Chocolate Honey (3 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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Christine, on the other hand, had a tough time staving off Paul’s advances for sex. One day, they were sitting on the patio, and he started brushing against her. “C’mon, Christine, I want to feel myself inside you. I promise, I will bathe and satisfy you this time.” Christine, felt her stomach churning in disgust and fought to keep from vomiting. She took deep breaths in an effort, to calm her nerves. “Paul.” she said, sweetly, “When our wedding day, comes I promise that I will make our honeymoon night, one you will never forget. But for now, let’s concentrate on getting to know each other. Okay?” She could see the look of disappointment in his eyes. She convinced him, that it is sweeter to make love to the woman; he will be spending the rest of his live with. He seemed to have bought, her argument as he never attempted to pressure her for sex, for the rest of his tiresome visit.


Chapter 2


Lizzie’s Sale


Jim at long last, succumbed to Felicia’s suggestion that he sell Lizzie. He decided that money was better than preserving the love of two slaves. Plus Felicia made him aware of one disturbing fact. That information motivated him to get rid of Lizzie immediately. He contacted Ruth, who immediately agreed to exchange her new slaves for Lizzie. Felicia was very pleased by the turn of events and hoped she made the right decision. It was hard to accept, but she knew Christine was in love with Julian, God help her. “I am prepared to do anything to ensure my daughter’s happiness.” She said out loud. She felt Chris needed an affair. A real man to make love to her, beyond her wildest dreams. Maybe, she prayed Christine, will get over Julian, once she is married to Paul. In the meantime she will allow her daughter to love and be loved. She hated Jim for forcing that despicable man on her daughter, for the sake of greed and power. She decided not to tell Christine that she influenced greedy Jim to get rid of Lizzie.


“NO, NO don’t take me away please! I am engaged to be married to my darling Julian, please nooo... please!” Christine was near the slave’s quarters, when the commotion started. “What is going on?” “Lizzie’s done been sold, Miss O’Connor; they is taking her away from her Julian.” Replied a middle-aged slave. Could the day get any worst Christine thought, it was already grey and rainy, why does this have to happen today?! Julian was screaming that it is a mistake, as Jim O’Connor, never separates slaves once they are to be married. No matter how he and Lizzie protested, she was still being placed in chains to be taken away. Christine ran to get her poppa to put a stop to this obvious error. She found him seated in their dining area. “Poppa, poppa, come quickly, Lizzie is

being taken away, this is a mistake you have to put a stop to it!” “It is no mistake my pet. I have exchanged Lizzie, for two new slaves from Ruth McGregor. Those two will help me get money I need. So I am afraid, I will not put a stop to her being taken away.” Christine was frustrated by his reply, “Money, money, is that all you care about, it is not enough that you keep these people in bondage. Now you are going to take away the only happiness they both know. Poppa, please, please get them to release Lizzie, please.” “No, this is one request that I am going to refuse to give you my darling, I am sorry.” “You are a bastard and I am ashamed to call you poppa. I am going to see if Julian is ok and I am never speaking to you again!” Jim, spoke hard and fast, “I am beginning to be sorry I sent you to school in New York, you have become a slave loving little fool. Heed no mind to Julian and concentrate on becoming, Paul McClelland’s blushing bride, you hear me?” “Go, to hell Jim O’Connor, I HATE YOU.” With that she stormed off to Julian’s cabin, where the crowd has been dispersed. On her way she thought, what a day to choose to sell Lizzie, a Sunday, a bleakly one at that, when lovers stay indoors and enjoyed each other’s company. Julian must be dying inside, she only hoped she could offer some form of comfort to him.


