Arrival of the Prophecy (19 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“Why did you not tell us where you were going?” She reached out and
touched the blood that was smeared on Anthony’s face.

“Sky needed to run, Grandmother,” he replied taking her hand and
kissing it.

“I thought they had you both. Never do this again, not when things
are like they are, please,” she smiled, leaning in and kissing him back on the

took off
her shawl and wrapped it around Sky, helping her get to her feet. She then took
her in her arms and began to cry. Sky looked over at Anthony, who had the same
confused look on his face.
stepped back
looking Sky up and down, and then placed her hand on Sky’s lower abdomen. “The
child must be protected at all cost. My great grandchild is the most important
member of this clan, you understand.”

“What child? I’m not pregnant,” Sky nervously replied.

“Oh, but you are. I know, and I have since the first time that you
two laid together, bringing back the light to our people,”
explained, smiling over at her grandson.

“A baby,” Anthony whispered, half smiling, half shocked.
“A baby!”
Then he reached out, grabbing both women and
lifted them off the ground, laughing like a mad man.

“Put us down, you silly boy,”
giggled. “We need to get back to the house, and get you two cleaned up… and no
more running in the woods.”

“I love you,” he replied. “I love you all!” He kissed
on the mouth and lifted Sky up like a child and
began carrying her back.

“I think that I can walk,” she said wrapping her arms around his

“We’re going to have a baby,” he replied, putting an extra skip in
his step.

“Don’t you think we might want to take a test first?”

“My grandmother is
all the
test we need. We’re
going to have a baby!” he yelled with even more excitement, causing Sky to
throw her arms in the air and yell out a
non verbal
of her own.

Everyone in the small group was laughing when they came back in the
front door of the estate, where they met Henry, standing talking to Anthony
senior. The first thing he saw was the blood on Anthony and Sky’s faces, then
the fact that they were nude.
kept smiling,
walking up and putting her arm over her father’s shoulder. She leaned, in
whispering the news that she had finally told the two of them. The first thing
he did was go to the couple and drop to his knees. Henry rushed over fearful
that Sky had been hurt. Anthony looked down at her and said it was time, and
lowered her to the floor. She smiled up at her father with the red stains
around her mouth. He simply shook his head.

“Daddy, I’m fine.”

“Your covered in blood and neither of you have any cloths on. How is
that fine, by any means of the words?”

“I have good news. But news that you may find to be a little
disturbing,” she explained talking him under the arm. “How’s Bonny doing?”

“She’s better and sleeping….don‘t change the subject,
,” he demanded, stopping to look down at her. “I
don’t like this. I don’t like any of it.”

“Let the children get cleaned up Henry and you and I will have
coffee on the back balcony,”
taking him by the other arm and moving him away from his daughter.

“But, I…”

“There is plenty of time,” she smiled, pulling him away as Anthony
and Sky turned to go upstairs to his bedroom.

Henry and
were finishing up their
third cup of coffee when Anthony and Sky came out onto the balcony.
stood and excused herself, touching Sky’s arm as she
walked past, while smiling up at the now nervous, Anthony. Henry turned in his
stood as Sky took
seat. Anthony walked around the table and sat down. He looked from one to the
other, as Henry slowly lowered himself back down.

“Bonny was moaning Tiffany’s name in her sleep. She woke up saying
that these
had her daughter
brain washed,” he said, picking up his coffee cup. “Did you guy’s drug her

“No Dad and we only drugged you to keep you from trying to go after
them,” Sky explained, lowering her head.

“Who are they Sky? I
know what’s
going on and I
know right now,” he demanded
slamming his cup back down on the table so hard she jumped.

“I’m not the same person that I used to be, Daddy.”

“This much I know,” he replied looking at her with shame in his


“No, I want to hear this from my daughter,” Henry interrupted.

“Bonny was taken by a group called
and Tiffany helped them do it,” Sky quickly added.

“Were what?”

, you know like werewolves, only
a lot uglier,” she replied looking back at Anthony.

“You have never lied to me before, so why are you trying to now?”

“It’s not a lie, Dad,” she swallowed. “I’m no longer like you. I’m a

“That’s it. When you can tell me the truth, then I’ll listen. Right
now, I’m taking my wife and we’re going home.”

“No, you can’t, and I’m not lying,” Sky proclaimed holding out her
hand. “I’ll prove it.” Then she shook her hand, but nothing happened.

“If you’re on drugs, I’ll get you help, but this stops right now,”
Henry said standing up.

“Why isn’t it working, Anthony?” she asked, opening and closing her
hand willing it to change.

“Because, your transformation is still based on
your temper.”

“Then show him, please,” she replied with tears in her eyes. “He
can’t leave here or they’ll…”

“I know,” Anthony admitted, getting to his feet. “Sir, please take
your seat.”

“I will not! I have had enough of this nonsense and I’m leaving.” He
turned, but was stopped by Anthony’s hand on his arm. “I suggest you let me go,

“Not until you hear us out, sir. Your daughter speaks the truth, we
are as she says.” Then he held out his other hand and showed him the very same
thing that he had showed Sky, the very first night that he brought her to the

Henry yanked free from Anthony’s grip and fell over the pulled out
chair, staring in disbelief as the morphed hand reshaped before his eyes. His
mouth was slightly open and his eyes were huge. He looked over at Sky, who
tried to smile, but failed when she saw the horror on her father’s face. She
got up from her chair and started to go to him, but he began scooting back on
his heels and hands, shaking his head. “It’s a trick! Why are you doing this?”

