Arrival of the Prophecy (13 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“Oh, Sky, sweetheart,” Bonny said rushing in wrapping her arms
around her. “Thank God you’re alright.”

“I’m fine,” she replied, pushing her back. “Why did you go through
my things?”

“Sky, I was so worried,” Frank interrupted, moving his wife aside.

“Daddy,” she smiled, hugging her father. “I never meant to upset

“Oh my!”
burst out in surprise.

“Excuse me, you must be
Delaney,” Anthony, who stood in nothing but his jeans,
looking quite at home, with his hand extended.

“Yes, Frank Delaney, and this is my wife, Bonny,” Frank replied
excepting the hand that was offered, but looking back at Sky.

“Anthony Michelle, I’m Sky’s fiancé.”

“Well I...I,” Bonny choked. “She hasn’t mentioned a thing about you
to us.”

“That’s because my personal life is none of your business,” Sky
sarcastically added going to stand by Anthony.

“Could we offer you both a cup of coffee? Perhaps
refreshment from the cooler?” Anthony politely asked as he began
taking Sky towards the kitchen door.

“Coffee, thank you,” Frank excepted as he took off his coat.

Sky looked up with her brows furrowed, then stepped back and took
her father’s coat, offering them both a seat in the living room that was
somewhat out of sorts. Anthony had turned the couch back over, but left the
coffee table where he had first placed it, bringing memories rushing back so
fast that Sky turned three shades of red. She laid Frank’s coat over the back
of the chair as he and Bonny took a seat on the couch. She walked over taking
Bonny’s fur wrap from her, acting like she was placing it next to her fathers,
but actually dropped it on the floor behind the chair. Then she walked into the
kitchen smiling back before disappearing.

“Why did you come out of the bedroom, and why
without a shirt on?”
Sky whispered pushing
Anthony into the far corner.

someone took off with my shirt and she’s wearing it inside out,” he smirked. “Besides,
I am not one to take orders My Queen, I give them.”

“Don’t say words like that, he already knows I’m not a virgin
anymore,” she said, pulling the shirt over her head then putting it back on the
correct way. “Do you think we can at least hold off on the whole ‘leaders of
the clan’ thing for a while?”

“Isn’t that the name of a song?”

“Anthony, this is no time to joke. Do you know how hard it’s going
to be to sit in there, knowing every time that I look my daddy in the face he’s
going to know what we’ve been doing all night?”

“Among my people we are now one,” he explained stepping up to her,
and then slowly kneeling down on one knee. “I love you, my Qu...
Will you marry me in your tradition, so that we may be
seen as one among your people as well?”

“Of course I will,” she answered with tears streaming down her

“Then you have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he said, standing
and taking her into his arms. “Even your father loved a true woman once. Just
look at this fabulous creation which they created that stands before me.”

“You do make my soul complete,” she got up her tip toes, kissing him
deeply, then added, “Okay, wish me luck.” She stopped as she started to leave. “I
better go change. It’ll look a lot better if you come back out with a shirt

Sky walked back through the living room, smiling at her father, and
then turned to go down the hall. Once she knew she had gone far enough to be
out of her father’s site, she glanced back, cutting her eyes at the ‘stepmother’,
who was staring back at her. Bonny stiffened next to Frank making a grunt-like
sound, as Sky slowly turned. She lowered her shoulders in an animalistic
careening her neck forward and squinted her eyes in a
tight thin slit causing Bonny’s to grow two sizes larger. Sky turned her back
as if she was going to turn into the bedroom, then spun back around so fast
that Bonny jumped knocking the cup of coffee Anthony had just handed Frank, out
of his hand

“For heaven sake,” Frank scolded.

“It wasn’t my fault,” Bonny claimed wiping at the dark liquid on her
dark navy, suede skirt. “Your daughter…”

“Didn’t we just have this talk before we came here?”

“Yes, but…” she tried to reply.

“Do you want this marriage to end? I told you just last night that
if you said one more fowl thing toward or about my child, I would pack my
things and walk out,” Frank got up as Anthony walked back in with a cup towel.

“Forgive me,” Anthony apologetically said placing the towel over the
spilt coffee on the floor, then started backing away.

“No son, you stay right there. You’re a part of this family now.”

“What’s going on?” Sky asked from the doorway, holding Anthony’s

“We’re getting a divorce,” Frank boldly replied.

“Frank please, I wasn’t going to imply anything bad about Sky, she
really did make me jump,” Bonny pleaded with her eyes, while she was
desperately clutching at his arm. “Ask her. Sky, please, tell your Father?”

Anthony said
looking over at her with a stern wrinkle in his brow.

I turned
around really fast and she jumped,” she partially admitted throwing him the
shirt. “Why would you get divorced?”

“Yes Frank, why? You know how much I love you. I cut up every credit
card that I owned and I fired the maids just like you asked. Baby, I even tried
to make you
.” Then Bonny burst out bawling.

“Muffin,” Frank said wrapping his arms around her. “It was the most
special and interesting breakfast that I’ve ever had. I’m sorry. I just want us
to be a family, a real family.”

“I know, and I swear that I’m going to try.”

Anthony pulled his shirt over his head, motioning for Sky to come
stand by him. She rolled her eyes back, looking like her face was about to
slide off of her skull, and started dragging her feet over to where Anthony was
standing watching as Frank and Bonny embraced.

“So, everything better?” Sky rudely blurted out.

“Sweetheart,” Anthony said, squeezing her arm a little too tight. “Let’s
leave them alone for a few moments. Come, help me in the kitchen.”

