Chocolate Honey (6 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Spence

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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It was about 3:30 AM, when Julian awoke to Christine shaking him in panic. “Julian, its 6 am, we overslept, and you have to go now!” “Christine, darling look at the clock on the wall it is only 3:30 AM, look it is still dark out. Relax okay.” “Are you sure, I mean it feels like we have been asleep for hours.” “Hmm, I love you, so much right now, panicky and all. We should remain awake, until I am ready to leave. Let’s cuddle and talk okay

sweetheart.” Christine, breathed a heavy sigh of relief, God I was so sure we were gonna get caught. I don’t know what I would have done. “God, Julian, I felt a hole in the pit of my stomach, I was sure it was six in the morning. Thank you for calming me. How did you sleep?” “I slept, fine, but then I have a beautiful and alluring woman, beside me. Your warmth and presence aided my sleep.” She laughed and snuggled to him a bit closer. “You are an aid to me getting my beauty sleep too my darling. Let me ask you something. Did God, say to your momma, Heedi I am gonna make your boy, extremely handsome and sexy? You are the most appealing and irresistible man I have ever met. Plus, you are so intelligent. Makes me horny and proud, each time I see you with a

book.” “Yeah, I heard mama used to brag, when I was born, that I was the sweetest baby, alive! I know, you find me irresistible when I have a book. Why do you think, I am always reading when you are in my cabin?” “That’s why you always seem to be reading whenever, I visit you. You are so wicked!” Julian, sighed and rub his hands, up and down the nape of Christine’s neck, she moaned in pleasure and pulled him towards her for a passionate kiss. He returned her kiss with equal intensity. He rubbed between her legs and found, she was moist and ready for him. His, trailed kisses her from her lips, down her belly, found her pleasure chest and feasted on her. After few minutes of mind numbing pleasure. Christine felt as if she would truly loose her mind, as the emotions that she felt, were so intense, she felt as she was floating skywards, all she could do from, moaning too loud from her orgasm is to bite her tongue and gave soft little whimpers instead. She returned the loving Julian, gave her. Trailed kisses along his entire body, lingering at his penis and gave him pleasure he never knew. “Ahh, O God Christine, I love you, please, please don’t stop. I am coming...Oh God, I love you so” After they finished pleasuring each other they laid satisfied in front of the roaring fire, which paled in comparison to the fire and passion they were both feeling. “Its, so nice to lay here and cuddle after making love. Julian, you get so much better each time.” She thought, God so much pleasure, I won’t pee straight for days. “You are right, it is so much better than making love at the side of a damn barn.” “That is one of your pet peeves, isn’t it?” “Yep, I am one of the few men alive, who likes to cuddle and talk after making love. Daniel and the others, look at me as if I am crazy when I tell them that. Just fuck ‘em and leave ‘em, is their philosophy.” “That is why I love you, you are so different, than other men.” “Maybe, because, I have been raised, by strong Negro women, who always taught me. Women are to be loved and cherished. I love women and feel they are unique.” “Jules, I have something to share with you. I am so scared you may not love me anymore, after I tell you this.” Julian, sighed and scooted over to Christine and kissed her softly. “I can never stop loving you, I can only love you more not less.” “I love you, you know that right? I just hope---.” “Chris, what’s the matter, please tell me what is troubling you.”

“Julian, you ever wondered why I look the way I do? I mean my skin tone, full lips and a

nice bum.” “I never, wondered about that, all I know you are the most beautiful woman on earth.” “You always know what to say. Jules. I fear I am not fully white.” A look of confusion, flashed across his face. “Not fully white, how is that possible? You look white, blue eyes, straight nose, I don’t understand.” “Remember, I told you, Jim is not my real father? My real father was Italian and Negro. He looked white though, momma

never knew, until after she fell in love with him. His poppa, my grandfather was Italian, who kept one of his slaves as his mistress.” “Christine, I never knew. How long have you known?” “Momma, told me when she visited me at school, I was about fourteen then, I was in shock for weeks, she told me as she felt, it was time I knew.” “Do you remember you poppa at all?” “Barely, I was so young when he died. I remember he usually hoist me above his shoulders whenever he came from work. He and momma were always kissing, they really must have loved each other.” “I never got to know my father or mother. I sometimes daydream about being free and growing up as a child with both of them around. I dislike my father for selling me, when that evil woman begged him to take

her back. I just wish....” He felt as if his insides were churning inside out, whenever he spoke of his spineless father. Julian rested his head on Christine’s chest and felt her love for him literally oozing from her breast. I feel so connected with Christine, I wonder if she is my soul mate. “Julian, I know what you wished, happened you wanted your poppa to keep you. I know it’s painful being a slave and I know this is a terrible moment to say this; but if you were not a slave, we would not have met.” “I think, God wanted us to be together, He would have found a way for us to meet, and I truly believe so. I hate being a slave so much.” “Oh, my sweet chocolate honey, we will be free soon. My friends in

New York are planning to take us to New York in a week’s time. All we have to do is ensure your safe escape.” “I will be praying for freedom to come soon. Hey look at the time, it’s almost five, I have to go now. It’s almost time for everyone to get up.”


