Chocolate Honey (2 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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Promptly at 6 Julian reported to Christine, “Julian, do you have a problem with me teaching you to read and write?” “No Miss Christine, why are you asking me that?” “Oh nothing, I don’t want to keep you away from Lizzie, at all.” “Lizzie, knows that I am your personal slave and that I have to be at your call, whenever you want.” She was about to inform him of her confrontation with Lizzie, but decided against it. She was sure; Lizzie would not be so insolent with her again. “Miss O’Connor, I read the book that you gave me, I found it so interesting. I am tired as I spent most of the night reading that book.” Suddenly, she found herself further drawn to him, as he told her he read. She wondered what it would feel like to be held and made love to by Julian. “Julian!” She suddenly said, “I am not feeling very well today. Go and be with Lizzie, but I will require you to follow me into town tomorrow.” “Lizzie, is still working in the fields, so I will just go home and wait for her. Oh thank you so much for letting me spend more time with her.” “I am glad I can be of assistance in that area. Bye.” Julian went home cooked a surprise dinner for Lizzie. He wanted to make up for the lost time with her. She came home and was surprised to see him, as she usually arrives at the cabin first. “What are you doing here already? I thought you were assisting Miss Christine today.” “She said she was sick, so she said I could go home instead of back to the fields. You see she means no harm to our love.” Lizzie, thought her confrontation with Christine, must have led to Julian being home early, she must have had an attack of conscience after all. She felt victorious and hoped that Christine O’Connor will keep away from Julian. “Let me wash up and join you. I am so glad; you are here, thank God.” After eating, Lizzie led Julian to their bed and massaged his back, as he felt tense between his shoulders. She used a special brand of “Ambrosia Love Oil” that Julian received as part of his many unexplained gifts from Massa O’Connor. He moaned in pleasure and almost fell asleep as it was very relaxing and soothing to his nerves. He wondered why Lizzie, was so romantic tonight and just surmised that she is happy they could spend some quality time with each other. He returned the favour and massaged her from her head to toes. The massage, plus the aroma of the oil awaken her sensuality. After the massaged they both laid satisfied in each other’s arms. Lizzie wanted to make love but saw that Julian was already sleeping. However, she felt finally at peace and knew that her little talk with Christine must have made the difference in Julian being so attentive to her. He also listened when she spoke. He stopped listening to her ever since he started being Christine’s errand boy. She only regretted that he will have to spend more hours than he wanted to in the fields. That is one sacrifice that he should be willing to make for their relationship.


Meanwhile, Christine found herself in a foul mood, as she knew Julian was with Lizzie and she hated the very thought of her being caressed by Julian. She stormed into the Great House after Julian left. Her father noticed her actions. “Christine, my pet what has gotten you in such a foul mood?” “Nothing, poppa I am just tired that is all, can I just go to my room now? I really am not in the mood to join you for supper tonight.” “My child, don’t you remember that Mr. McClelland will be calling tonight? Christine you have treated this man shamefully! You never invite him to come for tea or supper. Please be available for his visit. I have given you too many liberties, allowing you to be out all night.” “Poppa, I do not wish to speak with that man tonight, please delay his visit for me.” Jim sighed and looked at her over his eyeglasses. “This is one request I will not grant Paul McClelland is a wealthy man and I want you to make him love you enough to marry you; our future rests on the merger of our families.” “Poppa, I am your daughter, not your whore. I do not wish to be with this man, I find him repulsive, why are you forcing me to be with him?” “Listen, girl you will be with Paul McClelland because I said so! Now go and get dressed he will be here within the hour!” “I hate you, Poppa why don’t you find a way to get Paul’s money, you claim you love me, but this is how you show your love to me.” Christine found Paul to be quite unattractive and boorish. He was a red head, about 5’5” tall and weighs about 250 lbs. He was also several years older than her, thirty-five. With that said, Christine stormed off to her room. Jim felt very sad; however, the merger is a necessity for him as he is quickly losing money and he needed a financial partner and McClelland was it.