“Daddy, please. You have to listen to me.”

“Get back! I don’t even know you anymore,” he said, trying to pull
himself up using the balcony door.

“I’m your little girl,” she cried. “Don’t you love me? Does it
matter, or did you lie when you told me it didn’t matter what happens in my
life, that you would always be here for me?”

“Are you my child?”

“Yes, Daddy, nothing will ever change that. I’m just a different
kind of person now.”

“And one that carries your grandchild,” Anthony interjected.

“It’s the drugs you gave me. I’m losing my mind, this isn’t even

“I’m afraid that it is,” she said leaning down where he slid back to
the floor. “I didn’t believe it either, but it is true. I am one of them. I
know you may not ever accept me now, but I love you, Daddy, no matter what you
end up thinking about me and the baby.” Then she stood and turned her back, so
he couldn’t see the hurt she felt and tears begin to spill.

Anthony stayed by the table and watched as Henry pulled himself up. He
took in a deep breath and then walked up behind Sky. He reached out, taking his
hands, laying them on her shoulders. Sky didn’t turn around; she just broke
down crying harder. That’s when Henry wrapped his arms around her and began
telling her that everything was going to be alright.

“I don’t understand anything that’s going on, but we’ll work it out,
baby, we will.”

She nodded her head, but was too ashamed to turn around, so he
walked around, lifting her head under her chin and smiled at her with his own
tears coating his face. “Am I really going to be grandpa?”

“Yeah…do you hate me?” she asked finally looking up.

“Of course I don’t hate you. You’re my little girl and I will always
love you, baby,” he replied, pulling her into his embrace. “I may have a hard
time with all of this, but my love for you will never change, never! I just got
a bit freaked out for a minute, that’s all.”

“Oh Daddy, I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry? I’m the one that should be sorry. Here I’ve gone and upset
you, when you’re in a delicate way. Do you know how many times your mother and
I talked about becoming grandparents?”

“You did?”

“Oh, yes we did,” he replied walking her back to the table. “All she
wanted was to see what your first child would look like.” He had put the sight
of Anthony’s misshapen hand to the back of his mind, seeing how truly upset his
child had become.

“Mom said that?”

“Yep, she said she bet any amount of money that the baby girl would
have your beautiful brown eyes, then I would laugh telling her the boy would
have mine.”

“Boy, huh, you want a boy?”

“I want you to be happy, and have a very healthy baby. So, no more
tears, okay?” he said wiping her face. “And we don’t have to talk about this
other…” he waved his hand.

“May I
order you both some breakfast?” Anthony asked wiping his own face.
Henry nodded, never taking his eyes
off of Sky, as she shook her head, still full from the fresh deer that she and
Anthony had already enjoyed. But that information was something she was going
to keep to herself. They talked more while Anthony took care of other things.
Sky explained most of how she had become one of Anthony’s people. Only holding
back the fact the she was infected against her will, letting him know that it
was her choice, because she loved the Wolf King and wanted to be with him for
the rest of her life. Henry found her story to be easier to understand than he
ever thought he would. Yet, he still did not understand why—or how, his wife
and step daughter had become so involved. Sky assured him that she too, had no
idea, other than the
having always had a
strong anger toward the werewolves, and that it had to do with the power of
fighting over the land.

By evening, Bonny was feeling better and wanted to spend time with
the others, but said little in the way of what had happened to her during the
time that she was with the boar pack. Every time someone mentioned them she
would clear her throat and change the subject. Word was given by Carter that
Tiffany was coming around from the first injection and asking for her mother,
who was never given the message. Instead, Sky and Anthony went down to ask her
a few questions of their own. Once they were in the lower levels, Tiffany was
hollering out at the top of her lungs, yelling that they would all go to jail
for holding her against her will.

“And what do you think would happen to you if they knew you were
going to kill all of us?” Sky asked, showing herself in front of the bars.

“Stay the hell away from me!” Tiffany screamed, backing up as far as
she could in the cave cell.

“We have a few things to ask you, and your answers will decide
whether or not you remain in our prison,” Anthony said, stepping up behind Sky.

“This is entirely your fault,” she spat.

“How the hell is it his fault? No one told you to hook up with that
pig boy,” Sky yelled back.

“He’s not a pig, you stupid bitch,” Tiffany retorted, spitting
toward Sky.

“Really, how do you
today, Tiff, got
any new teeth in that big mouth of yours?”

“You’re crazy.”

“Maybe, but in a few days, maybe hours, you’ll be just like them,
stinky and gross…all the things you hate,” Sky smiled.

all his
fault for killing
father,” Tiffany yelled pointing at Anthony.

“I did not kill his father. He died due to injuries he received
after attacking my family. That is what we were told. That had nothing to do
with me.”

“You lie.
said you murdered half of
his people, and you and Sky, were going to try and kill the rest, now that she
is one of your…” she paused, “your dogs.”

Sky grabbed the bars and yanked as hard as he could, with Anthony
placing both of his hands on her shoulders instantly calming her down. She
watched Tiffany jump, pulling her knees in, fearful that Sky was going to come
in after her.

“It seems that your
has been doing
a great deal of talking. I tell you that it has been you that has been lied to
also, and now you will be the one to pay the price.” Then Anthony looked over
at Carter, who was holding the dart gun.

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