Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)
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Matt plunked his coffee cup onto the counter, some of the hot liquid sloshing over the side. He winced at the burn, but maintained focus. Her breath shuddered against his cheek as she closed her eyes. He lifted his hand to her shoulder, sliding it over the curve of her arm and down to the indentation of her waist. Her warm skin through her shirt did amazing things to his lower extremities. Already he was fighting a primal need to pull her body hard against his. Instinctively she reached out to put her palms on his chest. With a low groan in his throat, he lowered his lips to hers. They both jerked apart when her cell phone rang.
Damn phone!

Chapter Two


Duh Dum, Duh Dum
...Andy could feel her body trembling as she dug her phone out of the diaper bag on the couch. Her heart was beating uncontrollably, but she wasn't exactly sure whether it was due to the
absolutely gorgeous
man that was about to kiss her, or if it was the person calling her cell. Focusing on the screen, she read, "Happy Trails Inn". She clicked it on.

"Sara, I was just about to call you. I am not feeling well." Her throat ached due to the untimely breakdown and her head was pounding. It really wasn't a lie. She didn't feel well. "Yes, Sara, I know. I am sorry. I will." Before she could thank her boss, the line went dead. Andy clicked it off. She closed her eyes as her shoulders slumped in defeat.

Andy slid the cell into her pocket and took a deep breath. She didn't want to cry any more today, especially since she had Matt in the same room. He mercifully remained quiet; although his presence was taking up so much space in her little apartment. All six feet of him was deeply disturbing on every plane imaginable. Taking a minute to clear her head, she pretended to tuck Harper's blanket more firmly around her. Carefully she raised her eyes to his face and wasn't surprised to acknowledge his intensely blue gaze taking her all in.
What is he thinking?

As uncomfortable as he was making her, she couldn't look away. It didn't seem to be something she had the strength to do. Pressing her lips together, Andy tilted her head to the side. He raised a brow as his frank gaze drank her in. Her skin tingled with anticipation. Her chest felt retrained as if her next breath were locked deep inside her body. His lip quirked up at the corner as he held his hand out, palm up to take hers. She couldn't deny the giddiness that became suddenly buoyant in her heart.


Andy's conversation on her cell phone was distinctly short and from her tone, not at all pleasant. Although Matt was certain that nothing right now was pleasant for her. Had she gone from the frying pan into the fire? She stooped to tuck the baby blanket in tighter around her daughter, but Matt could have bet that it was more for show than the baby's comfort. When she turned, the look she gave him caused his heart to speed up and bump along as it had before the ringing phone. She looked so forlorn, so beat down. Her green eyes sparked with a hidden strength as her chin rose ever so slightly.

He had always rose to a challenge. Suddenly her happiness seemed to become a priority for him. In reality he knew he shouldn't be here in her apartment alone with her. He was a stranger! Something pulled him to her regardless. He would have to contemplate his

Matt cracked a
grin and raised his palm out to invite her closer. He knew she wanted to. She hesitated to the point when he thought she might step away and back into her shell. Feeling his confidence sinking, he began to lower his hand. That did it. It seemed to break whatever inner contemplation she was having and she stepped forward.

"I don't bite. At least not on the first date." Matt chuckled at her startled expression. She raised a brow.

"This is a date? I am sorry. I was unaware."

He smiled at her witty comeback.

"I thought we were getting off to a pretty good start." His hand slid up the curve of her shoulder to hollow between her neck and chin. She swallowed hard.

"Do all your dates cry on the first one? Let alone bring their infant daughter who is having a meltdown as well?"

He laughed loudly at that, wincing as she looked suddenly to Harper's carrier.
Still asleep. That was close!
Andy looked back to him with a very motherly warning. He chuckled more softly this time.

"There is always a first time besides I am pretty good at making the tears go away."

She lowered her eyes at that and he chuckled at her blushing cheeks. There was such a familiarity with her. He couldn't put his finger on it and he wasn't sure he wanted to dissect this. It filled him with an amazement that only seemed to broaden further as they stood there. In the deepest recesses of his mind he wondered what it would feel like to know this woman for years instead of minutes. Honestly he thought he would still be hanging on her every word.

Matt pulled her hand closer to his lips and brushed them across the back of her knuckles.
Grapefruit and honey.
There was a sweetness to the tangy scent. He liked it. Raising his chin, he took pride in noting that she held her breath. Her green eyes had grown more intense, more brilliant in the seconds they stood there. It hit him hard and he felt it all the way down to his toes. He wondered if she felt it to.