Christine sat through Paul’s visit with a bored expression, she kept thinking of Julian, and her growing love for him. She imagined being in his arms, kissing and caressing him, she enjoyed the thought as it sustained her through Paul’s boring chatter and his constant attempts to hold her hands. She really resented this man; she felt as if she should just walk out the room. However, she knew her poppa would be extremely furious with her. She prayed for a way out, but knew that she may end up marrying Paul. “Christine, my love, you have been extremely quiet this evening, are you not enjoying my company?” Christine, conjured a fake smile and said sweetly, “Oh honey, I love being with you and hearing you speak, I am just tired. I have been riding most of the day and I was visiting my friends as well.” Her father looked furious, as he wanted Christine to love Paul for the family’s financial sake. He did not care to think of his daughter’s feelings; he just wanted money at all costs. After supper, Christine’s parents retired to bed, leaving her and Paul alone. “Christine, why are you so cool towards me? We made love several weeks ago and you have been cool towards me since then, did I not please you my love?” She laughed scornfully. “You call what you did making love? You spluttered around, collapsed and then fell asleep in two minutes. Plus I feel nothing for you; I was drunk so I fell in your bed, nothing more!” He sneered, “I don’t care, what you think about my abilities in the bed-room, your poppa wants us to be married and it will happen as soon as you start showing me some respect.” “You really are willing to marry me, even though I despise you? You really have a low opinion of yourself. I hate you, don’t you understand?” “I know you hate me, but your family, even though on the brink of being bankrupt has a prominent name and my family needs prestige with money.” “Get out now, I am tired and need to go to bed. I bid you goodnight.” “Christine, I will leave now, not because you said so, but I have to go to home to Louisiana, early tomorrow, your poppa will accompany me. We will start looking into merging our businesses, before you and I are married. He leant over to kiss her; she turned away and he only got to kiss her on the cheek. “Once we are married you will do more than kiss me.”


The next day, Christine urged her mother to have Julian and Lizzie for dinner. Felicia felt it was quite a usual request but complied when Christine insisted. Lizzie, and Julian, arrived on time. Christine noticed that Lizzie was so close to Julian when they walked in. She had difficulty determining where the other began and ended. Lizzie had a smug look on her face, and kept touching and kissing Julian, whenever Felicia was absent from the room. You could tell that Julian was uncomfortable, with Lizzie’s excess show of affection. Christine, felt sick and wondered if her decision to invite them to dinner was such a wise one. I just wanted to see them together, maybe if I see them in love; I will stop salivating over him. During the dinner, Felicia kept asking them, when they will be married. Lizzie bragged that as soon as they have finished reaping the cotton, they will arrange with Jim to be wed. She deliberately looked at Christine, while she was speaking and Christine, wondered what would happen; if she just suddenly told Lizzie to shut up. Lizzie, knew Christine, was aching with jealously each time she kissed Julian. She decided to dig the knife a bit by announcing, “Missus, as soon as Julian and I are married, we will have a child. Soon, you and Mr. O’Connor will have a strong young slave. Julian and I are healthy we sure will make a healthy strong baby.” She smiled and looked tauntingly at Christine. It took Christine every ounce of strength she could find, not to reach across the table and slap the silly grin from Lizzie’s face. Christine, stared intensely at Julian and said, “Lizzie, you must allow me to design your wedding dress. It should be spectacular; after all you are marrying the man of your dreams.” Lizzie cooed and said she’d be delighted to have someone of Christine’s talent and good taste to design her dress. Julian, felt a little perturbed at the phony camaraderie between those two. He knew Lizzie hated Christine, and with each vicious glare Christine sent Lizzie’s way, he confirmed the feeling was mutual. He decided enough was enough, and ended the evening, with an excuse that he is tired and needs his bed.


