Your Orgasmic Pregnancy (2 page)

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Authors: Yvonne K. Fulbright Danielle Cavallucci

BOOK: Your Orgasmic Pregnancy
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Hot Mama Kama Sutra 88
Epicurean Delights 89
Worship Your Preggie, You “Cunning Linguist” 90
Out-of-the-Ordinary Anal Pleasures 94
Pregnancy Monsters, or Other Factors That Can Affect Your Game 95
Chapter 4
Third Trimester Sex: Improvisation Is Key 99
T3 and Your Sex Life 101
Sexual Positions Best Suited for T3 107
Love That Lingerie! 111
Fantasy 114
Carpe Diem 119
Sex Near the Time of Your Due Date May Help 120
Not-Quite-Intercourse Options 122


Your Battery-Powered Best Friend 124
Give That Preggie a Hand 126
The Keep-Him-Happy Hand Job 128
Anal Play Without Going All the Way 128
Chapter 5
All the Ways to Love Yourself During Pregnancy 131
Walk This Way 133
Just Breathe 133
Know Your Acupressure Points 134
Massage Is a Must 136
Bath Time (Vibrating Rubber Ducky Optional) 138
Essential Oils Are Just That 139
Preggie Yoga 139
Easy Exercise 141
Sleep Well 141
Music’s Magical Effects 142
Calming Colors 142
Healthy Eating 143
Sexy Preggie Style 145
Invest in a Good Pair of Shoes 146
Love the Ever-Growing Skin You’re In 146
Couple Time 149
Chapter 6
Love and War: Baby vs. Partner (or Baby vs. Sex) 151
Show Yourselves Some Compassion 152
The Importance of Getting Laid 154
I Want My Vagina Back! 156
What Happened to My Body? 158
The Hot Mama Hiatus 159
Getting Back into the Saddle 164
What’s Normal? 167
Chapter 7
Postpartum Passion:
Maintaining Your Hot Mama Status 169
Breastfeeding and Sexual Response 170
Postpartum Birth Control
(Yep, You Still Have to Worry) 174
Postpartum Depression 176
Three’s Company? 176
Pencil Me In: Making Sex a Priority 178
Baby’s Sex Radar 179
Other Hot Mama Postpartum Tips 181
Chapter 8
Conclusion: Hot Mama Mastery 184
Appendix: Female External and Internal
Sexual Anatomy 187
References 189
Resources 192
Index 198


1.1 A preggie in Hot Mama mode 25
    1. The PC muscles 53
    2. Women can use a weight when they practice
PC muscle exercises 56
    1. Woman-on-top position 75
    2. Woman-on-top position with woman leaning back onto her partner’s thighs 75
    3. Woman-on-top position with woman’s legs
      squeezed together 76
    4. Woman-on-top position with the woman turned to face her partner’s feet 76
    5. Modified-missionary position 77
    6. Modified-missionary with the woman’s legs
      straightened out 78
    7. Modified-missionary with the preggie’s partner kneeling between her legs 78
    8. Modified-missionary with the woman on her back, legs off the side of the bed, and her partner on their knees
      . .
    9. Side-by-side “spooning” 79
    10. Modified side-by-side, with partners facing one another
      80 3.11 Rear-entry position 81
    1. Rear-entry position with the preggie leaning
      down onto pillows 82
    2. Rear-entry position with the preggie bending over the bed and her lover standing and entering from behind
    3. Intercourse while standing 83
    4. Intercourse while sitting 83
    5. Intercourse while preggie is sitting and facing her lover
      . .
    6. Intercourse while preggie is sitting on top of her partner sideways 85
    7. Intercourse while preggie is sitting and facing away from her lover 86
    8. Intercourse while preggie is sitting in a chair and wrapping her legs around her sitting partner 86
    9. Intercourse while preggie is sitting in her lover’s lap and both partners are facing a mirror 87
    10. Intercourse while preggie is leaning back with her buttocks at the edge of the bed, her legs spread, and her partner kneeling or standing 87


