’ve been checking up on me?” He laughed and then turned back
into stone. “For fuck sake, Georgina! I actually thought better of
you than that. How low can you get?”

Shut up with
the righteous bullshit. I didn't check up on you. I was going to
use your phone in the hotel.” Why was I explaining myself? Why did
he always do this? I was not the one hiding anything and yet it was
my entire fault. I shook my head and swallowed hard. “Who is the
text from, Maxwell?” I asked calmly.

A friend” he

female” I hissed, still he showed on reaction. “Unless you have
male friends who like to send three kisses.”

He let out a little air from
his mouth and his eyes fell to his feet. “Yes, female.”


And what?” he
screamed, I could tell he was beginning to get frustrated. Was that
out of guilt or innocence? “Nothing happened, Georgina.” It sounded
more like he was convincing himself more than me.

I could see something written
all over his face. Then my mind went back to the night he came back
from New York and his over reaction to Riley kissing me.

It all made sense now, his
hiding away wasn't down to the fact Riley had done what he did. It
was because he was remorseful of something but turned it round all
on me. Prick!

So, something
did happen?” I asked, trying to keep my tone all sweetness and
light. His mouth tightened further and he just looked at me –
blank. “What happened, Maxwell?” This time the anger and
frustration filled my voice.

He rubbed his brow, then his
eyes and then trailed his index finger across his lip. He gave an
awkward cough and shifted from foot to foot. God, why was he taking
so long?

Before we got
together there was someone else....” I rolled my eyes, of course
there was, I wasn't that stupid. What did that have to do with

Anyway,” he
continued. “She happens to be the owner of the company I am trying
to take over. I really had no idea she was even going to be

And,” I urged
him on.

And after the
meeting we went for drinks and I guess she got the wrong

She kissed
you?” He nodded and stared down at his feet. I froze, but I had to
ask the next question. “Did you kiss her back?”

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