Read Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) Online

Authors: Emma Grayson

Tags: #Contemporary

Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) (23 page)

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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“What are you guys doing today?” Mollie asked as she joined me with a cup of coffee in her hands.

“Lukas is taking us for breakfast then we’re taking Finn to the park for a bit.” I looked over my shoulder to see Lukas helping Finn put his shoes on then zip up his coat. “What about you guys?” I asked, referring to her and Erik.

“I don’t know, he’s still asleep but probably just hang out,” she answered with a grin. “We’ll see.”

I had come downstairs and Mollie was in the kitchen making coffee and jumped me, thanking me for setting her up with Erik and going on about how great he was and how she’s never met someone like him before then went on to tell me all about their night– not leaving anything out.

I looked at Lukas, and gave him a look that said
told you so

“Oh, before I forget. Did you happen to take my plum colored bra?” I asked her in a hushed voice.

Mollie looked at me like I had grown a third eye. “Uh no, if I did I would have asked you first. Why?”

“I went to put it on today but couldn’t find it, never mind,” I waved my hand dismissing the thought. “It probably fell somewhere in the laundry room or something.”

“Maybe, I’ll keep my eye open for it.”


“Ready?” Lukas’ voice interrupted us. We turned and looked at him, I could see he was still reeling from what happened upstairs, and it was written all over his face.

His eyes may say later but I still did a small fist pump victory to myself.

“Yeah.” I turned to Mollie, “I’ll see you later. Lukas is making dinner tonight, if you and Erik wanna join I’m sure it’s no problem,” I told her knowing it was a problem to Lukas.

“I’ll let you know,” she said walking towards the stairs. “Have fun today.” She smiled over her shoulder making her way up.

I turned and saw Lukas’ unhappy, hard face staring back at me. I looked away, ignoring it. “Okay let’s go. I need coffee and I need it now.” I walked to the door, opening it and Finn ran out towards Lukas’ truck.

I started to follow when I felt a slap across my ass. “Lukas.” I squealed, looking over my shoulder, my lips twitching.

“You’ll be saying that a lot tonight Peaches,” he said with a grin and walked past me, joining Finn at the truck.

“What have I got myself into?” I said under my breath.

As I made my way to Lukas’ truck, a familiar feeling suddenly hit my body. I stopped, and frantically looked around but like the times before I saw nothing.

But I could feel it. I could feel a set of eyes on me, looking at me, watching me and it made my skin crawl in the worst way ever.

“Lex, you okay?” Lukas called out.

I nodded, “Yeah,” I lied ignoring the feeling, not wanting to share it with him.

The feeling followed me as I made my way past him and into the truck.

Later that night I was just starting to cook French toast for dinner when the doorbell rang. Lukas had got a call from the station after breakfast and had to go in and deal with a case. He wasn’t the least bit happy about that, but Finn and I both assured him it was fine.

“Lukas!” I heard Finn shout as he greeted him at the front door.

A smile crept across my face hearing Finn’s excitement. Before Lukas headed into work after breakfast he had told Finn he’d be back as soon as he could and if it wasn’t too late he’d take him to the park for a bit.

Just the two of them.

“Hey bud, where’s your mom?” Lukas’ smooth voice echoed out, making me tingle from head to toe.

“In the kitchen making dinner,” Finn said cheerfully. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

One of the pans falling making a loud crash covered whatever Lukas said in return, then all I heard was Finn running back into the living room and the television volume went up a few notches and the sounds of Scooby Doo filled the room.

As I flipped the French toast, I felt his strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me back against his chest. My free arm fell on top of his, entwining our fingers. My eyes closed as I felt the warmth of his breath wash over my exposed shoulder before feeling his hot lips make contact with my skin, setting every inch of me on fire.

Our entwined hands fell to the side and his free hand came around the side and slid under the hem of my shirt, softly smoothing across my stomach then up until his thumb brushed the bottom of my right breast.

I softly gasped at the contact. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he continued his thumb movement and heat rolled down between my legs.

I pushed back into his chest, my head falling back against his shoulder, a soft pleasing moan sounding from my mouth. His head lowered, his hot breath gliding across my cheek as his mouth came next to my ear. “You waited for me,” he said not asking but stating, sounding happy yet surprised.

“Yeah. ”A half smile crept across my lips, “Finn asked if we could, so we did.”

“Lex.” the sound of his voice said everything; I knew it meant something to him.

I cleared my throat, “I hope you don’t mind having breakfast for dinner, it was Finn’s pick tonight.” Lukas watched as I took the French toast out of the pan and onto a plate sitting close by then put two more pieces in the pan.

Once they were in I placed the fork down and turned in his arms so I was facing him. My arms slid around his waist, and I looked up into his face.

“It’s one of my favorites,” he said in a low murmur.

“Mine too,” I whispered standing up on my toes, kissing his lips softly.

Grinning, his arms gave my waist a squeeze before he pulled away and left the kitchen going into the living room where I heard his voice mumble something to Finn that caused him to laugh.

When we finished dinner and I started cleaning up in the kitchen, Mollie came back from spending the day out with Erik. I let out a small sigh of relief that she came back alone and not with Erik. But things seemed to be going well with them and I couldn’t help but give myself a small pat on the back for it.

“So, how was your day with Finn and Lukas?” Mollie asked as she grabbed a piece of left over French toast then hopped up on the counter.