Andy couldn't define the chaos going on inside her. She felt like she was floating, but her body felt heavy. Her breath was locked in her throat while her breasts felt achy. The flesh along her stomach came alive with his breath on her fingers. Their banter had started a fire that licked to her very core. The intensity of the feelings left her panicked and unbelievably turned on.

Shit! You cannot go there, Andy! You cannot! You swore this would never happen again!

She swallowed hard and stepped back. She thought she saw confusion in his eyes, but it vanished with something very close to relief. It was difficult not to notice the fast pace with which his chest rose and fell. Matt was as amped up as she was. She gave a weak smile.

"I am so sorry. I am a mess, obviously and," Andy shrugged her shoulders,” I have no idea what I am doing." She couldn't retreat far without bumping into the back of the couch. The countertop island was behind Matt as he watched her carefully. She swallowed.

"I can honestly say I understand that feeling. I am a bit out of my depth here too." Matt raised his own shoulders mimicking the same gesture she had made a moment before. His blue eyes smiled gently at her.
He wasn't angry. Good.

"You must have had something you needed to do today. I feel terrible about causing such a scene in the hallway." Andy braced herself against the back of the old couch, its wood frame creaking in protest. Matt likewise leaned against the island. His hands anchored in his pockets. His jeans really did fit him well. She liked his bare feet. He looked so natural. So much like someone she wanted to depend on to share her burden.

"It was a rather effective wake up! Other than that, I am just apartment sitting on my day off. My friend is out of town and my brother needed the weekend

Andy raised her brow, trying to wipe off the grin that threatened when he mentioned his brother kicking him out. She nodded.

"I can imagine a brother might cramp his style." Her voice quivered with mischief. He laughed.

"I can't say I am upset by it this time." His blue eyes fairly smoldered as his words filtered through. She looked down at the floor, noting the tan and white tiles. She hated them. They always looked dirty.

"So you don't live next door." It was all she could think of to say.
You sound so young!

"No. My brother and I bought a house a couple of years ago. That's what we do." Matt crossed his ankles and settled back against the counter. She tried not to notice how well his jeans molded to his strong thighs, but she couldn't seem to help herself. "We build houses."

"Housing, huh? There definitely seems to be lots of building in and around Rapid City." Her throat felt constricted and raw. She felt the need to rub the back of her neck where the hairs tingled.

"As good as any, I guess. We rarely leave the state. We grew up in South Dakota so we try to stay close to home." Matt's voice sounded oddly far away. She watched his mouth form the words, but once he mentioned
everything else disappeared.


Matt wondered where she had gone. Andy was still in the same room, but it was as if she wasn't listening. The relaxed pose she tried to exhibit leaning against the couch had dissolved when he mentioned his home. Sore subject? He would bet so. The pieces were starting to fall into a crazy, almost discernable pattern. A young woman with a very new baby. Alone. Frazzled to the end of her rope and no one around to help her.

Matt felt his heart constrict and a near blinding anger took root inside him. What the hell had happened to put a mother and a child out on their own? The anger and sadness was overwhelming and quite shocking to him. He knew the way of the world, but it could be cruel and senseless. He needed to understand. He took a breath as he watched a myriad of emotion filter across her face. Anger. Disbelief. Hope. Mistrust. Exhaustion. Matt wanted to know more. In the moment of clarity, he knew he couldn't walk away from her any more than he couldn't take his next breath. It was as alarming as it was astounding!

"I know it is none of my business, but how did you come to be so far away from your family?" Matt's voice failed to sound casual as it struck a more protective chord. Andy's green eyes flared with pain before she looked back to the floor. Her fingers gripped the top of the couch, turning pink and then white.

"What makes you think I am so far from them?" Her voice was almost a whisper, difficult to hear, but so easy to feel. Matt looked down to the floor in sudden embarrassment.

What is wrong with you? Way to start a friendship!
He cleared his throat.

"You said you were on your own. I just thought that if your family were close by they would be here to help in some way."

She lifted her shoulders in a half shrug.

"They are far away. You are right, but I can do this without them." Her voice grew stronger if not louder towards the end of her bravado. Her eyes lifted to impale him where he leaned against the counter. She wasn't a shrinking violet. He would have been dimwitted to have missed the hissing pain in her eyes though.