    1. Kneeling rear-entry 108
    2. Chair sex 108
    3. Supported side-by-side position 109
    4. The classic woman-on-top position 109
    5. Side-angle sex 110
    6. Low-key loving 110
    7. A preggie in sexy lingerie 112
    8. Dressing up can be a fun way to involve fantasy 114
    9. A preggie tied up with bondage tape 118
    1. The acupressure points on the head, neck, and face 135
    2. A preggie with the proper pillow supports
      enjoying a massage 136
    3. A preggie in full lotus position 140
    4. A preggie masturbating 147
    1. The female external sexual anatomy 187
    2. The female internal sexual anatomy 188


We extend our deepest, most heartfelt thanks to the inspired and generous souls who made this book possible.
First and foremost, our appreciation goes to all of the women and men, quoted and not, whose stories and support contributed to thecompletionofthisbook. Wethankeachofyoudynamicand sexy women, and your supportive partners, who rallied behind our cause from start to finish and believed not only that we could, but that we should.
To the Hunter House team—publisher Kiran Rana, acqui- sitions editor Jeanne Brondino, editor Alex Mummery, editor Kelley Blewster, and marketing associate Reina Santana. We are deeply moved by your belief in our vision.
To our families for their love and support, particularly Dan- ielle’s grandmother, Gisela Johnson, and Yvonne’s parents, Charles G. Fulbright and Ósk Lárusdóttir Fulbright.
To Bryson Coles at Snowday Designs for a sensual website and all of his tireless work perfecting it.
To Amanda Meulenberg, MD, for her support, great input, and invaluable expertise in making sure that all of our medical information was good to go.
To Paula D. Atkinson for her yoga expertise and wonderful energy.


To John O’Connor for his expertise in massage therapy and continued support of our Sensual Fusion quest.
To Stephen Gamboa, MD, for his feedback, wisdom, and support.
And last, but certainly not least, to our illustrator, Joshua McKenney, for the wonderful illustrations that complement this work.


Important Note
The material in this book is intended to provide a review of in- formation regarding sexuality during pregnancy. Every effort hasbeenmadetoprovideaccurateanddependableinformation. We believe that the sensuality advice given in this book poses no risk to any healthy person. However, if you have any sexually transmitted infections, we recommend consulting your doctor before following the advice contained in this book.
The publisher, authors, and editors, as well as the profes- sionals quoted in the book, cannot be held responsible for any error, omission, professional disagreement, or dated material, and are not liable for any damage, injury, or other adverse out- comeofapplyinganyoftheinformationinthisbook. If youhave questions concerning the material in this book, consult a quali- fi professional.




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“We want t transition fro pregnancy to life
as proud parents to be as smooth as possible.”


ongratulations, Hot Mama in the making! By opening this book youhavetakenthefirststep toward owningyourbody, your intimacy potential, and your sexuality during your
pregnancy and beyond. We, your Hot Mama mentors, look for- ward to helping you make the most of this profound, life-altering experience that will shape and enhance you as a sexual being. Re- jecting the notion that pregnant women cannot or should not be sexpots, we aim to ensure that the next nine-plus months don’t turn into one long sexual sabbatical for you, but rather are jam- packed with some of the best lovemaking experiences you have ever known. We want you to feel like the sex kitten you are, and to believe that, with a little advice and female-to-female empow- erment, it
possible for any woman to feel downright sexually primed while in the family way.
I Am Sexy, Hear Me Roar!
You may have noticed that Hot Mamas have been quite the hot
topic lately. Preggies everywhere are demanding that their pres- ence be acknowledged. So why is the woman with child suddenly so irresistible? Modern societies are finally celebrating the fact that pregnancy is the ultimate expression of sexual union and not someimmaculate conception. Themergingoftwobeings, result- ing in a life-form, is being hailed not only as miraculous, but also as a clear tribute to the power of sexual attraction, to the inter- mingling of spirits, and to the awe-inspiring role Mother Nature hasbestowed uponwomen. Theprevailing attitude, whichis at the heart of this book (and is long overdue, in our opinions), has be-
come: Whynotembraceandcelebrate thefactthat pregnancyis, at its very essence, a sexual experience? And who better to stand up for women everywhere in their quest to become sexually fulfilled than an expectant tigress shouting, “I am sexual, hear me roar!”
No longer must you choose between being sexy or being ma- ternal—youcanbeboth! Thisbook aims to helpyouunleashyour deepest sensual self by presenting handy pointers, frank infor- mation, and academic research.

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