Through Lies and Heartache (9 page)

Read Through Lies and Heartache Online

Authors: WB Amore

Tags: #romance, #love, #loss, #friendship, #sex, #italian, #deception

BOOK: Through Lies and Heartache
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Don’t fight it baby, let
go. Give it to me Farfalla.”


With that I can’t help but to let go,
it’s almost like fireworks go off. Clawing at his back I call out
his name, just as he calls out my name. We lay there and hold onto
each other just a moment more. I start to feel the slickness move
down my body “Ry, I have to go to the bathroom.” I whisper, with a
sigh he slowly pulls out of me getting up he grabs my hand helping
me up we walk to the bathroom. He grabs a towel cleaning himself
while I go to the bathroom and clean myself up. Pulling our cloths
back on we crawl back into bed, I scoot over to him and cuddle up
to him, holding him tight and drift back to sleep.






aking up to Gracie plastered
to me
isn’t really anything new, but after the dreams I’ve been having of
her, I’ve avoided this situation for the last few months. Her being
mad at me has really helped with that. I want her and man, if it
could be like my dreams, I’m pretty sure her dad would kill me and
send her away to Italy for school. Probably make it sound like a
huge opportunity or some shit, I refuse to let her go. No matter
what. Which is why I do this to myself, even though it’s slowly
driving me insane. I would rather have her in my life knowing she’s
safe, rather than me not be in her life at all.

Slowly I pull away from her, I get up
go to the bathroom when I walk out she’s sitting there with this
look on her face like she’s confused.

What’s wrong

Um, how the hell did I get
up here? And why the hell do I hurt so badly?”

Letting out a chuckle “Here let me get
you a drink and some medicine.” Taking a deep breath, the sight of
her in my bed and in my shirt does things to me. The dreams come
back to me this one seems so real, I wish things could be
different. I want nothing more than to crawl back into bed with
her. The things I want to do to her… Shaking my head I leave the

Well I remember watching
you dance with Rori, until some douche wrapped his arms around you,
when I saw him… I walked over wrapped you in my arms and you about
passed out, so I picked you up and brought you in here.”

I can see she’s thinking, her eye brows
are drawn together then all the sudden a look of shock crosser her
face. “We got into a fight about me being a whore,” Letting out a
growl “You are not a whore.” When she won’t look at me I stalk over
to where she’s sitting on my bed. She’s looking at her hands in her
lap, sitting on the bed she doesn’t look up, She still won’t look
at me so I lift her chin, when our eyes meet mine I see the tears.
“Piccolina I know you’re not a whore. You’re nothing but a kind
hearted farfalla who takes care of everyone, no matter what.” I
tell her in the most sincere voice I can without barking

Even Liam.” I growl at her.
That gets me a small smile. She nods her head closes her

Come on I need a run even
though I feel like I was hit by a mac truck.”

With this she throws herself back onto
my bed making her hair fan all across my pillows.

This is something I’ve always dreamed
of, her in my bed, hair fanned out, sexy as hell. I grab my phone
and snap a picture, she has a sated almost tranquil look on her
face. I snap another causing her to smile a shy little smile that
causes my heart to speed up. Snapping one final one, I put it back
on my night stand, “what’s the verdict coach?” I ask, she hates
when I call her coach, smacking me in the arm “As much as I want to
run with you I can’t I have too much homework to do. I came to the
party last night I didn’t do all of it, plus Liam’s coming over
this afternoon to work on our project.”

I can’t help the growl that slips out.
I can’t say anything its school related and well its school
related, reminding me “Well we need to work on ours too, why don’t
I take you home and we can work on it?”

Yeah, we need to get it
done its due before break.”

Well it settled then, get
up Piccolina and I’ll feed you before I torture you with school

With a giggle she sits up “Um Ry I need
sweats, there is no way I’m wearing that dress back home. If mom
happens to be home she may kill me if she sees how I left the house
last night.”

Getting up I go grab her some sweats
and head to my closet to change while she’s in the bathroom. Just
before I leave I grab the letter I’ve written her this is probably
the only time I’m going to be able to do this because the next
month or so I have to train hard. I have a fight that’s a little
over two months out and its going to be a tough one, probably one
of my hardest. She’s going to be so pissed she probably won’t talk
to me for a while.

After she reads this she’ll understand
well, I may lose her forever. She rode with Rori so we both climb
into my car grab a quick breakfast burrito and head to her house.
Seeing her mom’s car in the drive she tenses “Gracie its cool we’ll
just tell her you stayed at my house because you passed out after
working on our project.” With a sigh she climbs out, when we walk
in her mom is putting on her coat smiling at us both “I’m glad your
hear Ryan I have to go in and I would hate to leave Gracie here
alone.” I smile back at her. “Mom really again? Did you even sleep
here last night? You know what, never mind have a good day I’ll see
you whenever you have time. Maybe you can put me on your schedule
for some time this week maybe next week.” With that she takes off
up the stairs.





I’m glad to be home after the dream I
had of Ryan last night, I need my space maybe while he’s down
stairs I can get my shit together. I wish I knew why I hurt so bad,
my legs feel like I’ve run a marathon and my cooch hurts, shit did
I fall, maybe Ryan kneed me there while we were sleeping. With a
sigh I go to the bathroom, throw my hair up. Trying to push all
thoughts of Ryan and I out of my mind I go back to my room and pick
up a little while he’s down stairs, I didn’t realize how many
cloths I had strung all over the place. I better go start a load of
laundry. Thank god the washer and dryer are up here. I don’t really
want to see my mom again. I don’t understand why she has to work so
much, with dad sending her money she doesn’t really need to work,
she just likes to. With a sigh I go about cleaning the laundry.
Finally sitting down with my head in my hands.