“Julian, Julian how are you coping? I am so sorry about what poppa did. I tried to get

him to reverse this injustice, but he only rebuffed my efforts.” “You are such a liar. You

convinced him to sell my Lizzie to be with me!” Christine was shocked beyond words, and only stood shaking her head in disbelief. “Remember, when I asked if you were in love with a slave or freed coloured in New York. I asked you that as I suspected you might be in love with me! I looked into your eyes when you gave your reply, from them I knew you were lying!” “It’s not true, I did not ask poppa to sell Lizzie, and I would never do that. How dare you accuse me of such a despicable thing?” “Liar, do you think that I would ever touch you? Not even if my life depended on it. You had Lizzie sold because of lust for me. I hate you so much. Just go to hell and let me be!” Christine, slapped him so hard, he staggered backwards. He raised his hand to where it hurt and gritted his teeth while his tears fell. He showed so much hate for her in that moment; she became very afraid. “How dare you speak to me in that manner? I could have you hanged you bastard!” Julian growled, and then said, “I don’t care if I live or die from this point on. You made your poppa sell Lizzie and I will always hate you. Now get out of here, ‘fore I do something we both will regret.” She raised her hand to slap him again. This time, however, he caught her arm. “Don’t you ever slap me again. I will never give you the chance to hit me and get away with it. I...Hate..You.!” Suddenly, he pulled her close as if he wanted to kiss her, she pressed her breasts against him, as he lowered his head. She felt, heat rising in her loins and her breathing became rapid. However, instead of kissing her, he said, “I will never, ever, love you, I hate you now more than being in bondage. I now know for sure you desire me, you will never get the satisfaction, of feeling me inside you, touching, stroking.. feeling. You don’t deserve me. Now..Go..To..Hell.” With that he laid on his bed, and turned his back to her. She left the cabin, in the pouring rain, she did not feel rain drops, as her own rain, fell inside and outside of her. She felt like dying, Julian, the man she loves and desires so much, hated her as much as she loved him.


Every day, since the last two weeks, that Lizzie was sold, Julian made life a living hell for Christine. It reached the point where during their lesson; he decided not to follow through on any of the assignments that she had given to him. He insulted her with every chance he got. It was as if, he wanted her to report him, so he could be punished, or be removed from her existence. She tried very hard, not to let him get to her. She loved him now more than ever, plus she attributed his ill temper to him mourning the loss of his love. However, after the third week, she decided that his ill treatment and insults had to end. Christine decided she had to speak with him. She waited until the slaves returned to their cabins, and went to see Julian. “What do you want of me? I still hate you. I don’t know why you are punishing me by still having me, do your errands. Set me free from your presence and let me be.” “Shut, the hell up! and hear me now, turn around and look at me!” Julian turned and saw that Christine is a force to be reckoned with and decided to

back down. A little. “I am looking, now
” “I told, you, three weeks ago, that I did not influence poppa to sell, your precious, little twit. Yeah, I said twit, don’t look so shocked. I did not tell poppa to sell her. You look at me. Do you think I am lying?” “I really, don’t give a fuck! you are lying now as you were then.” After, looking at Christine for a few minutes, he decided to calm down and really look at her. From the look in her eyes, he knew she was not lying. “Julian, please believe me, I did not do what I am being accused of. I admit, I love you. But, I would never stoop so low as to get rid of my competition in that manner.” He finally said, “I believe you, I am so lost and empty without her. She was my companion, my lover and my friend. What will I do without her Miss Christine?” She looked at him and realised she was truly in love with loved him, and do not know what her next steps will be. “I just wish, I could get a letter to her, to let her know, I still loved her with all my heart and am praying, we will get back together soon. I tried to get a pass to go to Ruth’s plantation to see her, but somehow my request was denied.” “Julian, please write that letter, I will personally deliver it to Lizzie, do you still have any pen and paper lying around?” “You would do that, even though you said, you loved me?” She softly answered, “If this will make you happy, then yes I will see what I can do ok.” After he completed the letter, he said, “Christine, before you leave, err can I call you Christine? Anyway, I appreciate that you love me, you are kind and wonderful human being. Please understand, I cannot return the same now, I am still mourning Lizzie. Plus I am a slave, it would be impossible for us to be together.” He smiled as he spoke, there goes those sexy dimples, she thought. God, please help me. “I will pray that my feelings for you will cease one day, I know it is impossible for us to be together. Oh God, why is life so unfair? I am about to be wed to one of the most disgusting human being on the face of this earth.” She realised, she was steering, the conversation to her pain and decided to be quiet. “I am sorry, I will get that letter to Lizzie for you ok.” “Christine, I appreciate your help, one more thing, I would like to continue receiving lessons from you.” She squeezed, his hands and left. She rode to the McGregor estates and found Lizzie, she was being instructed on her job function. “Christine, how are you doing my child, good to see you.” Ruth was an elderly white haired woman, with kind features. “I am fine, if you don’t mind, I would like to speak with Lizzie alone.” “Whatever, for my dear? she is just a slave, what do you have in common with her?” “Please, Mrs. McGregor, I just need a few minutes of her time.” “Oh, ok but only for a few minutes, this girl has a lot of work to do today.” With that she left the room, as soon as she was out of ear shot, Lizzie spoke, “What the hell are you doing here? Come to gloat. Opened your legs for my Julian as yet?” “Let me ignore that ignorant and crass remark, I have a letter from Julian for you, you idiot.” She grabbed the letter, so hard, Christine almost received a paper cut. “How kind of you, Christine, don’t expect any halos.” “You, know, you are an insolent, bitch, I don’t know what he sees in you!” “Something that he does not see in you.” “Hurry and read the letter. I promised him I would wait for your reply.” As she read the letter, she started to sob, Christine wondered if Julian ended their relationship in his letter. “Julian explained in his letter, that you did not get O’Connor to sell me. He said he still loved me, now more than ever.” Christine, flinched at Julian’s words. However, wondered if Julian’s letter would make Lizzie less harsh to her. That hope was dashed by Lizzie’s next remarks. “But I still think you are a bitch as I know you want to get with him. He wants me to be kind to you; he also said you are teaching him. That explains his writing me. Guess you want your niggers educated huh?” Christine, stomped her foot in frustration at Lizzie’s complete disregard for her feelings. “You know I could stay here and argue with you Lizzie, but I won’t, just tell me if you have any message for Julian.” “Could you please tell him, to meet me at the next barn dance on Sunday, you do not need to get any more personal information than that. Anyway, thank you for teaching him to read, once we are free, he can get a job as a clerk, instead of a manual labourer.” “I will deliver your message, do have a good day, and witch!”


