Read Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) Online

Authors: Emma Grayson

Tags: #Contemporary

Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) (21 page)

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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“Yeah maybe,” I said, letting her words absorb into me.

“You know, when I first met you, you had this look in your eye. It was this darkness, clouding the view into who you are and I recognized it, and then I saw you yesterday and that darkness isn’t so dark anymore. You’re slowly getting there.” She spoke and I could hear the smile in her voice. “Just takes time.”

A lump formed in my throat as I blinked back tears. “Thanks Teri, I’ll remember that.”

“Good.” She paused. “Lexie, I have to let you go. Darnell just walked in, call me tomorrow baby.”

“Thanks for talking tonight Teri.”

“Anytime. Remember, just a call and a quick drive away. Night.”

“Night Teri.” And then the line was silent.

My mind swam with thoughts as I turned off the television and all the lights then made sure all the doors were locked before I went upstairs to my room. I wasn’t sure what to expect for tonight or if I should change or just wear what I was wearing. After ten minutes of debating, I changed then pulled my hair from the pony tail and let my hair fall down my shoulders, then crawled into bed.

I was sure I was just going to lay there wide awake all night until he got here but the wine helped settle me in and the minute my head hit the pillow I was out cold, drifting into the comfortable blackness.




I woke up feeling hot.

Surrounded by intense heat and pressed up against something solid.

I could feel the steady rise and fall under my cheek and the thin sheet that was resting lightly on my hips. Opening my eyes I saw nothing but a man’s broad muscular chest and my eyes shifted further down past his defined stomach to the sheet that was resting low on his hips, that v shaped muscle in clear view.

I could feel his slow and steady heartbeat under my hand that was resting over his heart. I felt a soft squeeze on the side of my hip and I looked up to see the side profile of Lukas’ face. He looked so different just lying there looking completely relaxed and sexy with his hair hanging over his forehead, messy, and I just wanted to reach up and brush it aside then run my fingers through his hair– like I’d done many time last night.

Lukas crawled into my bed sometime after one, and I didn’t hear him come in until the bed shifted and he crawled in behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest. His hand slid up my arm and brushed my hair off my shoulder, then brushing his soft, warm lips at the base of my neck, kissing up in small lingering kisses ‘til he reached my ear.

“Lex, you awake?”

I didn’t answer him, I was nervous. I knew once we started there was no going back and for a split second I wasn’t sure what I wanted until his words came back to me.

“Lex tonight, as well as every night since I laid eyes on you just goes to show a few things. One, I want you but if I have to wait then that’s exactly what I’ll do– I’ll wait. Two, you’re absolutely beautiful and downright sexy, and the thought of you makes me crazy. Three, I’ve only known you for a short amount of time but I already know just how incredibly strong of a women you are, and there’s something between us. You can deny it all you want but I’m going to prove to you its worth going for. And again if I have to wait for you to see that, then I will.”

Right then I couldn’t hold back anymore, I was going to combust. I didn’t know or care if it was going to be something temporary or ‘til someone else came along, all I knew was I wanted Lukas. The way he made me feel was becoming unbearable and I couldn’t take it much longer.

I didn’t say anything, instead I just turned in his arms, wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him closer, crashing my lips to his then flicking my tongue across his bottom lip seeking entrance into his mouth.

Our mouths moved hungrily as our tongues danced around. Lukas rolled us and I was on my back. His hands moved over my body, down to the hem of my shirt then pulled it up and over my head, tossing it to the floor. His mouth led a trail of kisses down my stomach as he began kissing and giving little nips near my belly button then slowly began moving up towards my breasts, leaving a trail of hot kissed skin in his path.

Pulling his mouth away, his eyes watched me as his thumb glided across my nipple, and a shiver of goose bumps covered my body. The fire in my stomach shot right between my legs, the feeling so intense my eyes closed and my head arched back.

A growl escaped Lukas as his eyes roamed over every inch of me before his head lowered, “Beautiful,” his gruff voice said as his tongue flicked my nipple before taking it in his mouth, his warm tongue rolling over it as my hand dove into his hair, my back arched, offering him more. He flicked my nipple once more before moving over to the other, doing the same thing.

The throbbing between my legs became too much, I didn’t know if I would last much longer. “Lukas,” I moaned as my body bucked underneath him, my hands scratching up and down his back softly. I hooked my leg around his back as his mouth tore free from my breast, his tongue teasing, kissing up my neck.

Dropping my leg, foot to bed, I pushed, and rolled him so he was on his back and I was straddling him. His hands ran over the tops of my thighs, over my belly and up, cupping each breast in his hands, gently squeezing them. I bent forward crashing my lips to the bottom of his jaw kissing down the side of his neck, his scruff rubbing against my cheek roughly.

It was just how I had imagined it to be, but so much better.

My tongue ran over his collarbone then slowly down his chest, switching between kissing and licking. I could feel his body jerk; a growl rumbled in his chest. I slowly slid myself down him as I continued kissing and licking my way down his muscular stomach, my hands trailing behind, and gently scratching down, memorizing every ridge of his body while my tongue did the same with his taste.

My hand slid inside his boxers finding and wrapping my hand around his hard and ready cock, my thumb rolling over his tip; feeling the small amount of warm liquid. I ran my thumb over the tip a few times before gripping him and moving my hand up and down. I felt Lukas grab my hair at the back as he groaned, then his strong hands reached down, pulled me up and flipped me on my back.

