Arrival of the Prophecy (18 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“I’m so sorry,” she softly said, then began crying.

“Your husband awaits your return as well. He is safe at our home,”
he explained in a mild voice as they reached the other side, as she wept

He never put her down. He found Sky and Kayla and they all began
making their way back to the vehicles that brought them there. Once there, they
put Bonny in the back seat. Sky crawled in and held her as she cried. It wasn’t
until Mike came up with Tiffany, now walking on her own, that all hell broke
loose. “Why in the hell is she here?” Sky yelled, jumping out of the car.

“Sky, this can wait,” Anthony said coming back around the car, in
time to see Tiffany hit the ground.

“I should kill you right now. How could you?” Sky asked with her
fist doubled up.

“I don’t know,” Tiffany cried, holding up her hand.

“We can deal with this back at the house,” Anthony demanded, taking
Sky by the arm.

“I don’t want this bitch anywhere near me. Send her back to the
filth that she wanted to help…do it now, Anthony!” Sky stood with her arm out,
pointing at the river.

“No, please. I can’t go back,” Tiffany pleaded, reaching out to
touch Sky’s leg, giving her the perfect opportunity to kick Tiffany right in
the face, knocking her clean out.

“She will turn soon. That will be punishment enough,” Anthony added,
nodding once at the marks on Tiffany’s side.

“Nothing will ever be enough for what she’s done. If she goes with
us, I want her in the lower levels as soon as we get back!” Then Sky got back
in wrapping her arms around Bonny.

Mike picked up the unconscious Tiffany and started to put her in the
front seat of the same car with Sky, until she growled, giving him a look that
needed no words. He went towards the car in the back. Bonny cried all the way
back to the estate, speaking low under her breath about how her own child could
allow others to be so cruel to her, gripping Sky like she was the last thing on
earth. Sky rocked her like she was the child, running her fingers through her
hair, humming a soft tune until they drove up the driveway.

“Dad will be so glad to see you, Mom,” Sky whispered kissing Bonny
on the forehead.

“I’ve been so bad to you. How can you ever forgive me?” Bonny
replied, hiding her face in her hands.

“Everything’s going to be alright, and we’re going to be a very
happy family from now on.”

Anthony got out and opened the back door, smiling as he witnessed
the union of two individuals that so needed to become a whole. He held out his
hand and Sky accepted his offer, then leaned back in and helped
slide to the door. Anthony touched Sky’s back, then
moved in picking Bonny up and the three went into the house.

Several of his people met them just on the inside, with
being the first, clapping her hands together with
great pride. She and those who had gone with her had made their way back to
ready things for their return. She snapped her fingers and two men dressed in
butler style clothing tried to take Bonny from Anthony’s arms, but Bonny yelled
out gripping his neck more firmly.

okay, Mom. Anthony and I will take
you to Dad.”

“He is beginning to wake and asking for you,”
added, touching Bonny on the arm.

really here?” Bonny sniffled, coughing afterwards.
about you and I go and get cleaned up a bit, then go see him together?” Sky suggested,
hoping she would agree.

Bonny gave a slight nod, and Sky in turn looked to Kayla who needed
nothing more. She hurried out of the room to draw a warm bath in Anthony’s, and
now Sky’s, personal area. Once they had Bonny out of the main foyer, the other
men brought Tiffany through the house, taking her down to the lower levels,
just as Sky had ordered.
saw the bloody marks
on her side, and told them to inject the drug to ease her change. Sky slipped
out, while
, and Kayla, helped Bonny in the
bathroom. They had brought her fine silk clothing that she was well accustomed
to, trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

Sky tapped on the door that led to her father. It was then that she
saw the slide latch keeping him from being able to leave. She pulled it back,
and no sooner than she did the door swung open with Henry holding a lamp ready
to hit who, or whatever, stood on the other side. He dropped it from where he
held it above his head and grabbed her, pulling her into his embrace.

“I thought you were locked up in this place, having God knows what
happening to you.”

“Daddy, we have a lot to talk about,” she replied, holding him

“We’re getting out of here, right now!” he demanded, as he spun her
around and started down the hall, with her in tow.

“No, Dad, you don’t understand,” she tried to explain, as he looked
frantically around, gripping her arm more securely, walking faster down the

“Daddy, please stop,” she begged, giving one small jerk with her new
strength, bringing him down to the ground. “I’m sorry… Dad! I didn’t mean to do

“Don’t you understand that we have to get out here…they drugged me,
baby. Who knows what they did to you.”

“Nothing, they did nothing to me, and I knew about them drugging
you, Dad,” she admitted, scooting closer to him.

“What? You knew?”

“Bad people took Bonny, and we knew you would try to go after her,

“Who took her? Where’s my wife?” he panicked, getting to his feet.

“She’s fine. Anthony found her and she’s getting cleaned up right
now. Dad, they roughed her up a bit, but you can’t freak when you see her. She
doesn’t know that you were drugged, so you have to keep your cool, okay?”

“Is she alright? Did they…” he paused as tears ran down his cheeks.

“I don’t think so, Dad. But, mentally she’s in bad shape.”

“Tiffany? What about her?”

“You won’t believe this, but she helped them hurt, Mom.”

“You have to be wrong about that sweetie, she wouldn’t,” he paused,
in shock at her words. “Did I just hear you say the word, mom?”

“I should’ve given her a chance when you fell in love with her. I
promise things will be different,” she claimed, and then added, “Very

“Take me to her, please,” he said, taking Sky’s hand.

