Arrival of the Prophecy (20 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“No, please, not again,” Tiffany cried, holding out one hand, when
she saw the gun. “I’ll talk just don’t put that stuff in me again.”

“It is for your own good,” Anthony explained.

“No, let her talk. I want to know why she was so hard up that she
felt she had to hurt me and my father, not to mention her own mother.” Sky said
the last leaning into the bars.

“He’ll come for me and Parker, you know he will,” Tiffany smiled.

“He may come for his brother, but you were just a piece of meat to
get to us…nothing more,” Anthony replied pulling Sky away from the bars. “When
do the boar’s plan to attack my home?”

“Go to hell. He loves me and he will come, you’ll see.”

“Do your job Carter. She will tell us nothing,” Anthony ordered.

“He will come on the night of the full moon. But, he will not come
for me no more than he will come for her,” Parker said, making his way to the cage

“He’ll kill you for telling them that, and I’ll make sure of it,”
Tiffany proclaimed right before the dart stuck her in the upper back, causing
her to scream out, making the same high pitch sound that all the

“Sounds like your change is already taking place little sister,” Sky
laughed. “I can’t wait to see that pretty face take on its new and improved
look.” Then she kicked out at the bars.

“Calm yourself. Think of the baby,” Anthony whispered next to her

Parker spilled the beans that evening, so to speak. He told them
had planned on attacking the estate on
the eve of his father’s death, the same way that his father had attack when he
killed the Michelle king and queen, back when Anthony was a young boy. His plan
had been for Timothy and Tory to take out Anthony, and let them in the front
gate. Then they could finish the job placing
and her father’s corpse on the front gate, to show all the werewolves that this
land no longer belonged to them, and that all who tried to cross would end up
just like them. He also told them that
the main one behind the push to bring them down. It was the matriarch of his
people, and that she was the one that planned on taking the head of the eldest
woman in the wolf clan.

“Your mother?”

“She is mad. Her mind slips every day, and all she sees is your
destruction,” Parker admitted.

“Why tell me this now?”

“I am dead to them now. Even if they found me here in this cage,
they would take my life. No one lives that has been captured, for their words
are never to be trusted.”

“They would think you a spy?”

“Yes, so you see it is better that you end my life now, and let this
pain that grows inside end. I would not go back if you freed me, even if they
wish to greet me with open arms. I have taken all the abuse that I will ever
take. I beg you as a fellow were…please, end this life now,” Parker pleaded,
going down on one knee.

“You will not be put to death, young boar, but you will remain down
here until this ends. We will see what happens after that,” Anthony replied,
taking Sky by the arm.

Sky kept her eyes on the woman who was now dropping to her side, as
her eyes fluttered shut, wanting to see her body change. They were half way up
when someone came running up the stairs behind them. Carter caught up telling
Anthony that Parker was ramming his head into the bars over and over and feared
he would kill himself before the drug could take effect, and all three headed
back down. They found Parker on wobbly legs, covered in his own blood from where
his head was split open from one side of his forehead to the other. Carter
opened the door and Anthony ran in right before the man could ram his head
another time. “In time you will have a home with us, young one,” Anthony said,
holding him until the drug took effect. He had made a statement that had never
come from a werewolf to any other ‘were’ animal, but he was king, and things
were no longer the ways of the past. The legacy was coming true, which meant a
new world for all living creatures.




was crazed
with anger when he found the women gone, and several of his men paid for the
price with their own blood. He swung his huge head, piercing their flesh with
his enormous tusk, splitting skin open and breaking bones. Three bodies lay
dead on the ground before his mother stepped up in her animal form and knocked
him to the ground with one swing of her hoven fist. She kicked at the dead
bodies, then threw her head back screaming out, then bent down by her son,
showing her teeth that dripped with saliva.
snorted turning his head, waiting for her to finish him off, but instead she
ran her two hoof type hands over his bristly hair.

“We do not need the women. Ready my men,” she said in a slurred
tongue, then rose to her hind feet.

. You are correct, we do not
need them.”

“Just as we do not need the ones they took from us. Your brother is
lost now. They will all pay for his death, like they will pay for your fathers.”
she claimed.

made her
way over to their fallen men and threw her head back for the second time, and
then she bent and began feeding on their flesh. Once she had her fill, she
moved back and watched her son and his men move in, leaving nothing, not even the
skulls of the three that
had killed. It was
the way of their people to waste nothing, not even their own dead.
then told her son that the plans to attack had been
changed from the night of the full moon, to two nights before, making the attack
on the wolves two nights from the time she was speaking. Her reasons were
because she had no trust in the ones that had been taken, not knowing whether
or not they had been killed, or made to talk. Her youngest son had proven to be
one of the weaker members of the pack, and one that she could not tolerate
because of that fact.
held a heart of stone
and ran her pack with an iron fist. Those who chose to challenge her had all
died in her wake of insanity, making her rule longer than any female before

was the first
to come out of her womb, soon followed by his
then Parker and Daniel, ending with two other sisters. His mother had killed
the first three females as soon as they came out of her body, raising the rest
to serve her. Daniel died shortly after birth, too weak to fight for his place
at her eight breasts, and never did she allow them to feed while she was in
human form.
two youngest sisters stayed
close to their main land, hidden away from the rest of the pack, ready to
reproduce other members at the order of their mother.
unlike the wolves, gave birth to multiple children at one time.
was the only one that choose who lived or died at
the time that a life came into the pack. She was also the one that gave
permission for one of her females to be impregnated, due to the fact that
future challenges may come her way.