After dinner, Christine saw Lizzie and Julian to the patio. Julian sent Lizzie ahead; he told her that he has to get instructions from Christine on what she wanted for the next day. “Julian is there something you wanted?” He earlier had thought about Lizzie’s latest outburst on Miss Christine’s motives and wondered if she may be right. Besides he also confirmed that Christine hated Lizzie with every ounce of her being. Could Christine, daughter of a plantation owner, be attracted to him? “Miss Christine, I was wondering about your real reasons for teaching me to read. As well, you are very attentive to me. Forgive me for asking, but are you in love with a free Negro in New York or a slave here in Uber?” Christine chuckled, and ran her fingers through her hair and gazed heaven ward. “What a strange question, why do you ask that of me?” He wanted to look into her eyes when she answered. He felt one’s eyes were the window to their soul and their expression cannot lie. “Julian I am nice to you, as I have been to New York where slavery was abolished several years ago, even before you and I were born. I saw that Negroes were people, capable of having a soul, being hurt and want the same things out of life like the rest of us. Peace, money and happiness. I also share a common bond with you. You see I had a parent who was killed as well. Jim O’Connor is not my real father. My own poppa was killed when I was about three. Momma met Jim when I was about six. I ended up leading a life of luxury; whilst you ended up being in bondage. Plus I was really, really mean to you when we were younger. So does that answer your question?” “I am sorry I asked I was just curious as all. Well goodnight Miss O’Connor.” Christine returned to find Felicia waiting for her. She wondered if Lizzie has been giving Julian any grief about the amount of time, she required his services. Also, it would be her worst nightmare if Julian thought for an instant that she was in love with him. I have strong feelings for the man but I am not in love with him. Julian was as sexy as hell, about 6’2”, he had muscles, not too muscular though, and his skin was smooth and dark like chocolate. When he smiled he had dimples that you could swim in. His eyes stood out the most for her; they are large, deep hazel brown, surrounded by thick eyelashes. His eyes always had the look as if he had just finished making love a dreamy look. Not to mention those lips of his, they are full and ripe and she wondered what it must be like to kiss them, to suck on them. Must be nice she thought. Plus his voice, was so deep, every time he speaks she gets goose bumps. God, why did you have to make him so tempting? And why am I falling for him? He is a slave and it would mean death to him and shame to me if I ever followed through on my feelings for him. Gotta put those thoughts aside, but how can I do that? “Christine, Christine!” “Yes momma, what is it?” “I have been calling you three times already, you are so lost in your thoughts, and you did not hear me once!” “I am sorry, I was really lost there for a minute, but I am back now.” “Were you thinking of Paul? He will be back soon.” “Momma, the only thought I have of Paul is him being run over by a pack of wild horses!” “Well from the smile on your face, you were thinking about a man, you are obviously in love with. As far as I know, Paul is the only one courting you now, is he?” “Of course he is the only one courting me momma, whatever do you think of me?” “Oh alright my child. You know you have not been treating Paul very well. The future of our family rests on you marrying him. Please, try and love him. I know he is repulsive but he has money; in time you will be able to stomach him.” “Momma, I hate what poppa is trying to do. I cannot stand Paul; he makes me want to vomit each time I see him. Ooh I am going to bed, I no longer wish to speak of that man!” “One thing before you go to bed, why did you invite Julian and Lizzie to dinner?” “No reason, mama, I invited them as it does ease the conscience a little to know that the reason, we live so comfortably is that Negroes are in chains. It’s good to be kind to them once in a while. Goodnight momma.” Felicia did not believe Christine’s explanation and began to worry about her daughter. She noted that Christine was very uncomfortable at dinner, especially when Lizzie and Julian held hands. Could my precious child be in love with this slave? I really hope not. She decided that she will speak with Jim, Christine must be happy at all costs. I must fix this.


“Jim my love, I have a proposal for you, one that you may find interesting.” Jim answered irritably, “What could you say to be of possible interest to me? You have not exactly been the source of great thought before my darling.” Felicia, decided to ignore his latest insult and continued, “You know Ruth McGregor, the old plantation mistress from Gueber?” “Yes I know of her, what does your proposal have to do with that old biddy?” “Well, she just got two new young slaves, around 16 and 17, strong directly from Africa. I heard she wants to trade or sell them for a good seamstress. I was thinking you could exchange Lizzie for them. What do you think?” “I can’t do that, Felicia, from what I know isn’t she supposed to be getting married to that boy, Christine has taken under her wings, er Julian something.” “Yes, but he may discard of her, where is the possibility of them making babies, for you to use? Think of the here and now Jim, those two young bucks are strong, hard workers...think of the money you can add to what you have now.” “I cannot, separate slaves who are engaged to be married, it is against my principles! I may be a slave owner, but once they are engaged, I always try to accommodate their needs.” He bragged, “That is why I am better than most plantation masters in that way.” “And I am proud of you my love, but think of the here and now and the money you will make with those new slaves.” “I have to think about this Felicia, I will let you know by dawn.” “I only hope your answer will be favourable.” Felicia awoke the next day with high hopes. As the sun rose, she flew into Jim’s room, and asked if he has made a decision about getting rid of Lizzie. He barked and told her, no as he will not separate two slaves destined to marry. Felicia relentlessly, tried to make Jim have a change of heart, as each passing day; she is more aware that Christine was hopelessly in love with Julian. She was also getting, pretty sick and tired of Lizzie; she would gaze lovingly at Julian. She was always hugging and kissing him anytime Christine was around. They were like two love birds. Days and even weeks passed by, and still Jim would not change his position. Felicia, decided enough was enough when, Lizzie and Julian started making plans for their wedding, which was two weeks, away.

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