“I wanna taste you baby, no more waiting,” he growled as he reached down and ripped off my shorts along with my panties and tossed them aside.

My stomach tightened as the heat between my legs began to intensify; wanting more of his touch as my heart was pounding against my chest. His warm wet lips kissed down my stomach, swirling his tongue around my belly button as his hand went between my legs and pushed them apart.

His head came up, looking me in the eye as he slid a finger between my folds and inside me. “Fuck baby, you’re so wet for me.” He moved his finger in and out a few times before he slid another one in slowly, “And tight,” he growled, as his mouth kissed and licked its way above my clit.

He pulled his fingers out then pushed them back in as his tongue rolled over my clit, flicking it. My body jerked under him and the ball in my stomach built.

“Oh, God,” I moaned following Lukas’ motion as I grinded against his fingers and mouth. It had been so long since I had a man’s touch that I felt the release coming, a release unlike anything I’d ever felt before and I knew it was gonna be big.

“Oh, God, Lukas... I’m... I...” I couldn’t finish, my breath caught, my body in full movement with what he was doing.

His mouth pulled away from me, “Let go baby, come for me.” His voice was rough and hard all around. He barely got the last word out before I felt my body release, finally falling over the cliff in pure, hard ecstasy. His mouth stayed on me while my orgasm rode out. I felt completely inebriated by him as he crawled over me, crashing his lips to mine, my taste on his lips, mixing with his was one I’d never forget.

“I wanna taste you now,” I mumbled hoarsely as his lips came away from mine.

He shook his head. “That fuckin’ beautiful mouth gets anywhere near my cock, then I don’t come inside you. And babe, that’s not an option tonight.” I nodded, feeling the burn begin to build again at his words.

His hands slid over my breasts, rolling the nipple between his fingers, then the next. His hand moved back between my legs, and his fingers found my folds again. It was sensitive, my body jerked under his touch. The moon shining in through the window, glowed against the side of his face just as his lips curled on one side, pulling into a sexy half grin, the moonlight making it even more sexier.

“Lukas, I need you now,” I pleaded unable to take his touch much longer.

He didn’t move, his finger kept rolling over my clit then sliding in and out then again over my clit. My head snapped to the side as my hands fisted the bed sheet at my sides, my eyes rolling back as I was close to releasing again.

“Lukas.” I pleaded again.

His fingers were still working inside and over my clit. I was getting closer for the second time, it was coming quicker, and his touch was intoxicating, it was all my body wanted; I couldn’t get enough of it.

My body suddenly bucked at the feel of his tongue licking over my clit once, “Lukas.” I groaned loudly.

I was about to explode when I felt the tip of him at my opening before he slid in slowly stopping halfway so my body could adjust, then slid in the rest of the way until he was buried in me so deep. He hovered over me, resting on his forearms, his hands at the side of my head, neither of us moving only looking and feeling one another. He reached down grabbing my thigh and hooked it around his waist, before he started slowly rocking his hips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to my lips, the fire in my stomach building again as he moved faster. He pulled his head away from mine. I hooked my other leg around his waist as he hit me deeper. My arms fell from around him, grabbing the sheets tightly in my hands while my back arched off the pillow and my head rolled to the side, “Fuck me Lukas,” I said, a deep moan following.

He quickened his pace, slamming into me harder, burying his head into the crook of my neck. “Fuck baby,” he growled into my ear as he drove into me hard. “You feel so good wrapped around my cock, so wet and so tight, and all for me.”

I whimpered, “Don’t stop, I’m almost there.” He pushed back, still inside me. He brought his hand between us, his thumb rolling over my clit in quick circles as he drove in and out of me, each time harder than the last.

“Oh God, Lukas,” I moaned, not caring how loud I was.

His free hand found mine and laced our fingers together, both of us holding on tightly. I felt the fire explode in my stomach as I clenched around Lukas’ cock feeling myself come undone for the second time. It was harder and longer than the first, still riding out the wave Lukas’ pace quickened and he slammed into me.



The third being hard and final as he groaned, collapsing on top of me.

Lying there, on top, still inside me he pushed up onto his forearms and looked down at me. Reaching up he brushed the hair off my face then lowering his head, he lightly brushed his lips over mine. Our breathing was easy and I could still feel him inside me; it felt nice and intimate; I loved every second of it.

Mollie was right, total cosmic explosion.

I groaned softly when Lukas finally slid out of me. “Did I hurt you?” he asked concerned.

“No baby, you didn’t,” I said as I rolled over to him. “I’m gonna go clean up.” I kissed his jaw softly then rolled out of bed and picked his shirt off the floor, pulling it on as I walked into the bathroom.

Finishing I came out to see Lukas propped up in bed with his arms behind his head waiting; he looked so hot and sexy as hell with the thin sheet lying across his hips and his well defined chest fully exposed; his biceps flexed. I just wanted to run and crawl on top of him then fuck him ‘til we both came again. His eyes drifted to me when he heard me come out and his gaze traveled down my body and back up, they were heated and dark.

I flicked off the light then rushed and crawled into bed beside Lukas.

He pulled me into his arms. “Love seeing you in my shirt.” His voice was husky as he tilted his head down and kissed the top of my head.

I looked up at him smirking. “You may never get it back, it’s really comfortable.” I teased, crawling over him and straddling his lap.

His lips twitched as he sat up and grabbed the hem, lifting it over my head tossing it right back to the floor then kissed me and we did exactly what I had wanted to do when I walked out of the bathroom; we fucked for a second time.

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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