Read Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) Online

Authors: Emma Grayson

Tags: #Contemporary

Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) (22 page)

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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After cleaning up for the second time I put Lukas’ tee back on and crawled back into bed with him. Pulling me into his side, I rested my head on his chest as I threw my arm over his stomach and curled into him deeper. He wrapped his arm around my waist tightly as he lowered his head, kissing the top murmuring,

“Night Lex.”

I twisted my head so my lips pressed against his chest softly.

“Goodnight Lukas.”

His breathing settled and before long he was out; not long after, I followed.

Sex with Lukas was better than I could have ever imagined, it was the greatest sex I’d ever had. If that was what sex was going to be like with him, then
I was alright with that.

I looked back up at him, and he was still sound asleep next to me.

I tried to slip away from him but his arm tightened around me. He rolled so I was on my back and he was hovering over me, looking down at me with a look on his face that I’d never seen before.

“Mornin’ Peaches,” he said, his voice thick with sleep.

“Hi,” I whispered, feeling nervous and unsure what else to say or do.

My mind was starting to work overtime. I had what Mollie and Teri had said along with my own shit and it was all starting to mesh together, making my head hurt.

“Your mind is running awfully fast babe.”

My head snapped and I looked up at him, “Pardon?”

His eyes were searching mine. “I can see it; you have a lot going on in there.” He said almost as if to himself, “Haunted eyes,” he whispered.

“I have to use the bathroom,” I blurted out. His eyes still held my gaze, not saying a word just staring. “Are you going to let me up?” I asked him, my eyes glancing to the bathroom then back to him.

He lowered his head kissing my lips softly before rolling off me on to his side. I rolled off the bed and dashed into the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

“Snap out of it Lexie, relax and just go with it like you planned,” I said under my breath as I splashed a handful of cold water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror, horrified by my hair, and how wild it was. I definitely had the sex hair thing going on. I ran my brush through it quickly then walked to the bathroom door, pausing.

I had no regret about the night with Lukas, not at all.

It was amazing. Perfect. Everything about Lukas had been just that.

Leaving the bathroom I found Lukas sitting on the side of the bed in only his boxers. He looked up smirking, running his hand through his disheveled hair as he stood up and walked towards me. It was the first time really seeing Lukas, other than in the dark last night, so as he walked towards me I took him in; all of him.


In all his fucking glory.

His flawlessly sculpted broad shoulders, chest and biceps, his perfectly defined abs and the v indents on the side sticking out of the top of his boxers caused my stomach to flutter and body to heat at the thought of having my hands all over him just hours before.

It was frightening how breathtaking he really was.

Standing in front of me, he grabbed the bottom of the shirt I was still in and pulled me close to him, my hands smoothing over his chest. “Gonna have a quick shower, I’m gonna need my shirt back,” he said grinning down at me.

“If you must have it back then fine,” I said playfully, pouting, looking up under my eyelashes.

“I’ll grab a few from my place, keep them here, and you can help yourself to them whenever you want. I’d rather you just in my shirts than anything else
anyways,” he grinned. “It’s sexy.”

He’s going to leave some shirts here?

some shirts

“Uh…. Lukas?” I asked hesitantly.

“Gonna shower babe, get dressed and get bud up and get him ready,” he said, surprising me.

Ready for what?

“I’m sorry, ready for what exactly?” I asked puzzled.

“Breakfast, then I thought we could take Finn down to the park. Then tonight, stay in, dinner and a movie, I’m cooking,” he said smiling. Not a grin or a smirk or a half anything but a full breathtaking smile.

I didn’t think of it before, when I decided to go down this road with Lukas. I never thought of Finn being brought into it. It was one thing for me to get involved with Lukas but bringing Finn into whatever this was, would just complicate everything. He’d been through enough the last few months, and it wouldn’t be fair for this to effect him as well. It was selfish of me to not think about him.

Shit. Shit.

I looked at him surprised. “You don’t work today?”

“Nope, took the day off, told the station I’m off limits.” He pulled me closer.


“Why do you think Lex?” he asked cocking his head to the side studying me.

I blinked. “I have no idea,” I whispered truthfully. “What about the case you’re working on? The attacker?”

He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. “Kane’s looking into some things.”


“Who’s Kane?”

“Lex, we didn’t get our date last night, so I want the day with both you and Finn. Okay?” he asked squeezing my waist.

I should just tell him no, that last night had been a mistake, that I never thought about how this could affect Finn if he and Lukas got close and then he found someone else. It wouldn’t just be me who got tossed aside, but Finn as well.

A lump formed in my throat but I couldn’t stop myself from saying, “Okay.”

He leaned down, and brushed his lips over my forehead then pulled away from me and walked into the bathroom. A couple seconds later I listened to the water turn on.

I started digging through my drawers looking for my favorite plum bra and matching panties but I couldn’t find them. Giving up, I settled on a pair of black lace panties with a matching bra along with a pair of jeans shorts and a dark purple shirt with sleeves that came down just past the elbow and hung loosely off one shoulder. I grabbed my black flip flops and tossed them on the bed then sprayed body spray on before I headed across the hall to Finn’s room.