“Sure thing, apple dumpling,” she replied giving him a, ‘you know
exactly where to go’, look.

Anthony kept a good hold on Sky’s arm until they were safely out of
the view of the two in the living room. He knew she was going to be upset with
the treatment he just used on her, and as soon as she opened her mouth to give
him a piece of her mind, he bent down and covered it with his. He explored her,
while gently twisting the hand that was trying to push him away, around behind
her back, holding it with the opposite hand, while pinning her other arm next
to his side. With his free hand he teasingly started to lift the bottom of her
shirt. She started trying to shake her head, but Anthony wasn’t taking ‘no’ for
an answer. When Sky’s shirt was dangerously close to baring her breasts, she
began to struggle making bumping noises against the dish washer.

“If you make too much noise your father will surely come in here,”
he licked her lips.

“Then put my shirt down,” she whispered, squirming as he bent lower.
“Anthony, what are you doing?”

“Taking things off of your mind,” he replied as he bit down on her

in laughter and Anthony
stepped back grinning. She told him what a bad boy he was, while pulling down
her shirt, and he bowed, smiling like a Cheshire cat. Together they fixed two
more cups of coffee. Sky grabbed two soda pops out of the refrigerator, hardly
able to remember why she had even gotten upset in the first place, as they returned
to their guests. Frank and Bonny where setting back down on the couch, holding
hands and actually looking like two people that cared about one another.

“Thank you,” Bonny said looking up at Anthony as he handed her the

“You are most welcome.” He turned and handed the other cup to Frank.

“I want to apologize about my action, and not just tonight, Sky. I
guess I’ve always been jealous, and instead of embracing you, I pushed you
away,” Bonny admitted with the first tone of sincerity that Sky had ever heard.
“Do you think that we could start over?”

“If you’re willing to try then so will I,” Sky replied.

“It’s a good start,” Frank added. “So, when did the two of you
meet?” he asked smiling up at Sky and Anthony.

“We…I…,” Sky stammered.

“I feel like I have known your daughter for an eternity. We met one
night after she had gotten off of work, and it turned out to be the best
coincidence in my life.” Anthony interjected pulling Sky down in his lap, as he
sat down in the chair across from her family.

“Have you set a date?” Bonny asked making Sky look back at Anthony.

“We really haven’t discussed it, have we honey?” She looked at
Anthony, pleading with her eyes for him not to say something strange.

“My grandmother is planning everything, more as a gift to her, than
to us. You see, she fell in love with Sky at first sight, but then again who
wouldn’t?” he partially lied, wrapping his arm around her waist. “She wanted to
do something special for Sky, and you know the child you raised better than I, sir,
she could not refuse.”

“Well she certainly looks stunning. Love agrees with you darling,”
Frank said, lifting his cup.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

They sat talking about things that had little to do with Sky’s
disappearance, and everything to do with their up and coming wedding, putting
Sky further and further in a predicament that was being made up as they went
along. Anthony was holding his head high the entire time, speaking of the
elaborate décor that his grandmother was planning to use on the lawn of his
estate, captivating Bonny with words like, limousines, champagne, and caviar.
Shortly thereafter, Frank and Bonny stood, excusing themselves due to a brunch with
of his company.

“And here I thought you dressed up for me,” Sky giggled hugging

“Now you know I always wear a business suit when I come to see my
little girl,” he jokingly replied taking as much of her into his arms as he

“If there is anything I can do to help you with the wedding,
anything, please call me,” Bonny added taking Sky by the shoulders leaning in
and kissing her on the forehead.

“I…”Sky started to reply, but the shock of Bonny’s action took the
words right out of her mouth.

“I’m sure that Sky would be
have your assistance,” Anthony interjected, stepping in taking Bonny’s hand and
gently kissing the back of it.

“Yeah, what he said. Thanks, Bonny,” Sky smiled patting Anthony on
the back.

Frank and Bonny said their “goodbyes”,
and Anthony stepped back in and closed the door. No sooner than he put the
first lock on, Sky’s mouth was moving. “I can’t stand that woman.” Anthony
turned around, giving her a look like he didn’t understand where she was coming
from. “Don’t look so shocked.” Was all the response the stare got from Sky,
because she turned and headed for her

“Don’t walk away from me,” he ordered, following her.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

“I need to go and I want you to come with me.”

“You’re leaving?” she asked stepping out as he was stepping into the
room, bumping her head into his chest.

“I was hoping
you would come with me,” he laughed.
“I have to be at work by ten. Yesterday
was the last day that I can possibly take off until my boss gets back.”

“Why not make it your last day period?” he recommended, running his
fingers under her chin.

“I need to put in my notice, I can’t just leave them hanging like
that,” she said as she went back into her room, with thousands of tiny chills
devouring her flesh simply because he had touched her.
“So, I’ll buy the store and then
fire you,” he replied crossing his arms and leaning on the door jam.

“You are so silly. I can always meet you at your place after I get
off,” she smiled, digging in the closet. “Why is everything pastel?”

She started throwing clothes down by the door that was hanging by
one hinge, until she came across the dark maroon spaghetti strapped dress, that
Bonny had bought her to wear to a dinner party last year.
that she conveniently missed.
Anthony couldn’t help but to grin as he
watched her get down on her hands and knees looking for a pair of shoes,
remembering that very same position just a mere few hours ago. He watched as
she bustled about pulling things out of drawers, only to then pick through the
panties on the floor. Afterwards, she walked right up to him, tip toed, and
kissed him on the cheek, before turning around and walking past him and into
the bathroom, closing the door.

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