"I'm sorry, Andy. I didn't mean to pry. I know we only just met and I don't expect you to trust me yet."

She nodded her head, her eyes remaining on his face. It was a little disconcerting to say the least. "I would like you too, though. Trust me, that is." 

Her green eyes paled, but still never strayed. It looked as if she were weighing the words. This wasn't going to be easy, he knew.

"Trust is something that I haven't had alot of." She pushed herself up from the couch, planting her feet firmly on the floor and slightly parting her feet for support. She looked like a soldier deciding to take the mission that had drafted them. "A friend would be nice." She smiled, small, but brilliant enough to hold him in awe for a moment. He must have done something right. A friend, she had said. Lord knew he wanted more than that, but it would come in time. No sense in rushing things on their first day out.

"Would you like to go get some breakfast? I could go and bring something back if you would like a nap?" Matt felt full of energy and ready to begin proving himself. Stepping towards the apartment door, he waited for her to answer him. She looked thoughtful for a moment as if someone had just granted her a reprieve.

"A nap would be amazing. Harper hasn't been sleeping at night, which means neither do I." The dark circles under her eyes said as much. His own sister had often complained of babies having their nights and days mixed up.

"Right. Let me go change and I will bring breakfast back for us. Then I will just hang out while you sleep." Matt put his hand on the door knob and looked hopefully back to Andy. She smiled again. Nodding she walked towards him.

"Sounds wonderful." She stepped into him, he could smell her honey and grapefruit scent. "Thank you." Tipping her face up to him, he lowered his head to gentle brush his lips against hers.

Chapter Three


He returned forty-five minutes later carrying two paper to-go bags. Andy unconsciously licked her lips as he stood there in the hallway outside the open door to her apartment.
Oh, damn!
Her heart flipped and the muscles in her abdomen contracted bringing to the forefront the aching need at her core. She couldn't help but cast a slow sweep over his body. Well-worn Levis tucked into the tops of dust covered Justin's. Her heart beat louder in her ears. She wondered if he could hear it. A gray, short sleeved Henley showed off his tanned and toned arms. Her eyes stopped at his waist where his tucked in shirt accented a trim waist cinched in with a leather belt complete with a belt buckle with a steer roper on it.

A very low clearing of her specimen's throat brought her mind screaming back to the present.
Oh, double damn!
Blue eyes sparkled with mischief, pride, humor and a shocking inferno of desire. Hastily she stepped back, her legs unsteady. Her eyes followed Matt across the kitchen. Her fingers itched to touch the dark hair brushing his collar. Her hand clutched into a fist. Just an hour ago she had been in his very toned, muscular arms with her lips pressed to his.
Dear God!
Her prayer for self-preservation went up in smoke!

He broke her daydream with a chuckle. Blushing crimson, Andy noticed thankfully he hadn't turned around. Quickly adjusting her own t-shirt over the top of her knit shorts, she deliberately skirted the island, keeping it between them. Matt pulled out the contents of each bag and sorted them out. "I didn't know what you liked so I got breakfast sandwiches, hash browns, cinnamon rolls and yogurt parfaits." Andy nodded, grabbing a sandwich and a container of hash browns.

Matt chuckled again, his timbre gliding over her flickering nerves. "Great. I like the yogurt myself." His brilliant grin made her laugh in spite of being caught ogling him. Her embarrassment receded, but didn't quite disappear as she hooked a barefoot on the island stool. Sitting on the round cushion, she unwrapped her sandwich and ruthlessly focused on eating and not staring at the male across from her.


Between bites of his yogurt parfait, which wasn't all that bad, Matt glanced curiously at Andy. Her brown hair was damp from her shower and her cotton t-shirt clung far too closely to her breasts. More than once did he have to snap himself back to the present. Since he had left to go change and get breakfast for them, he wondered just what the heck he was doing. He didn't even know this girl! He had seen her for the first time less than two hours ago, then he was kissing her and Lord knows all the
thoughts that were incinerating his brain even now!

He couldn't deny how fiercely he wanted her stripped of clothing and lying pliant beneath him. Her arms twined about his neck with her lips on his. Their legs tangled and all thought of reality be damned! Matt shifted uncomfortably on his stool trying to dislodge the heat that skated further south. He definitely wouldn't apologize if Andy saw how much he desired her, but he couldn't start this relationship off this way. Physical passion had never been his problem with the opposite sex. Anything concrete and lasting just never seemed to find life.