Christine, saw him to the door. Just as she closed the door, Felicia appeared at the foot of the staircase. She spoke in an accusatory tone, “Christine, why were you closing the front door at this ungodly hour?” “Momma, what are you doing up, came for more liquor?” “Christine, I hate your insolence sometimes, I heard sounds from this room and I wanted to find out what was happening. You did not answer my question.” “Why should I? Am I

not free to step outside? Remember I am your daughter, not your slave.” “You, have been having severe mood swings lately. First you are extremely, unhappy then you display a complete change to happiness. What is the matter with you?” “Momma, please why are you always so dramatic? I am fine, can I go back to my room now?” Felicia, let out and exasperated sigh. “Fine, I hate it when you are like this. You better display a better attitude towards Paul, he and Jim are expected back in a few days. This time next month you and Paul will be married!” On hearing Felicia’s words, Christine, vomited then fainted. Minutes later she awoke to smelling salts being wafted across her nose. Saw that her momma and Bessie were both sitting on her bed. They both wore worried expressions. “Momma, what happened? I don’t remember coming to my room.” “My child you threw up, then fainted whilst I was speaking with you. We have to get a doctor to examine you, you are not well.” Christine, struggled to sit up, and suddenly started to

sob. She remembered why she fainted; it was because Felicia said the most hateful words

in the English language. Paul and I will be married, by next month. Oh God, I hope my friends in New York will arrive in time and rescue Julian and me from this hell hole! “Momma, I will be fine, I must have eaten something foul. I am fine no need to get the doctor. Momma please don’t look at me like that. Could you leave Bessie and I alone for a minute.” “Whatever, for my dear, I am your momma not Bessie.” “Momma, please she was my nanny and I want to talk with her alone.” “Oh alright, but I am upset, if you need someone to talk to it should be me. I will be outside. “Thank you momma, just a few minutes ok.” “Miss Christine, what is it my child?” “Bessie, thank you so much for the dinner you cooked. Julian and I enjoyed every bite. He slept here you know.” Bessie, suddenly, had a worried look on her face. “You, two have to be more careful, what if the Missus had seen you? I love you babies as you my own. Don’t tempt trouble, knows you love that boy, but be careful, you hear.” “I love you so much Bessie, we are planning to leave and I wanted this chance, to tell you I love you, sometimes even more than my momma!” Bessie, started to cry, “Leave to where baby? I am gonna long for you both.” Christine sighed and took Bessie’s hands in her own, “Bessie, I am carrying Jules’ child. I will start showing soon, so I can’t stay here.” “Oh Lord, hav murcy, you pregnant? Oh my baby, you really need to go then.” “Bessie, we may end up in New York or Connecticut. As soon as we are settled I will ask them to rescue you.” Bessie hugged and rocked Christine, both were crying and held each other for dear life.” “Chile, I too old and weary to escape this life. I will pray for you both. May God hav murcy on you and Julian.” Felicia, tapped at the door. “Christine, it is time for Bessie, to start her chores, be quick.” “My chile, I have to go now, your momma getting upset, please be careful.” “I love you Bessie, never will I forget you.” Christine decided that she will stay in her room, until it was time to see Julian. At around 8 in the evening, Felicia came into Christine’s room and spoke. “Christine, I have notice that have you put on a little weight. It is not usual for us O’Connor women to get fat. You should do something about that new weight. I can send you away, to get that fat off, disgraceful! Did I fail you as a momma? If you are not careful your Poppa will see and get real upset!” Christine had just about enough that she could stand. “Momma, I have put on weight, because I am pregnant!” Felicia was stunned and speechless for once. She said in a hard voice, “What do you mean you are pregnant?” She shook, Christine with such force, she fell backwards. “I am pregnant as when you have SEX and become pregnant.” “I know how one becomes, pregnant you insolent girl! You are pregnant with the Negro’s baby aren’t you, aren’t you?” Christine, was shocked and could only blurt out, “How did you know I have been seeing him? You never pay any attention to me.” “I know more, than you think Christine! I have seen the way you look at him; I have seen you sneaking off to be with him. You have to leave this place, Christine; your father will kill you. It is good he is away all week. I will give you some money but I will have to tell your father about this matter, don’t look at me like that I have to let him know.” “Momma, I want Julian to be with me!” Felicia did not reply but barked at Bessie to fetch Julian, “I am going to kill that boy.” she muttered. Julian came as quickly as he could, what he saw made him tremble with fear. Felicia was boiling mad, she had turn three shades of red and shot