Sky did as he asked. The two walked together into Anthony’s bedroom
to find
brushing out Bonny’s hair. As soon as
she saw Henry in the mirror she burst out crying and ran to him. Anthony came
in behind Sky and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. They all
watched as Henry and Bonny slowly sank to the floor on their knees, kissing and
caressing each other. Henry leaned back, looking at the marks on her face and
neck, where she had been beaten and held by ropes. He began to cry even harder,
apologizing as his anger built. “Who did this to you, honey?” he asked tracing
the bruises on her cheek. “I swear I’ll kill them with my bare hands.” Then he
pulled her in close.

Sky turned in Anthony’s arms and wept with both joy and sadness,
then released him and walked out of the room. Anthony approached the emotional
couple, knelt down next to them and placed his hand on Henry’s back. Henry
turned his head and nodded once, laying his head back down on Bonny’s shoulder,
holding on to his wife like he never wanted to let her go. Anthony told him
that they would be safer staying at the estate until things could be figured
out. He helped the two up and back to the guest room. Henry was looking at the
lock on the outside as he held Bonny close. Anthony saw the look on his face
and his apprehension to go back in. He reached up, tearing the lock from the
door, looking back smiling and handing it to him. “You are free to come and go
as long as you are in my home.”

Anthony left them holding each other in silence, and then went
looking for Sky, knowing just where he would find her. Sky was standing on the
bottom step in the lower level watching Carter fill a needle with a clear
liquid. Tiffany was lying on the stone table, curled in a ball, and coming
around after the hard kick to the face. Sky stepped closer.

“Don’t give her that just yet,” she stated, running her hand along
the cold stone. “I have a few things I want her to hear first.”

“As you wish, my Queen,” he replied, stepping away from the table.



Tiffany started rolling onto her back. Her eyes blinked open to the
cavern under the depths of the Michelle estate. She placed her hand to her
swollen cheek and tried to sit up, with Carter pushing her back down, leaning
over her shaking his head. Sky walked around so Tiffany could see her, and
Tiffany drew in a deep gulp of air. She tried to roll off the table, and Sky
put her hand up toward Carter to let go. Tiffany ran to the corner of the cave
by one of the barred cages, turning her head and seeing
brother looking back at her. “Parker!” she said, grabbing the bars. Sky stood
with her arms crossed, smiling at the bloody marks on Tiffany’s side.

“Looks like you’re going to be the pig that you truly are,” she
sarcastically laughed.

“I’ll never be one of them now. It was all lies, Sky,” Tiffany
replied, curling in on herself.

“Well, I really don’t think you have much choice. That little claw
mark on your side has sealed the deal, honey, and I for one couldn’t be more

“No, you’re wrong,” Tiffany said, looking down at her wound. “He was
in human form when this happened.”

Sky threw her head back and burst out laughing, remembering her own
small scratch, and Carter joined in. Tiffany jumped at the sound of Sky’s
voice, as it reverberated off the cave walls. She stood using the bars, and ran
her hand over the mark down her side. “You’re just saying that to scare me,”
Tiffany pouted, as tears filled her eyes.

“No, this is scary,” Sky claimed, walking up to her growling deep
inside. “I should break your neck for what you’ve done.”

“No, Sky, please. I’m sorry,” she pleaded.

“You’re right. You are sorry. How could you harm your own mother
like that? She always stood up for you.” Sky raised her hand to strike Tiffany.

“He told me things, promised me,” she yelled, falling to the ground covering
her face with her hand and sliding around on the floor.

“What could anyone promise you that would make you act like such an

“He used me, isn’t that good enough for you,” Tiffany turned and

“Raise your voice to me again and I will rip that tongue right out
of your mouth,” Sky replied storming up to her, grabbing her by the throat and
lifting her off the floor. “Did he promise you my death, my Father’s?”

“Yes,” she cried, now standing on her tip toes at the end of Sky’s

Sky’s anger reached its peak and she threw Tiffany into the stone
table. Sky dropped down on her hands and knees. Her face began elongating, as
her spine popped out of place. Anthony came running down the stairs in time to
witness her change and grabbed Tiffany, right before Sky could transform and
tear her apart. He ordered Carter to give her the shot, as Tiffany begged him
not to. She didn’t know what drug she was being given or why, but soon fell
into unconsciousness as the drug took effect.

Sky raised her massive arms above her head and slammed them down on
the stone table cracking it right down the middle. Anthony took off his shirt
and changed into his wolf self and embraced her until she calmed, then took her
through one of the dark tunnels.

Soon the night sky appeared and the two ran off into the forest,
leaving behind the tunnel with its misleading labyrinth of twists and turns. Anthony
helped her run out her frustration until they saw a group of deer feeding. They
stopped on top of one of the hills close to the edge of his land. He looked
down and lifted one side of his wolf jaw, in an effort to smile, then went down
on all fours racing for the fresh meat, with Sky close behind. He went one way,
while she went the other and every deer that was feeding on the damp dew
covered earth took off. By the time that dawn broke, the two lay in each
other’s arms, under the cover of a large oak tree, sound asleep and completely

“Babe, are you awake?” Anthony whispered, smoothing Sky’s hair away
from her face, as she lay on his chest.

“Yeah, but I don’t want to move just yet,” she replied. It was at
that time several howls broke out around them.

“I think we’re being searched for,” he laughed, squeezing her closer
to him.

“Here…they’re over here,” a man called out.

“Looks like we’ve been found,” Anthony said sitting up with her in
his arms.

“My King, are you alright?” Mike asked, coming around the tree.

“We’re fine.”

“Thank mother earth,”
cried running
to their side.

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