Read Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) Online

Authors: Emma Grayson

Tags: #Contemporary

Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) (26 page)

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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Am I okay?

I looked at him confused, wondering what he meant by the question before finally realizing I’d been sitting with my head back against the seat saying nothing; only watching as the trees passed us by.

“Yeah, of course,” I lied.

“You’re lying, babe,” he said squeezing my hand he had been holding since we backed out of my driveway.

Mr. Know It All, ladies and gentlemen.

I rolled my eyes. “Luke, I said I’m fine, just tired.” I spoke sharper than I anticipated.

I was tired but it wasn’t the reason I was out of it, my mind was on a lot and I didn’t wanna discuss it with him.

?” he said taken back, like it was the most ridiculous thing.

I looked at him confused. “What?”

“You called me

“Okay...” I urged him to go on so I knew what the big deal was.

He looked over at me with knitted brows, the grey in his eyes swirling with questions. “You never call me Luke, not ever.”

I looked away from him and out the window and I could see Fisher’s come into view. “What? Sure I have,” I said dryly.

I hadn’t.

He was right. I’d never, since I met him, ever called him Luke. It was always Lukas, always and I had no idea why today I called him Luke.

“No babe, you–”

“Did you take my cross?” I blurted out cutting him off.

“Your what?”

“My cross, the one you were looking at the other morning.”

“No why?”

I sighed. “I noticed it wasn’t in the dish when I was getting ready for work.”

“So what, you think I stole it?” his voice deep and full of humor.

I turned my head in his direction, “What? No. I just thought I’d ask. Never mind, it probably fell on the floor or behind my dresser or something.” I waved the topic away as I looked back out my window.

First my favorite bra was lost in the laundry, then I got a creepy package containing my favorite wine and chocolates and now my cross was missing. As strange as it was, there was no way it was all connected.

It was just coincidental.

Lukas’ hand squeezed mine bringing be out of thought and I saw we were now parked in front of Fisher’s. “I’ll see you later on; I have some shit to look after so I won’t be reachable until later,” he told me. “Unless it’s urgent.”

“Okay, is everything alright?” I asked.

I found it weird that he was going to be unreachable, he’d never been unreachable before and something about that didn’t sit well with me.

It made me nervous.

“Just a case I’m working on with Kane,” he sounded displeased at the mention of Kane. “He’s doing me a favor.”

It was obvious Lukas didn’t care for whoever Kane was; any time he mentioned him you could feel the negative energy rolling off him, and see it written all over his face.

“Who’s Kane?” I asked, it was the second time I had heard the name and both times Lukas went rigid at mentioning him.

“Someone you don’t need to know,” he said flat out.

“Is he a friend of yours?”


“Okay,” I mumbled then unbuckled my seat belt and threw open my door, as the cab of the truck filled with a hostile energy. “See ya.” I jumped out and slammed the door then rushed inside the bar; annoyed and upset.

Lukas expects me to tell him whatever he wants to know, but when I ask him things he just blows me off and makes me feel like shit for even asking.

“Hey darlin,’” Bobby shouted as I rushed inside, passing him. “Lexie, you okay?” he asked seeing my face was a mix of pissed off and hurt.

I looked at him to answer but saw his eyes were narrowed on something behind me, knowing who he was looking at I kept walking. I threw open the back room door and it slammed shut behind me as I whipped opened my locker, shoving my purse inside. As I grabbed my apron the door flew open and slammed shut just as quick, causing me to jump and spin towards the door, my narrowed eyes fell on a smirking Lukas.

Why is he smirking and why must he be so fucking hot while doing it?

I was sure when he followed me back here he’d be pissed off and go all caveman on me but that’s not the Lukas I was looking at.

His arms hung at his sides, his chest was rising and falling– his shirt tightening as he inhaled, while the rest of his body stood solid. His eyes were stormy, dancing with excitement, full of desire and making every part of my body tingle with anticipation.

I thought I found him sexy when he was angry– now that I no longer found him terrifying, but seeing him how he was now,
was even more sexy and hard to resist. But not this time, I knew what game he was playing and this time I was not falling for his sexiness; his cock was getting nowhere near my panties.

Same with his fingers.

Same with his mouth.

I watched as his arm move behind him and locking the door. “Lukas, what are you doing? I have to get to work,” I said trying to sound firm and hoping my voice didn’t betray me.

He didn’t say anything just stared at me then it happened so quick I didn’t have time to react, one minute he’s standing in front of the door and the next he’s standing in front of me and all I can see is his tight navy blue shirt spread across his muscular chest. I looked up at him from under my lashes to see him looking down at me with a knowing grin.

“No, don’t even think about it, not this time Lukas. I’m– what the hell,” I yelped as I suddenly went from standing in front of him to being lifted up into his arms. My legs instantly wrapped around his waist as my arms hooked around his neck and our eyes locked.

There was no chance of him staying out of my panties. That thought was tossed out the fucking window.

He walked us into a stall closing and locking the door before crashing my back into the wall. His mouth crashed onto mine as his tongue shot inside, hungrily wrestling with mine. His hands, no longer needing to hold me up, shot directly under my skirt, gripping my ass. My hands dove into his hair grabbing it by the handfuls as one of his slid up under my shirt cupping and squeezing my right breast in his hand, rolling my nipple through his thumb and finger. I groaned into his mouth as an electrifying jolt shot between my legs, making my body tingle as I grinded my hips into him.