daggers at him. He saw that Christine was in a fetal position and was sobbing

uncontrollably. Felicia stomped over to Julian and slapped him, with such force that he stumbled. Julian’s face stung, he balled his fists, trying to control his sudden rage. He felt as if he wanted to return her slap. But he collected his emotions and remembered he’d never hit a woman. “Missus, why did you hit me? What have I done?” Before she could answer, Christine, jumped off her bed and flew into Felicia’s face, she was about to claw her eyes, out for slapping Julian, but he held her arms back. “Jules, why are you holding my arms? She had no right in hell to slap you!” “You, insolent ungrateful, wretch. How could you try to hit me? I could have raised a stink about Julian impregnating you. But I haven’t
. As a matter of fact, I will report this to the overseer to confine this boy, until Jim returns, so we may try him and hang him.” Julian suddenly realised why Felicia slapped him and started praying for his life. Christine cried, “Momma, no! Please don’t do this. Julian is my life. I love him so much; if you do this you will destroy me.” She was shaking as she spoke, and ran to Julian and kissed him passionately to Felicia’s utter astonishment. “Momma, Julian makes my life complete, I kiss him and I feel whole. He strokes me and my soul jumps for joy. I talk with him and I feel so much love. Momma, remember how you loved my daddy even when you learnt he was part Negro?” “Christine, I told you never to breathe anything about your heritage to anyone!” “Momma, stop dreaming. I am Negro and you are afraid to admit it. Julian knows. Please momma, don’t let them hurt him. If you do, I’ll run away and never speak with you for the rest of my life.” Felicia knew by Christine’s tone and gaze that she meant every word she spoke. How can I risk losing my daughter forever or betraying Jim. How can I? “Christine, do you know that you are asking me to betray your poppa? He wants you to be married to Paul for our financial survival. How can you ask me to allow you and Julian safe passage? All I can do is allow you to abort this child. I will then try to convince Jim to sell this boy. We will both never breathe a word of this to anyone, ever!” “Momma, your solution is not good enough. I will never abort my child; neither will I be separated from Julian. You have to facilitate our escape. That is the only way.” “Look, I did not tell you to spread your damn legs open for this nigger, you will agree to my terms, so his life can be saved or I will let the overseer, know and he will be hanged.” Christine’s, features became hard and deadly. She had fire in her eyes and danger in her heart as she spoke. “Momma,
I want to leave this place with Julian.
If you make them hang him, then both you and I will die. I swear I will reveal our little secret to poppa. You know he is a bigot to the core of his being. He wouldn’t take kindly to know he was duped into raising a part nigger, me now would he?” “You, cold hearted girl, you run away and our family will be ruined.” “Momma, if I got married to Paul, I would either kill him or myself. I won’t be happy trapped in a loveless marriage and you know it! Allow me to leave with Julian.” Felicia, saw she was now, being presented with a choice of between the devil and the deep blue sea. She thought for a couple minutes and said. “You have to let Becky accompany you both. It won’t look proper for a Negro and a woman, travelling alone. At least when you are asked about, you can say you are businesswomen, travelling with your slave. No more bargaining Christine. I realise that you love this boy immensely and I now regret, that I did not have knowledge of this before it was too late.” “Thank you momma, I love you and won’t forget that you spared my family today.” Felicia, never replied and left the room. Christine let out a sigh of relief and hugged Julian, for dear life. He joked, “I never, knew you could be so deadly, Christine, please remind me never to get on your bad side.” “Julian, I had to assume an evil side. Had to save you and us. Hope you don’t think I am a cruel person.” “I don’t think any less of you my darling, the missus was being unreasonable. We all have to rely on our dark sides once in a while.” “I would never tell poppa, I‘m part black. I had to scare some sense into her though.” Christine, kissed him and reminded him that they have to pack, until Becky arrives.

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