"Thank you for breakfast, Matt. It was very thoughtful." Andy got up to throw her wrapper and hash brown holder away. "You have been very generous. I can't imagine what you think of me. You find my daughter crying in the hallway, me hysterically losing my mind, and you just take it all in stride. How do you do that?" Andy's complexion pinkened in her embarrassment. Her green eyes were filled with disbelief, wonder, and something undefinable. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss it all away.

"Let's just say I have never known what to do with a crying female." He grinned. The pink turned a dark shade as it crept up her neck into her cheeks. He couldn't help thinking she was something different entirely from all the others. He stood from his stool and reached across the island to take hold of her hand. "I opened that door this morning, because you needed me. Harper too."
I needed you too.
Matt couldn't put that into words just yet.

Rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, he watched her green eyes darken as her lashes half covered them. His heart stuttered and then roared to life. The hot blood pulsing in his veins gave life to a desire he could only attribute to Andy. Her teeth bit into her bottom lip and he was lost. The sight of her worrying the flesh sent him into orbit. Holding her hand tightly, he extended his arm to walk around the island and stand before her. Nothing stood between them now, but he hesitated.

It was all he could do not to step into her, pick her up and throw all caution to the wind. Caution he knew would serve him far better than a moment of red-hot passion. Swallowing hard, he fought to gain a foothold on his impulses. Andy's eye widened at the unexpected movement, but she didn't retreat. He silently willed her to come to him. He blinked slowly and held her hand firmly. It was up to her.
Eternity! This will take forever at this rate!
Matt's impatience prodded and poked his inactivity. Still he didn't advance.

He didn't know how many minutes passed or if it was only seconds before she stepped timidly into him. That was all it took. His breath left his lungs in a
and he instinctively pulled her firmly against him. She melded to his body from chest to thigh. He knew she couldn't mistake his desire for her and his erection pressed into her stomach. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. He couldn't do anything but burn for her.

Somewhere between the opening of the apartment door and the breakfast run, Andy had possessed him beyond human limits. His thoughts turned fuzzy, but the future cleared. She and her infant daughter were already very precious to him. The flat of her palm against his chest warned him to pay attention. He paused, maintaining eye contact.

"Can I trust you, Matt?"
Of course you can!
His heart expounded on the question. Her pain and desire to turn to someone glowed so brilliantly in her eyes.

His heart contracted in torture and then in anger. She was his. His to protect and his to cherish. He didn't expect the words to simply disappear. Swallowing hard, he covered her hand on his chest. It was so small and warm. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He nodded, leaning his forehead against hers. For a man that was very good at talking, he instinctively knew that words were useless to her. She desperately needed to be shown that he could be trusted with anything she wished to share.


Andy was mesmerized why the supportive warmth of his body and the amazing connection of his hand over hers on his chest. She had never felt strong. She had never felt supported. She had never felt determined until now. When she should have been falling apart, falling into Matt and all that his comfort promised, she felt like Superwoman. It was a baffling thing to behold!

Trusting him could be the life and death of her. She knew that it could mean the world in either direction. Her heart thrummed at the way he held her and tried to pull her into himself. Matt was a giver. At the moment she was a taker. Swallowing hard, she tried to force the lump down in her throat. She never believed in attraction at first sight. She didn't believe that a magnificent love could save someone. Her Grams did. Her Grams told her that someday someone would be led into her life.
A Reason. A Season. A Lifetime.
Which one would Matt be?

"I am so tired." Her words were out before she even realized she had spoken them aloud. His forehead rubbed against hers and she felt him release her slowly. She wanted to snuggle back into his warmth. Matt leaned back to kiss her forehead, brushing his lips just underneath her bangs.

"I will listen for Harper if you will let me stay." She returned the smile and took a reluctant step back. His arms fell to his sides.

"Thank you."
Thank you?
She wanted to say so much more. She needed to say it. Instead she ended up telling him where the formula was and how to make up the bottles. Indicating the basket with diapers and wipes, she couldn't help walking back to him.

"I got it. I've watched my nephew before." His words were soft, almost a whisper in her ear. His arms came around her and she kissed him on the lips. A kiss that involved a trust she wasn't sure of and a hope that hadn't been present in her life in a
long time.

