Arrival of the Prophecy (17 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“Wow, will it always be this good?” she giggled, rolling over on top
of the fallen books.

“I think I broke my ass,” Anthony replied, pulling himself up on the
other side of the desk.

“Are you okay?” she laughed, lazily laying her arm down at her side.

“Next time you take the outside, and I’ll press myself up against
the wall,” he smiled, while rubbing his butt cheek. “Wonder why that happened

“I don’t know, but I’m so sleepy, that I could lay right here and

“No time for that, unless you want to stay behind while we go to, Twin

“Nope, I’m up,” she replied getting to her feet. “Look at this
room…how on earth are we going to get this back in order?”

“We’re not, now get dressed we have to hurry,” he told her as he
pulled his jeans on.

“Okay, but you sure you want me to wear these?” she asked, holding
up the pants that were ripped from the back side so bad, they were almost two
separate pant legs.

Anthony and Sky both began laughing to the point that neither
noticed when
tapped on the door. It wasn’t
until she knocked the second time and much harder that they realized that
someone was even there. Sky squatted down behind the desk while Anthony went
and opened the door just enough to see who it was. He asked his grandmother if
she would bring Sky something to wear, then closed the door, looking over at
Sky with a slightly red tint to his cheeks.

“How are you going to explain the room?” she asked standing back up.

“She’s the one that told me to take care of you,” he blushed even

“No way!
She knew
what we were doing?”


“How am I going to face her now? She knows!”

“I think she knows more than either one of us when it comes to this
sort of thing, so there isn’t really anything to be embarrassed about,” he smiled,
walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her nude waist. “Besides, we
are two consenting adults.”

“That should have known better than to trash the room,” she snickered,

“My, you two have been busy, haven’t you?” she smiled, looking at
the wrecked room.

“Holy cow,” Sky said, burying her face in Anthony’s chest.

“What, do you think my husband and I haven’t done the very same
admitted, handing her a floor length
skirt. “This study has many memories, very good ones if I say so myself.”

“It happened again, Grandmother,” Anthony added, picking up Sky’s
shirt. “Only, there was no burning pain, just power.”

“Yes, I and everyone in the estate felt that power. The house
shuddered as if we were having an earthquake, and we all know that wasn’t what
happened,” she explained, picking his shirt up from behind the desk chair that
was now turned over on its side.

“Everyone knows? How am I going to go out there and face them?” Sky
blushed even more.
She was just as red faced, as Anthony.

“The same as you will for the rest of your time. You are their queen,
as he is their king, and all know you are a strong mating pair.”

“Don’t we have something to do, or places to go?” Sky put her shirt
on and walked out without another word.




Twin Springs was what people called the small split in the river,
which divided the Michelle’s land from the rest of the county, where other
clans were allowed to rest and regroup if their travels were long. None ever
stayed longer than a few days, without making arrangement with the werewolves
first. This time it seemed that the
taking privileges that were not given by any clan member that was among the living,
and did so thinking that they would not be found out.
had sent out several patrols to warn of sightings of the wolves, but failed to
place anyone on the opposite side of the river, adjacent to the Michelle’s
land, thinking that it was off limits to the clan. Anthony had made the
purchase of the land, as a gift to his grandfather, without any of his family
knowing and was going to give him the deed on his next birthday, the following

The land had been owned by the government and was not for sale. But
through Anthony’s ties with the new mayor, he was able to finally make the
purchase that his family had been trying to make for the last sixty years. The
house was once again full of the Michelle’s people and plans were being made to
go in and take Sky’s stepmother, with the hopes that they could do it without
the knowledge of the
. No one was to change
into wolf form, due to the scent they would give off. Only a few would cross
the river, making their way around the camp of their enemy. Several others would
hide in waiting in case trouble was to break out.

Kayla stayed with Sky on the other side of the slow running river,
while Anthony and three other men, all dressed in black, started swimming in
the dark water to the other side where they could see the light from the fires
burning in the
camp. Sky had argued about
going, but with her lack of control she was ordered to stay put, with Kayla
ordered not to leave her side.
was to make
sure that the other men circled around and placed themselves where, if anything
should happen that they could quickly respond to the action. Sky watched until
she could no longer see her mate in the water, and then rolled over onto her

“Have you ever been through anything like this before?” she asked,
as Kayla lay down beside her.

“Many times, there are always others.”


“Like us, just different,” Kayla explained, stretching her arms over
her head.

“You mean like the boars?”

“Yes, but none near as nasty.”

“They do stink, don’t they?”

“The women are far worse. They are very much like their small wild
boar kin, and have babies like them as well.”

“No way, like five or six at a time.”

“Sometimes up to nine, though some die. I have heard that most are
killed if they’re not male, unless the female ranks high in their pack. Those
who are lower in their pack, are used like dirty meat by all the men…it’s why
most of their offspring are put to death.”

“I wonder where that bitch, Tiffany, will end

“If she is to be changed into one of them, she will be meat for the
taking. No outsider has ever made the upper ranks. One must be of full blood to
produce in their pack. She will never be able to breed, not even with
. His mother will never allow it.”