Looking at her mom I see the pain. “I’m
sorry Ms. Capello.”

Don’t be sorry Ryan this
isn’t you’re doing.”

Have you thought of telling

Pure shock, that’s all I can say, I
chuckle a little “Come on Ms. Capella, Enzo is my father, I’m 18

She interrupts me “No… Yes I’ve thought
of telling her, of course I have. It kills me to keep it and him
from her, but it’s his wishes, not mine and I respect them. For the
very same reasons you do it keeps her safe no matter the amount of
pain it causes.”

I can only nod my head because I’ve
already made my choice. I don’t think anyone sees just the amount
of pain she’s in from all of this. If I didn’t worry that the
secrets were causing more pain I would continue to keep them where
they are, where we all are. “I’m going to head up make sure she’s
ok and we need to get to work. Have a good day Ms. Capello.” I turn
to leave and head up the stairs without another word.

I hear the front door close as I open
Gracie’s, I find her at her desk head in her hands this kills me
because I’m not so sure that her mom is really going to work. If
she is she’s most likely going to have a special visitor for the
afternoon. “Cheer up Picollina. We have work to do. Before Liam
gets here.” I all but sneer his name which earns me a little
giggle. Shaking her head she gets up telling me she’s going to go
and get us some munchies and soda so that we can get to

While she’s down stairs I place the
note on her desk and start spreading our project stuff on top of
it. Jumping into our work and before I know it it’s almost one.
Liam will be here at one thirty so I start getting my things
together, we head down to the kitchen

Well were almost done which
is nice because I really need to get more training in.” she just
shakes her head and smiles while handing me a water.

Really Ry? How much harder
could you train? You train every day, you run every day, and you’re
probably up to what seven miles in the hills. I know you’re keeping
up with me so please do tell. What else could you need to work on?”
This is what she hates. I work hard and no play. Well not the play
she knows about.

Well I need to start
bulking up lifting more.” Letting out a snort shaking her head.
“What? I do.” Now she’s laughing nice from the heart laughter. I’m
glad to see her laugh like this just not at my expense. When her
doorbell rings I scowl at her, he’s early she giggles the whole way
to the door. I fling the door open and come face to face with Liam.
“Well hello Liam.” I sneer at him turning to Gracie I kiss her
forehead and head out.







hen I pull in I
see Ryan’s car letting
out a sigh, I throw it in park and get out. I know he’s going to be
a pain but we have to get this done, its due Friday. Knocking on
the door I can hear Gracie laughing it gets louder as she gets
closer. When the door fly’s open, its Ryan. Shaking my head at the
way he sneers my name and just let it go, I won’t fight with him in
front of her, there’s no telling what might get said in anger. When
he brushes past me he tells me to keep my damn hands to myself
chuckling I head in,

You want a soda or water
before we get to work?”

A water would be nice,

Head on up to my room and
I’ll be up in a few with a few snacks and some water.”

I just smile and head up
when I see her desk still has other work on it. I close up the book
and move it so I can lay ours down, when I pick up some papers to
move them one falls to the floor. Picking it up, I see Gracie’s
name scrawled onto it. I’m pretty sure its Ryan’s hand writing
slowly opening it, I start to read it the more I read the more I
start to panic this is bad, this is very bad. I can’t tell anyone
because somehow that would make it worse.
Why the fuck did he leave this here? Would he really leave it
for her to find out this way? Well I guess I would leave it and
then leave also, this is going to be bad. Shoving the letter into
my pocket, there is no way I want her to read this while I’m here.
Fuck that
. Throwing our books out and I
start working on our paper. When she comes back we snack and talk
about our project. A few hours later were finally done with
everything and it’s ready to turn in.

Want to hand it in tomorrow
instead of Friday?” I ask her

Yeah because then there’s
no more worry about it.” I chuckle she’s right. It would be nice
not have to worry about it.

Alright I’m going to head
out I have some other homework to do.” She walks me to the door.
Hugging her she gives little sigh she holds on, pulling back I head
to my car. I can’t help but feel the letter burning my
What the hell am I going to do with






efore I know it the
next three weeks
have passed and its time for Thanksgiving, they decided to give us
the whole week of this year. Which I’ll spend a good part of it
alone mom has to work. She hasn’t always had to work this hard. I
wonder if dad stopped sending money, maybe I’ll ask him when I
spend Christmas with him. Saturday and Sunday mom and I get to
spend some time together, so we plan to do movies and take out. We
talk about all my school work and planning Thanksgiving dinner. I
get a call Monday morning, when I finally find my phone I see its
Aurora “What?” I grumble I had a hard time sleeping last night.
“Well isn’t someone grouchy today?”

Rori what do you want
because if you called to wake me up then you succeeded but I’m
going back to bed.”

Well I was going to see
what your plans are but now I don’t care. You no longer have them,
I think you need some spa time. Maybe Mani’s and Pedi’s, I’m
thinking you need a message work your stress out.”

I grunt “It’s far too early to plan
this. Call me this afternoon.”

I hear her laugh “Gracie it’s 11:30.
Get up I’m getting ready and then I’ll be over.”

Heaving a sigh as I sit up “Fine bring
me a Dirty Chi Tea with two shots.”

Sounds good be there in

Throwing my phone onto my bed and
getting up to get ready. Seeing Rori pull in I head out the door
mom has to work this week just until Wednesday.

Hey sweets I think mom took
Friday off, so she’ll get a four day weekend, maybe we can do Black
Friday shopping. Want to come with?”

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