Andy woke up in her bedroom a short time later to the sounds of male whispers and the local news at noon. She had slept three hours without waking. Her ears strained to catch what was being said before she made the move to get out of bed. Her head ached from the nap. She stretched up and adjusted her clothing into a
rated G
position. A heavy wave of desire slammed into her. Andy stood still for a moment to collect her senses before heading out the door.

As soon as she entered the living room, she knew Matt could tell she was blushing. A quick quirk of his lips was all that acknowledged it, however. She was thankful for that small mercy anyhow. She couldn't believe how natural he and Harper looked. Harper was on the floor on a fleece blanket, staring up at Matt as if he had the answer to
. Andy's insides clenched.
Didn't she see him exactly the same way?
She moved forward to sit on the floor next to Matt and Harper.

"So what were you two whispering about out here? It seemed rather clandestine." She brushed the blond fuzz on top of Harper's tiny head. Matt let the baby hold his finger.

"Sharing the secrets of the world." Matt grinned when Andy raised a brow at him. "Ok, I was telling Harper her mommy snores like a hibernating bear."

Her mouth dropped open in surprise before she threw a scowl his way. Loud male laughter resonated in the narrow living room.

"I imagine anyone with as little sleep as I've gotten in the last few months would snore too!" She retorted in her defense. She wasn't sure if she did snore, but that was hardly the point. Harper smiled her cheesy grin and Matt shook the little hand that held his finger. "It was nice of you to watch her for me. I hope we haven't been too much trouble." Andy couldn't look into his face, but she could feel his gaze. Those blue eyes were taking it all in. She didn't know how he did it, but he always seemed to know just how to handle things.

"Harper is sweet. You were a surprise. I can't imagine a better way to spend my day off." Matt cracked a grin and then grimaced. Harper had spit up some of her milk and it spilled over her cheek. Andy grabbed a flowered burp rag to wipe it up.

"You were quite the surprise today too." Andy got to her knees and tossed the dirty cloth into a laundry basket. "We really don't want to intrude on your time though, Matt. You've done your good deed for today." Andy winced.

She hadn't meant it that way.
Good going, Andy. Now you sound cold and ungrateful.
She swallowed as she met his surprised eyes. Had she wounded him? It had been a long time since she had worried about someone else's feelings. It was a difficult change. The apartment was quiet except for the television. Even Harper said nothing, zeroing in on the sparks flying between the two adults in the room. Andy was the first to look away. The silent accusation was hard to accept.

"All right. If you want me to go, I will. I'm glad I could help you out." Matt pressed his lips together and gently extricated his finger from Harper's firm grip. He touched Harper's cheek in a farewell salute and got to his feet. Andy felt terrible. He didn't seem too happy about her dismissal either. She hastily got to her feet to follow. Matt collected his keys from the kitchen island and went to the door. She felt for a moment she couldn't breathe.

He was handsome, sweet, funny and wildly sexy.
What is wrong with you? You find the perfect guy and you dismiss him out of hand?
She rubbed her nervous palms on her shorts. She felt crazy and maybe she was. He reached for the door knob and she found her voice.
Say anything!

"Ah, Matt, I don't know how to do this." She made a helpless gesture with her palms up. "I've had to do all of this on my own." She wanted to say more, wanted to open up, but she didn't know how. She wasn't sure he would stay if he knew the whole truth of her circumstances. She was a time bomb waiting to explode and any sane man would stay far, far away.

Matt pocketed his keys and tilted his head in a considering look. She was sure she didn't measure up. His lips parted to speak, but all he did was open his arms to her. Her heart nearly broke at the relief. Her vision clouded as she walked the rest of the way to him. Enfolding her in such a warm and tender hug, Andy didn't need the words. So much was said in those minutes. He brushed his hand against her neck. Her cheek rested against his chest, feeling the planes of his muscles and hearing his heartbeat.
Steady. Soothing.

"I wrote down my cell number. If you need me, call me. I'm staying at Will's apartment another night." He set her from him and chucked her under the chin before he opened the door. Stepping out into the hallway, Matt turned from the apartment and left. Andy's heart hammered in her ears.
Had she chased him off?
Closing the door, she wondered if she had made another mistake by asking him to leave. Sighing loudly, Andy turned back towards the living room where Harper batted at the air with her tiny fists. Plopping down in the chair, Andy put her face in her hands.

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