“So, is he their leader, or is she?”

“She rules, using him as a front, but he will swear that he runs the
show, as most men do,” Kayla giggled. “Of course, our clan is very different.” Then
she looked over at Sky, and winked.


Anthony and his men made their way to the shore a few yards down
from the main area of the camp. They could hear laughter and fighting, due to
what Anthony could only assume was a drunken dispute. He pointed to two of the
men to go further down the river and make their way to the back side of the
camp. He and the other man crawled through the high grass to see if they could
find Sky’s stepmother. They were right on the edge of the grass when they heard
Tiffany talking to
about ‘not’ wanting to
become one of them. She felt she wouldn’t fit in, and he was trying to reassure
her that she would be fine, and not treated like the other women she had seen
mistreated around the camp.

“You will belong to me, isn’t that what you want?”

“I’m crazy about you,
, but you
never said anything about me becoming what I saw last night…I mean, you
explained it, but that’s way different now.”

“I guess you should have thought about that before you wanted to get
back at your stepsister, huh?” he replied.

“I just wanted to scare her, not kill her,” she said trying to
stand, but he pulled her back down.

“You could take her place.”

, you’re hurting me. Why are you
acting like this?”

“Because, I need you to help me finish this… one
way or another.
Right now you’re feelings mean
little when it comes to me taking what my father tried to all those years
ago…he died a broken boar, because he failed his people. I will not let that
happen to me.”

“I thought you said Sky’s boyfriend killed

“Maybe I did, but that doesn’t matter now.”

“I want to leave now,” she said trying to get up a second time, and
slapped her hard enough to knock her to the ground.

“You will never leave,” he proclaimed, as his men watched, then he
ran his nails down the side of her ribs as she screamed out.

“Lock this sorry bitch up with her mother.” Then one of his men
dragged her into one of the tents in the tree line that sat away from the main

Anthony nodded to the man at his side. The two of them made their
way back into the water and swam to the place that the other two men had crawled
out, finding them in an area of tall grass. He then pointed to the tent, and
all four slowly made their way to the heavy cover of the forest behind the camp.
Anthony wiggled his fingers at the slender man at his left, and the man pulled
out a long blade from a sheath down the side of his leg. Anthony placed it in
his mouth, then began belly crawling toward the tent. About the time he was
around five feet from the back of the tent that Tiffany was taken into, a man
came around the side, unzipping his pants, pulling out his manhood. He urinated,
barley a foot from the hidden wolf king, and yet the man never saw him.

After the man had relieved himself, he stepped back, turning, and
hitting Anthony’s shoulder with his heel and fell backwards making a grunting
sound as he landed on Anthony’s back. “What the…” was all that he was able to
say, because of the sharp blade that ran through his neck, and the huge hand
that covered his mouth. Mike, the guard that was with Anthony, pulled the man
off of his king and into the undergrowth of the forest, where he wouldn’t be
seen by the others. Anthony took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, and
continued toward the tent. He could now hear the cries of Tiffany, telling her
mother how sorry she was for getting her into the mess that she had, but he
heard nothing in return for the older woman.

He and Mike both put their ears close to the tent, trying to hear
more than two people breathing, but could make out nothing more than the
words of the girl. Both sniffed the air, but the
grounds were too full of the stench of
tell if anyone was in the tent with the two women. Anthony took the chance and
cut the tent from the bottom up about three foot. What they saw when they
looked in was only the two women. Tiffany was sitting with her hands tied
behind her back, and
Delaney, was in a crate
smaller than the one that they had seen Tiffany in earlier. Mike touched
Anthony on the shoulder, shaking his head, and then pushed past his king to go
inside the tent first. Tiffany opened her mouth to scream, but Mike had his
hand clamped over her mouth before she could make a sound.

“If you want to live, you keep that little mouth of yours shut,” he
whispered through grinding teeth.

Anthony came in with the other two men behind him, and he quickly
pried the top off of the older woman’s encasement. She looked up at him with
swollen eyes and tears began to fall, mainly because she recognized who he was.
He put his finger to his lips and smiled. She nodded and gripped his arms as he
lifted her out. She bit her lip, holding in the cries of pain that shot through
her legs that had been tucked in the same position for hours. He saw her pain
and picked her up like a child, leaving the way he came in. Mike looked down at
Tiffany and then removed his hand.

“I should leave your sorry ass here.” He untied her hands and tossed
her over his shoulder, following Anthony out.

It wasn’t until they were back at the
edge that Anthony noticed that Mike was carrying Tiffany. He wanted more than
anything to tell him to take her back, but it was too late and he knew it. He
slid down into the water with Bonny in his arms and made his way back to his queen.
Anthony had decided to let Sky deal with the actions of her stepsister. Once in
the middle of the river, where Bonny felt it safe enough to speak, she
whispered the
you’, as low as she dared,
then laid her head on Anthony’s shoulder.

“Your true daughter waits on the other side. She is the one that
insisted we come for you,” he whispered back.

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