Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series)
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“Can’t we go back to bed, just for a little?”

“Nope, I need to shower and go into the shop for a little. Then I’ll come back home and take you out.”

“Mmm, that sounds good. Go home and take that shower so I can go back to sleep.”

“You’re incorrigible, Etty.”

“Yes, I know. That’s what you love about me.”

Love…did she just say love? Do I love her? Shit…piss...fuck.
I like her—a lot—but love isn’t something I’ve ever even considered before. I’m not the type of man to love another person, let alone a woman. I need to get out of here and think before my heart pounds out of my chest.

“Umm, well I guess I’ll head home and get ready. Keep your phone on you and I’ll text you later.”

“Okay, I’ll be here.”

Sitting up and stepping off of the bed, I pull on my jeans and grab my cap. My legs feel weak as I run down the stairs and over to the other side of the house.

Linc is sitting on the couch when I walk through the door.

“Hey, man. Did you two have a nice sleepover again last night?” he asks before taking a sip of coffee from his Batman mug.

“Not now, man,” I reply, walking through the living room and into the kitchen.

I need my caffeine fix; that might be why I’m feeling the way I am right now.
That has to be it…right?

“What’s crawled up your ass and died? I get that you’re not a morning person, but seriously, what gives?”

Shaking my head, I look to him and scowl.

“Aww, did you wake up on the wrong side of the couch again?” Linc asks with a laugh.

“Fucking hell, Linc, I said not now. What’s up with you pushing my shit lately?”

Turning my back to him, I reach in the cabinet for a mug.

“I’m just messing with you, Dault; you’re the one who’s been wound up so tight the past two days.”

I hit the brew button on the Keurig and lean my elbows on the counter, waiting for my coffee.

“Spill it, man, you need to get it out.”

“Fine, but let me get some coffee in me first.”

Pulling my mug to my mouth, I take a sip of the scalding hot liquid.

“Fuck, that’s hot.”

Linc lets out another laugh, “No shit, dickhead, you just brewed it. Now talk. I gotta get a shower and we don’t have much time ‘til we gotta go.”

“I’m probably just overreacting; you gotta figure I’m clueless when it comes to this shit.”

Looking at me like I’ve grown another head, he takes a seat at the table.

“Go on,” he urges.

“So we were lying in bed…”

He raises his hand, mug to his mouth.

“Wait, in bed…whoa, man, that’s a
step from the couch.”

Slamming my hand down on the counter, I give him the look of death.

“You suck ass. Anywho, while we were lying there, Etty made a comment. It was about blah blah blah that’s what I love about her.”

I pause for a moment and look to Linc for something, anything to let me know that I’m not going crazy.

He falls to the floor in a fit of laughter. Acting like a goddamn idiot, he rolls around, continuing his hysterics.

“You know, for a best friend, you’re
lousy at being there for me when I need you.”

Rolling onto his back he looks at me and sits up.

“Sorry, Dault, it’s all just too funny. Do I think you’re nuts…yes! Do I think you’re overreacting…yes! What she said is just a figure of speech, nothing to get your panties in a bunch.”

Sitting down at the table, I let out a sigh of relief and take a sip of my coffee.

“I feel like such a moron. All of this is a giant cluster fuck and I’m scared that I’m going to lose her before we’ve even started anything.”

Moving from the floor, Linc takes a seat at the table across from me.

“It’s not that hard, Dault, just go with it. Follow your gut and you’ll be fine. You two have a chemistry that I’ve never seen come out of you. There’s no doubt that you two could make this thing work, just give it time.”

“Yeah, I know. Hey, by the way, I’m going to leave early tonight. I don’t have anyone set after my three o’clock appointment and I want to do something with her other than sit at her house and fall asleep.”

“Sounds good, man. Steve and Cliff will cover the shop, no problem. I need to get this arm working again so that I can get back in my chair.”

“Agreed, we need you back to work. Get your shit together and fix that arm.”

Gulping down the rest of my coffee, I move back to the kitchen and toss the mug into the dishwasher.

“I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick. I’ll meet you back down here and we’ll head out.”

“Good plan. And hey, just chill with the whole moron thing. It’ll all work out.”

Nodding my head in his direction, I make my way through the living room and upstairs.

I feel better knowing that there’s nothing more to Etty’s words other than my own mind playing tricks on me.

This shit is going to be harder than I thought. I’m so used to being the lead in my sexcapades and now I feel like I’m becoming the follow in my first ever

Hell no, no more of that. I want this and I told Etty I would do anything to make this work. Tonight, I’ll show her that I can be the guy she wants and needs.

Now I just have to figure out what the hell we’re going to do.

What do couples do in Birmingham? Do they go out to dinner? To a movie? Oh no, that’s what she just did with Christian. I can’t do that.

Fuck me.

I need to know this shit.

Maybe I’ll ask the guys, not like they’ll be much help since none of them have girlfriends but Linc.

Gahh, I’m not screwing this up. I will make this the best date night Etty has ever been on…somehow.

Pulling my cell out of my pocket, I call Ashley; she’ll know what to do.


Chapter 22

I’ve been anxiously waiting for tonight all day, more so than I’ve ever wanted something before.

