Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms (2 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms
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As the evening wore on, Reed suffered through too many hugs and congratulations on his brother’s behalf. His relatives drove him crazy. Their questions never stopped coming and were always the same. “When are you going to settle down, Reed?” “Are you seeing anyone, Reed?” “Can you believe your little brother’s going to beat you to the altar, Reed?” Needing a few minutes to escape, he spotted a bar in the very back of the room, away from all the festivities. Reed dodged a few more nosy relatives as he made his getaway.

Chapter Two

Perched on a barstool, Trevor purposefully ignored the stares directed toward his best friend Brody. Everyone always watched the man, no matter where they were. Trevor got it. He didn’t begrudge Brody the attention. The guy was by far the best looking man he knew. Blessed with devilish good looks, a hot, hard body, and a cocky grin that made his body burn... Yeah, he got it. But Trevor’s heart stayed locked in a constant state of pain as his best friend flirted shamelessly, hitting on everyone in sight. Well, everyone except for him.

Brody charmed both men and women alike, taking them to the restrooms, dark corners, or even the always available midnight stroll. It didn’t take much for Trevor to imagine exactly what they were doing. He knew it was all nothing more than a big game to Brody. The entire time Brody played, Trevor sat back and watched. Watched and hurt, and the hurt changed nothing. Brody never knew his feelings, and Trevor could never tell him.

He’d been infatuated with his best friend for some time now, but being in love with Brody and being a gay man in the military didn’t fit well together. Trevor hid it all from everyone in his life, but just in the last few months, the strain of secrecy started to catch up to him. Even though he’d climbed the ranks quickly, there felt like something vital was missing from his life. Only now did it become clearly obvious what that something vital might be. Trevor wanted a relationship, and apparently he wanted it with his whore of a best friend.

This entire ballroom felt alive tonight. The murmur of guests mingling and music from the band filled the air. The feelings of happiness, excitement, and love poured out to Rylie and Elise from their friends on both sides of their huge families. From what Trevor could see, everyone in attendance seemed genuinely thrilled about the pending marriage. He watched Brody navigate the love fest, congratulating everyone. Trevor knew Brody was sizing up the crowd, watching all the women and many of the men. If things weren’t so emotional where the guy was concerned, he might have been impressed with the quick work Brody made of snaring his prey.

Lifting the longneck bottle, Trevor took the last swig of his beer. He lifted his heels to the bottom rail of the stool, getting more comfortable in his stay at this bar. Trevor and Brody were as opposite as two people could be. Trevor sat quietly, actually happy with the lack of attention, while Brody not only found the attention but jumped right in the middle, creating a stir until he made it all about him.

With a glance over his shoulder, Trevor shook his empty beer bottle, signaling to the bartender that he needed another. As Trevor turned back to the crowd, his gaze collided with Rylie’s older brother, who took a seat at the opposite side of the small L-shaped bar. Trevor’s heart gave a quick thump in his chest, butterflies filled his stomach, and all he could manage was a slight nod in Reed’s direction. For the second time this evening and the first in five years, Trevor realized there may be someone on the planet better looking than Brody. Outside of the pictures in Rylie’s apartment where he and Brody stayed this weekend, Trevor had only seen Reed once before, many years ago at their graduation from basic training.

Reed stood slightly taller than Rylie. His blond hair, emerald green eyes, sun tanned skin, and broad shoulders were impressive all on their own, even before throwing in all those movie star good looks. Reed could easily be a cross between a young Robert Redford and Brad Pitt. Rylie looked a lot like his brother, but more serious, with harder edges where Reed was just smooth and captivating. Now, seeing the guy in person, Trevor realized he missed Reed’s best feature: the most perfectly formed lips he ever saw. Reed’s lips were actually the sexiest part about him, which seemed an odd thing to say since the guy was so very good looking. But those lips were full and thick, spreading easily into a wide, sexy, crooked grin. Knowing Reed wouldn’t remember him, Trevor forced his eyes away and turned fully back in his seat.