Lukas tore his lips from mine, kissing down my neck in feverishly wet kisses. His scruff rough against my skin made my body jerk. I loved the feeling of his scruff against my skin, in all places, especially between my legs; the thought made my heart rate spike and the warmth hit deeper in the pit of my stomach causing me to throb for him.

“Lukas I need you,” I moaned, my hands still pulling his hair holding him in place as his mouth covered my breast, “Like now,” I pleaded.

His mouth pulled away from my breast and he pushed me further up the wall as his hand came between us and I heard the sound of his zipper followed by his jeans falling. My legs tightened around his waist, locking at the ankles, as I anticipated him to slam inside me. He pushed my skirt up further, sliding my panties to the side and his fingers rolled over my clit before sliding inside; my hips bucked, grinding on his fingers.

“Fuck Lex, you’re always ready for me. Always so wet and ready for my cock, aren’t you baby,” he growled, his voice muffled between the crook of my neck.

My climax was building as I continued to fuck his fingers, my legs holding on tight around his waist. “Baby,” I breathed hoarsely, “I need you inside me, I’m getting close.” My head fell back against the wall.

No sooner did he remove his fingers and slam his cock into me. My arms shot up above my head, grabbing onto the top of the ledge. Lukas’ hands grasped my hips tighter, holding me in place as he drove in and out of me; my head fell forward and looked at Lukas.

He was watching himself glide in and out, each time harder and quicker than the last. Watching him watch his cock slam deep inside me was so incredibly hot and explosive that my stomach clenched and I felt myself start to tighten around him.

“Oh, God,” I groaned loudly. “Harder Lukas, oh God.” My hands gripped the ledge tighter and my head fell back against the wall; my body completely set ablaze.

“Look at me when you let go,” he said his voice thick and husky.

I moved my head to look at him, our eyes connecting as he drove harder into me, my back hitting the wall and I felt myself come undone, not looking away from him. It was hard, harder than any orgasm he’d ever given me, my body covered in a hot tingles. As I rode it out, Lukas slammed into me once more with a growl, then his head fell against my forehead; his breathing rapid as his hot breath rolled over my face.

My legs were still wrapped around his waist as his cock was still hard inside me when he lifted his head, planted his lips on mine then pulled his head back, looking me in the eye. “Don’t call me Luke; you’re the only one who calls me Lukas; only you Peaches,” he said gruffly. “And don’t leave without kissing me again.”

I ran my fingers through his hair and softly brushed it out of his face. “Okay,” I whispered hoarsely then smirked. “But if this is what happens when I do, then I may have to do it more often,” I teased.

His lips twitched as he slid out of me then left me to clean myself up. Finished I left the stall and found Lukas leaning against the door, a wicked grin spread across his face. He knew exactly what he was doing when he came in here, he knew I wouldn’t be able to deny him or his damn touch and at that I rolled my eyes at him trying to hide my own grin.

Walking with Lukas, he took my hand in his and we made our way back up front, towards the bar, ignoring the knowing grins from Bobby and Adam the closer we got.

“Feel better darlin’?” Bobby smirked as he and Adam burst out laughing.

Fuck it.

Never felt better.




“Am I working alone tonight?” I asked, looking from Bobby to Adam behind the bar as he filled my tray with drinks. It was two hours into my shift and since Lukas left, and two hours full of smirks and smart ass comments from Adam about what happened in the back room.

“No, Abby’s supposed to be here but her sitter was running late, she said she’d be here when she could,” Adam said grinning at me while placing my order on my tray.

“Okay and would you please stop doing that,
of you!” I said shooting a look between the two of them.

Adam started laughing as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Doing what?” he laughed out.

“You know what,” I rolled my eyes at him, “don’t act like you don’t know. I’ve seen both of you giving me that look, for like the past two hours.”

“Can’t help it darlin’, hearing you and Luke go at it back there sure was something.” Bobby chuckled, lifting his beer to his lips.

“I do have a question though,” Adam said looking at me intently. “It’s a serious one.”


“Okay, what is it?”

Adam grinned, “Now, does Lukas smack the ass first or just go on and grab it?” He laughed. “’Cause, he looks like the type who just grabs it and goes.”

God, help me.

“Kill me,” I muttered under my breath walking away shaking my head. I took my tray over to the table of three guys, who were the only ones in the bar. I placed their drinks down and started back to the bar.

“I’m here, Lexie I’m here,” Abby said, shouting as she rushed across the bar in my direction. “Sorry, sorry.”

“Abby, its fine, it’s not like its busy or anything,” I said waving off her apology. “I know what it’s like being a single mom.”

“You’re awesome Lexie; no wonder Luke like’s you so damn much,” she said smiling then hurried off into the back.

“Yo Lexie,” I turned my head at Adam’s voice. “Visitor,” Adam said then rolled his eyes motioning over towards the door where Erik was walking towards me.

The smile I had on my face vanished the moment I saw what he was carrying in his arms.

The expression on his face was unreadable as he carried a square box wrapped in shiny black paper with a white card taped on the top. My head spun as I felt the air rush out of my body in a whoosh.

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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