Males had no place in the upper ranks of the
pack, and stayed in their own group until needed by their queen. They were
given what
called ‘broken women’, those who
were fixed by the packs unorthodox doctor, so that they could not reproduce and
keep the men sated in their sexual appetites without worry. She did this to ensure
that they did not bring in outsiders, or impregnate one of her fruitful females.
She was the one that ordered
to use his charms
on the wolf kings, bride’s sister, in hopes that it would bring on a war
started by them.
had no idea that
had marked the girl and that she would soon be one
of her kind. It was something that wouldn’t have mattered anyway because to her
the girl, just like her youngest son, was as good as dead.


Anthony recalled the words of Parker, who told him how his mother
had planned to split her men into four groups and surround the estate. He said
he’d overheard them talking about using a different twist to flush everyone
from the home and onto the open grounds, making them an easy target, but
couldn’t tell Anthony what it was that she was going to do. Parker told Anthony
it was then that
had found him outside the
tent and told him, that when the time came he would be able to prove himself
and step up in the ranks of the males. That was how he and his companion ended
up in the lower levels.

Sky looked in as Anthony pressed the shirt he’d removed to Parkers
forehead, as Carter went up to tell
what had
happened so that she could come down and sew the man’s flesh shut. Once
and Carter had the now unconscious Parker under
control and halfway put back together, Anthony and Sky was ready to head
upstairs once more.

Sky glancing in, noticed that Tiffany had fallen over on her stomach
with her face to the side and legs spread wide, knocked smooth out from the
drug that Carter had administrated. She smiled devilishly as she followed
Anthony up the stairs that had torches coming to life and fading as they passed.
She thought for just a moment what it would be like to witness Tiffany wearing
rags and being used like a piece of meat, then the smiled faded away. Sky began
feeling sorry for her stepsister, knowing that not even if she truly repented
for the things she had done, no one could help her now.

Kayla was standing behind the couch that Bonny and Henry were sitting
on, holding each other, watching over their every move like a well placed guard.
When she saw them come in, she dropped to one knee, and then stood bowing her
head. Sky smiled at her shaking her head, wishing that was the one rule she
could change. Bonny, being in a calmer state of
saw Sky and started to stand. “No,” Sky said as she sat down
her, taking her hand into hers. After a few seconds, she wrapped her other arm
around her neck and gave her a warm hug.

“Thank you, sweetie,” Bonny said softly. “I can’t believe you’re making
me a grandma, and at my age!” Then both women started laughing, as they pulled
apart wiping at the liquid on their cheek.

“Yeah, but dad isn’t getting any younger,” Sky smiled looking over
at her father.

“Hey now, I’m a very young old man,” he replied rubbing Bonny’s

“We will all make perfect grandparents,”
interjected standing at the door holding her medical bag. “You have a wonderful
Delaney. It is good to see you use it.”

“Thank you. Please, call me Bonny.”

Anthony waited until later that night to fill in his enforcers and
grandparents on what Parker had told him. Sky had taken her parents back to
their room after supper, pretending that everything was alright, knowing that
could try and attack the very home they
were in at any time.

knew the
way that
thought, and decided to do some
waiting of her own. After the family had retired she slipped out the back way. She
ran down the stone steps that led out to the back garden and into the forest,
throwing her black shawl over her head and shoulders. She stopped at the bottom
of the hill at the ceremonial grounds, taking all of her clothes off, and then
made her way to the top.

The werewolf elder threw her head back and howled three short bursts,
then squatted down and waited. It was when she heard the return of
call from across the valley that she stood and ran
down into the circle of majestic stones. She stopped in the
as the wind blew her dark hair around her slender naked form, her legs slightly
spread with her arms directly beside her. Her eyes grazed the outer rim,
watching for her long time enemy to arrive and join her in the grips of those
who fought their challenges here before them.
wasn’t surprised to see many figures appear beyond the other side of what
strangers would call nothing more than a crater. Her kind knew it was the power
of ones worth and blood line.

looked down
on the woman, her enemy. Even though she hated her with the very fibre of her
being, she admired her look of pride. She watched
hold her chest out darting her chin in the wind, offering herself to the enemy
in a gallant show of bravery.
people began
to grunt and stomp their feet, looking up at her, and then tossing the earth’s
debris into the air. All waited to see if she would take the challenge and go
down in the face of the mighty forefathers they so hoped to claim. To some it
was the night of true defiance against the remaining mother of the werewolves,
and to others it was finally witnessing their leader taking more than a mouthy
stand. The main one to provoke her, was none other than

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