“Trevor West, right?” Reed suddenly said, extending a hand across the bar toward him, drawing his attention back to the man.
“That’s right. And you’re Reed, Rylie’s brother. I’ve seen your pictures, nice to meet you.” Trevor took his hand, giving a firm, quick handshake. He did make eye contact, but under the intensity of Reed’s emerald stare, he quickly averted his gaze. Rylie talked about how smooth his brother could be, how shrewdly he handled himself, always winning his cases, moving quickly up the corporate ladder. Face to face with that devilish smile and mesmerizing eyes, Trevor could see how easily Reed was able to disarm those around him.
“I’ve got your beer coming,” the bartender said in Trevor’s general direction before turning to Reed. “What can I get you, sir?”
Reed’s eyes stayed trained on Trevor, never straying, as he replied. “I think I would like a bottle of your finest champagne and two glasses, please. You know,” he said to Trevor, “I’ve met you before. At your graduation with Rylie. It’s hard to believe that lanky kid I met all those years ago grew up to be such a handsome man.”
Taking the cold beer bottle from the bartender, Trevor placed it on the bar, startled by the compliment. He quickly glanced around, assuming Brody must have walked up.
Certainly, Reed couldn’t have been complimenting him!
Trevor became even more confused when no one stood behind him. The bartender chuckled. Uncertainty clouded Trevor’s mind. And still, that intense stare of Reed’s was focused just on him.
“Will you join me? It’s difficult to toast alone,” Reed said, though he didn’t wait for Trevor’s answer. He took the bottle, quickly popping the cork, and poured a glass of champagne. Waiting a moment for the bubbles to settle, Reed handed the glass to Trevor. If for nothing more than something to occupy his hands, Trevor took the offered glass, setting it next to his cold beer on the bar. He was so out of his element in this conversation, with this man, he felt three steps behind everything Reed said. It didn’t seem to stop Reed; he filled his glass, turned his gaze back to Trevor, and extended his arm to lift his glass in air.
“To Rylie and Elise! Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one. May they have a loving marriage and a happy home filled with the sounds of children’s laughter.” Reed reached across the bar and clinked their glasses together before taking a drink. “I have to say, Rylie’s a very lucky man. He fell in love with his childhood best friend. Elise in return is a lucky woman, because we all know a good man is hard to find.” Reed inclined his head as one of his perfectly arched brows lifted. A mischievous grin parted his full lips. “But as I’ve always said...a hard man is a much better find.”
The innuendo caused Trevor to choke on the cold, fizzy liquid he’d just sipped. Reed chuckled, taking a drink from his glass, reaching over with his other hand to slide Trevor a cocktail napkin. “Here, you might need this, handsome.”
While trying to gain composure, Trevor took the napkin, wiping the champagne from his chin. He looked down to see if any spilled on his uniform. Everything about Reed threw him into a tail spin. Trevor’s normal quiet acceptance turned into a bumbling mess of nerves. His heart began to beat harder and he even felt the heat from a scalding blush creep up his fair skinned cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I must’ve misunderstood something about what you said. I wish the best for both of them too. They’re a good couple,” Trevor said, sitting back on his stool, still coughing just a bit. He picked up the glass but turned in his chair, focusing on the crowd around him. He desperately needed to put some distance between himself and Reed before he completely embarrassed himself. The blush was a strong visual indicator of how uncomfortable he already was in this conversation. To embarrass himself more just wouldn’t do, since he would be relocating to this area very soon. Reed’s family became his family after his mother died and Trevor didn’t want it to be awkward every time he saw Reed from here on out. Keeping an eye on the room, Trevor didn’t want Reed to feel obligated to stay with him. Then the most terrible thought occurred—Rylie must have sent his brother back here to talk to him. He gave an inward groan. This wasn’t the first time something like this happened, but usually his friends sent over a woman. And never before did Trevor sit so completely spellbound by anyone who came to talk to him out of obligation.
Now, with this revelation, Trevor cringed inside and just felt incredibly pathetic to be gushing over someone burdened into spending time with him.
“So, Trevor, are you hooked up with some nice girl? Is there someone special in your life?” Reed asked.
Trevor looked back, feeling the blush still burning on his cheeks. Reed kept those emerald green eyes fixed upon him, but just then, Brody appeared out of nowhere. He positioned himself between Reed and Trevor, giving him a quick knuckle bump in greeting. Brody lifted his foot, perching it against the bottom bar rail, and leaned in to rest his elbows on the bar ledge. The move effectively blocked Trevor from Reed. For the first time ever, Trevor had completely forgotten about Brody being in the same room with him. No one ever took his mind off Brody. With that thought came another, causing Trevor’s heart to ache. Had he inadvertently put himself on the front row to witness another of Brody’s many conquests? Trevor prayed Brody wouldn’t turn his attention to the handsome Reed. Could there be any chance Brody wouldn’t go there because he was Rylie’s brother?