“It was,” I paused, a smiling dancing across my lips as I thought back through our day, “one of the best day’s I’ve had in a very long time,” I admitted.

“Good,” she said softly.

She hopped off the counter and looked into the living room where Finn and Lukas were currently hanging out. Her smile brightened and she reached out her hand, grabbing me by the arm and pulled me next to her.

My heart squeezed at the sight in front of us.

Lukas was sitting on the couch with his arm along the back, and his long legs straight out crossed at the ankles with Finn sitting close beside him, both their eyes glued on the TV. Finn laughed, and then looked to Lukas saying something that made his mouth twitch into a smile, his chest moved with laughter as he ruffled the top of Finn’s head.

I’d never seen Finn interact with any kind of male figure, not even his own father.

The sight brought tears to my eyes.

“Finn sure likes Lukas, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like that with anyone not even douchebag Dex,” Mollie whispered her eyes not moving from them on the couch.

“Yeah, you read my mind.”

She patted my arm, motioning for us to move back into the kitchen. “They get along well Lexie. Dex wouldn’t even spend more than ten minutes with Finn, and when he did, Finn was never interested, or he cried and that’s his father. But with Lukas, that boy like’s him and vice versa.” She paused looking back to the living room, then back to me. “Dex never looked at Finn or you the way Lukas does.”

Look how?

My heart pounded at her words. “How does he look at us?” I whispered so low I didn’t know if she heard me.

She squeezed my hand, a warm smile dancing on her lips. “Babe, he’d without a doubt do anything for you and that little boy in there if it meant protecting you. You clearly mean a great deal to him. I can see it in the way he looks and acts around you– like he’d jump in front of a bullet for you. ” Her smile faltered.

“Mollie, don’t – ”

“I just wish you could see it too Lexie. I wish you could see what I see and see just how gorgeous and amazing he thinks you are and not this unbeautiful, unworthy broken woman you think he sees.”


“I know what game you’re playing at. Thinking it’s just about sex and that someone else will come along who you think is better and worthy of him, and that he’ll just toss you aside like it meant nothing.” She paused, her lips shook slightly. “That you meant nothing,” she said her eyes understanding yet sad.

She really knew me, sometimes more than I gave her credit for.

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, trying to blink back the tears that wanted to roll down my cheeks. “Mollie, I –”

“Lexie, it’s okay. You have every reason to think that, I mean look at who you were with, if you didn’t have a fucked up head because of it I’d be seriously worried. But,” she looked at me wholeheartedly, “You’ll figure it out, I know you will. Just know you’re not nothing or unworthy– not to him and you never will be.” She squeezed my arm and left the kitchen.

I thought this would be easy.

Give into what I wanted with Lukas, giving us something we both wanted, until he found better and then I could be on my way. Now I wasn’t so sure if that was the case.

I didn’t want to bring Lukas into my shit and get him involved in any way if and when it reared its ugly face– it wouldn’t be fair.

I had no idea what to do.

All I knew, as much as I didn’t want to admit it, was there was something there between us, something I could no longer deny anymore.




Two Weeks Later


“Oh.” I moaned. “Oh God, don’t stop.”

My one leg was bent, the other thrown over Lukas’ shoulder. My left hand was gripping the bed sheets so tight I thought I was going to tear them in half while my other hand was deep in his hair holding his head in place between my legs.

He was sliding his fingers in and out while his tongue rolled over my clit, his scruff on his face scratching the side of my thigh, adding to the already out of this world sensation I was feeling. I was close to letting go, I could feel it building. My stomach was a ball of fire that was about to explode letting the flames engulf me. I could feel myself clenching around his fingers, almost there.

“Lukas I’m... oh God Lukas–” I cried when Lukas abruptly pulled his fingers out from my warm, wet fold. He hovered over me, his hand gripping my left thigh and wrapping it around his back before he crashed his lips to mine and slammed his hard cock into me deep.

The loud moan that escaped my mouth, vibrated through his as he buried himself in me as deep as possible. He didn’t move, but remained still inside me as he gently rolled his hips, pulling half out then pushing back in just as slow. He buried his face in the crook of my neck his lips softly nipping their way up just below my ear, biting and pulling my lobe gently, all the while slowly rocking in and out of me. I dropped my leg from around him, and pushed, rolling us so Lukas was on his back and I straddled his hips, his cock never leaving me.

I grinned down at him as he looked up at me, “Fuck Lexie, nothing more beautiful than you right now,” he said gruffly, his hands cupping my breasts, squeezing them.

I started rocking back and forth. His hands gripped my hips as my pace quickened and my head snapped back feeling myself build ready to come undone around him. Lukas sat up to a sitting position and wrapped his arms around me as I wrapped mine around his neck, grinding into him deeper. As I felt my walls tighten around him I moved quicker back and forth ‘til I finally let myself go around him and rode out my orgasm with my head buried in the crook of his neck.

He rolled us and I was back on my back, my legs instantly went around his waist. Lukas slid in and out of me slowly, rolling his hips as the wave of my orgasm rode out and his eyes were blazing into mine. “Lukas,” I whispered my voice hoarse.

My heart pounded against my chest as more beads of sweat formed on my body, the fire in my stomach burned deeper than it had ever burned before, and I felt myself build inside again. His head lifted, his lips touching mine as he pulled out and as he slammed in harder, I moaned in his mouth.

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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