Opening his door I tried not to laugh at the sight of him in bed. His head was well off his pillow while one leg hanging out over the side with the blanket up to his waist and his favorite teddy in one arm.

Definitely don’t miss sharing a bed with him; he was a mover and kicked in his sleep.

Leaving his door open, I went back to my room and heard the water still running. I walked over to my bedside table and grabbed my cell, seeing that I had a missed text from Mollie telling me she had come home and she wasn’t exactly alone. I reread her message three times to make sure I wasn’t seeing things; she and Erik must have hit it off if she brought him back here for the night. She was never one to take things slow, so it didn’t exactly surprise me.


Lukas isn’t going to be thrilled to see Erik here.

I heard the water turn off and my stomach dropped.

“This should be fun,” I muttered.

My bathroom door opened and Lukas walked out in nothing but a towel and water droplets rolling down and over the muscles of his chest.

should be illegal.

I could just lick every single one of those droplets off him.

He looked in my direction, catching me staring at him. He smirked and dropped his towel giving me a full naked view of him and I wished my clothes would vanish off my body so I could jump into his arms and have him take me against the wall or the floor.

I watched him
dress, leaving the button and zipper undone on his jeans as he pulled his shirt over his head, and it was a glorious sight. I licked my bottom lip and pulled it between my teeth as his eyes caught me and instantly darkened.

He took two steps towards me only to halt when Finn ran into the room, startling me.

“Morning mommy,” he said as he stopped just inside the room.

I watched his eyes land directly on Lukas. “Morning baby,” I said.

“What’s Lukas doing here?” he asked confused.

“I thought you, me and your mom could go out for breakfast then walk down to the park,” Lukas told him saving the day, when I had no idea what to say.

Can’t exactly tell you four year old about an adult sleepover.

Finn’s eyes widened full of excitement. “Yes! Are we going now?” he asked Lukas, excited.

Lukas smiled and ruffled Finn’s hair. “Yep, whenever you’re ready to go.”

Finn didn’t say anything, but turned and ran back to his room; I’ve
never seen him move so quickly. As his door closed, Mollie’s door opened and I held in a breath, praying it wasn’t Erik who walked out.

Please let it be Mollie. Oh please, oh please.

I let breath out when I saw her shuffle out of her room in a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank. She looked in our direction, her eyes shifted from me to Lukas then back to me with a wide grin. “Looks like we both got lucky last night.” She winked motioning her head to her door then proceeded into the bathroom.

“Fuck, he’s here?” Lukas hissed, closing my door.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I shrugged my shoulders. “That was who she went out with.”

“I don’t like that guy Lexie, and I don’t like him around you,” he said his voice a low growl. “Any of you, for that matter.”

This was supposed to make him ease up on the whole Erik thing.

I rolled my eyes. “Lukas, come on be serious. He’s in Mollie’s bed; he’s not trying to get into mine. I think that tells you something, don’t you?” I asked crossing my arms across my chest.

His eyes blackened and narrowed. “Don’t like the idea of you, Mollie or Finn being around him, or him being in your home. I’m a cop and the man in your bed; you should trust what I’m saying,” He said heatedly. “I got an off feeling about him Lex.”

Two could play.

“You should trust me when I say he’s a nice guy, who’s new in town and just looking to meet new people.” I glared at him, going for my final blow. “And, if you wanna continue being the man in my bed you’ll drop it,” I snapped, my arms tightening across me.

His eyes narrowed at me as he stepped forward.

I glared back at him. Playing his game I took a step back and my back hit the wall.


Lukas’ mouth pulled into a half grin, and I knew what the look on his face meant.

I was in trouble.

“I’m sorry, I was just kidding,” I said smiling as he stopped closely in front of me, our bodies just barely touching and his hands rested on my hips.

“Don’t be,” he leaned forward, brushing his lips across mine. “But baby,” he said pulling away, his sexy half smirk playing on his lips, “Tonight, I’m gonna fuck you. Right here, back against the wall with your legs wrapped around my waist and my cock buried inside you. Then I’m going to carry you to the bed where I’m going to kiss, taste and memorize every inch of your body before I make love to you ‘til you come undone around me,” he said, his voice low and husky; his eyes burning with desire. “More than once.”

My stomach flipped and his words sent shivers up my body, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I was on the verge of an orgasm just from his words, and the image of what he said left me wet for him; needing him.

“There we go,” he said smirking, enjoying my reaction.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

Bastard did that on purpose. Knew I’d be on edge all day with that image in my head.

“Ready,” Finn shouted as I heard him run towards my room. Lukas let me go and stepped away before Finn came crashing in on our moment.

A moment I loathed him for.

I collected myself and cleared my throat. “Coming,” I called as I stepped away from the wall and grabbed my bag off the chair.

I reached for Lukas’ arm, stopping him from walking out of the room. He turned to face me and I smirked at him as I leaned in closer, my mouth next to his ear. “The image of you fucking me against that wall,” I motioned to where we were just standing, “is so burned into my head that,
I was wearing panties they’d be soaked, wetter than last night baby.” I winked then walked out of my room, laughing at the look of torture on his face as he watched me go.

Point for Lexie.


BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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