“Good evening, I’m Reed Kensington. Rylie’s older brother. I do believe you’re the other friend, am I right?” Reed asked.
“Yep, that would be me. I’m Brody Daniels, nice to meet ya.” A cocky grin spread across Brody’s lips. A quick waggle of his eye brows indicated Trevor needed to watch his next move, but he didn’t want to be a party to Brody’s games. Not this time. His heart gave a small ache as he watched Brody turn back toward Reed.
With effort, Trevor spun away, forcing his mind elsewhere. He took small sips at his champagne and focused on anything that might draw his attention from the scene unfolding next to him. The small ache in his heart kicked back up, his breath hitched, and the heat of his blush consumed his cheeks, but he worked on pushing the two men out of his mind. With any luck, he wouldn’t be aware when they left to go find the hidden spot where Brody’s charm would seal the deal. Trevor absolutely hated feeling like such a girl about it all.
“Excuse me, Brody. Trevor, you sure are quiet, are you okay? I’m still waiting for the answer to my question.”
Lost in thought, Trevor felt a light touch on his arm. He looked over his shoulder, thinking the bartender may be asking if he wanted another beer, but Trevor found no one there. He lifted his eyes, scanning them in the general direction of Reed and Brody, preparing himself for what he might see. The touch could have been a simple goodbye, letting him know they were taking off together. Instead, Trevor saw Reed leaning around Brody. Both men were staring at him. Brody looked angry, his brow furrowed and disbelief flashing in his eyes. Reed’s lips were pulled into a sexy smile, showing his perfect white teeth. His piercing green eyes were not stuck to Brody. They were, in fact, focused only on Trevor.
After a minute of all three just staring at one another, Trevor finally asked, “I’m sorry, were you talking to me?”
“Indeed. I was asking if you have someone special in your life?” Reed asked again in his rich deep voice, his brow arched in question.
“No, not at all. There’s nothing like that in my life.” Trevor shook his head, a grin spreading across his lips at the brutal honesty of his answer. He didn’t try to sugar coat it at all. Brody chose then to step back, once again blocking Trevor’s view of Reed. Brody motioned for the bartender, requesting another beer, and stayed right there between them. Trevor looked around his friend as Reed stood, picking up his glass and the bottle of champagne. Reed circled completely around Brody and took a seat on the empty barstool on Trevor’s other side. Reed took Trevor’s glass from his hand, topped it off with a little more champagne, and handed it back with a wink.
“This is much better. Don’t you agree? It’s easier to chat when I can see your handsome face.”
Just then, before Trevor could recover from his shock, an announcement introducing the new couple sounded overhead. Both Reed and Trevor stood, placing their Champagne flutes on the bar to begin clapping. Rylie and Elise moved to the front of the room. Rylie took the microphone, saying a few simple but heartfelt words of thanks. After a moment, Rylie called his family to the front with him.
Reed turned to Trevor, looking somewhat disappointed. His sexy grin spread across his lips and Trevor watched the movement, his heart reacting with a strong lurch. “Looks like I’m needed. Too bad, I would love to find out what you enjoy doing in your free time.” Reed held out his hand. Trevor hesitated before taking it. His pulse hammered wildly, and the contact of Reed’s warm skin sent electrically charged impulses up his arm. He was really afraid his hand might be trembling in Reed’s grasp. No one but Brody ever brought these feelings out in him. And never did Trevor ever experience anything this strong before. He knew without question Brody never stunned him like Reed just did. The hand shake lasted a moment or two longer than appropriate.
“It’s been a pleasure speaking with you, Trevor,” Reed said. Trevor pulled his hand away to find Reed discreetly slipped him a business card. “I’m looking forward to finishing our conversation soon. Perhaps over a nice dinner.” Finally, after an extended minute, Reed turned from him and crossed the room to join his family.
“What a jerk,” Brody started in, muttering. “I can’t believe he’s the beloved brother Rylie talks about all the fucking time. What an ass.”
Trevor almost laughed. He completely forgot Brody was standing next to him. Without question, he knew his best friend wasn’t used to getting shut down this quickly into the game. He eyed Brody for a split second, but turned back to watch Reed.
“I didn’t see that at all,” Trevor said, giving a slight smile, keeping his gaze on the sway of Reed’s perfect ass as he walked away.
“Whatever. You want a pompous dick like that, go for it. I’ll stick with the decent people.” Brody turned, grabbing his beer, before stalking away. Trevor just stood, stunned, looking down at the business card in his hand. Reed Kensington, Attorney at Law. He lifted the card to his nose, inhaling deeply. The card smelled of Reed’s cologne. Biting his lip, Trevor thought of Reed’s sexy smile one last time. He dropped the card inside his wallet, and took his seat again at the bar. Hopefully, he would run into Reed Kensington at Rylie’s bachelor party tomorrow night.

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