“Julian, my darling, so she did deliver the message! You are looking as scrumptious as ever.” Julian kissed her passionately in his reply. He spun her around, inspecting her. “God, I missed you.” “I wish we could run away together. Think Ruth will miss me? I am still aching, from you being taken from you. I wish, I could close my eyes and turn back time.” They kissed for a few minutes, and then Lizzie said, “You think, we could go behind the barn and be intimate? I have a few condoms!” “Aren’t you scared someone will see us?” “No, they are all, busy, come I need you.” To get him in the mood, Lizzie, started to stroke, his penis and felt its need. She quickly, slipped it out and placed the condom on it. He pushed her back against the barn and wrapped her legs around his waist. He entered her and they both rode the highway to heaven, he had to put his hand over her mouth to stifle her moans, whilst he bit hard on his tongue to stifle his. After about fifteen minutes, he had one of the most wonderful orgasms ever, and then hers came and her face contorted something beautiful. May be it was the fact that they did it in the open. They both felt that it was the most fulfilling love making they ever had and promised to meet each Sunday for more of the same.


“Hey, how was your time with Lizzie, last night? I guess you both did a lot of catching up?” “Daniel, you could say that and more. I never knew how much I missed her until now. We promised that we would meet each Sunday at the barn. I am praying that Massa will have an attack of conscience and re-purchase her.” “Don’t hold your breath, that man is as greedy as they come. Hey stop talking here comes the overseer.” “Julian, come with me, Miss O’Connor is asking for you.” “But this is earlier, than her usual time, you sure?” “Don’t ask, no questions, come with me!” They found Christine waiting in the stables. She smiled happily when she saw Julian. “You must have had a wonderful time, I came by your cabin, around 11 PM and you were not around, lovely evening with Lizzie?” “Yes, it was good seeing her again. We danced the hours away.” He did not look at her, when he spoke, for some reason he felt guilty about being with Lizzie in her presence. “That was all you did, dance?” Julian softly replied, “Nothing much else we could do. Did you want me for something else Christine?” She stood, there and looked at him for a good minute, it was as if she was trying to read him, as she knew he was not telling everything about his time with Lizzie, and she wondered what else they did. She, however, decided to let the issue rest, no sense in trying to find out more, when it could only cause pain. “No, nothing else, just wanted to hear how your evening went. You can go back to the fields now. We will meet at the usual time for your lessons, ok?”

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