I know that it’s just a night out, no big deal, right? Maybe it’s the fact that we’re actually going out in public as a couple. I mean, we’ve spent enough time together, it’s just been behind closed doors.

I don’t know what to expect; Dault isn’t the kind of guy to wine and dine a girl. This is all new to him, so I have to figure that he has something up his sleeve; I just don’t know what it is.

I can’t get over how much he’s putting into this. It’s adorable. I just hope he doesn’t put too much pressure on himself.

Sitting on the couch, my legs start to bounce and my hands become clammy. This is ridiculous; I’ve been around Dault, so there’s no reason I should be feeling this way.

I jump when a car door slams outside.

Deep breaths, Etty, this is no big deal. It’s just a night out with Dault.
It’s not like I’ve never gone out on a date before.

A knock sounds at the door and I stand on wobbly legs.

Smoothing my hands down my black skirt, I move to the door and turn the knob. Standing before me is my guy and he looks amazing in dark jeans that hang from his hips, a red Ominous t-shirt and hat with black Chucks.

My eyes scan back up his body as he pulls a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. A smile creeps along my face as I gaze into his eyes.

“Hi,” he says, taking a step forward and handing me the flowers.

“Hi yourself, thank you for my flowers.”

Coming into the house, he leans down and kisses my forehead. Butterflies fill my stomach as I turn from him and carry my bouquet into the kitchen.

Opening up the cabinets, I search for something to put the flowers in…
hmm, there’s nothing.

“What are you looking for?” Dault asks, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I lean my head back against his firm chest, closing my eyes as I relax into his body.


My eyes open and I suddenly remember what I was doing. Shifting my body from his, I shut the cabinet and turn around to face him.

“Umm, yeah, sorry, I was just looking for something to put these in,” I respond, holding up the flowers and then setting them down on the counter.

A feeling starts to take over from my toes, through my body, and up into the hairs on my head. Our bodies are mere inches apart and I so badly want him to kiss me—not just peck me on the forehead, my nose, or my lips—I want a

He looks down at me, staring at my mouth while licking his lips. Blocking me in against the counter, he places both hands on either side of my body and leans in, pressing his lips to mine.

Stepping up on my tiptoes, I wrap my arms around his neck and open my lips to deepen the kiss.

Bolts of electricity shoot through me as his tongue glides against mine. He pulls back to nip at my lip and a moan escapes me. Stepping back, our mouths still connected, he scoops his hands beneath my ass and lifts me onto the counter. Allowing him to move in closer, I spread my legs. He wraps his arms around me, our bodies now flush against the other. My hands run up the back of his shirt, my fingers touching every defined muscle.

He pulls away for a second, both of us panting, wanting more. His piercing blue eyes stare into mine as his tongue sweeps out, licking the seam along his lips. An aching sensation begins to pull at my core.
I want him so badly…is that wrong?
At this fucking point, if it is, I really don’t care.

“We should probably go,” he says, stepping away from me.

“Ugh, do we have to? I was kinda enjoying what we were doing right here.”

“Yeah, so was I and I know better—if we keep this up, we won’t leave this house. I have a night planned out for us, so let’s go.”

He reaches for my hand, helping me hop down off of the countertop.

With a pout on my face, I pull him next to me and step up on my toes to kiss his lips.

“Fine, since you’ve planned out this amazing night we’ll go.”

“That’s my girl; I promise you’ll have fun. At least I hope you will.”

“I’m sure I will, I’ve been waiting for this all day.”

“No pressure,” he responds with a laugh, walking me out of the kitchen, through the living room, and out to the car.

Opening the car door, he gestures for me to get in. I slide myself along the leather seat and cross my hands on my lap while he shuts the door. My eyes follow him as he walks in front of the car. I can’t help but smile when I see the giant grin on his face. He looks so happy and I can’t get over that I’m the one making him feel this way.

The driver’s side door swings open and the car shifts as he slides onto his seat. Closing the door, he turns and looks at me for a few moments before leaning in and capturing my lips with his for a sweet kiss.

“Tonight is the start of everything for us. I know I’ve said this before, but I want to do whatever I can to let you know that I want this. This night is all about you and showing you what I want from you. I can’t change overnight, but I want to start with you. You’re all I can think about, Etty, and I don’t want that to ever fade. I’ve never felt the way I do about you and I’m willing to do anything for my girl.”

My heart begins to race at the words that are coming from his lips. This hard ass womanizer wants to change for me? Who am I to stop him? I want him just as much as he wants me and I’ll be by his side through it all.

He turns from me and starts up the car, the engine roaring to life. Pulling out onto the street, I watch out the window as we begin our journey. I haven’t seen much of this town other than the shop, the hospital, and the local stores. I’m anxious to know where we’re going and what he has planned for us.

After what feels like no time at all, Dault pulls into a parking lot. In front of us is the most remarkable sight I’ve ever seen.

“Wait here,” he says, lifting his hand and gesturing for me to stay put.

I nod my head, watching his every move.

Getting out of the car, he shuts the door and turns toward the back of the car. I hear the trunk open and then shut with a thud.

BOOK: Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series)
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